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Summer goals? Personal challenges?

ChristyB in TN

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I love New Years, new seasons, the first of the month, any old time I get to start something new. Any of you starting something new for summer?


My goals so far:

My yoga practice will become a practice and not something I do sporadically and just often enough to stay constantly sore.

Be been learning Spanish since second grade and am still not fluent. I will be by September 1.

I WILL finish a book a week this summer.

I'm starting a new ad campaign at work.

My marathon training so far really is deplorable this year. I will up my mileage consistently and will not find an excuse not to run every day. Right now, just thinking a negative thought has counted as a good justification for not running. :(

My son is starting a training program for basketball that has something to do with 10,000 hours, which I don't really know anything about but it sounds cool.


Anybody starting anything?

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I had lost 20 lbs and gained 8 back.  I need to get back to the diet plan I had been following.

I need to start exercising.

Keep pace with reading - averaging 1-2 book per week.

Argue less with my oldest.

Listen more to my youngest (actually, need to get him to learn when to stop talking, when enough is enough, etc)

Declutter (we moved 2 years ago and I feel like we are back where we started with "stuff")

Accomplish small home improvement projects around the house (without DH - been relying on him too much to get stuff done).

Figure out school work for my youngest - he spent a year at private school learning absolutely nothing.  Get some work done over the summer and hope we can get close to where we "should" have been if he had kept on his homeschooling trajectory.

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To get back into the healthy lifestyle I had before kids.  (Daily yoga & exercise, better foods....)

To clear my work and personal "inboxes," catch up, and get ahead on my work.

To complete searches for my kids' birth moms.

To tour several European countries with my kids.

To get back into near-daily piano playing and personal reading.

To clean out the basement and a few other things.

To be really organized for the 2014-15 school year.  :)

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My goal this summer is to read for pleasure - books I want to read that are stacking up. During the school year I was buried in assigned history readings and didn't have much time for anything else. Now that it's warm and we aren't buried in snow, and my sprained ankle is better, I'll be walking and running again. I also want to get back to doing calligraphy. I was really good at it in college, but it fell by the wayside.

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I'm stealing ideas as I read the thread.  I had been thinking about this!  Even though we do some school in the summer we all need some extra free time.  So...


Get this house clean/organized.  It is a mess.  My desk area is horrid.


Reorganize recipe binder and recipe  folder in Evernote.  Start thinking of new meals.  We are in a rut.  Learn to grill.  Seriously.  Why do we have to wait for my husband to get home to start the grill?   Because it's man's work!  I guess that's how I grew up and never grew out of that.  :rolleyes: :blushing:


Immerse the family in Shakespeare via videos, books, live performances. 


Sew something.  Anything.  I miss sewing so much.   My sister just made me the most beautiful quilt and I love it but it's making me have quilting envy.




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I'm stealing ideas as I read the thread.  I had been thinking about this!  Even though we do some school in the summer we all need some extra free time.  So...


Get this house clean/organized.  It is a mess.  My desk area is horrid.


Reorganize recipe binder and recipe  folder in Evernote.  Start thinking of new meals.  We are in a rut.  Learn to grill.  Seriously.  Why do we have to wait for my husband to get home to start the grill?   Because it's man's work!  I guess that's how I grew up and never grew out of that.  :rolleyes: :blushing:


Immerse the family in Shakespeare via videos, books, live performances. 


Sew something.  Anything.  I miss sewing so much.   My sister just made me the most beautiful quilt and I love it but it's making me have quilting envy.

 Your post reminded me to look up the Shakespeare in the Park schedule, which I keep forgetting to do! Thanks!

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 Learn to grill.  Seriously.  Why do we have to wait for my husband to get home to start the grill?   Because it's man's work!  I guess that's how I grew up and never grew out of that.  :rolleyes: :blushing:



Same here. Except my kids - even the almost 10 year old - know how to do it.  The oldest even knows how many minutes to cook various foods on the grill.  Me, no clue.


Will add this to my list.

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With dh:

--build new garden beds w integrated deer fencing in time to plant garlic in the fall

--continue hiking together once a week


Just for me:

--keep exercise average above 5.5 days per week

--bring my Goodreads account back up to date (I need to add about 85 Kindle books and 20ish physical books)

--master bagel making (last summer I mastered the art of the baguette :D)

--stay on top of the fruit garden this summer!



--finish plans for dd's freshman year of high school :eek:


With dsis:

--finish sorting all the family photos stored in her house

--start sorting through family papers and ephemera stored in my house (this is still so hard for us, years after our parents died)

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Great topic and very timely!


Start a summer reading journal...if I get productive I'll post pics

Drop 2 clothing sizes...All the cute clearance clothes are never in my size

Learn to competently sew some items...possible take a class if necessary.  There are so many projects on Pinterest that are adorable, but involve sewing


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Sounds like we need a yoga practice accountability thread :D Like a few pps that is one of my aspirations. Along with deep cleaning, decluttering and organizing the house. Plus more outdoor hiking and beaching. And finally container gardening. I've got a few plants and flowers going and would like to add a few more.

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My big goals:


Continue exercise routine and try to be more consistant

Work on improving my family's diet so we are eating healthier

Make more homemade foods and buy less processed

Make sure to read to the boys everyday

Finish the quilts I started for Christmas presents - I am good at starting projects, not very good at completing them


Smaller goals:


Make it through all of the kids summer camps

Enjoy not having a crammed schedule with events every afternoon/try not to add too much to our schedule

Successfully complete my last year and day camp director

Finish fixing up the bathrooms and maybe paint in the family room

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Daily meditation. I started this already and am loving it. My goal is to do it every day without fail and to work up to the ability to do an hour at a time.


Daily yoga. I keep intending to start this every day but it doesn't happen. I want to do at least some every day.


Pull out my djembe and enjoy it. I don't want to put pressure to do it for X number of days or hours, I just want to enjoy it.


Use our state park pass and zoo membership at least once a week.


Continue to read daily, though not at any particular pace.


Finish composing the end of year portfolio a week before it's due.


Plan next year by the end of June.

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Daily meditation. I started this already and am loving it. My goal is to do it every day without fail and to work up to the ability to do an hour at a time.


Daily yoga. I keep intending to start this every day but it doesn't .

Reading all of your lists is adding to mine! :) I fell off the meditation wagon and desperately need back on so....on the lust it goes! I think I may try to attend some guided meditation sessions somewhere so I can learn to be quiet. About the yoga, I am doing a 30 day challenge and have paid for 30 days of unlimited yoga at the Hot Yoga studio. Paying for it keeps me accountable. :/

I'm 2 days in!

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My main goal is an exercise program as soon as I am over this cold/flu/bronchitis and to be a bit more protective of my health in general. I have a late life baby and am WAY too young to be this blindsided over unexpectedly being thrust into a greener, more sustainable car-free season of life.


I also have a lot of issues about housecleaning. I would LIKE a cleaner house but I NEED a better attitude.





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My main goal is an exercise program as soon as I am over this cold/flu/bronchitis and to be a bit more protective of my health in general. I have a late life baby and am WAY too young to be this blindsided over unexpectedly being thrust into a greener, more sustainable car-free season of life.


I also have a lot of issues about housecleaning. I would LIKE a cleaner house but I NEED a better attitude.

I'm so sorry you have cold/flu/bronchitis. :( super cool that you have a late life baby who make you want to be super healthy. :)

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Any of you starting something new for summer?


Not really something new, but I hope to do another marathon in early October, so my summer mileage will be geared toward that.  That's assuming I can fend off an ongoing foot/ankle "thing" that's bothered me since my last mary.  


My only other goal is to find places to go and things to do such that I'm Very Busy while my in-laws are over for two weeks. ;-)

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Play lots of tennis and improve my forehand, backhand and special shots.


Keep up my running and cycling so as not to gain too much weight while still enjoying my chocolate.


Get a family band going, so we can play and sing some fun songs together. We have 2 violins, 3 guitars, 1 piano, and 6 vocals in the mix, plus some percussion options and trumpet. The dc are finally skilled enough that we could make some good music together. Could be fun, but could be on the wild side!  I should probably keep my expectations really low.


Do a little painting and flooring in the house with dh.



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I want to be done "recuperating" from an unusually busy and particularly stressful first few months of the year. I am spending the next couple of days getting my systems back in place - chore charts for kids, meal plan for a month of healthy eating, a routine for each day that gives structure but leaves a bit of breathing room.


I am craving a solid routine but I know that's not going to truly happen until the return of school year activities late in August. I just want to reach that point feeling like I haven't allowed the summer to totally slip by without me accomplishing a few goals.

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I'm mostly planning on trying to stay cool and sane. 

Summer is my worst time of year for depression. I am already to the point where the life of a hermit in a nice cool cave is looking really good, and it's not even really hot yet.


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Loving this thread and reading everyone's goals.  Here are a few of mine:


declutter - we have way to much junk

organize house

read alot

work on Spanish with dc & myself

lose weight - yeah this is on every "new season" list

learn to cook "new" foods - or same foods differently

get a better school plan

enjoy the summer






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Okay...I'm in but overwhelmed...so many hopes to choose from!

meditation really helps me but I get forgetful and stubborn about the daily practice. I know if I get back to meditating everything else will be easier to tackle...so I'm sticking to one goal right now:daily meditation!

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I've started working on my exercise goals 6 weeks ago.  I'd like to lose 10lbs in the next couple of months.  I'm only 5'2 and weigh 135lbs which is a little too much for me.  Currently I'm doing 2 miles most days on the treadmill, light weightlifting, and have started Jillian Michaels workout with my DD several days ago.



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Get the three years worth of mud and marker scrubbed off my walls, and then touch up the paint. If that doesn't take all summer, then start scrubbing all the grime off of chairs and other high traffic surfaces. And then figure out how to maintain the cleanliness. I do okay keeping up with the basics daily, but the deeper cleaning not so much.

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