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An update on me


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Hi everyone

I've been pretty scarce around here, and I just wanted to stop by and say hi! As some of you know, I was opened my own acupuncture clinic almost three months ago after having problems with my very short term ex business partner, (and after subletting space from him for 3 years). I am doing my best to ignore his continuing antics (sending not so nice emails to all his clients about me, trying to steal patients and more) and am (for the most part) succeeding.


My business itself is going really well. I am seeing far more patients than when I was working with him, and business is growing every week. I am now open 5 days a week (not all day though! just 3-6 hour shifts), and homeschooling not just in the morning but juggling my schedule and homeschooling in the afternoon as well. This is a challenge, but I pray that with a little time we will all adjust. DH is really trying to adjust too; it's far different having a primarily stay-at-mom homeschool mom than having a homeschool mom who works pretty much 30 hours outside the house! Many things have had to change, not least of which is the amount of actual time we can spend homeschooling. My kids are learning to be more efficient and they are doing more independent work than before. I worry that we don't have the same "lie around and read books and simply absorb" mentality that we had going before, but....


I love treating my patients and am so happy that so many people supported me when I moved to my new space. 


Just thought I'd give an update and hope everyone is looking forward to Thanksgiving! I miss everyone here, and hopefully will be able to visit more as things get more settled :)

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Great to hear from you--thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear things are working well and that your business has taken off despite the issues with your former associate. I hope it all continues to go well for you and your family as you figure out your new normal. :grouphug:

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Good for you, Halcyon!  I'm happy for you and for your patients! 


 Just out of curiosity, since I know nothing about it:  what kind of training/school does one take to become an acupuncturist? TIA for the education.  : )

One needs a masters in Traditional Oriental Medicine, which usually takes 3 to 4 years of schooling. It is expensive, but the community acupuncture movement is opening an affordable alternative called PocaTech which should open in a year or two-will be mUCH cheaper than regular acupuncture school but still put you on the road to a license and a community acupuncture career. Exciting!

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