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Would you pray for me? I'm worried

plain jane

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I don't want to go into too many details on a public forum but I could really use some prayers.  I was in the hospital a few days last week with my child who had surgery.  I was uber careful while there to the point of being anal about hand washing and germ control.  However, I did have to pump for my youngest and tried to b-feed when I can.  There were many sleepless nights- I probably got 2 hours of sleep for several nights in a row.


We are home now but my prayer request is two-fold.  I was getting dressed to get some groceries and noticed a lump on my breast- plugged duct.  It's red and the size of a pea.  Ugh.  I can massage it in hot water and it goes away to almost nothing but 5 min later it's back to being pea sized.   :sad:   I haven't had a plugged duct since my 3rd child but I know what to do but have some issues.  My LO is having issues nursing all of a sudden and that's not helping things.  No matter what I do I simply can't get this one to nurse well. :(  Also, I am freaked out that because I was recently in the hospital this can lead to mastitis and a bad case at that due to whatever microbes I could have been exposed to on the surgery recovery ward.  :thumbdown:   I'm a total worrier at heart and this has me  :willy_nilly:  (many websites say mastitis can work out on its own ok, but if you've recently been in hospital, then immediate action needs to be taken)


Christmas is going to be hard enough here.  Due to many reasons all adding up we will not have any family with us this year.  I don't want this plugged duct to escalate into anything that requires me to go to yet another hospital (my doctor is on holidays until the new year so only option would be an urgent care clinic and those are packed with whatever the heck is going around rampant right now).


Could I please get some prayers- that this plugged duct resolves itself ASAP and doesn't escalate into anything else, that my LO decides that nursing is a good idea afterall and I don't have to continue my struggles, and also that my child who had surgery will recover nicely because things aren't going as great as had all hoped.


I managed to get several hours of sleep last night, but ended up on my stomach, which probably could have been a good reason for this plugged duct in the first place.  But I'm still so tired and with the exhaustion comes anxiety and now I'm just worried.  I know it seems silly to you all at this point (There is a lot I held back from this post for privacy reasons- you can PM if need be) but if you'd pray for all this to just go away I would be so thankful.

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:grouphug:  and prayers to you.  The busy-ness of the season, plus all that you have been dealing with can lead to a plugged duct.  If you can, take that baby to bed and nurse as much as possible.  When I had plugged ducts, my little ones didn't seem to want to nurse as much on that side, but they were less resistant when they were sleepy. 

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I had mastitis with my first---that was so awful. I had a plugged duct with my third and was SO afraid I would end up with mastitis again. This may be kind of TMI...but dh would massage that spot really really hard when dd was nursing, so hard that I would cry. I'd switch sides for a bit, and then we'd continue on the owie side. It took almost an hour for that plugged spot to loosen up. Dh didn't have to massage so firmly at the next nursing time, and thankfully it all cleared up that day.



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Obviously I know nothing of the story or even how old your nursling is so this is totally just an idea, but with your nursing issues I thought I'd just mention to look into a tongue or lip tie if you haven't.  A lot of times doctors will even miss it.  That may not be it but just check it out and see what you think when you get a chance. Hope everything works out for you!

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Jane -- Wondering how you are doing today?



Thank you for asking.  Sadly, not much better.  I have been able to use heat and massage (and nursing) to get the plug to go almost completely gone but then it fills up again. :(   This is TMI, but the plug is on my aerola so I can't massage while LO is nursing and the skin is extra sensitive in that location.  Because of all the rubbing, I damaged the skin (it was always a small red blimp on the skin) and now I'm terrified it's something else like MRSA.  It did start off looking like a red pimple, but felt like a plugged duct.  It doesn't make sense that it would be anything worse, because I can get the lump to go away, just like any other plugged duct but the skin on top is now getting raw and that is stressing me out (and hurting more).  I'm so scared it will get infected or worse....  So I have been massaging less and doing less heat, but that's not helping the duct get cleared.  I'm going round in circles.  I did buy Lecithin and have been taking that.  I also read on a website about going to a physiotherapy clinic and getting an ultrasound treatment but not sure how likely I will be to get one on Christmas Eve (too late to go today and dh thought I should give it one more day).  I did try an electronic toothbrush and the vibrations did clear up the clog all the way the first time but it filled up again and now when I do the toothbrush the clog gets smaller but not all the way gone.


I have so many other things to worry about at this time.  My child who had surgery is turning a corner finally but it would sure be nice to be well myself and figure out how to solve these nursing issues.   :(  I'm feeling really good otherwise so I really hope that this doesn't turn into anything else besides a plugged duct.  Even if I go to urgent care, not many dr. are knowledgeable about b-feeding and the clinic is far away.  I don't know if I'd get the help I need anyways.  It's frustrating and hard for me not to worry about.

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Most doctors should be able to prescribe an antibiotic for mastitis, even if they aren't super knowledgeable about mastitis.  Would your primary care person be willing to call something in since it's coming up on a holiday? 


Out of curiousity, what did you wind up doing with your kids and their activities in the pre surgery time? 


:grouphug:  Praying that you all feel better pronto!

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Most doctors should be able to prescribe an antibiotic for mastitis, even if they aren't super knowledgeable about mastitis.  Would your primary care person be willing to call something in since it's coming up on a holiday? 


Out of curiousity, what did you wind up doing with your kids and their activities in the pre surgery time? 


:grouphug:  Praying that you all feel better pronto!


My primary care is out of country on holidays until the new year.  :glare:


I'm not at the mastitis stage yet.  I really don't want to get there.  :crying:


I ended up keeping them home.  We took the time off school as well and played games and did crafts and baked lots.  They thought it was great fun and had no complaints.  Nobody ended up getting sick and it really was nice to have one less thing to worry about while I was at the hospital (and knowing we were coming home to a sick-free home).

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Can't you just go to a different doctor? I'd hate to see you worrying about this on Christmas is a prescription for some medicine would allay your fears and help you recover quickly.

I don't know. Lol. I'm kind of paralyzed by it all. The thread going on right now about all the families who are very sick is making me want to stay far far away from the doctors office. I'm too scared about what I would bring home!!

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I am glad that your post surgical little one is doing better. That is one less thing to worry about. I had several plugged ducts while nursing so understand your pain. Do you have access to a pump? I was able to see them break up a couple of times while pumping. Because your situation is rather unusual due to location I wonder if someone from le leche might be more help because of more compiled knowledge. I fell asleep while latched and got a blood blister there. No one could help including the lc's at a pretty major hospital because it was an unknown problem but painful and bleeding. I think something from le leche said to keep nursing with it which did seem to work although neither the baby or I liked it. I will continue to pray for you and hope tomorrow brings relief for this issue. :grouphug:

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You might look up milk blister on kellymom.com. I can't copy and paste into this message, but I googled about clogged ducts in the areola, and this sounds a lot like what you have. It has a few tips that haven't been mentioned (saline soaks, healing washes). The description/timeframe of when it goes away, etc. may be comforting to you. I had a little milk blister that formed a couple of weeks after weaning my first child, but it was right on the end of the nipple, so it cleared quickly. It was really sore. I didn't know what it was at the time. I had another clogged duct (not breast related, more below), and I've had MRSA (in my outer ear), so I thought I'd share some other information that might help.


If you've been exposed to MRSA, you've been exposed. You'd be surprised at all the times you've been exposed to MRSA and not known it--it's everywhere, but healthy bodies and healthy habits keep it at bay most of the time. All you can do is keep the area clean and keep your body clean. If you are worried specifically about MRSA exposure (vs. other germs that can also lead to infection), you can take a bath in diluted bleach water to kill any potential MRSA that would be lingering on the other parts of your body--but don't use bleach water on your nipples! Clean your nursing bras really well and use a fresh disposable nursing pad each time you nurse or soak/wash your sore until it clears (even if you don't leak). Use clean towels and wash cloths every time you use moist heat soaks and every time you cleanse the area with your clog/blister. Don't share clothing, towels, etc. All of those precautions are things recommended for people who have MRSA or who have someone in their home with MRSA (with a little twist thrown in there regarding the nursing pads--your sore should be in contact with something clean at all times, so a nursing pad is probably the easiest and safest bet). If the disposable pads dry out your nipples, I assume the healing suggestions for the skin involved in the sore listed on kellymom would help keep the sore lubricated so that it can heal.


I've had a duct in a different sensitive area develop blockages, and moist heat is the standard way to clear those blockages too. It can take multiple soaks over multiple days for blockages to clear, and it's always painful. If you see a chiropractor, you might want to get an appointment to see if that would help. This sounds a bit out there, but the clogged duct I had (happened twice, but I caught it early the second time) coincided each time with a rather raw nerve going through the same area. That nerve calmed down after an adjustment, and I've not had trouble with a clog duct in that area since then.

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You are right to be concerned about germs... I should know... I have been in the Hospital immediately after being home after our 8th child.... not sure what it was but it was so bad I had to have a shot for my  heart to slow down and be on some horrible strong iv meds... pump and dump.... and I get acutely engorged every time..... I would suggest taking Olive Leaf extract as it is safe for baby too  and is a powerful antifungal, antivirus, antibacterial.  I use it for many illnesses and I was out of it after baby 8   :(   That reminds me I am out right now too.  I am ordering Barlen's liquid from Amazon since I have a gift card to use.  I am praying you get well quickly!


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You are right to be concerned about germs... I should know... I have been in the Hospital immediately after being home after our 8th child.... not sure what it was but it was so bad I had to have a shot for my  heart to slow down and be on some horrible strong iv meds... pump and dump.... and I get acutely engorged every time..... I would suggest taking Olive Leaf extract as it is safe for baby too  and is a powerful antifungal, antivirus, antibacterial.  I use it for many illnesses and I was out of it after baby 8   :(   That reminds me I am out right now too.  I am ordering Barlen's liquid from Amazon since I have a gift card to use.  I am praying you get well quickly!


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