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Shutdown Log Day Thirteen


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Just a quick question--


Why can't they keep the outdoor monuments open? Is it because they need to pay security or trash people or something? I'm thinking Vietnam, Korea, WWII, LIncoln, Geo Mason, those sorts of places. 


Seems to me they could afford to do just those if Congress would give up their pay til the gov't gets operating again...

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If it's helpful...


For those of you facing uncertain funding, go through your loans, credit cards, etc.  Find out what is going to happen to you if you cannot meet payments due to furlough/firing/ whatever.


We have policies we pay extra for for forbearance in times like this, they can defer payments for hardships until things are settled and in place again.


Make some lists, get the information and phone numbers ready.  It's hard to think about this stuff when there is so much tension and uncertainty.

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Just a quick question--


Why can't they keep the outdoor monuments open? Is it because they need to pay security or trash people or something? I'm thinking Vietnam, Korea, WWII, LIncoln, Geo Mason, those sorts of places. 


Seems to me they could afford to do just those if Congress would give up their pay til the gov't gets operating again...


I don't know.  I've walked through those areas late at night (after 11 pm) and never was asked to leave.  


If you believe this article, WWII vets face arrest if they show up this weekend.  If there are people there to arrest them, I'd say that their is security (Park Police? Metro Police? DC Police?) at the site.




Two words: Political Grandstanding.

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From what I heard in the Grand Canyon National Park at least they're not stopping people who are already out there, but no one can come in and I'm assuming rescue operations are limited or nonexistent if they were to get into trouble. 


We were very relieved that we will still be getting paid. I've upped my WAHM gig so I can bring in some extra. DH was due for a reenlistment bonus payment which didn't come through, but hopefully it will once everything is done. I was really hoping to order the next level of AAR for DD with that since we just had to put a lot of money into the cars but that can wait. I heard the commissary was a madhouse yesterday, I went to Sam's instead. 


I did however discover that when I'm worried or insecure about the money situation I go food shopping! I went to Sam's yesterday and spent $200! I am usually half that every 10 days or so. I did get some more expensive things that don't need to be bought often (batteries, trash bags) but I'm also returning $50 worth of things I didn't really need today. I think on a subconscious level it makes me feel better to have a full fridge/pantry when I don't know how long this is going to last.

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Yesterday, my husband's agency allowed one man to attend his father's funeral and another to assist his wife after her surgery. According to dh they are both considered essential personnel but are classified as furloughed when they leave (I think that's how they do it). So, apparently, his agency has some common sense. Essential personnel who don't show up to work and lack a valid reason for it are considered AWOL and will face repercussions.


Also, although dh is working alone now, he is going to have to start recalling his staff starting next week. At that point, they will be considered essential personnel. They work on huge, complicated (mostly) monetary projects that have to meet strict deadlines. The numbers go to a few other agencies, the Department of Treasury, Congress, and/or the President's office. Some of the projects take a few months to complete while others take years. The projects can't be put on hold.


I think national parks might be concerned about crime and liability issues? Not sure.



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Day Two: Watched late movies with DH last night. Slept til 10. This does not bode well for my school day with my middle schooler. I've got to get in there and at least make sure he's completed his co-op homework because tomorrow is co-op.


I think I'll feed DH then shoo him off to the gym. He's always complaining that he'd like to go but doesn't have time. No financial pressure yet, but I do plan on cooking rather than grabbing take-out if I don't feel like it. Co-op day is a big take-out day for me, so tonight I'll make sure to cook enough for leftovers tomorrow.


I think the military personnel are keeping his office running, but there's a very limited shelf life to that situation.

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DAY TWO:  DH and Father left this morning to finish cleaning out the stuff from our house.  Some goes to the dump, some will go to my parents' house, and a very little (I hope) will be packed and mailed to us overseas.


I have gotten all of the house-related and travel-related paperwork completed.  Given the kids the day off of school (except oldest, who is in Jann's math class).  Collected dirty laundry to get washed/packed, getting last minute details taken care of.


DH received confirmation that our move isn't affected (thankfully).  They don't think there will be an issue with changing his payroll...since Italian Nationals working for the US gov't aren't affected.  But, they did give dh the impression that things may not run smoothly (how long can you make it without per-diem/pay kind of questions...)  At my folks' house we could make it a lot longer than in a hotel in Naples...

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Day 2. Just found out a check I have been waiting for since August has been delayed. I was planning to give it to my mom to take DS to visit her brother out of state. We may be able to squeeze Novembers budget enough to possibly make the trip work but by then it will be too cold for DS to really enjoy so it will be next spring before they can go.


My father is being affected in a very bad way. I am worried about him.

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Day Two: My subscribe & Save shipment of Angel Soft toilet paper arrived this morning- 40 rolls. Still trying to decide if it's a "sign" or not.....


ETA: Also, we saw on TV that Hyundai will defer all car payments for federal workers for as long as the shut down occurs! Score! The only car with a payment on it is from Hyundai :)




Not that good customer service!

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Day Two: My subscribe & Save shipment of Angel Soft toilet paper arrived this morning- 40 rolls. Still trying to decide if it's a "sign" or not.....


ETA: Also, we saw on TV that Hyundai will defer all car payments for federal workers for as long as the shut down occurs! Score! The only car with a payment on it is from Hyundai :)




Now that's good customer service!

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We weren't sure if we'd show up in Mexico on Monday and not have a job on Tuesday. But dh's particular work has a different funding source so he should continue to work and get paid, but I don't know about anything else. I hope we can get all the moving-in stuff taken care of very soon in case things drag on and more cuts are made here.


It looks like we'll have to pay for the first semester of school (homeschool, online, and an international school) ourselves and hope we get reimbursed later. That's at least $10,000 and possibly much more. It's frustrating because we had to wait to start school till we got here, and now they can't pay for anything. Great start for the school year.

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I saw on a certain news source they are calling it a "slimdown" instead of a "shutdown", I guess in order to make it seem not such a big deal.  As someone who is not affected, I understand why alot of people think that, unless they know how many people really are.  My workmate mentioned something about media making a fuss over nothing, but I quickly set him straight.


If you are a family who needs to pay bills, it most certainly is a big deal!



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From what I heard in the Grand Canyon National Park at least they're not stopping people who are already out there, but no one can come in and I'm assuming rescue operations are limited or nonexistent if they were to get into trouble. 


We were very relieved that we will still be getting paid. I've upped my WAHM gig so I can bring in some extra. DH was due for a reenlistment bonus payment which didn't come through, but hopefully it will once everything is done. I was really hoping to order the next level of AAR for DD with that since we just had to put a lot of money into the cars but that can wait. I heard the commissary was a madhouse yesterday, I went to Sam's instead. 


I did however discover that when I'm worried or insecure about the money situation I go food shopping! I went to Sam's yesterday and spent $200! I am usually half that every 10 days or so. I did get some more expensive things that don't need to be bought often (batteries, trash bags) but I'm also returning $50 worth of things I didn't really need today. I think on a subconscious level it makes me feel better to have a full fridge/pantry when I don't know how long this is going to last.


Generally rescue ops are private or county funded.  Your local tax dollars at work. 


I did the shopping thing too. 

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I don't know.  I've walked through those areas late at night (after 11 pm) and never was asked to leave.  


If you believe this article, WWII vets face arrest if they show up this weekend.  If there are people there to arrest them, I'd say that their is security (Park Police? Metro Police? DC Police?) at the site.




Two words: Political Grandstanding.


We (dh and I) were just talking about this yesterday. You are absolutely right. Barricading them is just a stupid show of force. It's an 'in your face' move.


We were also speculating that they would need to pull Metro police to man the areas. Great, ask someone else to fund the stupidity.



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We (dh and I) were just talking about this yesterday. You are absolutely right. Barricading them is just a stupid show of force. It's an 'in your face' move.


We were also speculating that they would need to pull Metro police to man the areas. Great, ask someone else to fund the stupidity.





I suspect the park rangers do not want people walking through the monuments because they do not have the staff to do the regular checks for trash and safety issues, which they do do when parks and park properties (monuments) are open. Remember a couple weeks ago when someone vandalized the Lincoln Memorial? They do not want the constant traffic because they cannot monitor. If the shut down continues there will not be the staff to notice vandalism, hazards created by a storm, etc.


Truly, if no barricades were set up there would be someone who turned the steps of the Lincoln Memorial into a giant skate ramp because no one was there to stop them. You have to think about what happens to the lowest common denominator when no one is looking. With the barricades monitoring needs are reduced. I do realize all stupid people behavior is not stopped, but they need to find a way to reduce what they can.


My guess is the heavy police presence yesterday was to remind people that "yes, in fact, they are closed, too."


The news report I heard said members of congress came and helped move the barricades and the police or park rangers (do not know which was present) just let them through.


Metro police is the same money. DC gets a significant amount of it's operating budget from Congress. I'm guessing the Metropolitan Police are funded out of Congress' appropriation to DC. (A DC resident can jump in here and correct me.). Because DC funds are appropriated by Congress, theoretically all services in DC would stop unless considered essential. I think the Mayor did something to got everything in the city considered essential for now. It is a bit wrong to hold the residents of DC hostage and tell them their garbage must pile up while Congress continues to act like a bunch of toddlers.  

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I suspect the park rangers do not want people walking through the monuments because they do not have the staff to do the regular checks for trash and safety issues, which they do do when parks and park properties (monuments) are open. Remember a couple weeks ago when someone vandalized the Lincoln Memorial? They do not want the constant traffic because they cannot monitor. If the shut down continues there will not be the staff to notice vandalism, hazards created by a storm, etc.


Truly, if no barricades were set up there would be someone who turned the steps of the Lincoln Memorial into a giant skate ramp because no one was there to stop them. You have to think about what happens to the lowest common denominator when no one is looking. With the barricades monitoring needs are reduced. I do realize all stupid people behavior is not stopped, but they need to find a way to reduce what they can.


My guess is the heavy police presence yesterday was to remind people that "yes, in fact, they are closed, too."


I agree. I don't think this is posturing at all. I think this is a measure to protect some of nation's greatest treasures.


The news report I heard said members of congress came and helped move the barricades and the police or park rangers (do not know which was present) just let them through.

I personally think it should be okay (and they can change the law, if they need to) for members of Congress to give personal tours of war memorials to veterans from their state. However, I think they should be held personally and financially liable if something happens instead of the government and/or national park system. They should also be practicing Leave No Trace rules-taking their trash with them, etc.

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Day Two (continued) - We did school from 12:30-5 today because the morning was consumed by sleeping in and making brunch. (Ds and I usually just have eggs and toast.) I sent DH on errands so we could get some work done.


DH wrote another song. I'm told the plan is to write a song a day for his furlough album. This may sound a bit out there. It's even more interesting when I tell you that he just began music lessons last summer. Between then and now he's kicked into Obsessive Mode and learned to read music and play the mandolin, banjo, and guitar. He's a mathematician-turned-musician and so very sad that he can't earn a living with music.


Tomorrow is co-op day. I have no idea what he'll do with the house to himself.

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Day Three: Co-op day. There was an unusual number of fathers attending today. DH brought son later so I could go early and set up breakfast. It turns out that Mrs. Mungo's baked oatmeal is perfect Furlough Food. It's cheap, delicious, and filling. The general consensus is that everyone LOVES the lighter traffic, but not at this cost.

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Day 3:  


DH is not affected yet (government contractor) but several people in his office are.  


I just went out for dinner with two friends, one of whom was furloughed on Tuesday.  She is taking it very hard, and is struggling with the prospect of asking her parents for help if this continues.  At least she has that option, but it's difficult for her.


Also found out that my town has been identified as the #1 city most affected by the shutdown, based on the % of the workforce impacted (almost 19% of the Colorado Springs workforce works for the government in some capacity).  It's definitely being felt around here. 

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tomorrow will be our first furlough day---hubby got the word tonight that they will call them when they are to come back to work---he's not military but works as a civilian contractor on a Navy Base and works on the flight-line where the pilots are trained......he has about 1/2 a week of vacation/personal days that he can use to make up for a few days of lost pay---if he's out of work through the 31st then our health insurance will be in jeopardy.....hoping this thing doesn't last that long....trying not to panic and take it day by day but as the one that pays the bills in the family this scares the daylights out of me!!!

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I have really been researching this whole mess. Do you know what I think is really to blame? The 1967 Single Member District Mandate and winner-take-all electoral college mandates that exist in most states.


Think about what would happen if we changed these two things. Congressional districts could be re-drawn as districts represented by...say...three representatives (or five or one giant at large state). This would virtually guarantee at least one democrat and a republican in each state.


Senators would represent their entire state and both senators would have to face election by their entire state.


It would open a door for parties other than the big two.


It would encourage more people to vote because a republican in a very blue district in NY would still have a chance of electing someone who represented them. A democrat in Oklahoma would have a chance of electing someone who represented them. Therefore, I think people might *also* pay more attention to what is happening and why.


It would force Congress (both houses) to represent a bigger proportion of people in their state.


It would encourage presidential candidates to visit more states because they would have a chance at winning some electoral college votes in every state.


It would discourage members of Congress from voting along strict party lines. They would have to compromise more in order to keep a bigger slice of their state happy.


Anyway, that is what I have been thinking about while waiting on my dd's debate class. I typed this on my phone, so I probably made some errors and/or autocorrect did something funky, please forgive anything like that?

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I have really been researching this whole mess. Do you know what I think is really to blame? The 1967 Single Member District Mandate and winner-take-all electoral college mandates that exist in most states.


Think about what would happen if we changed these two things. Congressional districts could be re-drawn as districts represented by...say...three representatives (or five or one giant at large state). This would virtually guarantee at least one democrat and a republican in each state.


Senators would represent their entire state and both senators would have to face election by their entire state.



I'm confused. I thought senator was a statewide office. In Virginia, both senators are state wide. Is that not true in other states?


I think there is a problem with how congressional districts are drawn.

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So, question- are you guys going to file for unemployment?


A few friends of ours did. You still have to apply for work weekly and if we get paid retroactively when the government reopens, you have to pay back the monies you receive.


And of course, DH would not be accepting any job offers (don't even think he can ?) that he might get.


Unemployment would be about 1/3 of a normal paycheck, maybe a bit less than 1/3 actually.


Part of me is hopeful that the govt. will reopen soon and we'll get paid retroactively. So getting unemployment is more hassle than it's worth.


The other part of me is worried we will kick ourselves if we don't get back pay and could have been getting unemployment to "soften the blow".



This is where we are as well.

We could file, but dh has chosen to wait this week out to see what happens; possiby even part of next week. It would be more of a hassle to get it then pay it back, but if this goes on too long it would be necessary.  Plus, something is better than nothing.

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Dh is Essential...  Last week he was informed in meeting that they would be paid.    Now they will be paid for the first few days that have passed   He is still required to go to work, and I'm steaming mad :cursing: . 

(They also said back pay would most likely be paid at some undetermined date; like I'm really going to believe that .)



Big hugs to everyone stuck in this nightmare. :grouphug: 

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My husband is deemed "essential" and he's been going to work all week.  They are running on a skeleton crew and my dh says it makes his day very long because it's so quiet.  


I am hoping that some people will finally compromise, but I think we will go through the weekend with some uncertainty because it serves both sides well.

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DH is deemed "non-essential" so he's been home since Tuesday afternoon.  Right now, I'm thankful for the extra food in the freezer and cabinets, but We'll start feeling the financial pinch if this lasts too much longer.  He's going to drive me nuts if he stays home for days on end.  I've already told him he needs to talk to a friend about a part-time gig while he's out, because otherwise he'll start to get depressed and grumpy and no fun to be around.


On a side note, another business that's helping out is Sam's.  I saw an article that you can show your military ID and get to shop, even if you don't have a membership.  That's cool.

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Dh is "non-essential".  His job is training the troops with a war gaming system and he works with the Air Force. 

We looked into the USAA interest free loan yesterday and found out that they won't extend the offer to civil service members- just active duty.  I told them I thought that was yet another slap at our "lazy civil servants" and they were not showing support for veterans who continue to serve our country in a different capacity.  I contacted my representative about it, but I'm sure we won't get any help.  Dh talked to USAA about further offers of assistance for veterans who are civil servants.  They aren't offering anything special to help out.  We'll last about 2 months without a paycheck. 

Just as the govt was shutting down, my 10 year old washing machine was dying- maybe I'll head down to the creek with my tide detergent and beat the dirty clothes on a rock to get them clean!  LOL!  :)  Trying to insert some humor into this.       

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Day Three: Co-op day. There was an unusual number of fathers attending today. DH brought son later so I could go early and set up breakfast. It turns out that Mrs. Mungo's baked oatmeal is perfect Furlough Food. It's cheap, delicious, and filling. The general consensus is that everyone LOVES the lighter traffic, but not at this cost.


Ooooo, I'd love to have this recipe.  Somehow I've missed that....

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Just saw this that *hopefully* means we will all get the backpay:




Fingers crossed....



Our daily update?

We have had to call a pest removal service to come out and find/remove a squirrel (?) from inside our chimney. We have gas logs but I can hear this critter nesting to the right side of the gas insert. It is making too much noise to be a mouse, which would be bad enough.  I don't even want to know how much this is going to cost us, but it has to go!  DH set an animal trap to cage it where we thought it was going in, but it is smarter than us I guess.   :cursing:   Why now????

Hopefully someone can giggle over this for me.... :lol:

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As long as it's Tide! It's great on stains. I wouldn't use any other brand for creek washing!

Dh is "non-essential".  His job is training the troops with a war gaming system and he works with the Air Force. 

We looked into the USAA interest free loan yesterday and found out that they won't extend the offer to civil service members- just active duty.  I told them I thought that was yet another slap at our "lazy civil servants" and they were not showing support for veterans who continue to serve our country in a different capacity.  I contacted my representative about it, but I'm sure we won't get any help.  Dh talked to USAA about further offers of assistance for veterans who are civil servants.  They aren't offering anything special to help out.  We'll last about 2 months without a paycheck. 

Just as the govt was shutting down, my 10 year old washing machine was dying- maybe I'll head down to the creek with my tide detergent and beat the dirty clothes on a rock to get them clean!  LOL!  :)  Trying to insert some humor into this.       


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I have really been researching this whole mess. Do you know what I think is really to blame? The 1967 Single Member District Mandate and winner-take-all electoral college mandates that exist in most states.


Think about what would happen if we changed these two things. Congressional districts could be re-drawn as districts represented by...say...three representatives (or five or one giant at large state). This would virtually guarantee at least one democrat and a republican in each state.


Senators would represent their entire state and both senators would have to face election by their entire state.


It would open a door for parties other than the big two.


It would encourage more people to vote because a republican in a very blue district in NY would still have a chance of electing someone who represented them. A democrat in Oklahoma would have a chance of electing someone who represented them. Therefore, I think people might *also* pay more attention to what is happening and why.


It would force Congress (both houses) to represent a bigger proportion of people in their state.


It would encourage presidential candidates to visit more states because they would have a chance at winning some electoral college votes in every state.


It would discourage members of Congress from voting along strict party lines. They would have to compromise more in order to keep a bigger slice of their state happy.




Liking this is not enough. Yes, yes, a hundred times yes!   At this point, they are forgetting why they are even grandstanding, I swear.  It's so infuriating. 

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DH made waffles for breakfast ( and cleaned up afterward). While eating breakfast, he saw on the news that congress will probably pass a bill to allow federal workers to get back pay.  He then offered to take the kids to the skating rink (Lucky him - the kids wanted a day off so he gets to stay home.)   Now he's cleaning the garage.  This is day shaping up pretty well!

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Loverboy's (USDA) lab is furloughed.


Two exceptions:

1) There will be some work in the next several work to complete samples that are "in transit."  For example, cultures that are set to be read at 7,14, and 21 days will need to be read once a week.  This will provide a few hours for the processors.


All new sample will be received and frozen until after the furlough.


2) All for-fee services.


For example:

Loverboy licenses private labs to test for some animal illnesses.  If you have farm animals that need to be tested for disease X, you go to the USDA website to find a licensed lab near you.  Loverboy runs the licensing for these labs for disease X.  Because the labs pay to be licensed, this is "for fee."


October 1st was when the evaluation period (testing) for the labs ended.  Loverboy has about seven work days of numbers to crunch and reports to write/distribute.  His pay will be held until the end of the furlough.



I know someone posted that there is alleged potential for backpay, like in the 1990s.  I hope this is so.  Everything I have read is that "this is a different Congress, so don't plan on backpay."  We're not even sure whether Loverboy will be reimbursed for his hours.  We just don't.  They are not making any promises at work; the powers that be just tell him to keep track of his hours.

The only good thing about this is that we don't have a house.  As much as we would like a house, it would be tight to own one.  We have savings, but we worry about those in this situation that don't. 

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Just saw this that *hopefully* means we will all get the backpay:




Fingers crossed....



Our daily update?

We have had to call a pest removal service to come out and find/remove a squirrel (?) from inside our chimney. We have gas logs but I can hear this critter nesting to the right side of the gas insert. It is making too much noise to be a mouse, which would be bad enough.  I don't even want to know how much this is going to cost us, but it has to go!  DH set an animal trap to cage it where we thought it was going in, but it is smarter than us I guess.   :cursing:   Why now????

Hopefully someone can giggle over this for me.... :lol:



Update:  It got worse.  Please do laugh now so I will not cry.

We got 2 estimates today and the low one was $800.  (please say YES to backpay!!)  Yep.  Yes, it is a squirrel, or two, but the real problem is that bats have also gotten into our attic. Yep.  So, the bats are up there and the squirrel(s) are  running from the attic (evidence up there too) to the chimney/nest area.  

If it were just the squirrels running through the walls it would be bad enough.  The bats bring it to a whole new level. Yuck.  Do not google it if you have a weak stomach. Bat droppings are nasty!!

Next week is NOT going to be fun if a budget is not passed and money is coming in.  UGH.

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One of those good/bad stories. We have reservations at a national forest campground next weekend. Last night I got a call from the head ranger there apologizing and saying they had been required to shut down. The folks in the district office said he shouldn't worry, everyone would know about it because of the news, but he decided to personally call everyone with a reservation on his own time to make sure.


Pretty thoughtful of him.

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I have really been researching this whole mess. Do you know what I think is really to blame? The 1967 Single Member District Mandate and winner-take-all electoral college mandates that exist in most states.


I don't know if I agree or not as I'd have to think about this more, but it's an interesting thought.  I generally have been blaming gerrymandered districting.


And on a totally different note, I am unbelievably mad that my tax dollars that I pay into the city's coffers to be used on my libraries and trash collection and parks and so forth are being held by the federal government and that both parties are using us, yet again, as a little pawn in their games.  This is what it feels like to be disenfranchised and have zero rights or political clout.  To not even be allowed a vote and not even be given control of your own city's tax dollars.  Be grateful that your state and local governments aren't allowed to be held hostage like this as well.  A special privilege only those of us in DC get.

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Update:  It got worse.  Please do laugh now so I will not cry.

We got 2 estimates today and the low one was $800.  (please say YES to backpay!!)  Yep.  Yes, it is a squirrel, or two, but the real problem is that bats have also gotten into our attic. Yep.  So, the bats are up there and the squirrel(s) are  running from the attic (evidence up there too) to the chimney/nest area.  

If it were just the squirrels running through the walls it would be bad enough.  The bats bring it to a whole new level. Yuck.  Do not google it if you have a weak stomach. Bat droppings are nasty!!

Next week is NOT going to be fun if a budget is not passed and money is coming in.  UGH.


I am so sorry. The squirrels made me think of the wood duck that ended up falling down our chimney, but bats, not fun. 

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And on a totally different note, I am unbelievably mad that my tax dollars that I pay into the city's coffers to be used on my libraries and trash collection and parks and so forth are being held by the federal government and that both parties are using us, yet again, as a little pawn in their games.  This is what it feels like to be disenfranchised and have zero rights or political clout.  To not even be allowed a vote and not even be given control of your own city's tax dollars.  Be grateful that your state and local governments aren't allowed to be held hostage like this as well.  A special privilege only those of us in DC get.


I would be mad too. Although, we're military, so lots of our services are being held hostage too. And I don't live in my Congressman's district, so I can't email him through his website. I think that is some BULL.

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