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Any How I Met Your Mother fans.....is this true or not?


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Serious illness was implied this week, but there are 3 or 4 shows left. Of course, dh watched with me and missed all inferences.

i watched and missed the serious illness implied... .??

Also I love how they talked about how he loves telling stories and all these seasons have been one big story. I'm really going to miss this show!
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Did anyone watch?!? I was never a huge fan and didn't watch all the episodes, but now I'm wishing I didn't watch any.


I have no idea what the show is about, but this thread, and especially Horton's comment above has intrigued me. So how did it end? :w00t:


ETA: I just read a bunch of summaries and discussions. I am totally caught up. I'm all good. :coolgleamA:

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Spoiler, here's what happened...... in the show it turns out thatTed and the Mother had a very long and healthy relationship, then she died (they do not dwell on this but she looks young, in her 40s).  Ted's narration takes place six years after her death. The show ends with his kids encouraging him to finally get together with Robin (who had amicably divorced Barney many years earlier).  He does and they are both happy in the end.

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Serious illness was implied this week, but there are 3 or 4 shows left. Of course, dh watched with me and missed all inferences.


How so?  I totally missed this in the episode you are mentioning (and I have seen them all this season.)


I have to say, I was getting so frustrated that the whole season took place over a wedding weekend and then they packed so many years into the final episode.  They surely could have drawn out the season a little longer for me!

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Spoiler, here's what happened...... in the show it turns out thatTed and the Mother had a very long and healthy relationship, then she died (they do not dwell on this but she looks young, in her 40s). Ted's narration takes place six years after her death. The show ends with his kids encouraging him to finally get together with Robin (who had amicably divorced Barney many years earlier). He does and they are both happy in the end.

Thanks. :) now I don't have to watch it. I have never been addicted to this show, but thought it was well done and funny. I have been a bit caught up on the "mystery" of this season though. I don't think I would like the ending. I never really thought Ted and Robin were that good of a match, and I got way to invested in Robin and Barney to have spent a season watching their wedding and then find out they got divorced. I'd have to wait 2 weeks to watch it online anyway, now I can forget about it.
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I haven't watched the final season or the finale, but have seen a few titles that gave it away. All this time, I had the feeling that he was the one that died and had recorded these stories for his kids. I think I would have liked that bittersweet ending more. 


You should watch. I would have been OK if that had been the case. Sad, but OK. But there was more to it. And it was the more that I hated. They didn't leave it at bittersweet. They went for syrupy sweet, probably thinking they were bringing the show full circle. But in my mind, they sacrificed the essence of my favorite character. 

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I ugly cried but I also wasn't a fan of the ending. I really wanted Ted to be happy with The Mother until they both died of old age. Not a fan of Ted going to be with Robin but I knew the second they said the mom was dead that he'd be showing up with the blue french horn. I also wanted Robin and Barney to make it against all odds.

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The upside of Robin and Barney divorcing was that Barney got to be a dad. It was made clear several seasons back that Robin could not have biological children and that she never adopted. Between her sole focus on work and unwillingness to adopt I honestly thought Barney and her were doomed because Barney had "needs to be a dad" written all over him. I wish they would have shown more of Barney as a dad.

Robin was my least fave character. Ted was my second least favorite character. Or maybe vice versa honestly. I thought the ending was bullshit. The way they packaged up the mom as a near virginal saint and killed her off just pisses me off.

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I ugly cried but I also wasn't a fan of the ending.


I ugly ranted. And poor DH, who wanted to go night-night and is never as emotionally invested in any show as I seem to be, was slightly irritated but mostly unfazed. He might have a better grip on reality than I do. :tongue_smilie: For the first time ever, he asked me, "Is there a thread about that on your board?" :lol: 

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I disliked how they ended it - so much build-up to the love of Ted's life - The Mother (and so well cast - she was perfect!) only to have one shot of her in a hospital bed, no mention of Ted grieving, then six years later as he finished telling his teen kids (who were then children when their mother died!!!) about how he meet their mother all they do is go "Call Aunt Robin, you know you love her" or words to that effect.  If Ted and Robin had been really meant for each other all along then they would have been together all along!  Was The Mother just a means for Ted to get the kids Robin didn't want and couldn't have?   Stupid show!

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I'm surprised they ended it how they did since they are planning a spin off. I have zero desire to watch that now.


Apparently the spin-off has nothing to do with any of the characters on HIMYM. Instead, it will be called How I Met Your Dad...similar show with completely different characters.


I just finished the finale and I have mixed emotions. I wasn't surprised by any of it (death, blue french horn), but I didn't really love it either. There were some beautiful moments (standing under the yellow umbrella, Barney with his daughter) but the episode seemed to quick and jumpy for me...especially after a season that was based on one weekend.


The more I think about it, I'm not unhappy that Ted and Robin ended up together. I mean, they weren't right for each other before, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't end up being right for each other later on. I do kind of wish that Barney and Robin would have worked, but I'm okay with Ted and Robin.


I have looked at a few blogs and most of the HIMYM fans are really mad about the ending. I guess I'm just so-so. I'm not really sure of an ending that would have left me more satisfied.

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Very, very mixed feelings here.


But, am I the only one wondering... did they film the kids' last scene at the beginning of the series?  Because the son (don't remember his real name, but I've watched him grow up as Justin) does NOT look that young IRL today. And, if they did, how the heck did the ending not get spilled???

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Very, very mixed feelings here.


But, am I the only one wondering... did they film the kids' last scene at the beginning of the series?  Because the son (don't remember his real name, but I've watched him grow up as Justin) does NOT look that young IRL today. And, if they did, how the heck did the ending not get spilled???


I read that they filmed it in 2006. Crazy, huh?

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Very, very mixed feelings here.

But, am I the only one wondering... did they film the kids' last scene at the beginning of the series? Because the son (don't remember his real name, but I've watched him grow up as Justin) does NOT look that young IRL today. And, if they did, how the heck did the ending not get spilled???

They had them sign confidentiality agreements. I read something recently and he stated it was so long ago he didn't really even remember. I'm really surprised it didn't come out as well.
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Very, very mixed feelings here.

But, am I the only one wondering... did they film the kids' last scene at the beginning of the series? Because the son (don't remember his real name, but I've watched him grow up as Justin) does NOT look that young IRL today. And, if they did, how the heck did the ending not get spilled???

I wonder if they filmed several possible endings? Also, Ted was not shown in the shot with the kids, so I really think only the kids were filmed years ago, not Ted's part. But, yes, I know the son looks very different now. Has the daughter ever been in something else?
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Very, very mixed feelings here.

But, am I the only one wondering... did they film the kids' last scene at the beginning of the series? Because the son (don't remember his real name, but I've watched him grow up as Justin) does NOT look that young IRL today. And, if they did, how the heck did the ending not get spilled???

They did. They've had that on tap since season one. They apparently filmed a bunch of generic reactions as well as that ending. Probably because the teens weren't staying kids and they also didn't know that it would last 9 seasons back then.

Most of the actors didn't know and the kids did a great job keeping a lid on it.
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I was pretty frustrated, but I think it boiled down to what the kids said about the story really being so much about his love for Robin over the years and such a very little of it being about the mother. Robin was always Ted's true love. I liked the mom, and thought she was perfect for Ted, but I think Ted always loved Robin but was just too unselfish to keep her from marrying Barney (when she brought it up before the wedding). I did like Robin with Barney.

She must've stopped the traveling because she had dogs again. Early in the series someone in the country took her dogs in because of her schedule. The fact that she had more seems to imply her traveling might have been finished.

I just really wish the show wouldn't have packed so much in. Couldn't they have given us a few episodes with all that "future" stuff?

Marshall and Lily were expecting child number 3 at some point during the finale. Barney with his baby made me bawl. It was probably the most touching moment of the entire series.

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I am in the completely hated it camp.  Never liked Ted and Robin together.  I do not plan to invest any time in How I Met Your Dad either, although the finale of HIMYM has little to do with that decision.  Entertainment Weekly Online has an alternate ending that is much better.  For those disappointed, check that out.  That is the ending I choose to accept.   

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Very, very mixed feelings here.


But, am I the only one wondering... did they film the kids' last scene at the beginning of the series?  Because the son (don't remember his real name, but I've watched him grow up as Justin) does NOT look that young IRL today. And, if they did, how the heck did the ending not get spilled???


Yes, and based on some of the critics' rants about the ending, it almost seems like they have been committed to this ending all along so they did not film alternative endings. (Many felt that since the mother scenes this season were so perfect they should have just said "screw it" and gone with a happy ending with the mother, leaving out the bulk of the kids' commentary at the end).


I've been lukewarm about this show, especially in the last few seasons, and I guess I'm lukewarm about the finale. I can see how so many people would hate the ending, but the more I think about it, the more it seems to reflect reality. People do lose spouses, and they do remarry. Ted and Robin always had a connection but it was just never the right time for them to get together. I've seen this happen IRL. People can love someone, but circumstances make it impossible for them to be together. Distance, career goals, wanting different things from life. 


I think Ted really loved the mother with all his heart. It's entirely possible for people to have more than one true love, I believe. I really loved the boyfriends with whom I was serious before I met my husband, and now I love him. When Ted met Tracy, he was over Robin. Ted and Tracy enjoyed a 10-year long relationship, and in that time Ted got the family he wanted, and Robin was married (at first) and built the career she always wanted. Then, six years after the mother died, he approached his children because the feelings for Robin reappeared. Ted and Robin both got what they wanted out of life independently so their relationship would be easier now than it was when they were younger. Even if Robin continues to travel for her job, the time Ted spends with her is still better than nothing at all, which is what he's had for the six years since the mother's death. And he does have his children to consider (as well as his career) while Robin's off on assignments, so it would make sense that things can finally click between them.  


Another thing I've heard people saying was that the kids would still be grieving for their mother and no way would they encourage Ted to go for Robin. I disagree with the notion that they would want Ted to stay single out of respect for their mom. Six years is a relatively long time, especially to kids who were still so young when she died. It's not that they will ever really stop grieving for their mother (my dad died when I was young so I've been there), but that doesn't mean they don't also want their dad, and actually the whole family, to move on. They know and love Robin, and if he was going to move on with a new relationship, she's a much better choice than Ted hitting the singles scene and reliving the entire HIMYM experience. 

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I am in the completely hated it camp.  Never liked Ted and Robin together.  I do not plan to invest any time in How I Met Your Dad either, although the finale of HIMYM has little to do with that decision.  Entertainment Weekly Online has an alternate ending that is much better.  For those disappointed, check that out.  That is the ending I choose to accept.   


Oh bummer... looks like 20th Century Fox made them take it down due to copyright infringement. :sad:


Tell us what happened! Anything's got to be better than the actual finale...

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I only caught this show in syndication, never during its actual run, so I didn't really see everything in order.  They pretty much lost me when they put Robin and Barney together.  I still can't get the image of this hilarious, but disgusting, immature womanizer out of my head and always wondered what mental gymnastics that Robin had to do to get together with him.  I did catch up a little this season and was disappointed.  While I always hoped that Robin and Ted would get together eventually, this was not the way to do it.  If this is the ending they wanted, they needed to spend more time on it and not put it all into a finale.  Too abrupt.  Too sudden. 

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I must be one of the few to whom the ending makes perfect sense. Throughout the show's 9 seasons, I could see how much Ted still cared for Robin, how wrong Barney and Robin were for each other, how unrealistic and "neat" it was for Barney to totally give up his philandering ways and how totally anti-climatic the introduction of the mother seemed. So, as far as I am concerned, the ending seems perfect. The show was never neat and straightforward anyway and I like the bittersweet irony that the woman Ted fell head over heels in love with in the first episode is the one who he goes back to at the end of the show.

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I must be one of the few to whom the ending makes perfect sense. Throughout the show's 9 seasons, I could see how much Ted still cared for Robin, how wrong Barney and Robin were for each other, how unrealistic and "neat" it was for Barney to totally give up his philandering ways and how totally anti-climatic the introduction of the mother seemed. So, as far as I am concerned, the ending seems perfect. The show was never neat and straightforward anyway and I like the bittersweet irony that the woman Ted fell head over heels in love with in the first episode is the one who he goes back to at the end of the show.


I don't like Ted with Robin BUT it makes perfect sense.

Just like the kids said, this wasn't actually the story of how he met their mother, but about how much he loved Robin (and wanted them to understand.)  All the comments about how Robin was the focus for 9 years then the mother was rushed?  Well, they knew their mother. He was sharing his back story with Robin.


I may not be totally HAPPY with the ending, but it does make sense.

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