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Urgent Medical Advice Needed

Jean in Newcastle

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I'm on my 6th consecutive antibiotic (Clindamycin) for acute illness I've had since the week before Christmas.  Yesterday I also had an MRI with contrast (don't know what they injected into me).


Yesterday my urine was dark orange and cloudy.  I immediately started to drink lots.  I was in moderate pain in my bladder with spasms but it subsided.  I thought it odd but did not immediately associate it with my meds.  I took my last dose of the antibiotic after dinner and in less than an hour was in pain again and my urine was dark.   I drank and drank and drank.  It was a very difficult night.  I had chills for much of it.  Now it is 6:45 and my urine has darkened again and I'm having low back pain and pain in my left front side.  The pain in my side is fairly intense but I can talk through it and could "ignore" it.  Of course, dh is out of town.  My kids are old enough to leave alone if necessary but it would distress them if I just left.


a.  Should I keep drinking to flush things out or will that stress my kidneys even more?  This option would be hoping to flush things out until I can tell someone or it gets worse.  


b.  Should I go to urgent care at 8 am? 


c.  Should I wait and call the prescribing doctor at 8:30 am?  I know that he and  his nurse are in surgery all morning.  I would be leaving a message telling them what happened and would of course not take any more of this medicine.


d.  Should I wait and call my primary doctor at 8:30 am?  He did not prescribe the medicine but should be able to advise me on whether I can just drink or go to the ER


e.  Do I go to the ER?  


f.  Is there some option I'm not even thinking of?  

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Guest submarines

Because you have more than just a simple infection, and you've been struggling with this for so long, I'd go to the ER. :grouphug:

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Yes, you need to be seen somewhere for a UA.


From what I recall working in radiology, MRI contrast is not as hard on your kidneys as CT contrast, but it's possible that either the antibiotic or the contrast might have caused you some issues. Please go in, whether it's the urgent care or ER. I wouldn't drink anymore, just to be on the safe side, but make sure you have enough in your bladder to do a UA. 


ETA: I would go the ER. They are going to have more diagnostic tools available than an urgent care, who may just refer you there anyway. 

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if you have an emergency option that is attached to a hospital (i'm thinking of kaiser hospitals), then its worth an extra drive to go there.  they have everything you might need.

i think you are in a timezone later than mine, so hope you have already gone!



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Guest submarines

Clindamycin is some nasty stuff.  You might want to look up the side effects and see if any of them match your symptoms.


>>>Tell your doctor immediately if any of these rare but very serious side effects occur: joint pain/swelling, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine, change in the amount of urine<<<


Oh boy. I read the side effects and warning. Sigh. I hope it at least clears up the infection, Jean!

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*MRI contrast is usually gadolinium based. Although there was originally thought that this was safe for patients with chronic kidney disease (and once was recommended as preferable to the iodinated contrast usually used for CT scans) we now know that gadolinium can cause  acute tubular necrosis so it isn't recommended as a safe contrast.  It may still be appropriate and reasonable to use gadolinium if the benefits outweigh the risk but ordering physicians should consider the patient's baseline renal function, other medications/comorbidities, and the value of a non contrasted study when they make this decision.  All contrast will be more likely to cause ATN in a volume depleted or acidotic state so interventions to reverse these situations prior to contrast administration are wise as well.

*Clindamycin has also (but not commonly) been associated with acute kidney injury.  The exact mechanism of injury is still not fully understood and is likely a mix of tubular damage and interstitial nephritis.  It is my impression that this usually occurs early (within 48 hours) in the antibiotic course and usually patients present with hematuria.



-You probably need to be seen by some physician today and you probably need a CMP, urinalysis (with microscopy), and urine culture (to exclude an infection).

-In general I would probably start with your PCP if they are competent.  If they are not wanting to deal with this then perhaps the Emergency Department is your option.  Most of the ENTs I know would feel a bit outside of their scope with this and would likely want help from their friendly neighborhood internist or be inclined to send the patient to the ED if the internist is not friendly.  

-I believe you mentioned before that you were starting Metformin.  If you are not already holding your Metformin because you received contrast please do not take more Metformin until you have assurance that your kidney function is sufficient enough that Metformin is safe.  There is concern for lactic acidosis with Metformin in patients with renal insufficiency and the drug is contraindicated for women with Cre at 1.4 or above.


Best wishes!



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Thanks, LMV.   I will withhold the Metformin (which no one has said anything about).


I'm getting a bit of a run-around.  Primary care doctor's nurse said to call the prescribing physician (ENT).  ENT is in surgery all morning but I did leave a message with the on-call doctor detailing what is going on and asking if I need to be seen by someone like my primary.  We'll see if anyone gets back to me.  In the meantime, I've dressed and eaten breakfast so that I can easily go see anyone anywhere.  If this is something that will just be flushed out of my system, that would be great but I don't want to risk kidney damage.  

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I'm going to the ER.  I called Urgent Care and they told me that they would not see me with my complicated history on this (which is probably wise).  My primary is passing the buck to the ENT, even though the ENT can't treat bladder/kidney problems.  It would have been best if the primary had squeezed me in today but I can't make them do that.  Dh (nephrology nurse) says that this is not something I can just flush out of my system.  So. . . it's off to the ER.  

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Update =  I have a kidney stone.  It doesn't really explain the amount of blood in my urine but it's all they can find for now.  I've been released to drink lots and pee in a sieve.  I'm in pain but really no more than "usual".  The nurses were joking that I was a "woman of steel" since I wasn't thrashing and wimpering in pain like what they were used to.  I had nothing to eat or drink all day in the ER except for some crackers I threw into my purse on my way out the door.  So I took the kids and myself out for really good pizza.  

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I don't think I've ever liked a post where someone found out they had a kidney stone, Jean, but I really hope that stone is gone very soon without any more pain than you already have.  And hooray for good pizza.

Thanks, Amira.  For some reason I seem to go into "kidney stone labor" in the middle of the night.  Last night was the second night with chills and pain that almost had me throwing up.  But I got some sleep too and I'm still functional.  Since I'm the only parent home at the moment, it is nice to be able to be happy and mobile during the day when I'm around the kids.  

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