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From the ignorance files! So incredible you just can't make this stuff up. ROFLOL


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I tried to find it on IMDb, and it appears to have been deleted. Another thread on the Hobbit: UJ movie board had the OP suggesting Gandalf was a rip-off of Dumbledore. Discussion on the thread was whether the poster was really that stupid, or a troll.


There is, on the other hand, a very well developed discussion of the many ways in which Rowling ripped off Tolkien--though really when you're talking about the foundational works of a genre, it's an unfair accusation. 90% of the fantasy genre or more wouldn't exist without Tolkien's groundwork.


I love the face-palm collection in the meme, though!

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I don't think Rowling ripped of Tolkien.  She used many ideas from various English Literature.  I saw not only shades of Tolkien and C S Lewis, but Dickens and Bronte, and the list could continue.  It more felt like she was a product of all of the great literature that came before her.  


And personally, I see her most like Dickens.  She is good at creating memorable and complex characters, but could have used an editor (I know she had one, but it didn't feel like it.  I was starting to think she was getting paid by the word). 


But back to the OP, I'm afaid there are people that stupid.  

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Guest submarines

I'd like to think it was a joke?  So sad if the dude really believe this...

I thought it was a joke / satire too. Something in his writing style, I guess. 

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Do we know he's a reader?



Being that he was talking about 'The Hobbit' as coming out, I don't think he reads. He just watches the movies.



Very good points.  I guess it's possible he has no idea the books exist.


I think I'll crawl back in my cave where I can pretend a large percentage of the population isn't stooopid.

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I think I'll crawl back in my cave where I can pretend a large percentage of the population isn't stooopid.

I have one for you to take to the cave.


Grown (over 30) Boyfriend and girlfriend at a park. Acquaintance of GF says hi to them. BF speaks to acquaintance in Spanish. Acquaintance says she's Native American, and doesn't know Spanish. GF says, "didn't you say you were from New Mexico?" Acquaintance says yes she's from New Mexico, then runs after her 2 year old.


BF asks GF why she said acquaintance was Mexican. GF says she is, she's from New Mexico. BF calls her a moron in Spanish and says New Mexico is a state in the US and has nothing to do with Mexico.


GF is confused. Insists NM and Mexico are the same. Wants to know why BF is messing with her.


I was sitting behind these two trying not to laugh.

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How about this item, regarding a newspaper story about Voyager 1's having been confirmed as leaving the heliosphere? I do so hope this was meant to be funny. It's been  Poe's Law kinda week...






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Well folks, I have confirmed nothing about Brian the poster on IMBD, but I have confirmed that yes, total literary ignorance does absolutely exist in my neck of the woods.


Kindergarten teacher at church - state licensed, and yes, she too feels that Tolkein practically plagerized Rowlings! It's possible I've made an enemy. it was really quite difficult for me to control incredulity at her when she inserted herself into the conversation I was having with several teens on the subject. She felt the need to inform us that we were wrong and that JRR is a relatively new author, not much older than Christopher Paolini.





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She felt the need to inform us that we were wrong and that JRR is a relatively new author, not much older than Christopher Paolini.




Hmmm. Then he also plagiarized Paolini.  :leaving:

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I have one for you to take to the cave.


Grown (over 30) Boyfriend and girlfriend at a park. Acquaintance of GF says hi to them. BF speaks to acquaintance in Spanish. Acquaintance says she's Native American, and doesn't know Spanish. GF says, "didn't you say you were from New Mexico?" Acquaintance says yes she's from New Mexico, then runs after her 2 year old.


BF asks GF why she said acquaintance was Mexican. GF says she is, she's from New Mexico. BF calls her a moron in Spanish and says New Mexico is a state in the US and has nothing to do with Mexico.


GF is confused. Insists NM and Mexico are the same. Wants to know why BF is messing with her.


I was sitting behind these two trying not to laugh.

My children (then about 7 and 10) about choked the day we were at the site of the Gettysburg Address, and we passed a group of twenty-somethings.  One of them (in an American accent, so I'll assume she was American and therefore should have known) said to another, "Wait?  You mean Lee fought for the Confederates?!"  I understand if you can't name all of the generals on each side (I can't either), but shouldn't you at least, by 20ish, if you're American, know that Lee was the main Confederate general?


As for the Tolkien-Rowling thing, I really hope it was satire.  If not, maybe Tolkien ripping off Rowling brings new meaning to the term "ghost writing?"

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Well folks, I have confirmed nothing about Brian the poster on IMBD, but I have confirmed that yes, total literary ignorance does absolutely exist in my neck of the woods.


Kindergarten teacher at church - state licensed, and yes, she too feels that Tolkein practically plagerized Rowlings! It's possible I've made an enemy. it was really quite difficult for me to control incredulity at her when she inserted herself into the conversation I was having with several teens on the subject. She felt the need to inform us that we were wrong and that JRR is a relatively new author, not much older than Christopher Paolini.







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My children (then about 7 and 10) about choked the day we were at the site of the Gettysburg Address, and we passed a group of twenty-somethings.  One of them (in an American accent, so I'll assume she was American and therefore should have known) said to another, "Wait?  You mean Lee fought for the Confederates?!"  I understand if you can't name all of the generals on each side (I can't either), but shouldn't you at least, by 20ish, if you're American, know that Lee was the main Confederate general?



See, if the Dukes of Hazzard was still on, we wouldn't have this problem (their car was named "The General Lee" and had a big confederate flag on top). ;)

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I remember similar comments about Eva Ibbotson's The Secret of Platform 13, which was also published before Harry Potter.  Hobbes recommends the book, by the way.




I love Eva Ibbotson!


How about Jane Yolen's Wizard Hall, about a boy named Henry who goes off to wizard boarding school and then learns he must face the evil overlord wizard. . . . published in 1991.


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How about this item, regarding a newspaper story about Voyager 1's having been confirmed as leaving the heliosphere? I do so hope this was meant to be funny. It's been  Poe's Law kinda week...




:huh: :confused1: :ohmy: :svengo:


Being that he was talking about 'The Hobbit' as coming out, I don't think he reads. He just watches the movies.

I read a similar story about a young woman standing in line for a jane austen movie.  she thought jane austen made great movies and was looking forwards to the next one. . . . .

I would like to think it was satire - I'm cynical and jaded enough to think he was serious.

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omg that's funny.  My kids started in a before tolkein class last term (had to drop it due to dance commitments), there was a lot that influenced him but I don't recall seeing Rowlings on the reading list lol.  The fact that he invented time travel but is only known for LOTR makes me think he must have a secret lair out there that has been gathering dust all these year and we must find it and use the time machine to stop Stephanie Meyer from writing Twilight. :P

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Guest submarines

Here's the part that makes me think this isn't satire: "I think [Tolkin] is featured on the on the commentary track, so I look forward to that."

Ha, and that was the line that made me think it was satire for sure. 


Will we ever find out? 

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omg that's funny. My kids started in a before tolkein class last term (had to drop it due to dance commitments), there was a lot that influenced him but I don't recall seeing Rowlings on the reading list lol. The fact that he invented time travel but is only known for LOTR makes me think he must have a secret lair out there that has been gathering dust all these year and we must find it and use the time machine to stop Stephanie Meyer from writing Twilight. :P

Hahahaha! That was funny!

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Rowlings seems like  a bit of Enid Blytons Mallory Towers with a twist of Tolkein.   All fantasy has a little of Tolkein in it.   Just like all Vampire novels owe something to Stoker.   All romances owe a little to Austen.   When your the first or the best early example it just the way it is.


Regarding the original post, I never underestimate the potential ignorance of the general public.  



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