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My sister buzzed my hair off today ...


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Hats and scarves look very cool and are a lot more comfortable than wigs. I don't have any links for you, but I know there are instructions online for many ways to wear different kinds of head wraps and they look beautiful.


I'm so sorry you're losing your hair. :( But once you're cured, it will grow back even prettier than ever. :grouphug:

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I did the same thing exactly at your same point. Easier than watching it come out so much. I had a silk scarf that I wore around the house. Comfy and kept my head warm. Big hugs and continued best wishes that you handle the treatment well.



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A weird but helpful tip....hair removal products aimed at African-American men help keep your scalp smooth and not itchy during the cracked skin/weird stubble phase of chemo. Whether you are scarf/hat/wig/baring it at home...the stubble is generally patchy and uneven and the product helps you have a smooth place to work with.

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I sat in the bathroom floor and pulled mine out when the time came. (Feb. 12, 2012) Then my solid as a rock hubby clipped the stragglers. I had feared losing my hair, but once I adjusted to being hairless, I felt tough. It is a badge of what you are going through.


I wore cute caps all the time. Scarves bothered me for some reason. I did wear a scarf around my neck a lot--back of my neck kept getting cold.


If it helps, remember it will grow back! (Or should!) I've been getting regular haircuts for a year now.


Passing you a big bowl of homemade cream of potato soup--or you can have ice cream. I lived on both.


Remember chemo is not something that is done TO you. It is something done FOR you. Hang tough!



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My friend went through chemo last year for breast cancer. She is a preschool teacher at my school and my dd is in her class. 


When her hair fell out she wore beautiful scarves and the children were in love! They thought she was so glamorous!!


When her hair started to grow back in my dd asked if she could have her hair cut short like that too. All the kids wanted to touch it. They thought it was the coolest thing ever! 


To say "hey, it's just hair" minimizes what you are going through but it made my friend happy when her students thought her bald head was awesome. :) 

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