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Anyone want to ponder next year? Fifth Grade?

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Snowed in and probably should be doing something more productive than looking 8 months out... Anyhow, what all are you all doing for 5th grade? Here's what we are planning- I would appreciate any thoughts on my language arts if it is too much/ not enough/ or if something else you've used would work better:


    Plaid Phonics or Spelling Workout or Logic of English list 2 (we're doing LoE this year- not sure where to place her in another program, but I think she needs another year of spelling.)

    MP Grammar Recitation 2  workbook

    Caesar’s English 1

    CAP Narrative (2 and 3)- Doing Fable right now

    Kolbe Lit student and Teacher books 4-6 +/or Mensa Reading Challenge List


    K12HO 1, Ancients (some fables, etc thrown in)

    Geography MP Geo 1 workbook with atlas


    Finish any leftover Singapore 5b, Derek Owens PreA/ Alcumus

    Hands on Life Science (http://www.qualitysciencelabs.com/life-science-labs/), living books and bunny trails


    Lively Latin 2 (will finish LL1 this year)

    Logic Liftoff

    Khan Programming basics

    MP First Start French/ Rosetta Stone (did a soft year of "intro" French in 3rd)


    Swim team, 4H and piano lessons.


What's working (or not!) for you this year if you have a fifth grader?



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My oldest will be in fifth grade next year.  Here's what I have planned so far:


AAS 6/7

CAP W&R series starting with Fable

either MCT LA Town level or R&S English (depending on funds; we were given a few years of R&S English))


Beast Academy as it comes out, LOF Fractions & Decimals and Percents, plus other supplements until I feel she is ready to start Jousting Armadillos


Connecting With History Ancient History

Science is still up in the air


Visual Latin & Cambridge Latin

continue La Clase Divertida & ??


Various resources for faith formation, including catechism, saint stories, and Bible (with history)

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Do you have this yet?  It looks interesting.  I was looking for lab materials for middle school.  Do you have anything else specific planned for the year, as far as books, etc.?


I don't have it. I did email them for a lab book sample, and the labs look pretty well laid out and each lab contains some teaching. I asked around on a couple of lists, and the feed back I got (mostly on higher level lab kits) was positive.


I have CPO Life on my iPad and a copy of Exploring the Way Life Works. I have a library copy of Walch Power Basics Biology that dd wants to use as a spine, so I'll probably lead with labs and fill in with reading from those, living books and maybe some McHenry stuff. I'd like to take a look at the Campbell Biology with the lemur on the front. 



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In addition to our regular curriculum, I'm thinking about doing a science project. Basically everything but the poster because our local science fair starts with 6th grade and up. I want DS to come up with a project, design it, gather data, and keep a notebook. The the following year he'll have some experience and we can do a project for the actual fair.


We're also in search mode for a good natural spot to "own" and revisit regularly for next year. We don't get out much and when we do we check out new places. We've decided to have a spot we return to so we can see the changes over the year.

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I am enjoying reading all your lists.  Next year I will have a 5th grader on paper, but due to his LD he will only really be doing 3rd grade in action in most things though these lists are still giving me ideas.


The plan for him for next year is as follows:


Konos vol 1, character traits : orderliness, patience, stewardship and honor

R&S grammar 3

R&S spelling 3 and possibly start on 4


LLATL Yellow

AAR finish 2 and start 3

MUS Gamma

continue LoF elementary

Apologia elementary zoology 1 & 2

Online Literature class with our school board

Mission Monde 1

logic puzzles, logic links, perplexors

HWOT whatever book he is on when the new year starts


ETA: not sure of his extracurrics next year, likely swimming lessons, kuk sool won still and kids church.  But we will have to wait and see


Another ETA: I am not sure yet about starting latin. he has struggled with the English language so much and we only do French because he enjoys it and asks for it.  He has been asking about greek so we may do that and skip latin until he is older like the teens did.  Nature study will continue of course, and we have a medieval festival to attend in September so we will likely do a small unit study leading up to and for 1-2 weeks afterwards of medieval times but not a full study at this point of the era.  Both he and dd6 do better with unit studies rather than studying a time period for the whole year.

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If you don't mind religious materials, Rod and Staff's spelling 5 and 6 are excellent, strong courses. When mine finish 6 I consider them done with spelling. (R&S makes a 7 and 8 spelling book, but those are root based vocab.)




I'm not sure why, but every time I look at Rod and Staff, I think, "Well, MP uses it, and since I'm also doing Narrative, I could look at their Composition, if I look at their Composition I might as well look at the Grade 5 package" You know, a circular give-a-mouse-a cookie-kind of logic. I know I would end up tweaking. Rod and Staff's spelling layout does seem like it would work for dd.

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For next year 5th grade:


MATH: R&S Math 5/6 w/ some Singapore 5


LATIN: MP 2nd Form Latin



R&S English 5
MP Classical Composition Narrative 
AAS 7 (finish up)
CLE Reading 5
May use some lit guides from MP Grade 6 Lit
Apologia Zoology 3
Maps, Charts, & Graphs; MP US Review/ Geography I
Harmony Fine Arts
I may include typing, too. Usually we do a separate independent Bible curriculum, but with TOG Year 1 being so Bible heavy, we won't be doing that next year.
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I have a current 5th grader. Instead of listing out all the curriculum we use, which isn’t necessarily better than anything you’ve chosen I’ll offer the following thoughts.... 


I think the biggest thing I’ve noticed in fifth grade is that he really wants to be more independent. Anything I give him that shows him that I trust him more and am treating him as older is really appreciated. He really enjoys the Typing program and Alcumus online things he does, I think because it’s so self-directed. I also realize that I can’t just turn him loose, he needs a lot of discussion and he needs me keeping him accountable. So it’s often a fine line between figuring out when he needs to be given more freedom and when I need to be a bit more involved. 


Recently, he and I were discussing my overall goals for him. I told him that I see 1-4th grade as being the time to make sure you can read really well and that you have the basics of math down really solidly.High school I see as the time to be able to really prefect being able to learn and apply that knowledge on your own. I want him to be able to read a book or journal article or math text, take notes, remember what he learned and then use or apply that knowledge. 5-8th grade I see as being the time to help him get the skills needed to succeed in high school and beyond. He’s a very good reader, and thanks to SWB, good at summarizing/narration. Now we’re working on note-taking. I’m showing him outlining but also visual note taking and we’re talking about how he learns and remembers. I want him to learn how to study and what is effective for him.  WWS is beginning to give him the skills to write and express himself. I know that’s all sort of a restatement of WTM and the grammar/logic stages but it was helpful to me to think about broad goals instead of just the specific curriculum choices. And it helps him to see why I am making him take notes on what he’s reading. It’s not just to check off a “note-taking†box but so that he can really use that skill later. 


I have to say overall I’m really enjoying 5th grade. It’s just so fun being able to have much more nuanced and richer conversations about history and science and what he’s reading. I like puzzling over hard math problems with him or struggling through a tough Latin translation. I’m more cut out for this stage than the get down on the floor and do preschool crafts stage, which I’ve never been very good at. :) 

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I'm feeling we're going in a different direction next year for fifth, at least a little.  We're not even halfway through fourth though, since we started late this year and took an unexpected break.


For math...  ack.  No clue.  We had been doing BA and MM.  My MM boy is sick of MM.  My BA boy has been doing some other things on the side to make BA stretch out, but I'm sure we won't have any left to do for fifth.


For language arts, well, that I know...  continuing with Brave Writer.  One boy will likely be finished with all of All About Spelling by then (he's starting 6 soon and still moving pretty fast), but the other surely will not.  We'll continue with our required reading list and with doing short stories, which we've introduced this year.  I don't think we'll continue with MCT.  I've liked the Island level, but if we do Town, I'll put it off a year.


Arts and extras will likely stay the same - piano lessons, ballet for my ballet mad boy, soccer for both, Destination Imagination team.  We'll keep doing the Logic Liftoff series probably as well and playing many of the same practice and fun games like Bananagrams and 24.


And for everything else...  I have no clue.  My original plan was to go back and start over with the topics we did in first grade.  So that would be ancient history and physics.  But...  But, but, but.  I'm not feeling it at all.  And I am feeling like I want us to have more time to do more project based stuff.  So, I'm thinking about that and how we're going to do it.

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So glad to finally be able to participate in these kinds of threads.  This will be our first year at home, I will have one DS in 5th and one in a 6/7 mash-up.  I have spent inordinate amounts of time planning for the older kid, who is gifted, AS (and assorted other goodies), but not too much time planning for the younger one.  He is a competitive tennis player and would rather be hitting balls all day than doing schoolwork,  but he is excited to start homeschooling. 

Anyway, I have been trying to involve them in the planning and curriculum selection.  


Here is what we have so far for 5th:


MBTP 9-11:  I am thinking of starting with 2 full concepts, before committing to the whole year.  DS really liked the idea of no textbooks and having the social studies and science connect with the LA units.


Writing Tales 2


For vocab, someone gave me a copy of Wordly Wise 5, but I also have a couple of books from Scholastic Dollar Downloads that I like, including Vocabulary Words your 5th Grader Should Know.


Other LA:  Evan Moor Daily Paragraph Editing and Daily Reading Comprehension to use for morning work


He loves Geography so we will do a bunch of that, I have EM Daily Geo, some Scholastic stuff and Discovering the World of Geography.  


He chose Teaching Textbooks from the math programs I showed him--we will use TT6.  


Logic:  Building Thinking Skills 2, Mindbenders, Analogies


Foreign Language;  They have been taking Spanish at school, so we will continue that.  They use Duo Lingo for fun, we will continue that and possibly add something else for Spanish.


Music: Meet the Great Composers


Art:  Not sure 


I am sure this will change a few times before August :)


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DD will be 5th grade age next year, but will be doing mostly 6th grade work. Most of her stuff this year is 5th grade.


This year:

CLE Math 500

CHOW (for Middle Ages - Early Modern), SOTW4 (buzzing through history to start over next year)

Further Up and Further In (literature study, no science or social studies)

Easy Grammar and Daily Grams 5

Wordsmith Apprentice

Apples & Pears C

WP Equine Science

Getting Started with Latin

Breezin' Thru Theory (music theory)

poetry memorization

guitar lessons


horseback riding

Girl Scouts



Next year:

CLE Math 600 and/or Lial's BCM (haven't quite made up my mind on that one yet)

Oak Meadow Ancient Civilizations and English 6

Apples & Pears D

Galore Park Junior Science 3 and Ellen McHenry's Elements of Chemistry
poetry memorization
horseback riding
tumbling or swim team
music study of some kind, probably continuing guitar
Maybe: WWS1, Latin Prep 1


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My dd will be doing

Winston Grammar (neither one of us could stand FLL 4)

CAP W&R 3 and 4

Apples and Pears Spelling

Horizons Math

What Your 5th Grader Needs to KNow

Ambelside Literature

McGuffey Readers for practice reading aloud

LFC A - this turned out to be a huge hit!!!! My dd loves Latin!

Swim Team

Piano Lessons

Abeka Health book just read

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It looks like I will be back to work next year :thumbdown:  so we will likely go more packaged than normal for 5th grade. 



Memoria Press Year 6 - full curriculum 


Additional programs:


Saxon 76

Life of Fred Decimals


Elemental Science - Biology


Galore Park SYRWTL English Book 1

Kolbe Literature: Witch of Blackbird Pond, Heidi, Secret Garden, Wrinkle in Time


Skoldo French 2




Competitive gymnastics



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Very tentative plans for next year....


Math- Beast Academy / Life of Fred Intermediate/ Lots of living Math- maybe some MM pulled in when needed????


Writing- Writing and Rhetoric Bk 3 and 4+ ?? Maybe some Bravewriter Partnership Writing/Killgallon ??? We used WWE3 w/ WR1-2 but I don't want to use WWE4 and he is not ready for WWS. I'm considering using some BW w/ dd so I thought I might use some w/ ds as well.


Spelling- LoE Advanced Lists-- HTTS--- or RS Spelling



Grammar- MCT Town


Science- probably one of the McHenry books, GEMs guides-Rocks,  microscope work, rockets, programming, Stop Faking It Physics - Story of Science- Einstein(We've done a bit of everything this year and I would like to continue unless he develops some strong interest in one particular thing. I've thought about buying BFSU for a bit of a guideline but I'm not sure I'd use it.


History- Some US History- A Story of US- unit studies- still thinking about this, depends on where our interest takes us


Lit- lots of good books, various lists


Latin- GSWL




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For 5th grade next year:


Math - continue with MUS at her own pace (she is currently almost finished with Gamma), Daily Mental Math 5

Penmanship: copywork from something...she still has very sloppy handwriting

Writing: CAP W&R books 3 & 4

English: R&S 5

Spelling: R&S 5 (unless the new Spelling You See looks like it would work better)

Latin: FFL

History: Famous Men of the Middle Ages

Science: 30 minutes of reading about any topic of her choosing

Literature: 30-45 minutes of reading a Mom-approved book

Bible: MP Christian Studies III

Health: R&S 5

Music: choir, piano

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For dd10 next year we are tentatively planning:



MCT Town

Killgallon Story Grammar

Variety of literature (still working on that list)

Continue our daily writing block



Finish Singapore 5B

Start AOPS Pre-Algebra (or maybe something else to bridge the gap if I don't think she's quite ready)



K12 Human Odyssey 1

MP Geography

CPO Earth Science

Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way


Foreign Language

Continue Galore Park French 1 and start French 2 (So You Really Want to Learn French)

An additional French supplement (maybe Tell Me More??)


Fine Arts

Artistic Pursuits: Upper Elementary Book 1

Continue piano lessons

Continue harp lessons





We will also be working a lot on independence. We started doing a daily checklist this year, and I want to give her more independence next year. I want to be reading aloud to her less, but doing more literature discussions, science experiments, and Socratic discussions. We will also be working on study skills: reading from a textbook, outlining, trying to help her figure out what works for her to master and retain information, etc.

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VP Gospels



RightStart Geometry & VT Algebra combo



Spell to Write and Read

McCall Crabbs comprehension D/E

VP Lit. suggestions



Rod & Staff 7



Writing & Rhetoric 3/4

Writing With Skill 1



Latin for Children B/C


History & Literature:

VP Explorers to 1815 (Self-Paced)



MP Geography II



MP Science combo (Insects, Birds, Trees)



Suzuki violin

Christian karate



Edited (05/23/2014) to add...


Informal Logic:

Fallacy Detective

Thinking Toolbox





Also, leading up to our fifth grade year, I'll be sprinkling our summer with a few, light academics. To name just a couple: 


RightStart Fractions kit

Reading & Reasoning


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I am enjoying reading all your lists.  Next year I will have a 5th grader on paper, but due to his LD he will only really be doing 3rd grade in action in most things though these lists are still giving me ideas



Same here, pretty much. I considered DS1's 3rd grade year to be more a gap year since he had so much catching up to do...so he's a 5th grader next year, for all intents and purposes.


Here are my very tentative plans for him.


K's Curriculum:


English - Ambleside Y3 (lots of audiobooks and read-alouds) + Lots of Level large print chapter books and graphic novels. Begin independent reading from Tales from Shakespeare, maybe do a real aloud from a modern translations of a Shakespeare play.

Spelling - Steck-Vaughn Level 3 (he is doing well with Level 2 this year, so I think we'll stick with this.)

History - Finish up SotW 2, start SotW 3. Begin Charlotte Mason's Elementary Geography (this is a big maybe for me.)

Math - Saxon 6/5  + Kumon Grade 5 workbooks + Number Charts + Mom-made worksheets + USSR Olympiad OR The Moscow Puzzles (looking into these.)

Science - RS4K Elementary Physics + Manga Guide to Physics + Some experiments from Science Olympiad sites (maybe) + Lego Technic building projects with Dad.

Spanish - Fluent Forever + Immersion w/ DVDs and books + My First Bilingual Readers Level C (this is a maybe.) + Tutoring from a native speaker (figuring this out.)

Penmanship - Finish up HWT Cursive Handwriting, start HWT Cursive Success + Daily Copywork

Art - Currently looking into a graphic design program for him. Any ideas?

Music - Guitar Lessons

PE - Taekwondo

Character - Turning this over to DH next year.




I have decided not start grammar or writing next year. I have also decided that he is not going to start another language next year, at least not a formal study. The big goals for next year are:

  1. More independent reading.
  2. More actual reading (cutting down on the amount of graphic novels and audiobooks to a reasonable level.)
  3. No more readers (he loves Step Into Reading and DK's Star Wars and Clone Wars Readers...but he will be 11 soon and I think it is time for him to move on to other things.
  4. Continue to make progress in math and science.
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5th grader here next year too... preplanning and starting to purchase things -


Horizons math 5

Rod & Staff Grammar 5

All About Spelling 7

Writing - methods in IEW and WTM applied to content subjects

First Form Latin

Science in the Beginning

Ancients for history - making our own plans

Art - I'm leaning towards the See the Light drawing program


Still thinking about things and finalizing my shopping list.

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I have a current 5th grader. Instead of listing out all the curriculum we use, which isn’t necessarily better than anything you’ve chosen I’ll offer the following thoughts.... 


I think the biggest thing I’ve noticed in fifth grade is that he really wants to be more independent. Anything I give him that shows him that I trust him more and am treating him as older is really appreciated. He really enjoys the Typing program and Alcumus online things he does, I think because it’s so self-directed. I also realize that I can’t just turn him loose, he needs a lot of discussion and he needs me keeping him accountable. So it’s often a fine line between figuring out when he needs to be given more freedom and when I need to be a bit more involved. 


Recently, he and I were discussing my overall goals for him. I told him that I see 1-4th grade as being the time to make sure you can read really well and that you have the basics of math down really solidly.High school I see as the time to be able to really prefect being able to learn and apply that knowledge on your own. I want him to be able to read a book or journal article or math text, take notes, remember what he learned and then use or apply that knowledge. 5-8th grade I see as being the time to help him get the skills needed to succeed in high school and beyond. He’s a very good reader, and thanks to SWB, good at summarizing/narration. Now we’re working on note-taking. I’m showing him outlining but also visual note taking and we’re talking about how he learns and remembers. I want him to learn how to study and what is effective for him.  WWS is beginning to give him the skills to write and express himself. I know that’s all sort of a restatement of WTM and the grammar/logic stages but it was helpful to me to think about broad goals instead of just the specific curriculum choices. And it helps him to see why I am making him take notes on what he’s reading. It’s not just to check off a “note-taking†box but so that he can really use that skill later. 


I have to say overall I’m really enjoying 5th grade. It’s just so fun being able to have much more nuanced and richer conversations about history and science and what he’s reading. I like puzzling over hard math problems with him or struggling through a tough Latin translation. I’m more cut out for this stage than the get down on the floor and do preschool crafts stage, which I’ve never been very good at. :)


Thank you for sharing this, Alice. I agree with you - I find this stage so much easier than the messy preschool crafty stage.


I like how you divided up the goals for each stage - that's very helpful for me. I'm starting to see a little more independence in my daughter and I think that's what we'll be working on in 5th and 6th. It seems strange to be thinking about how I won't have to sit there for every. single. subject.... :)


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Changed a few things already.  Here's our new line-up:


AAS 6/7

CAP W&R series starting with Fable

English Lessons Through Literature 4


Beast Academy as it comes out, MEP 5, LOF Fractions & Decimals and Percents, plus other supplements until I feel she is ready to start Jousting Armadillos


Connecting With History volume 1 Ancient History

Harcourt Science Grade 6


Visual Latin combined with Cambridge Latin or Lingua Latina

Getting Started with Spanish and ?? (readers and something with a listening/maybe speaking component)


Various resources for faith formation, including catechism, saint stories, and Bible (with history)

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Just starting to plan here. Tentatively...


Math: continue to slowly work through BA, Khan Academy and LOF percents and decimals/fractions

Science: elemental science biology logic stage


LA: not sure here. Finishing MCT Island so maybe Town?, finishing WWE1 maybe WWS, LoE with advanced list, maybe Bravewriter


History: not sure here either. HO was a fail here but if I can get it cheap, I might just use it as a jumping off point


Spanish: looking for options


Extras: she does dance and Girl Scouts. Perhaps tumbling or gymnastics.

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Ah, I need to write some things down.


History: OUP Ancients (might also use K12 Human Odyssey. I am getting a used copy just in case)

Science: Hakim's Story of Science to tie in with history, plus a bunch of other science stuff. We're very science-oriented here but it's part of our lives rather than as a curriculum. Probably McHenry's Brain curriculum.

Math: No clue. BA as it comes out but I've already started to move on. I suspect we'll be doing our own thing, supplementing with BA, and then probably starting Jousting Armadillos by January.

Writing: Bravewriter, plus a bunch of other stuff. This needs to be a major focus this year!!

Grammar: Finishing MCT Town, maybe Grammar Revolution

Spelling/Vocabulary: Megawords 2 (we've already finished MW 1 and LoE regular and advanced words) and MCT CE

Foreign Language: Spanish or French, for real. We've dabbled in Spanish (I'm fluent but clearly a slacker), but she wants to learn French.

Geography: MCP Maps, Charts G (and probably H; she flies through these) and more Mapping the World by Art (McHenry)


Extras: Aerial silks/trapeze/lyra, acrobatic tumbling, swimming, stilting, unicycling, horseback riding, pottery, sewing

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It feels like yesterday that I was so excited to have my first 5th grader and felt "allowed" to read this logic board :) and now I'll have my second 5th grader this fall!


He will be doing:


MM 5

R&S English and Spelling 5

Narrations, 1-level outlines across curriculum and lit. essays

Logic Countdown

Science in the Beginning with younger sibs

World Empires, World Missions, World Wars (with siblings)

Various art projects, journal, Bible memory & piano lessons

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I have just started thinking about it, but here is my current list:


Math - Singapore 5A and 5B with IP and CWP

Language Arts - R&S 5, CW Homer, SWO F and part of G, literary selections from library resources

Latin - Latin for Children B

Logic - probably MindBenders B series and more Rush Hour games

History - Middle Ages / Renaissance - not sure what I'll use

Science - I'll probably let him choose and then use whatever we have on the topic

Art - more projects from artprojectsforkids.org

Music - piano lessons and ??

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My oldest is in 5th this year.  We are using the following.


Math: Singapore 5A/B, Life of Fred Fractions & Decimals/Percents


History/Geography: Began the year with History Revealed cds, then moved on to Mystery of History Vol. 1, plus Canadian history using Barbara Greenwood's books and Dickie's My First History of Canada, Voskamp's Explore the World, Benge biographies


Science: living books, such as Michael Faraday, The Story of Inventions, etc.


LA: Jump In, Daily Grammar Practice 4 (completed), Language Lessons Through Literature 3, Dictation Day by Day, McGuffey's 3rd Reader, My Book House Volumes 4, 5 & 6, cursive copywork, narrations across the board


Bible: ESV daily reading, Beechick's Genesis book, How the Bible Came to Us, Victor Journey Through the Bible


Character: Wise Words, Tiger & Tom, Boyhood and Beyond


Lit: Anything he can get his hands on


Other: Hey Andrew! ... Greek!, Home Art Studio 4, Scratch programming, Taekwondo, typing, and starting a Minecraft Homeschooling class later this month


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Oh man, I have no idea. You guys have freaked me out so I have come up with a tentative plan. 


Math - Jump Math, LOF Fractions/Decimals and Percents

History - History Odyssey Ancients 2 Pandia Press

Spelling Apples & Pears C/D

Writing - WWS

Grammar - no idea

French - Galore Park finish SYRWTLF, Rosetta Stone, Learn French with Alexa Podcasts/videos
Science - Pandia Press Biology 2 and Ellen McHenry's The Brain
Logic Liftoff
Vocabulary - CE1
This year I chose to do the subjects above and then added one elective type of program per day so I may do this again. My ideas are: 
Classical Studies - Famous Men of Rome
History of Science - Hakim's Story of Science
Geography - no idea
Art/music - no idea
Maybe photography, architecture, or gardening (something that peaks her interest)
I don't know if I want to start Latin again or just focus completely on French. 
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Here's what my 5th grade daughter will be doing:


Continue piano lessons

Artistic Pursuits

Mystery of History - we're spreading Vol I-III over 2 years so we'll do all of Vol I and most of Vol II

Science in the Ancient World

Math Mammoth

Progeny Press lit guides - Shadow Spinner, Door in the Wall, Shiloh, Anne of Green Gables

Wordsmith Apprentice

Daily Grams

All About Spelling

Wordly Wise

Building Thinking Skills Level 1 & Mind Benders

Typing Instructor

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Ahhh...my thread for DD is in the Logic Stage board! :ohmy:


Here's what I am thinking so far:


Math: CLE 500s

History: Ancients with MOH 1 + related lit (selections from the MOH list plus my own list)

Grammar:  Finish MCT Island if we're not done with it (just started that last month), then MCT Town if we are still grooving with MCT. If not MCT then I have no idea!

Writing: CAP Writing and Rhetoric books 3 & 4, plus the writing in MCT if we are still continuing with that.

Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting F (at DD's request)

Spelling: Not sure...we'll probably have a few LoE advanced lists to finish...then maybe use the Dictation Resource Book? Plus some work on word roots -- maybe with MCT/Ceasar's English or maybe with another program

Science: Most unsure about this.  I want to take a good look at Wile's Science in the Ancient World when that comes out.  She will do nature study along with whatever else we are doing.


We'll also continue with our 2x/month co-op. guitar lessons, 4-H, and she'll either be continuing the recreational gymnastics class or doing some other physical activity if she gets tired of gymnastics.


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My fifth grader:



Atelier Art Level 6



Considering LLATL Purple.  

CAP Writing & Rhetoric books 2 & 3, maybe start on 4?



I'll be going through SOTW 4 with his younger brother, so he'll listen in on that and add to it



Latin for Children B



MUS Epsilon

Family Math





Foreign Language:

japanese.  Probably just going to do some stuff online this year.



Red Herrings


Bible/World Religions/Ethics



Evan Moor Antarctica, Europe, and Asia



his reading list for next year: From the Earth to the Moon, Tarzan of the apes (and others), The Dash for Khartoum, The Princess of Mars (and others), Wells Brothers: young cattle Kings, Hospital Sketches, and the Hobbit

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DS1's 5th grade plans next year (Eek!):


Math: Finish up AoPS Prealgebra, start Intro to Algebra possibly toward the end of the year.


LA: Hake Grammar 6, Writing With Skill 1, taken at a slow pace as needed. R&S Spelling 5. TOG Y1 UG or D literature (probably start UG and bump up sometime during the year).


Foreign language: Finish Lively Latin 1 and move into 2.


History: TOG Y1 D (easing into the questions, though I think he's ready for the questions on this topic).


Science: Finish Science in the Beginning and move into Science in Ancient Times.


I've definitely seen a move toward independence this year! It's exciting! :D

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Fifth Grade...Wow....Scary! I've been thinking about this for a while and this is my tentative plan. We are year-round homeschoolers and start the next thing whenever we finish up what we're on (which is a bunch of stuff all at once right now - over $400 worth to order from RR in the next few weeks...oy). These plans will firm up as we go through the year.



Singapore - hoping to be in 4B by fall

Timed Math Facts drills

LOF - working through the elementary series with all the girls. It's more of a fun/reinforcement thing really.


Language Arts:

LLATL - hoping to start the Purple book before Christmas.

Spelling Power

Literature lists from SCM

English from the Roots Up (Family Subject)

Poet study

I'd like to go through a Shakespeare play this year. Starting with Lamb's version and working up to watching a performance. Haven't chosen one yet.

More writing - working up to writing 1 summary/narration every day

Also thinking about trying out Total Language Plus literature guides. Still need to do some research on how these work, how long it takes to get through one, etc. to figure out if it would be a good fit and help us achieve our goals.


Science (Family Subject):

Science in the Beginning

Apologia Exploring Creation with Botany (to go along with our gardening season - I'm so tired of snow!)

(Starting both of these in the next month or so and I'm not really sure where we'll be by fall or what I'll do after these. Land Animals, Chemistry & Physics, Anatomy, Science in Ancient Times.....I'll probably let the kids choose)


History (Family Subject):

Diana Waring History Revealed - should be in Romans, Reformers, and Revolutionaries by fall


Geography (Family Subject):

US geography - making up my own thing


Bible (Family Subject):

Apologia Who Is God?


SCM Scripture memory lists


Foreign Language (Family Subject):

Spanish - La Clase Divertida Level 2

Thinking about getting Rosetta Stone also



Piano lessons

Music theory

Composer Study



Artist/Picture Study

Art class if we can swing it, otherwise I'm not sure. She loves art so I need to figure out something if we can't afford the art class. Ideas?



Planning on swimming lessons but again it comes down to finances

Crocheting/Sewing (She's very crafty so I want to make more time for these new interests. Not things I'm good at but we have friends and family who can help us out.)



This list looks crazy long but we don't do all of these things every day and some of them, like composer, artist, and poet study are rotated on a monthly basis. I also have no plans for logic or latin yet. I'm not sure if I'll start those in 5th or wait. I'd love others' thoughts on my plan or success/failures with the materials I've chosen! Nothing is set in stone yet and I still have some research to do. :)


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I've made changes already based on what DD wants to work on and some of the ideas from your posts... Thanks!

Snowed in and probably should be doing something more productive than looking 8 months out... Anyhow, what all are you all doing for 5th grade? Here's what we are planning- I would appreciate any thoughts on my language arts if it is too much/ not enough/ or if something else you've used would work better:


  Plaid Phonics or Spelling Workout or Logic of English list 2 (we're doing LoE this year- not sure where to place her in another program, but I think she needs another year of spelling.) Probably learn spellings from vocab words/ roots with LoE list 2 as a back up plan.


MP Grammar Recitation 2  workbook I just received a used copy of the Holt Handbook (Warriner's) Introductory level and will probably do the Sentences (diagramming) and Mechanics sections.


Caesar’s English 1 Vocabulary from Classical Roots not sure of which level.


CAP Narrative (2 and 3)- Doing Fable right now


Kolbe Lit student and Teacher books 4-6 +/or Mensa Reading Challenge List with weekly WTM-style Literature assignment sheet I wrote up, and first half of Figuratively Speaking.


K12HO 1, Ancients  (fables, bible stories with Lit)


Geography MP Geo 1 workbook with atlas Reading and Exploring Maps Ancient Civilizations


Select History Detective World History assignments


Finish any leftover Singapore 5b, Derek Owens PreA/ Alcumus (may look at AoPS PreA. She's doing well with Alcumus and Doliciani right now)


Hands on Life Science (http://www.qualitysciencelabs.com/life-science-labs/), living books and bunny trails Still debating this. I want something open and go, she wants to do life science.


Lively Latin 2 (will finish LL1 this year)


MP First Start French/ Rosetta Stone (did a soft year of "intro" French in 3rd) May wait a year to add this, depending on how much time we spend on science. I own both already.


Logic Liftoff


Khan Programming basics might look at a class. She's moving through Khan's Java and Scratch with "Super Scratch Programming Adventure" pretty steadily right now.


Swim team, 4H and piano lessons. Might do the local Art and Theater classes again. She's enjoying them right now.


What's working (or not!) for you this year if you have a fifth grader?





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-homemade architecture course - HUGE hit with this ds. I only hope next year's plans can keep him half as excited and engaged as this.





I'm curious about your homemade course.  I checked your website to see if there was more about this course.  I saw what materials you were using and was wondering if you have a schedule set up.  I have access to most of those through my ILL.  My ds would love this as well.




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I'm curious about your homemade course. I checked your website to see if there was more about this course. I saw what materials you were using and was wondering if you have a schedule set up. I have access to most of those through my ILL. My ds would love this as well.




Those plans are only on paper in his architecture binder, and I lost track of how many extras we added after that blog post. I spent last summer watching the DVDs, reading the books, scrounging up more materials, and looking up projects and ideas online. I used Building Big's 5 major topics as my guide and kept a running list of ideas for each one. Then I tackled scheduling one topic at a time. We included gobs of hands on projects, but ds has set up the majority by himself or with his big sister. They clean them up too. If I had to help run projects they wouldn't have happened nearly as often...lol.

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I have been running around this morning posting on the K, 1st, 3rd and now 5th grade threads. I will be teaching 4 grades with a 3yo in tow next year. :svengo: This year has been great - our best year yet. I think next year will be fine too, but I am a little scared.


Here is the 5th grade plan:


AoPS Pre Algebra


Latin Prep 1


Language Lessons Through Literature 5 (if it is released by fall)


TOG Year 2: History (ug), Literature (D), Geography, and Writing


WWS 2??? not sure if we will start or wait a year


interest led science starting with The Elements


La Clase Divertida 2








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5th grade visual-spatial learner


Math: Art of Problem Solving Pre-Algebra


Science:  Cells  â€“ Ellen McHenry,  Engineering Everywhere units – Urban Landscapes, Insulated Homes (with older brother), Engineering Adventures units – Rockets and Rovers, Bubble Wands, Aid Drop Packages, Earthquakes, Recycled Racers, Invasive Species (with younger sister), Chemistry – Ellen McHenry 


Computer: Codeacademy, Typing (up to 50 wpm)



History: Documentary-focused early modern world history with McDougal Little Modern World History book and the A People’s History of American Empire by Zinn.


Geography:  Africa (countries and culture) unit study


Language Arts:  Classical Writing Aesop B, Rod and Staff English 4, NaNoWriMo, Handwriting, AVKO Individualized Spelling, Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Grade 5 – Blue, Movies as Literature (with brother), Practice visualizing chapter books (Trumpet of the Swan, Old Yeller, Tuck Everlasting, Anne of Green Gables, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Cheaper by the Dozen, Wizard of Ox, I Am David, The Call of the Wild, Black Arrow, Little Women, War of the Worlds, The Prince and the Pauper, Around the World in 80 Days, Return of the King)


Foreign Language:  Alif Baa, New Practical Chinese Reader 1, Contacts by Valette, Learn French with Vincent on Youtube Unit 1, DuoLingo, Athenaze 1


PE:  Running, Swimming, Nutrition and Fitness study


Fine Arts:  Mel Bay guitar, Music Ace Deluxe, The Phonics of Drawing 


Bible:  52 names of God study, OT types and shadows study


Logic: Orbiting with Logic, Grid Perplexors, Philosophy for Kids

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CAP's God's Covenant Old Testament



TT Pre-Algebra

Life of Fred Kidneys, Liver & Mindshaft



Analytical Grammar Season 1


Language Arts

MCT's Ceasar's English I

MCT's Building Poems OR MP's Poetry for the Grammar Stage






MP's Latinia Christiana I


History & Literature

Sonlight Core G includes SOTW 1 & 2

Mystery of History Vol 1 & 2



Mapping Geography with Art by Emily J. McHenry



Sonlight Core F (A&P)

The Brain by Emily J. McHenry



Meet the Composers Book 1 & 2

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Annnnd just when I have everything lined up, DD has a mental jump and I have to change things around. So, new plan!


Some of this we are already doing, other stuff will start later:


Math: Lial's BCM, Key to Fractions, Key to Decimals

Grammar: FLL4, Daily Grams 5

Spelling: Phonetic Zoo

Writing: CAP Writing & Rhetoric, MBtP 9-11 poetry

Literature: Further Up and Further In (no science or social studies)

History: SOTW4

Science: WP Equine Science, Galore Park Junior Science 3

Music: guitar lessons, Breezin' Thru Theory

PE: tumbling (3-5 hours a week), horseback riding

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This is what we are looking at for 5th grade. Really, much of this we are doing now and will continue doing next year too.


Math: LOF Intermediate (finishing now) then Fractions and Decimals & Percents, he'll also continue to work through Beast Academy as it becomes available.


Language: Bravewriter Lifestyle has been working wonderfully so we'll stick with it. This year we started BW The Arrow and have found a good routine for working through the issues. I'd like to tackle adding in the writing projects in BWs Partnership Writing to our routine next. We've also just begun CAP's Fable book which my son loves so we will probably follow that up with Narrative Book 1 & 2. We tried, and greatly disliked, MCT so I am not sure if we will add a grammar component or not, or just stick with this lineup. He loves to write so he wants to learn to type so he can write faster so I've got to find something for that.


Latin: My son begged for Latin several months back and is still loving Visual Latin so we'll keep plugging away with that. I'd guess partway through 5th he'll finish up and then he wants to move onto another language.


Science: He wants to do some kind of earth science. We've been looking at different things and he really likes the look of Elemental Science, but would like to add more than just one science project because he loves that kind of thing.


History: We've always listened to all volumes of SOTW each year and pulled out topics of interest to study in depth as something sparks an interest (be that from SOTW or a book I read aloud or a random tidbit of info he picks up). This has worked very well for him so we will do it again. I might add The Story of Us before we cycle back through because he seems pretty interested in American history right now.


Art: A big focus to our day is art. My son wants to be an author & illustrator one day so I feed this with plenty of time for polishing up his technique. We are doing an illustrator study this year, and will continue to work through a few books we have around here that will explore different techniques & mediums.


Geography: He seemed interested in Mapping Geography with Art so we might add that to our lineup too.


Logic: I'd love something here - any suggestions???

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I'm somewhat freaking out about planning for a 5th grader next year. I feel like things should be be noticeably harder but I'm less sure how to do that, especially since he and his then-3rd-grade brother do a lot together now and the younger brother won't be ready for the same things.


What I think I'll do:

Singapore 5 (TB, WB, IP) and Beast Academy level 4

MCT Town Level

Spellingbee.com's prep materials

Connecting with History/Story of the World renaissance years, maybe getting up to 1700, depending on how far we get this year

Science: BFSU finish vol 1/start vol 2/lots of independent stuff

Geography: continuing Beautiful Feet's HCH study


There have got to be some missing things in there. Mainly, I think I want to incorporate more writing into history and science, maybe some beginning note-taking, since right now we primarily read and discuss books for history in particular. 


For extracurriculars, there will be Cub Scouts and Lego Robotics team, with homeschool gym & swim when the weather stinks and maybe indoor climbing team if I can convince him that he'd love it.

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Looks like my 5th grader will be doing:


MM 6

Jousting Armadillos

Maybe start AOPS Prealgebra


Caesars's English


Fluenz Chinese + tutor

GSWS and other Spanish resources


Irish dance

Violin, viola, and piano


Things I am still considering: local art class, something formal for grammar/writing/literature, Science? We have a variety of resources, I might just let her choose. History we do mostly informally as a family, next year should be Middle Ages. She likes to read and has been on a Tolkien kick, currently reading the Silmarillion. I am considering doing LLTLoTR with her.

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