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OMG - I love this thing! (TMI) A follow-up to my cup thread


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Wow! Nice rec. i was considering getting one, but I have some anxiety about...err, if it will stay where it belongs. I'm not sure if that is a problem for us non-spring chickens.

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Wow! Nice rec. i was considering getting one, but I have some anxiety about...err, if it will stay where it belongs. I'm not sure if that is a problem for us non-spring chickens.


I love mine too. :) Love, love, love!


I think you'll be fine, Quill. Give it a shot. :)

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So glad you like it! They are amazing, aren't they? :)


I'm curious what made you pick the Lunette?


Not the OP, but I have a Lunette that I got because I knew the Diva was too long for me. I had a Diva, but even inside out with the stem completely removed, it was not right. I also have a Fleurcup that works great for me--also because it's shorter than a Diva, but still has a good width and enough capacity.

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I do okay with a Diva, but dd never got used to hers. The Lunette and UK Mooncup are both supposed to be more comfortable, especially for small and young women.


Mine seriously made me stop hating menstruation.


Quill, I'm so far from being a Spring chicken that I'm glad I even still need one and it stays put just fine. If I'm in a hurry I sometimes don't get a "perfect" seal so I'll wear a cloth pantyliner just to be on the safe side.

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I switched from the Diva to the Lunette a couple months ago.  The Diva was just a bit too long to be comfortable even with the stem completely cut off (though I did use it for many years before realizing there were other options).  IIRC, the Lunette was a bit shorter and wider so I thought it would stay in place nicely and not leak as much as the Luna.  I only got to try it for one cycle but I did like it.

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I imagine at least one person poked in here due to the mysterious thread title and is a little surprised! I know that until very recently I would not think "my cup†related to periods even remotely .

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I'm curious what made you pick the Lunette?

I went with the Lunette because I read that it is shorter and more flexible than the Diva. I turn it inside out and it ends up being fatter and shorter. Since I ordered from Amazon, Diva would've definitely been cheaper. I'm very happy with my choice, though.

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I imagine at least one person poked in here due to the mysterious thread title and is a little surprised! I know that until very recently I would not think "my cup†related to periods even remotely .

Good point, I added in a TMI warning. :)

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Wow! Nice rec. i was considering getting one, but I have some anxiety about...err, if it will stay where it belongs. I'm not sure if that is a problem for us non-spring chickens.

I'm probably not very springy in that area after five kids in seven years. :001_huh:

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MeLuna makes some really short cups. You might look into one of theirs. They make a "mini" that is very short!


The Livejournal Menstrual Cup community has measurements and comparisons of all kinds of cups.


Thanks!  I am going to try and order one if I can find a vendor that will ship to the US

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  • 9 months later...

MoonCup changed.my.life. Seriously. I've been using it for 6 or so years. The cup and a few cloth pads are all the feminine products I need. I've also saved over a thousand dollars so far (assuming $15 of disposable products per month over 6 years).

I picked the Moon Cup because it is silicon instead of latex.

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I am trying out my first cup. I got the femmy cycle. I got it on my last day and it worked fine. No leaks or anything. I am nervous trying it out on a heavy day. Not having to go to the bathroom every hour will be worth it if this thing doesn't leak. I don't know what took me so long to try this.

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Yep. On my heaviest day, I can empty every hour or two for 3-4 times. Once in a rare while, I have to get up once in the night.  At all other times I can go several hours, most the day. The same would be true with tampons, and they're so much messier. 

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Evacup is medical grade silicon and comes in pretty colors.  http://www.amazon.com/Anigan-EvaCup-Made-USA-Menstrual/dp/B00MNJZDK8/ref=pd_sbs_hpc_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=0173PGYT7741TY57AEAAThey should hire me as a spokesperson!!



The rumor is that your cycles can shorten and your heavier days can become lighter after switching.  I have had a day or two where I've had to empty a couple of times throughout the day. 


More TMI.  You've been warned. 

I remove before a bm, so I empty and reinsert during that time.  Because of this I never have to figure out when it is time to empty.  I just do it first thing in the am, the aforementioned, and right before bed.


It is so much easier and cleaner.  After 24 years of standard products, I feel like I have my life back!!

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Evacup is medical grade silicon and comes in pretty colors.  http://www.amazon.com/Anigan-EvaCup-Made-USA-Menstrual/dp/B00MNJZDK8/ref=pd_sbs_hpc_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=0173PGYT7741TY57AEAAThey should hire me as a spokesperson!!



The rumor is that your cycles can shorten and your heavier days can become lighter after switching.  I have had a day or two where I've had to empty a couple of times throughout the day. 


More TMI.  You've been warned. 

I remove before a bm, so I empty and reinsert during that time.  Because of this I never have to figure out when it is time to empty.  I just do it first thing in the am, the aforementioned, and right before bed.


It is so much easier and cleaner.  After 24 years of standard products, I feel like I have my life back!!


My time span was cut by more than half.  My personal opinion is that tampons actually lengthen a normal cycle by causing backup.  


I usually empty every time I pee during the heavy 24-hours, unless I forget.  If it is full it shifts downward when I pee so I don't forget.  Only when it is light.  

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I have been using Diva for several months now. It is great, but I am a little squirrelly my first two days when I am so darn heavy. I back it up with regular disposable protection for the first couple days and nights. I also have Lunas, but I generally only use them as a liner when I don't expect them to need much cleaning.

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Evacup is medical grade silicon and comes in pretty colors.  http://www.amazon.com/Anigan-EvaCup-Made-USA-Menstrual/dp/B00MNJZDK8/ref=pd_sbs_hpc_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=0173PGYT7741TY57AEAAThey should hire me as a spokesperson!!



The rumor is that your cycles can shorten and your heavier days can become lighter after switching.  I have had a day or two where I've had to empty a couple of times throughout the day. 


More TMI.  You've been warned. 

I remove before a bm, so I empty and reinsert during that time.  Because of this I never have to figure out when it is time to empty.  I just do it first thing in the am, the aforementioned, and right before bed.


It is so much easier and cleaner.  After 24 years of standard products, I feel like I have my life back!!


I cannot imagine how one's cycle can change due to the products one uses. I bet that our cycles get heavier and lighter throughout our lives with little notice. When you have to empty a cup, you become much more aware from day to day and month to month of any changes. Plus, what goes into a cup can look like a lot less than what is absorbed onto the surface of a pad or a tampon.


It reminds me of what the pediatrician said, it looks like a lot of baby spit up but it really is only a couple tablespoons. I think that was even part of the old Keeper literature, when they had to convince women that a cup was able to hold enough to make it practical. They would assure women that while it looks like a whole lot when you are changing a pad or a tampon, it really is only a few ounces a day.


Also, your menstrual blood is building up throughout the month, it isn't created while you are having your period. So, I don't see how what method you use while bleeding would influence the flow. That's like my friend's mom in high school who told her not to drink too much water when she had her period so her flow would be lighter. Umm...what?


I have used a cup for years, I have gone months without using it and used cloth pads, I have gone back to disposable and then back to the cup. I haven't noticed that any of them cause any change in my cycle.


Now, my period is heavier these days, but I am betting that has more to do with being 48 than using a pad or a cup or whatever.

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I have a Diva.  It started out clear.  No amount of boiling or washing will make it go back to clear.  I thought I loved it.  And then I got an Intimina.  I did a kickstarter for a collapsible cup.  It's so thin and amazing.  And pink!  Most awesome is I can turn it completely inside out so the stem is inside the cup.  I do that during taekwondo because even cutting the stem down, doing all the kicks and movement and stuff, the stem rubs and irritates.  With the stem inside it can't hold as much, but I'm only at taekwondo an hour so I don't need it to hold a whole day's worth.  It's totally awesome.

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The idea of clear squicks me out. I went with rose. Hopefully it won't stain, but if it does it will be less noticeable.

Valid point.


I have a Diva.  It started out clear.  No amount of boiling or washing will make it go back to clear.  I thought I loved it.  And then I got an Intimina.  I did a kickstarter for a collapsible cup.  It's so thin and amazing.  And pink!  Most awesome is I can turn it completely inside out so the stem is inside the cup.  I do that during taekwondo because even cutting the stem down, doing all the kicks and movement and stuff, the stem rubs and irritates.  With the stem inside it can't hold as much, but I'm only at taekwondo an hour so I don't need it to hold a whole day's worth.  It's totally awesome.

This looks cool. Their new kegal exerciser looks cool too.






Quick question. Is this something that needs to be changed in the shower?

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Quick question. Is this something that needs to be changed in the shower?


Not unless you douche, which you shouldn't. That part of your body is self-cleaning, and a little bit of water splashed on the outside is sufficient. You *can* change it (that is, empty it and then wash it) in the shower if you like.



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I do love my Diva. I've been trying to convince oldest DD to give it a whirl, but she's too icked out by the idea of anything but pads (even though she HATES pads) to try it yet. I agree that between the Diva and my cloth pads, I've saved a ton of money over the last 10 years. I do still use the occasional disposable products, but it wasn't until oldest DD started menstruating and I started having unusual bleeding and needed some disposables that I realized just how much that stuff costs now, and how much we go through! I'm so glad to be able to use my Diva again. 


I've never really found out much about these. I've used tampons for years and would have loved this a long time ago. I'm irregular but still having several a year. I'll have to check it out. I'm really heavy the first day or two. Do you just empty it more often? 


Yep, and on my two heavy days (2 and part of 3), I use cloth backup (which is plenty as long as I know where a bathroom is), or a heavy-duty disposable if I'm somewhere where I'm not sure about access to facilities. Days 1 and 4-5, I can almost forget that I have my period.


Not unless you douche, which you shouldn't. That part of your body is self-cleaning, and a little bit of water splashed on the outside is sufficient. You *can* change it (that is, empty it and then wash it) in the shower if you like.


I agree, but I have found that emptying in the shower results in a little too much mess for my taste. I prefer the conventional route, IYKWIM!

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I seem to have lost my diva cup at some point, but I figure at 48 I only have a few years left of periods, so it doesn't seem worth the cost. So, I am back to cloth and disposable pads. 


And I always liked that my keeper is natural latex, so it is a dark red colour to begin with. I always wondered if those clearish ones got stained or what.  Now I know. 

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I seem to have lost my diva cup at some point, but I figure at 48 I only have a few years left of periods, so it doesn't seem worth the cost. So, I am back to cloth and disposable pads. 


And I always liked that my keeper is natural latex, so it is a dark red colour to begin with. I always wondered if those clearish ones got stained or what.  Now I know. 


Have you tried jumping jacks?

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Yep, I started using a Diva about five years ago with no looking back.  So bummed I didn't know about these sooner.  My cycles have gotten heavier the last few years and these make it doable and not gross. 




I've been using a Diva for maybe 3 years now. Without it, on my heavy days, I literally can't leave the house. I will overflow any pad in minutes. I have been known to overflow my Diva 3 or 4 times in a day, sometimes in as little as 30 min. Because of this, I do wear a regular pad with mine for backup, but that gives me time to take care of overflow and I can function even on those heavy days. It has literally returned life to me a couple of days/month. 


On other days, I can just forget it exists all day or all night. No mess, no fuss. Wonderful. 

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I thought this was a great site to visit:



She has videos showing how the different brands compare side to side so you can see how the sizes and shapes compare. She also describe the stiffness of each cup.


So, this is cool but how do you know what size/shape would fit you best?  :confused1:

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I've been using a Diva for maybe 3 years now. Without it, on my heavy days, I literally can't leave the house. I will overflow any pad in minutes. I have been known to overflow my Diva 3 or 4 times in a day, sometimes in as little as 30 min. Because of this, I do wear a regular pad with mine for backup, but that gives me time to take care of overflow and I can function even on those heavy days. It has literally returned life to me a couple of days/month. 


On other days, I can just forget it exists all day or all night. No mess, no fuss. Wonderful. 


Ditto. On my first couple of days, I have to go empty my cup every hour. I even wake up twice at night to do it! But before using a cup, I was *really* trapped those days.


So, this is cool but how do you know what size/shape would fit you best?  :confused1:


You know, I was going to say something, but I decided it's a little easier to let somebody else do it:




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If you *really want to get TMI, check this out:
Vice.com - I Fertilized My Salad With Period Blood


I bought a $12-a-box 10-pack of Instead Softcups at the drugstore to try out the system. Even though those are still supposedly "disposable" I'm still using the first one. I put it in the dishwasher (TMI?!) at the end of my cycle to superclean it. Insert and remove in the shower when you are just starting out.


I won't go back to tampons.

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