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What's your OOPS subject this year...

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Well, any given week it's been almost everything! But I've caught most balls before they've fallen to far, at least with Shannon. My biggest oops with her is typing.  She's plodding away through an online typing program, but she still takes a million years to type anything.  I haven't really done anything about it, I just keep putting "typing" on her list and I feel like I will be doing that for the rest of her life.


With Morgan, lots of things! But she's only in 2nd, so I feel like oops-es are recoverable at this point.  The main thing is science: she wants to do hands-on projects, and I've just had too much going on to get that together for her.  She loves science, and she's watched every Magic School Bus, Bill Nye, and every other science video the library has.  So - I ordered some Magic Schoolbus science kits.  At this point I don't even care how 'good" they are - my kid loves science, and she wants to do hands-on projects, and I just need to make it happen, right?

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State History. In my state, state history is required for grades 7-12.  The law doesn't specify how much or how often it must be taught, so I wanted to cover state history just once with my 7th & 9th grader.  Haven't gotten to it yet.


But there is enough time to make it a 1/2 credit for SweetChild this year, and BabyBaby can check it off her list as well. I already ordered a bunch of DVDs from the library to get us started and make it easy.  Hoping I can return them all on time and not spend the equivalent of a luxury private tour of the state capital on overdue fines. :glare:

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Biggest oops so far:


I forgot to teach spelling and didn't realize it until DS was in 4th grade. He's now in 5th grade and we're doing spelling....


Subscribing to this post just in case I missed something else...

Thanks, I needed a laugh.  :D  I don't even know if we were supposed to laugh at that, but that's pretty funny.    :lol:   

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Science. (Both WInterpromise programs), thoroughly researched, purchased all needed books, divided everything up and it all ended up flopping. I was trying to stay positive, thinking it was just a hump. But it wasn't. None of the kids got engaged with either program. They frankly weren't interested in AW (even if I liked the books I was reading aloud, they wanted nothing to do with them, didn't understand the characters etc), and really, for reasons I don't understand at all, it flopped. Equine Science seemed okay (I looked at lots of samples, researched each book) but we realized quickly that it was wayyyy over DD's head.  We could of soldiered on, but 95% of the worksheets and info would of gone over her head. So its all been packed away for now.


I pretty much entirely gave up and went with Supercharged Science. Something I had been eying for a long, long time. I  decided I couldn't afford it and ignored it, but after this latest flop, I decided it didn't need me to buy a whole lot of books, and wait a month for them to arrive, I can cancel anytime, its hands-on, and its instantly here. So even if it doesn't work out, its a lot less time & money invested than all the other programs.


Actually I pretty much gave up on everything and went with more streamlined programs, so its pretty much everything is a big OOPS here. Its times like these I would really love to sit and chuck my own little tanty on the floor, instead I have to get back up and make 3 children and myself presentable for the doctors, and venture out into the heat of the australian sun, and water the kids sweet potato & bulb flower experiments. No time for tantys unfortuantely. :( lol

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Art is an oops subject for us. I'm just not crafty and need to outsource.


Math was not an oops, but Miquon has been. I've opened the books several times, but I'm just not feeling the love. I'm much more comfortable with a combo of MM, Singapore CWP, logic, and living math books.

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Science was our oops.  It was too easy and DD12 finished it in about eight weeks.  Oh well.


We are doing independent science now.  We pick a topic, DD12 checks out tons of library books, and I cobble together some projects for her.  We did space first and now she is finishing up architecture.  Not sure exactly what is next but we will think of something.

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Typing for DD...and starting a foreign language for everyone. I looked at some great resources for learning German but it's a total flop at actually happening.

Typing is working for eldest. By that I mean about three times a week he spends time typing using tux typing.


For youngest it wasn't working. He did not like it, and couldn't get it. So the boys came to me with a suggestion. Eldest will instead teach youngest how to improve his Dance dance revolution moves. They reasoned that they were similiar in the fact they both involved hitting buttons according to what the screen told you to. I went for the idea and now youngest takes dance dance revolution lessons from eldest. The game is in the attic and I hear stomping and then they come down sweaty. Works for me.

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Latin - I did well with my middle boys for about a year but lately, things got busy, adding a k'er/first grader into the mix in a more formal way this year and it's gone.   Also complicated by the fact that my 10yods was moving more easily through it than my 12yods so I needed to split them up and well, we split all right :)


I want someone to write something like CLE workbooks for Latin . . independent with instruction there, easy to correct, easy to teach a short lesson if they need help, lots of review . . . that way I could have the three levels I need going at the same time without my needed to hold hands the whole time . . . unfortunately I don't think that exists.

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Biggest oops so far:


I forgot to teach spelling and didn't realize it until DS was in 4th grade. He's now in 5th grade and we're doing spelling....


Subscribing to this post just in case I missed something else...


That was us!  We started it last year in 5th.  I was so convinced that my son would be a reader (just because I am) that he'd pick it up on his own.  What a silly notion!


Also, we never seem to have time for Latin.  I have tried for 4 years now and it never gets done.  Time to let that dream die.  


We get everything else done, though, and better than ever, so I'm happy with where we are now.  It's only taken 7 years of schooling for most of the wrinkles to be ironed out.   :tongue_smilie:

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Typing for DD...and starting a foreign language for everyone. I looked at some great resources for learning German but it's a total flop at actually happening.


I couldn't find anything that worked for German until Duolingo (free program online).  We started it about a month ago, and my kids are actually enjoying it and learning more than they ever learned from any other program, DVD, or German book we have tried.  My kids do it independently (at least my 3rd and 5th graders).  They also get a fair amount of typing practice since they have to type quite a bit during each lesson, so I use it as a combo of foreign language and typing practice. 


The Duolingo website keeps track of their current "streak," as in how many days in a row they completed a lesson.  I told them that I would take them out to their favorite frozen yogurt shop every time they completed a 35 day streak, and now they make sure to do a lesson every day with nearly no prompting from me. 

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I got all the way to post #24 of this thread before I caught on that OOPS isn't an acronym but the word "oops" and this about the subjects we dropped the ball on.



We basically just do the 3Rs and have began Spanish just 2 days ago...Aah, low achievement!

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All the little add-ons for my 6th grader got dropped (critical thinking, typing, health). I was supposed to start Logic of English in January and barely got off the ground. We dropped lit in Jan. so he could read through a big series on his own, but it is time to pick it back up. It looks like my 6 year old will be home all day now, and I'm not sure where the extra time will come from. It took us a while to settle on history, and the program we chose (K12) takes a good chunk of time and brainpower. Plus, he started twice weekly speech therapy, chess club, and lego robotics club. So we have more on our plate and less time. He does what he can on his own, but he needs a lot of support still. We may just need to do an evening session as well. He's going to love that.


My Kindergartener has had a bunch of stuff added to his schedule since the fall and it still doesn't take him much time at all. No oopsies, but I haven't cracked FIAR yet, I know I have time still.

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Science isn't a complete oops, but it isn't up to my snuff either.  



Latin is just.not.happening. this year.  I'm just going to start planning for next year instead of caring about it this year.  It'll go smoother with kids who are better readers & writers....right?




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Basically all of the electives for the poor 13yo: electronics, drafting (by hand), mechanics, programming. He's just been so busy with robot building at the team's lab, I've felt like all his mad engineer needs are met. That feeling has led me to cram out his kid-led project time with makeup academics or chores and I catch myself putting his parts and gear shopping list at bottom priority in our budget. We're halfway through our school year and he's done a quarter of the project work I'd expect.

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I want someone to write something like CLE workbooks for Latin . . independent with instruction there, easy to correct, easy to teach a short lesson if they need help, lots of review . . . that way I could have the three levels I need going at the same time without my needed to hold hands the whole time . . . unfortunately I don't think that exists.



Lively Latin is like that.


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Science.  I thought it would be easy and lots of fun to study one animal each week, its our first year and for some reason I find science way more overwhelming than any other subject.  So we basically read library books, and have documentaries/magic school bus/kratts thrown in for good measure when applicable.  He liked it for a while and now says its "boring baby stuff"  :/  Not that much of an OOPS per say but I feel like I should have done more.  I'm planning a mix of Mr Q and REAL Odyssey next year.    


I think over-all I under-reached this year.  Im getting the feeling he needs more stretching.  

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Oh everything. First the end of pregnancy got us derailed, then the actual birth, then thanksgiving and Christmas and all of the company associated with those holidays, then sickness, now packing/cleaning/moving overseas, and a month or more of living out of a suitcase in other people's homes or hotels until we find a home. Then it will be unpacking...

I prepared our work before all of this happened to make it open and go, and even started the school year early last summer, but I still set my sights too high. Right now we are only doing English and math when I have the time. This will be a very long school year!

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Oh everything. First the end of pregnancy got us derailed, then the actual birth, then thanksgiving and Christmas and all of the company associated with those holidays, then sickness, now packing/cleaning/moving overseas, and a month or more of living out of a suitcase in other people's homes or hotels until we find a home. Then it will be unpacking...

I prepared our work before all of this happened to make it open and go, and even started the school year early last summer, but I still set my sights too high. Right now we are only doing English and math when I have the time. This will be a very long school year!

Just being really gentle here, but maybe toss on some audiobooks, SOTW audio, VP online self-paced history, science dvds, geopuzzles, or other things that can be done independently? Maybe you're already doing that? I can tell your life is crazy, hehe, but it's really ideal, even in crazy times, if they at least get math done and write something, even just a journal prompt, daily.  You could find a list of journal prompts, print, cut into strips, and throw them in a jar.  Then the person of the day draws the prompt and they all write for 5-10 min.  Then they do their math (something independent where you can walk around and supervise).  That way, in 1/2 hour right after breakfast, even if it's at noon, everyone got some writing and math done.  As you say, their private reading and an enriched environment with dvds, puzzles, audiobooks, etc. will cover beyond that.  


Have fun in your special stage.  My dd was 9 1/2 when my ds was born, and we tried to focus on daily math and something written daily and let everything else go to enrichments like that, and it worked for us.  

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Health. DS is halfway through 4th grade and we are still slogging through 3rd grade health. Also, music. We never get to it. I have several awesome resources to use, but it never happens. Ooops.

What resources for music do you like? This is a subject that I would like improve for my kids.

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