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What are you currently reading aloud?


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I'll start. We're reading an Oxford Junior Classics version of Don Quixote (recommended in SotW AG) and Because of Winn Dixie for a library mother/daughter bookclub. With my 9 year old I'm reading Thimble Summer and with my 8 year old I'm reading Caddie Woodlawn. With my 3 year old I'm reading miscellaneous picture books.

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Youngest and I are reading Amulet book 2 out loud together. (I handle the hard words, or the long speech bubbles)


I am reading, "Demigods and Monsters: Your Favorite Authors on Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series". So far we have done two of the essays. 


I know you asked about me. But I'll include hubby anways.


Hubby is reading the second, Ranger's Apprentice book. Both the boys and my hubby are reall enjoying it.


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I'm reading aloud Little Men and the Red Fairy Book. We also finished listening to the Faraway Tree trilogy in the car yesterday and began listening to the Raggedy Anne and Andy stories. Hurray for audiobooks! Next up will be 'Jo's Boys,' then we'll get stuck into Egyptian mythology.

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Too many....


  • Robin Hood for the older ones along with SotW 2.
  • DS1 Bedtime: Star Wars: Darth Bane series, Rule of Two
  • DS1/DD/DS2 Storytime: Howl's Moving Castle (been reading this for a long, long time now...)
  • DS3/4 Storytime: Lots of books about trains. Also, lots of requests for "The Three Ninja Pigs" lately.

There are plenty more, but those are the ones I can remember for now.

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This morning we finished Henry Huggins (team read-aloud).  I think One Day in the Tropical Rainforest is next for this time slot.


Johnny Tremain in the afternoons.


For bedtime, I'm reading DD Song of the Summer King, and DH is reading DS the next in the Artemis Fowl series.  They just finished The Mysterious Benedict Society. 


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We're doing Swallows and Amazons at bedtime, and The Children's Bible sporadically during the day, when we're all at the same time/same place.


Shannon and I are reading Midsummer Night's Dream aloud together - she's in the midst of auditioning for a part in the play.


I've been reading Tales of Ancient Egypt to Morgan since forever now . . . 


Can I say, I am SO GLAD to be done with the Wolves series by Joan Aiken! We stuck with that series way too long.  We loved the first two books, liked the 3rd, but boy they went downhill from there.  The kids finally asked to stop and I was so glad - I had stopped enjoying it awhile ago.  


Not sure what we'll do after Swallows - I can't decide whether I want to do another series, or if we just want to pick up some great stand-alone books for awhile.  The Mysterious Benedict Society is definitely tempting me . . . 

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Several read alouds going...


The Burgess Bird Book

James Herriot's Treasury for Children

Paddle to the Sea

Viking Tales

Tales from Shakespeare (This week King Leer)

Story of the World

The Blue Fairy Book

Just So Stories


These are really aimed at dd7&8 for the most part.  I include DD12 in on the Shakespeare.  She tends to listen in, though, on the stories that interest her while she is doing chores or typing or something.  She finds a way to be around for the stories she wants to hear. lol  The youngers and I have been reading Little House in the Big Woods tandem for a while, and she has never read it so that is one that she always finds a way to be near to hear.


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The Wheel on the Schoolhouse by Meindert DeJong (my choice). Star Wars books, too many and too poorly written to mention (their choice).


I read The Wheel on the Schoolhouse, twice. 


I don't read Star Wars books, at least the kind you are talking about. 


If you want to suggest a well written star wars books (At least ones I liked) try: 





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Our fun read aloud time (at bedtime) was their choice this time around (we rotate...my choice, their choice, and so on). I am reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to DD 9 and Wednesdays in the Tower to DD 6. DD 3 is choosing various picture books.


We have several school related read alouds going.

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The Wheel on the Schoolhouse by Meindert DeJong (my choice). Star Wars books, too many and too poorly written to mention (their choice).


We loved that book.  It took us a long time to get into it and then all of a sudden we read for two hours one night and HAD to finish it.  

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I forgot to post what we're actually reading.  Starting tonight:  Little Britches by Ralph Moody.  I know so many people that loved it so we're excited to start it.  


James Herriot treasury.


My deep passionate love for James Herriot knows no bounds.  That was DD's first read aloud and it will be DS's also.   

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We're currently in the middle of "Son of Charlemagne". I can't believe how much they're into it. It's amazing how I'll think they'll really like a certain book, and then they hate it, or when I think they'll hate a book, they love it. Baffles my mind.


Right now I'm reading Crazy Love.

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Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  Up next is The Great and Terrible Quest, Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.  I'm trying to please a diverse crowd here.   :tongue_smilie:

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My oldest is reading Ella Enchanted on his own. We've been reading aloud some Shakespeare stories from the Lamb and the Nesbitt books. He likes these so we thought we'd spend some time with it. It's been a pleasant way to pass the cold days. I really want to read aloud Narnia, but we somehow never get around to it. 


I've been reading various fairy tales to my 6 year old. I have a ton of collections and he enjoys picking one out and hearing it at bedtime. Sometimes the same one over and over. Sometimes it's fun to read the same story in another book, pay attention to the slight differences. 


We're also reading aloud The Burgess Bird book and looking up each bird on the Cornell site, hearing their sounds, coloring some coloring sheets. Planning bird activities for when spring and summer finally get here. He wants me to read Alice in Wonderland next. 


My 3 year old gets a stack of various picture books read aloud each day---just whatever she decides. It's been Six by Seuss (Yertle the turtle, Horton, Thidwick, Grinch etc) for a while now. And she listens in during the fairy tale read alouds. I've also been reading a Mother Goose collection to her. She enjoys trying to memorize a few lines.









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