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Political threads

Should we make this a politics-free space?  

  1. 1. Should we make this a politics-free space?

    • Yes, let's ban political talk until after the election.
    • Keep the politics (and I promise to be nice)

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Like someone else said....I like to come here to 'hang out'....not make enemies with people with differing views on politics. That is what it seemed like to me....


I really enjoy coming here....chatting.....getting great info....making friends....but I don't like discussing religion and politics with you all, LOL!


I think people have a hard time NOT discussing their views about politics/religion because it is one of those things you usually have a definite opinion about.


It is kind of like someone who speaks poorly of your child....you really can't keep your mouth shut, LOL!


So...I like the boards without the politics....it seemed like a more enjoyable place to be.



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On the other hand, I see a difference between genuinely discussing politics and merely entering into a game of he said/she said. I'm not fond of posts that merely provide "expose" links/videos in an effort to prove or disprove a particular candidate's worthiness or lack thereof. When beginning a political thread, we should initiate the conversation in such a manner that it encourages thoughtful discourse.




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I am not on board with asking others to be quiet altogether simply because I don't want the conversation to take place. I do understand how heated discussions might make some people uncomfortable, but the solution, imo, is as simple as either not reading those threads or, if you find them irresistible, taking a break from the board for a day or an hour.:)

I agree. I stayed away mostly. I did peek a little. I felt that the tension spilled over into the other threads. That is just how I felt.

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No, dont ban subjects, that could snowball.


We all know what pool to jump in, whether it be kiddie, or deepend. The title states how many feet you are stepping in.


I, being a-political do not dive in the deep end, I wade in the kiddie pool and avoid that topic. But I do like to peek over and see what the high divers are doing.


This is a place I feel safe, and there are no other forums I belong to, so,diverse topics and crowds are a welcome site.



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Well...I voted to keep the political threads. I read them - sometimes - and I find them beneficial as I haven't yet decided which team gets my vote.


I've only been around a few months and it seems to me that this is a community first and foremost and homeschooling is only part of the whole community as we have afterschoolers and public schoolers and parents who homeschool, afterschool, and public school.;)


I see it as an education community - we can be educated about anything....even politics:) I like that if I have a question about why my bread won't rise, I can get an answer on the general forum. I LOVE the threads on religion - I have learned SOOOO much! Those aren't related to homeschooling, but they are educational.


We should all be adults here and not pester admin & the moderators just because we don't agree with another's POV. It makes me think of 1st grade when no one got to go to recess because little Joe Bob couldn't stop talking. And it also reminds me of a Kindergartener who had to stand in the corner for tattling.


All that to say it's your forum and if it's too much on admin and the moderators then ban politics.

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I like the political discussions (which is probably obvious). I like having my pov challenged and honing my debate skills.


I would prefer that this remain a site dedicated mostly to the topic of homeschooling. There are thousands upon thousands of political websites out there where people can go to rant anywhere they want on the 'net. There's only this board for Well Trained Minders.




If we should talk only about homeschooling then there are many, many, many other discussions that should be shut down as well. We shouldn't talk about coffee or Lost or pets or booKs or any of the many other off-topic things that can also be discussed elsewhere.

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If we should talk only about homeschooling then there are many, many, many other discussions that should be shut down as well. We shouldn't talk about coffee or Lost or pets or booKs or any of the many other off-topic things that can also be discussed elsewhere.


If we can't talk about Lost, I'm out of here.

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I personally would like to see them stay, if that would not require so much extra attention from our friends at PHP.


Not that it is about me, or anything. But I am struggling mightily with this election and the discourse among (mostly) virtual friends has been invaluable.


I promise to try to be nice.

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But if we ban the political threads, then why not all the other hot button issues that pop up? Seems there are always going to be subjects that will cause some to get overheated. I think it's healthy to let these conversation play themselves out, with some moderation of course.


I'm going to have to agree with Jenny here. There are plenty of non-political hot-button topics and you can't even predict what they are going to be. On a (now-defunct) parenting board I used to visit the topic of individually wrapped sliced peanut butter caused a firestorm the like of which you've never seen here.

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I would really prefer to avoid politics here for the duration.


I'm finding that the combination between being in the minority politically on this forum (it seems) and the (what I consider) extreme politics of many of the other members is sort of clouding my opinion of those members in ways that I don't like. There are many people on here whose opinions on home education I really respect, and then when I find those same people posting things that I disagree with so much, things that I can't believe any rational person would ever think in a million years, it really freaks me out.


I know I could just skip the the political discussions but for some reason that has been difficult lately. I think it is because I'm feeling that the stakes are so high for this election, that it is getting to me more that maybe it should.

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I would not like to see the political debates banned... I feel that there are already to many restrictions on what we are "allowed" to talk about on here.... while I am well aware that free speech is not an entitlement on a privately owned board on the internet....obviously. However, I would think that the powers that be that run these boards would see it fit to allow a fairly broad range of free speech on a board meant for adults. I understand the reasoning for sensoring language and hate speak.... but, other than that.... I see a LOT of posts being deleted and *I* feel that MOST of the time....such action is completely uncalled for. But, I digress.... as for political debate...please leave it...and we could all agree to post PC in the subjeject line so that those that are not interested can choose not to do so... much like the CC warning. :D

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I am not on board with asking others to be quiet altogether simply because I don't want the conversation to take place. I do understand how heated discussions might make some people uncomfortable, but the solution, imo, is as simple as either not reading those threads or, if you find them irresistible, taking a break from the board for a day or an hour.:)


I guess compelled is the incorrect word choice, b/c irresistible isn't what I am feeling or trying to convey.

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I voted for keeping the political threads. I understand if you don't though because your resources should go to homeschooling moderating and not having to closely moderate the political threads. I wish you could make a rule that only links could be posted regarding political viewpoints. I have learned things from the links here. I find that I have a hard time researching things sometimes so when someone else posts a link it really helps me out.


Like I said, though, that's the not the focus of this board and I'm okay with banning politics.

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I would really prefer to avoid politics here for the duration.


I'm finding that the combination between being in the minority politically on this forum (it seems) and the (what I consider) extreme politics of many of the other members is sort of clouding my opinion of those members in ways that I don't like. There are many people on here whose opinions on home education I really respect, and then when I find those same people posting things that I disagree with so much, things that I can't believe any rational person would ever think in a million years, it really freaks me out.


I know I could just skip the the political discussions but for some reason that has been difficult lately. I think it is because I'm feeling that the stakes are so high for this election, that it is getting to me more that maybe it should.


I actually think this makes people more interesting. I learned a while ago not to judge someone based on just one of their views. You gotta dig deep if you really want to see what someone is all about. My political views are also not the norm here (don't fit in with either major party), but this does not stop me from listening and trying to understand the views of others. Humans have never agreed and never will. It's just another part that makes us human. Heck, even my dh and I don't see eye-to-eye on every issue out there. I still love him and I think he still digs me. I like having friends who think, believe, and see the world in a way I never can. Keeps me thinking!

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But I gain the most from the truly thought-provoking conversations, whether they center around politics, religion, or any number of other topics. That level of discourse is what I often miss in my daily life. It is what broadens my horizons, stimulates my brain, and allows me to be a better teacher to my children. If the goal, ultimately, is to enhance our minds, and our students' minds, this must be a place where challenging discussion can take place and iron can sharpen iron.



These are great points, Colleen. I share these feelings as well.


After a completely different experience on another forum, I never thought it was possible for people of such diverse beliefs & backgrounds to actually have, for the most part, intelligent and reasonable discussion.

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I've noticed a recent trend towards posting political "urban legends" whose sole intent appears to be inflammatory. I think that politics discussed this way tends to bring more problems that honest discourse. I'd like to believe we are all capable of behaving ourselves when we discuss these very hot topics, but I don't always see that happening. Too easy to get riled up....happens to the best of us in an election year. I've started avoiding all political threads (you may notice I've never posted on one! ;)).


My vote? Wish it didn't have to be this way, but I vote ban political threads. Too much trouble for the admins, too much trouble period.

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I actually think this makes people more interesting. I learned a while ago not to judge someone based on just one of their views. You gotta dig deep if you really want to see what someone is all about. My political views are also not the norm here (don't fit in with either major party), but this does not stop me from listening and trying to understand the views of others. Humans have never agreed and never will. It's just another part that makes us human. Heck, even my dh and I don't see eye-to-eye on every issue out there. I still love him and I think he still digs me. I like having friends who think, believe, and see the world in a way I never can. Keeps me thinking!


Great post, I agree totally, I have been with dh for 18 yrs and he is a right winged conservative. I, on the other hand have not found a label. But, we are still together.


Whats funny is, I think I have a little liberal democrat growing in the crowd. I sit back, like here and watch the debates.




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I say that there needs to be a general understanding that when we enter into a political discussion, we do it with our big girl panties on. If we find ourselves getting too emotional or passionate or disturbed or mad -- so mad that we want to neg rep people with whom we disagree -- that we refrain from doing so and simply post about the weather instead.


Or something like that :D

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1. This is the largest collection of civil, well-educated women and men I'm ever likely to have access to. There are also a great many women and men here who don't simply spout the party line. Thoughtful engagement with the ideas is the rule here, and it is a rare and lovely thing.


2. I have a hard time taking trolls seriously. They don't bother me, and I'd rather not give up on #1 above just because of a few bad apples. I'm trying to be sympathetic to those who are genuinely bothered by the trolls, but I haven't quite got there yet.


3. I learn a lot. (This is just a short version of #1, above. With the focus on me instead of on everybody else.)


But I don't feel strongly about being allowed to discuss politics on your board. I like it, it's helpful, I learn a lot, but it's your space. If discussing politics here makes your life harder, more expensive, more stressful, or more annoying, I'm happy to give it up. I'm not sure that I'll miss it. I'll just enjoy that large collection of civil, well-educated women and men talking about other things. :)

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I actually think this makes people more interesting. I learned a while ago not to judge someone based on just one of their views. You gotta dig deep if you really want to see what someone is all about. My political views are also not the norm here (don't fit in with either major party), but this does not stop me from listening and trying to understand the views of others. Humans have never agreed and never will. It's just another part that makes us human. Heck, even my dh and I don't see eye-to-eye on every issue out there. I still love him and I think he still digs me. I like having friends who think, believe, and see the world in a way I never can. Keeps me thinking!


This is so true. If I decided to only let myself like the people with whom I agree on everything, I'd be very lonely indeed. Recently someone came here asking if there could be a "secular only" area and the vast majority of us were decidedly against that idea.


Life is more interesting and challenging when we can't paint everyone with the same brush. I can't just say "Well, I don't really respect her opinion because she's not a member of The Judean People's Front or The Judean Popular People's Front or The People's Front of Judea" or whatever.


In every area of my life there are people whom I love, trust, enjoy, and respect despite the fact that we have very different ideas about any number of things. It just makes sense that the same thing should happen here.

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Well, now, that is just plain inflammatory and you should be banned!





I know, I know! :lol:

But I do think it would be interesting to see what might happen if it wasn't available for a period of time. Not permanently, just for a little while. Hmmm...:001_huh:

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In every area of my life there are people whom I love, trust, enjoy, and respect despite the fact that we have very different ideas about any number of things. It just makes sense that the same thing should happen here.




(it's this kind of attitude that makes both Jenny and *anj* splendid ones to behold :D)

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I am a brand new newbie poster, but I've lurked for quite awhile, and I wondered about the political threads and how they would affect relationships on other matters. If I disagree whole-heartedly with someone's spiritual views, will I listen to their recommendations on Math?


And today, against my better judgement, I participated in the heated threads. With a minority view. And instead of being lambasted as I feared, I instead received thoughtful, kind pm's from people who disagreed with me but were willing to discuss the issue in a very civil tone.


This speaks volumes about the maturity of the board and the capabilities of the posters. I realize I can separate the issues from the person, and I may disagree with their political stance, but their position is so well-thought out and considered that I'll bet their recommendations on Math programs will have that same consideration. And I will listen to what they have to say on homeschool-related issues. Which is what I'm here for anyway!


I hope this make sense. If I keep posting, you all will realize I tend to ramble- with or without coherence. ;)

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I am a brand new newbie poster, but I've lurked for quite awhile, and I wondered about the political threads and how they would affect relationships on other matters. If I disagree whole-heartedly with someone's spiritual views, will I listen to their recommendations on Math?


And today, against my better judgement, I participated in the heated threads. With a minority view. And instead of being lambasted as I feared, I instead received thoughtful, kind pm's from people who disagreed with me but were willing to discuss the issue in a very civil tone.


This speaks volumes about the maturity of the board and the capabilities of the posters. I realize I can separate the issues from the person, and I may disagree with their political stance, but their position is so well-thought out and considered that I'll bet their recommendations on Math programs will have that same consideration. And I will listen to what they have to say on homeschool-related issues. Which is what I'm here for anyway!


I hope this make sense. If I keep posting, you all will realize I tend to ramble- with or without coherence. ;)


Welcome! We don't discriminate, we embrace the ramblers and the incoherent.;)

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It would help if "being nice" included

--Noting in the subject line that it is a political thread and

--Not just flaming the universe in the subject line.


To tell you the truth, I lose respect for people who flame away, and I'd rather not have that happen when things are "too hot to handle".


I say SWB can do whatever she wants, at any time. If they go, they go. If they stay, they can STILL go if people don't "play nice".


I think this is a good to point out, Patty. Yes, we can scroll past threads we'd rather not open, but when the subject line itself is inflammatory or upsetting, that makes it harder to completely ignore. Though I guess it makes it pretty clear what the thread will be about!



As to the original question...I can go either way. I personally dislike confrontation, though enjoy a calm, civil debate. (Mostly as a spectator, though in my youth ;) I was more likely to dive in.) I can't say that I care much about political discussions, like most "hot button" topics, very little new is learned and people come into them already polarized. I'm fairly polar myself. :D But I can also see that if we are fellow educators in this homeschooling endeavor, it seems like we should be able to thoughtfully discuss these issues, if for no other reason than to model dispassionate inquiry to our children.


So someone tell me how to vote. And not just on this poll. :tongue_smilie:

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I voted keep them. Like Colleen, I get a lot of mental stimulation from them, that I don't get in everyday life, because I live out in the country and I tend to be a recluse anyway. Plus hubby is out of town a lot. At times I bow out when I feel too heated or the whole thread seems to have the rpm's revved too high. But I like having my mental muscles given an occasional workout in a relatively civil discussion. Political blogs etc, are just too nasty. I like this group. And I like that I can get a great crockpot recipe from someone whom I vehemently disagree with on most life issues.:D

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My contractions are about 5 mins apart so I don't have much time.....


If you are going to ban political threads because they are not related to homeschooling, what about the other nonhomeschooling threads like "look at my new kitchen", "what are you reading this summer" or the exercise threads. Or what about the please pray for my family threads, aren't these nonhomeschooling related too?


Those who don't care to read them can just move on. We are a community of homeschooling men and woman who enjoy each other's support and company. Many of us come here for adult conversation. Please don't take part of that away.

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My contractions are about 5 mins apart so I don't have much time.....


If you are going to ban political threads because they are not related to homeschooling, what about the other nonhomeschooling threads like "look at my new kitchen", "what are you reading this summer" or the exercise threads. Or what about the please pray for my family threads, aren't these nonhomeschooling related too?


Those who don't care to read them can just move on. We are a community of homeschooling men and woman who enjoy each other's support and company. Many of us come here for adult conversation. Please don't take part of that away.


:iagree: And COME ON BABY!!!! WooHoo! Praying for a swift and safe delivery!

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I voted to keep the political threads too. When the debates are civil and respectful then they're great threads. Maybe if we could all keep in mind that as close to our hearts as some of our political positions may be to us, that the people we are debating hold the opposite political position just as close to their heart. Maybe that would help keep people kind to each other? Maybe? It helps me to remember that when this happens to me:




:) :) :)

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Maybe those who WANT to discuss it could take it to a yahoo group....


Yes, we could segregate into Yahoo groups here and there ~ a political loop, a parenting loop, a religious loop, an environmentalism loop...thereby reserving this board for the most mundane, seemingly inocuous topics. (Except, as Mrs. Mungo pointed out, even those topics can result in disagreement. Don't even try to tell me Dyson vacuums are better than Mieles!:boxing_smiley:) The heart and soul of a valuable community is the ability to discuss an array of subjects ~ or not, if you so choose.

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