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On shopping carts

Miss Peregrine

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There has been the odd time when it's been hard enough for me to get my kids into the vehicle when they were little, sometimes getting the carts inside was just too much (our local grocer doesn't have a cart corral). Now that my oldest is getting older, he often does it for me. I have also taught him to watch out for the moms with little ones and he has walked over to a mom before and asked her if he could help her put the cart away. I don't want him to just get annoyed at people who leave their carts out, but to be helpful. Those that could've done it might end up feeling a little guilty, and those that were struggling would be thankful for the help.


I hate seeing scattered carts in the parking lot, it's so hard on vehicles. There are a lot of people who leave them just because they couldn't be bothered, and on behalf of those of us who try, I find that very, very annoying.

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I've never understood why it is so difficult for people to return their carts.  I have 3 small children all under 5 and even when all 3 of them are misbehaving, screaming, or refusing to get in their car seats (the true strength of a 3 year old comes out when they don't want to be in the car seat!)  But whatever,  I'm not going to let their laziness ruin my day or effect it in any way, shape or form.

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Oh, I've never been in a shopping cart thread before!




Australia does it right- all the carts (called trolleys here) require coins. And not just piddly amounts, they only take $1 or $2 coins. So it's worth your time to return them. I never see trolleys just loose in the carpark. A few stores I frequent have done away with the coins, but people here are so properly trained by now that they return them anyway. :D


Side note- you know those really annoying carts at Ikea where the wheels go in all different directions, making them really hard to manoeuvre? They are ALL like that here. So hard to push, especially when full, and even worse if you have a baby on your hip. The only place I've seen them where the wheels didn't turn in all directions? Costco, which first opened in Australia a few years ago.

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Amy, I can't believe you've managed to lure people into a new shopping cart thread. :D


Get off the tracks, people. There's a trainwreck coming....

How have I missed the other shopping cart threads?!?!  I'm backing out of this one.  Seems like a silly thing to argue about (most things are) but I am also slightly intrigued as to what peoples' so called legitimate excuses are. 

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How have I missed the other shopping cart threads?!?! I'm backing out of this one. Seems like a silly thing to argue about (most things are) but I am also slightly intrigued as to what peoples' so called legitimate excuses are.

It has been a while since we've had a good one, but it always amazes me that people have such strong feelings about things like shopping carts, crock pots, and birthday cupcakes.

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Worst I ever saw was a teenage boy who had been shopping with his mom.  I put my cart in the corral then watched as he pushed his cart 3 steps, and left it.  Right by the corral but not in it (the corral was almost empty).  I stood there then said, "Wait, you really aren't going to take a few more steps and actually put the cart where it goes?"  He glared at me then walked away while his mom just sat in her car watching.  I put the cart away for him and said, "I'll be happy to do the right thing for you."  Another glare from him and one from his mom after he got in the car and spoke to her.  Nice, yes?



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It has been a while since we've had a good one, but it always amazes me that people have such strong feelings about things like shopping carts, crock pots, and birthday cupcakes.



so in the cupcake thread someone asked if they were going to become as controversial as shopping carts and crock pots!  :laugh:

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I remember posting in the original shopping cart thread...I was so inexperienced then, so young, so naive...thinking that the avid cart returners and those that felt misunderstood could find common ground.


Everyone play nice... :D ...or not, then the kilts come faster...either way


:lurk5: ...off to look for my kilt picture now. I have cupcake pics on reserve just waiting for an excuse...

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I honestly had no idea that people had such strong feelings about shopping carts...



I will admit that I have occasionally not returned a cart when my kids were in the car. And this story is the reason...




I don't know if that link will work, but it is the story about the lady who had 3 kids in the car and 1 was taken while she walked away to put the cart in the corral. I know it is a one in a bazillion incident. I know I am insane for worrying about it. I am not suggesting other people should be worried about it. I am simply stating what caused me to worry about it.

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It is the story about the lady who had 3 kids in the car and 1 was taken while she walked away to put the cart in the corral. I know it is a one in a bazillion incident. I know I am insane for worrying about it.

Not insane; I did the same. Semi public places, kid not out of sight; really public places, kid not out of reach.

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I honestly had no idea that people had such strong feelings about shopping carts...



I will admit that I have occasionally not returned a cart when my kids were in the car. And this story is the reason...




I don't know if that link will work, but it is the story about the lady who had 3 kids in the car and 1 was taken while she walked away to put the cart in the corral. I know it is a one in a bazillion incident. I know I am insane for worrying about it. I am not suggesting other people should be worried about it. I am simply stating what caused me to worry about it.


Yep, me too. If the corral wasn't nearby (say within 4 cars or so away), I'd leave the cart. My children's safety comes first. Not ashamed to admit it. I usually shop without them, so not really an issue anymore. 

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What's interesting to me is that when I look around at my local Publix, it's not the parents out shopping alone with multiple children who aren't returning the carts. It's those who could easily do so but choose to do otherwise. I probably shouldn't have wandered into this thread since yesterday a family left their car cart right up next to my car and dh had to take it to the cart return himself to get inside. There were two able bodied parents and the return was two spaces away! It's really so stupid but it really annoyed me yesterday.

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Why wouldn't you just get the kids strapped in, close and lock the doors with the clicker, and return the cart? I would never leave the doors open so someone could reach in and grab them. I always park the cart next to the trunk, strap them in, toss them a granola bar, and close the doors while I load the groceries in the trunk.

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Why wouldn't you just get the kids strapped in, close and lock the doors with the clicker, and return the cart? I would never leave the doors open so someone could reach in and grab them. I always park the cart next to the trunk, strap them in, toss them a granola bar, and close the doors while I load the groceries in the trunk.

or bring your kids with you to return the cart if you don't leave them alone. A little more annoying but more considerate than leaving the cart there to hit someone else's car.


i should add if my car ever got hit by a cart I wouldn't car.. its just a car but some people work hard to keep their things looking nice.

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a few years ago one of our local grocery stores made their carts such that you had to put in a quarter to get the cart out and then to get your quarter back you had to return it.  People starting protesting and started driving further away to another store that didn't charge 25 cents for a cart so the first store had to stop that policy.


by the way, I always put my cart back in the corral, but my dc are teens and even when they were younger, even tho I live in a very safe area, I would put them in the car, lock the door and then put cart back.

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Okay, definitely a strange thread😄

But I HATE carts left out...and my biggest pet peeve is that they often get shoved into the blue HC spaces...maybe because people feel like if they at least get them headed toward the store or corral it is better than nothing?

I can't tell you the number of times I have had to park waaay out (I am in a wheelchair) because of carts.

And the yellow cross hatches next to the HC spot is NOT a designated cart hangout, lol! I have a ramp that folds out, which means I cannot get in or out of the van if a cart (or several carts!) get left there.


Worst I ever saw was a teenage boy who had been shopping with his mom. I put my cart in the corral then watched as he pushed his cart 3 steps, and left it. Right by the corral but not in it (the corral was almost empty). I stood there then said, "Wait, you really aren't going to take a few more steps and actually put the cart where it goes?" He glared at me then walked away while his mom just sat in her car watching. I put the cart away for him and said, "I'll be happy to do the right thing for you." Another glare from him and one from his mom after he got in the car and spoke to her. Nice, yes?

Lol! I did this the other day. A young man shoved his cart in the general vicinity of the corral, where it bumped the side and rolled into a parking spot. He started to just walk off! I was rolling past him and said, 'oh, let me get that for you' and sort of hooked it with the front of my chair, pushing it in front of me....at least he looked a bit embarrassed, and his mother looked less than happy as he climbed in the car:)
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I've never NOT returned a cart. I always assumed that was only done by low life's and psychopaths.




I'm joking, but really...seeing carts next to the corral is a huge pet peeve of mine. Even when we lived in Seattle and it rained 10 months a year, people still returned their carts.

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