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Someone broke into my house today...


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...while I was at home.  :(  


I was upstairs (posting on the forum actually) and heard a noise.  I called out "hello?" in case it was my husband but no answer.  About 5-10 minutes later I heard someone open and close the back door.  I called my husband and he stayed on the phone with me while I locked the doors and drove to the police station.  When the police came back with me, the front door was unlocked, which means that someone may have still been in the house when I left.  Most of the closets in the house were opened, and a light had been turned on.  I am so creeped out right now!  I know now that I should have stayed in my room and called 911 but I was so focused on getting out of there ASAP that I wasn't thinking clearly.


Fortunately, nothing seems to be missing - not that we have much - and I am not hurt or anything, just scared.  


I am now SO SO grateful that we won that ridiculous electric car today (http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/498821-i-need-help-with-gratitude-christmas-windfall/ )  because it meant that I had left the kids with my mother while I picked it up and they were not playing downstairs when the person broke in.  Everything works out for the best I guess.



I feel certain that angels were with me today.   



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:grouphug:  What an awful feeling!  I am so glad you got out safely.


This happened to our neighbor while my daughter was playing at her house.  When the neighbor heard a noise upstairs she thought my daughter hadn't actually left the house and was hiding.  She confronted the guy with a golf club while her two little ones were downstairs. She was very fortunate that at that point he just wanted out of the house.

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Good heavens!  I'm so glad you're okay!  That must have been so scary.  I think it's a good thing you got out of there, instead of staying and calling 911.  I'm also thankful your kids weren't there.  


If you don't have these, I highly suggest you get them.  We got them because Han Solo can unlock our doors and we needed some extra protection.  They are inexpensive and easy to install.  They absolutely cannot be opened from the outside and it would take some serious force to push them out of the casing.  I keep them latched all day to keep Han Solo (and the dogs) from getting out.  When James Bond gets home, we have to open it for him, and then we latch it right back.  I feel much more secure with them on the doors, especially when James Bond is gone for a while.

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Thankfully, this intruder was not violent. One must assume, that if someone enters a home, without permission, that they could become very violent, including rape and murder. You were very lucky. This would be a good time for you to talk with the Crime Prevention Officer of your local Police Department, to learn about ways you can make your home more secure. I think locking the door of the room you were in, and quietly calling the P.D. (911) would have been a good move for you, but hindsight is 20-20 and what one does in an emergency is not always the safest thing that they should do. People react differently, to emergency situations.


Military personnel, police officers, ambulance workers, airline pilots, etc., are trained for the stress of emergency situations, but "normal" people do not have that training and how they  react, if faced with an emergency, is variable.


When Directv Colombia carried FoxNewsChannel, some years ago, they had a young woman on who had written a book about teaching safety to girls. The name of it might be "Just Yell FIre".  My impression is that it might be better to yell "Fire" if there is an emergency, than to yell "Polie" or "Help" or something else. It might jolt the attackers head and cause them to be distracted....

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When Directv Colombia carried FoxNewsChannel, some years ago, they had a young woman on who had written a book about teaching safety to girls. The name of it might be "Just Yell FIre".  My impression is that it might be better to yell "Fire" if there is an emergency, than to yell "Polie" or "Help" or something else. It might jolt the attackers head and cause them to be distracted....

Usually they tell you to yell "Fire" or even "Help" instead of yelling "Rape" because unfortunately more people are likely to get involved.  

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Your story has been in the back of my mind all day. Is it possible that the electric car win and the break-in are related? Did someone at the electric car place assume your home would be empty when everyone went to pick up the car -- not guessing that you'd stay home?


Just a thought.


I'm really sorry this happened to you and so glad it had a positive outcome.



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Your story has been in the back of my mind all day. Is it possible that the electric car win and the break-in are related? Did someone at the electric car place assume your home would be empty when everyone went to pick up the car -- not guessing that you'd stay home?



I was wondering that too. There was a scam going on around here where people entered contests. The scammers checked out the addresses to see which ones would make for the best "heist". Those were the winners. When the winners came to get their prizes, they came home to robbed houses. I wonder if they thought you'd already be gone.......

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