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nm not very interesting topic


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I spent 20 minutes scrubbing my sink.... but the darn thing shines now.

I put off unpacking from our (just after new years day) move, again.

My DD has listened to the same playlist 20 times in the last two days and it's making me crazy!

I can't wait for the premiere of Sherlock's season three.... actually that's kind of exciting.

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In a few days, 50% of my children will be adults.


Over the Christmas holidays, older siblings took our youngest to see Frozen twice. She has been singing and acting out the movie since. The other day she informed me that I needed to see the movie so that I could understand her better, so I went today. She was right. Lol!


I finished Jericho yesterday and I wish there were more seasons.

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My driver's license expired two months ago. I went to the tag agency today but . . . Why do tag agencies close at noon on Saturday???


Do they all do that all the time or is this a conspiracy against ME?


I was thinking about starting a thread asking when ppl shower . . . Morning, afternoon, night?


Yours is probably more interesting than that, right?

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In a few days, 50% of my children will be adults.


Over the Christmas holidays, older siblings took our youngest to see Frozen twice. She has been singing and acting out the movie since. The other day she informed me that I needed to see the movie so that I could understand her better, so I went today. She was right. Lol!


I finished Jericho yesterday and I wish there were more seasons.


YouTube "Frozen". Disney put tons of extras up. My kids and I watch Let It Go every morning, and our computers background is a GIF of Olaf running into our computer screen.

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I am tired of my messy "school room" and decided to clean it up and make better use of the space. Today I moved everything around.. desks, book shelves, clutter. Now I have more of a mess than when I started.

. Well you're ahead of me. I need to move things around and make better use of space, but I have no idea how to make it all work. So it's just sitting there taunting me.
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What in the world is "AMDG" supposed to mean???? And there is another one - YOLO or something close maybe?????

No idea what AMDG means... I thought it might be an alternative to OMG? Ahh, my dear....?


YOLO means you only live once. So drive recklessly, binge drink, do stupid stuff. Silly.


The one I have to look up all the time is BAMF. I keep thinking about the Ski resort in Canada.



And... I clicked on this because I was curious. Lol. I shower whenever. In the summer sometimes morning and night, or in the middle of the day after a run. In the winter less often. If I am leaving the house in the morning I shower in the morning because it wakes me up. And little boy is often due for a shower too. But if I am feeling stinky I will shower at night before hopping into bed. Seldom do I shower twice a day in winter, it is usually one or the other.


Wow! I can write a lot about the uninteresting shower topic.

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Today is my birthday.  :)  I am 47, which is a particularly uninteresting age.

I beg to differ!  47 is a prime number, and that makes it exciting!  :)


My dog gets nothing to eat today because the food I fed him yesterday was too rich and aggravated his propensity to pancreatitis, making him vomit.


My ds cut paint chips (you know, the kind you get for free at the hardware store) into spirals that can hang like a wind sock.


I may let the $10 Kohls cash I have expire if I don't feel inspired to go Monday.  I sorta hate that store.  There's so much wifi I wander in circles and leave with a headache.


My mom just turned 60.


My p-butter chip and chocolate chunk cookie bars flopped.  Turns out no one likes p-butter cookies.  Should have eaten the chips plain, like y'all said.  


I returned the Christmas present dh gave me.

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Today is my birthday.  :)  I am 47, which is a particularly uninteresting age.


Happy birthday. 


You are just five more then the answer to everything. (42)


I think that's a hilarious combination.


Why thank you, ... I think. 


I know, I was trying SO hard to walk away from that one.   :smilielol5: 


See two uninteresting things can make an interesting combination. 

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I've got 3 bananas sitting on the counter going very brown.  I keep promising to make banana bread.  My sister and her family will be here soon, so the unpacking I've been putting off for two weeks quickly got shoved into the guest room(but my house is now clean).  My dd is still listening to the same playlist, only now it's on her phone (with earbuds) thank goodness!

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I like being flat chested and would like it better if I were entirely flat chested. 


I prefer spending bra money on eBooks.


I resent spending money on bras that could be spent on an eBook, but even as small as I am, I jiggle when I run. Most of the time I just let myself jiggle. One of the reasons I always wear black t-shirts is because I so seldom have a bra on underneath, and even wet--I'm a sweaty girl-- they are not see through.


Body hair and jiggly chest are things I want to talk the creator about someday. Were they really necessary? Really? These are not design flaws?

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I like being flat chested and would like it better if I were entirely flat chested. 


I prefer spending bra money on eBooks.


I resent spending money on bras that could be spent on an eBook, but even as small as I am, I jiggle when I run. Most of the time I just let myself jiggle. One of the reasons I always wear black t-shirts is because I so seldom have a bra on underneath, and even wet--I'm a sweaty girl-- they are not see through.


Body hair and jiggly chest are things I want to talk the creator about someday. Were they really necessary? Really? These are not design flaws?


What I wouldn't do to be flat chested! I'm HUGE! My daughter was huge too but she had a b00ks reduction done the end of November. She is the perfect size now. I keep telling DH that if I lose enough weight to be a candidate for the reduction surgery (and find the nerve) that I'm just going to have them take everything off.

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My nephew (3 y.o.) visited yesterday.... I had forgotten what having a toddler in the house REALLY means.  I am over my "I want another baby" phase (for now).

For your entertainment.... while being watched pretty well I think, he managed to:

spill his milk all over the counter and floor, put his hands in the toilet to remove the Clorox cling gel, and unplugged my glade then re-plugged back in upside down so my hallway smells really, really good now (the plug in is also empty.)  I told my husband "well at least he didn't draw on anything this time" yeah, I was wrong. 

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What I wouldn't do to be flat chested! I'm HUGE! My daughter was huge too but she had a b00ks reduction done the end of November. She is the perfect size now. I keep telling DH that if I lose enough weight to be a candidate for the reduction surgery (and find the nerve) that I'm just going to have them take everything off.


I had trouble with sore breasts (long story) and thought seriously about a reduction. But the pain went away thanks to evening primrose oil supplements. 


I am small, with big breasts. 5 foot 7, 120 pounds and I'm a 32 H. 


:confused1: H as in bigger then a D, E, F, and G.


I'm not use to my new bra and it is irrating. 

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What do you get when you cross an agnostic, a dyslexic, and an insomniac?


Someone who lies awake at night wondering if there really is a dog. :smilielol5:


I am bored.  I usually have choir practice on Monday nights, but it's a holiday and the CC is closed.  I thought about going to the gym, but it's zumba night and I have white girl rhythm.

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I went to a chiropractor today. He was kinda weird, and now my neck really hurts. Wondering if it was worth ALL that money and time. Hmmmm




Why use AMDG? Is it supposed to be used after you do something..for Gods glory, or are you hoping what you are doing is for his glory?... Why not just say, I'm doing such and such for Gods glory. I so don't understand this. :p Is it only supposed to be used by Catholics who know Latin ?


I'm done. My life is pretty dull tonight.

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I started and have not completed three "projects" around the house today. What I *have* accomplished is making a BIG mess.


Typing on my phone so don't feel like deleting. Make that FOUR projects. :(


The reason I started... To try to clean up some of the mess!!!


This does not include the shredding and reorganizing files project I've been picking away at for the past week, so that is still out and not completely put away yet, either.

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Ad marjorem Dei gloriam, AMDG, is the Latin motto of the Jesuits (The Catholic Society of Jesus) and it means "For the greater glory of God".


So for this thread it means "For the greater glory of God", I went to renew my drivers license and couldn't because they were closed?

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