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When you don't have an appetite, what do you eat?


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I am still battling a sinus infection and don't feel all that great.  I have to eat or I get dizzy and feel like I am going to pass out, so not eating is just not an option.  What do you eat just to keep your strength up when nothing sounds good?  I can't eat anything with gluten in it and have to limit my dairy intake (can eat some, but not a lot ... and definitely no milk).

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Typically when I don't have a good appetite I can eat things that I don't normally eat or consider a treat.  The value-sized (junior) cheeseburgers from Wendy's are our go-too sick food around here.  We all seem to be able to eat them when we can't stand the thought of anything else.

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I frequently do not have an appetite. I'm not sick, but I just don't really enjoy food a lot of the time. I drink coffee when I don't know what to eat. Not the healthiest choice, but it's what I can stomach.

Have you had your zinc levels tested or tried taking a zinc supplement? Zinc stimulates the appetite and makes food smell and taste better.



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All these are good suggestions, especially soups and the mandarins and grapes. Those sound lovely right now. 


I'm expecting #6 and have been sick for 8 weeks. My go-to are Luna bars. High protein, lots of vitamins, gluten free. They're not too large so I can get one down in ten small bites and they taste decent. The chocolate peanut butter are the best. $6 at Target for a box. 


And drink lots of water! :)


ETA: Oh, and no cooking. 

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I eat Luna bars or Power Bars.  I suffer from intermittent nausea, and really can't eat much more than a quarter cup of food for several days at a time.  I find that I can eat part of a bar, and it at least keeps my brain and body going enough to get through the rough spot.  If I try to eat some food without concentrated vitamins (quarter of a sandwich or 1/2 cup of broth based soup) I start to loose concentration and focus. I have a very detail oriented job so I have to make sure to be able to work during those times.


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with a sinus infection, I ate toast.  maybe some homemade chicken noodle soup. (i'm generous with the celery and carrots)  nothing with milk.


when I had pnuemonia- even though I was at a catered event with delicious looking food, I didn't eat more than a few bites at any given meal.  I had zero appetite.

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I'll actually eat nothing unless it really has been a long time.  My go to items would be something like chicken soup or buttered toast.

Same here, if it's just a matter of a day or so and I'm not feeling particularly hungry.


For a sinus infection, I'd be inclined to go for a spicy soup that would help clear it out.

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