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Texting ooops - almost


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I was upset with my dh last night. I was sending a text to a friend that had an uncomplimentary sentence about him, but decided to take it out. I'm glad I did because I accidentally sent the text to my dh :ohmy:


I learned my lesson.



Haha. Don't talk bad about your husband. Is that the lesson?


My 25 yo niece was texting my mom, her grandmother. They were talking about mom picking her up for lunch. One of my nieces text said, " ok, I just got out of the shower. What time do you think you will be here?" That was the text she sent to her male BOSS.

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Haha. Don't talk bad about your husband. Is that the lesson?


My 25 yo niece was texting my mom, her grandmother. They were talking about mom picking her up for lunch. One of my nieces text said, " ok, I just got out of the shower. What time do you think you will be here?" That was the text she sent to her male BOSS.


:rofl:  :rofl:


When dh was working nights, he decided to bug me  and texted me stupid things.  I was trying to sleep.  It was the middle of the night :glare:  I texted back something about being a smart_ss.   Except I sent the text to my mom :ohmy:   In the middle of the night :ohmy:  Luckily it didn't wake her during the night but I sure got a phone call in the morning. :blushing:

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:rofl: :rofl:


When dh was working nights, he decided to bug me and texted me stupid things. I was trying to sleep. It was the middle of the night :glare: I texted back something about being a smart_ss. Except I sent the text to my mom :ohmy: In the middle of the night :ohmy: Luckily it didn't wake her during the night but I sure got a phone call in the morning. :blushing:


Haha. My dh has sent his xw a couple of texts intended for me. Thankfully none of the racy ones!


One time dss12 came to us with a shirt that said Bite me. I went to town for groceries and dh wrote a text that said, hi, would you,ease pick up a shirt for dss12 which does not say Bite Me.


Intended for me....went to xw. Lol

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I 'purse texted' my boss the words  'miss you' AND Then a smile with hearts one day.  My phone had some preset phrases and that is what it decided to send.  LOL 


On top of that he and i were spending about 50hrs a week together at work, pulling 13-14 hours days with just the two of us.


Luckily my boss is a great guy and I noticed soon enough to back peddle.  I made sure to TEXT my embarrassment and an apology to his wife in case she saw it before he did.  


I turned of the presets after that.  LOL  

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I 'purse texted' my boss the words 'miss you' AND Then a smile with hearts one day. My phone had some preset phrases and that is what it decided to send. LOL


On top of that he and i were spending about 50hrs a week together at work, pulling 13-14 hours days with just the two of us.


Luckily my boss is a great guy and I noticed soon enough to back peddle. I made sure to TEXT my embarrassment and an apology to his wife in case she saw it before he did.


I turned of the presets after that. LOL

Oh my word! That is hilarious. My niece figured out what she did when she didn't get an answer from my mom....so she was mortified and sent a text to her boss explaining what she had done. He was like, yeah, um ,I thot that was a very weird text to come from you.

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My DH and my BFF have names with the same first letter, so they are next to each other in contact list.  I had texted him to pick up some milk on his way home, but sent it to her by mistake.  She texted back that I was on my own on the milk and that she didn't have any in her refrigerator either. LOL!   Thankfully she has a great sense of humor, but I have learned to be much more careful with my touch phone.

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My dh, who is a pastor, accidentally texted one of our congregants, "I love to watch you while you're sleeping." Thank God, she figured out on her own that the text was meant for me. Can you imagine?! She thought it was sweet, but when she told me that morning (at church) I just about died.

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My dh, who is a pastor, accidentally texted one of our congregants, "I love to watch you while you're sleeping." Thank God, she figured out on her own that the text was meant for me. Can you imagine?! She thought it was sweet, but when she told me that morning (at church) I just about died.


I'm sure you were mortified, but you've utterly made my day with this story. :)

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This is exactly why I downloaded a messaging app called Handcent SMS to use in place of my normal texting.  It allows you to set it so you have to verify that you want to send.  It gives me a couple seconds to look up and see that I have the correct recipient, lol.

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My dh, who is a pastor, accidentally texted one of our congregants, "I love to watch you while you're sleeping." Thank God, she figured out on her own that the text was meant for me. Can you imagine?! She thought it was sweet, but when she told me that morning (at church) I just about died.

If I received this from my pastor, I would assume he'd seen me during his sermons. Lol!

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I've got another about my hubby, but he caught it before he pushed send. Our local seminary had a new VP that we were just getting to know. Dh was texting him about getting lunch and auto-correct turned it from whatever he had typed into "want to get anal?" Or meet for anal, or something. All I know is it had anal in it. That could have been really bad.

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Earlier I tried calling my parents, who have an area code that starts with 91X. I misdialed, and ended up accidentally calling 911 and hanging up without realizing it (must have hit the 1 2x without realizing it, just knew i misdialed. 911 beeped in and asked if we were okay. I was totally confused as I had no idea how I dialed 911, and I knew the kids did not. It was only after I told DH what had happened that i connected the area code for my parents to what probably had occurred. Yikes!!! And then of course, they had to dispatch a cop, who came to my door to check on us and get my info. Yay. I'm sure the neighbors had a field day with that one!!! :/ I was so flustered I probably sounded like a criminal!!! I haven't ever gotten a parking ticket, am a total introvert, and just was all shaky trying to talk to the police officer.


Time for some wine I think!! Bad. day.

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thing and thong can get you into trouble as well.


This is one reason why I am not fond of the movement of sending racy texts to your husband or wife. They can get sent to the wrong person or the kids could pick up the phone while you are driving to read a current text and get the wrong one, etc. I tell my kids NEVER text or email anything you don't want on the overhead at church or read aloud during announcements at school.

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Earlier I tried calling my parents, who have an area code that starts with 91X. I misdialed, and ended up accidentally calling 911 and hanging up without realizing it (must have hit the 1 2x without realizing it, just knew i misdialed. 911 beeped in and asked if we were okay. I was totally confused as I had no idea how I dialed 911, and I knew the kids did not. It was only after I told DH what had happened that i connected the area code for my parents to what probably had occurred. Yikes!!! And then of course, they had to dispatch a cop, who came to my door to check on us and get my info. Yay. I'm sure the neighbors had a field day with that one!!! :/ I was so flustered I probably sounded like a criminal!!! I haven't ever gotten a parking ticket, am a total introvert, and just was all shaky trying to talk to the police officer.


Time for some wine I think!! Bad. day.


I'm sure that was unsettling for you!  It's so weird when you can't figure out why the officer is there!


That EXACT thing happened to ds14 a couple of years ago!  He was trying to call a friend in the 919 area and said he couldn't get it to go through.  Two minutes later a cop was yelling through the sidelight for us to open the door!  My heart was racing until we figured out what was going on.


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thing and thong can get you into trouble as well.


This is one reason why I am not fond of the movement of sending racy texts to your husband or wife. They can get sent to the wrong person or the kids could pick up the phone while you are driving to read a current text and get the wrong one, etc. I tell my kids NEVER text or email anything you don't want on the overhead at church or read aloud during announcements at school.



I tell my son to leave my phone alone or he might be scarred for life. 


 The other day xh said, he 'was about to leave meow'.  He immediately sent a correction he meant now now meow....and told me that his phone changes the word now to meow every. single. time.  When I told my ds the story he grinned and told me he had changed it in his dad's IPhone to do that. 

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Another funny one was I was texting XH using voice to text...I said, 'ETA 6:00 p.m'  I glanced before I hit send...it had 'heard' '&hit, &hit, *ick head'.  I laughed so hard I about fell over.  It was like it was reading my mind or something. 


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When I was just barely pregnant with my newest baby I texted what I thought was my dh but ended up being my neighbor because he had texted me that morning and so was the default, something along the lines of "Ugh, I'm so fat and bloated, none of my clothes fit".  This is a guy whose kids my kids played with but I had barely ever spoken to.  It was mortifying.   :blushing:

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No texting stories, but I did try to call a friend once. I accidentally got the contact one line above him. THAT contact belonged to an online friend of mine... in scottland. The phone number was in my phone for emergencies (long story) and it was about 3am his time when I did it. Whoops!

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On my Ipad I can invite someone to an event. I'm not sure how they get the invite. 


To be fun I send this to Dh:

"Make love to wife. <kiss><kiss>" as a event for Friday night at 10pm.


I send it to the head of a large Christan homeschool group I belong to. I don't even really know the person. She never replied. I moved on and pretend it never happened.

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On my Ipad I can invite someone to an event. I'm not sure how they get the invite.


To be fun I send this to Dh:

"Make love to wife. <kiss><kiss>" as a event for Friday night at 10pm.


I send it to the head of a large Christan homeschool group I belong to. I don't even really know the person. She never replied. I moved on and pretend it never happened.

LOL that is too funny.

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There are several people in my church that are either city or county police here.  One of them found out that my family does homeless outreach.  He told me that the dept was buying some dinners for a benefit, and that they wanted to know if I would deliver them to our local homeless.  He and I texted back and forth a couple times and confirmed where I would meet to pick them up.


At the same time, I was texting a friend who also goes to our church.  She was going to go with me to deliver the meals, so she asked about the plan.  I THOUGHT I had texted her, saying "I wish he would bring them to my house.  He arrested our neighbor and I bet M would love to see him again."  (I don't like neighbor, and the thought of him knowing that I was friends with this cop amused me at the time. :) )  Yeh...turns out I texted the cop, not my friend.  He replied with, "Ummmmm, huh?"


This wouldn't have been so bad except that I inserted a curse word into the text.  Oh...that and I teach his son in Pre K at church.  I was SO embarassed....but he got a good laugh out of it.  

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Not a text but ... a couple of years ago my dh was venting to my mom about our pastor as she was taking dh to work. As he was getting in the car, his phone had 'butt dialed' the last number which was, of course, the pastor. Our pastor heard the entire conversation! :scared:  I told him that God was just helping him to clear the air. :tongue_smilie: Yeah, they had an interesting conversation later that day. :lol:  To this day, dh always checks his phone before venting about our pastor!

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I remember another one.  They were showing something on tv, talking about the newest Sexiest Man Alive. Dh happened to text me at that moment and asked what I was doing.  I told him that they were talking about the new sexiest man, and that they must be confused, because I was married to the sexiest man alive.  Except I texted that to my daughter, not dh.  :lol:  I figured it out when I heard "EWWWWWWW, MOMMMMMM" from the other room, lol.  

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thing and thong can get you into trouble as well.This is one reason why I am not fond of the movement of sending racy texts to your husband or wife. They can get sent to the wrong person or the kids could pick up the phone while you are driving to read a current text and get the wrong one, etc. I tell my kids NEVER text or email anything you don't want on the overhead at church or read aloud during announcements at school.



My ipad liked to change homeschoolers to homehookers when it was new. I fixed it before a disaster occurred.



I tell my son to leave my phone alone or he might be scarred for life. 


 The other day xh said, he 'was about to leave meow'.  He immediately sent a correction he meant now now meow....and told me that his phone changes the word now to meow every. single. time.  When I told my ds the story he grinned and told me he had changed it in his dad's IPhone to do that.




Dd did this to her friend's phone. Every time her friend typed 'LOL' it autocorrected to "Get in my van."



On my Ipad I can invite someone to an event. I'm not sure how they get the invite. 


To be fun I send this to Dh:

"Make love to wife. <kiss><kiss>" as a event for Friday night at 10pm.


I send it to the head of a large Christan homeschool group I belong to. I don't even really know the person. She never replied. I moved on and pretend it never happened.




When DH's mom was planning on coming to stay with us for Christmas, DH was texting her to ask if she could come to church with us because she has problems with scents and our church uses incense. Autocorrect changed the message to "our church does incest, can you come with us?"

Bahhhhh haaaaaa ha!!!!!!! These made my night!

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The other day xh said, he 'was about to leave meow'. He immediately sent a correction he meant now now meow....and told me that his phone changes the word now to meow every. single. time. When I told my ds the story he grinned and told me he had changed it in his dad's IPhone to do that.

Oh, I had forgotten about that little feature! DH and I are in the process of pranking our kids now :D

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Earlier I tried calling my parents, who have an area code that starts with 91X. I misdialed, and ended up accidentally calling 911 and hanging up without realizing it (must have hit the 1 2x without realizing it, just knew i misdialed. 911 beeped in and asked if we were okay. I was totally confused as I had no idea how I dialed 911, and I knew the kids did not. It was only after I told DH what had happened that i connected the area code for my parents to what probably had occurred. Yikes!!! And then of course, they had to dispatch a cop, who came to my door to check on us and get my info. Yay. I'm sure the neighbors had a field day with that one!!! :/ I was so flustered I probably sounded like a criminal!!! I haven't ever gotten a parking ticket, am a total introvert, and just was all shaky trying to talk to the police officer.


Time for some wine I think!! Bad. day.


Actually this is happening a lot around here - not texting.  Because of cell phones, we have a lot of phone numbers and will need to institute a new area code.  The "old" timers will stay with 919, the new people will get something different.  But a lot of people have hit 911 instead of 919!  The number of calls to the call centers increased dramatically the first couple of months.  I think it has fallen off now.  But it has taught a lot of us to stay on the phone when we misdial and tell the call center that we misdialed.

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Our backup pediatrician gives out his cell phone number for after hours (very good idea, except for the guy is a jerk)... During a very very bad day somehow i ended up texting him "if you hear rhythmic banging, that's my head on the wall." Meant to be sent to my husband. Could have been much worse though


:lol: :lol: :lol:


I walked away from my computer, and a few minutes later, I'm STILL laughing--out loud--about this!  Oh my goodness, hilarious!!!!  That is so funny!!!!

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On my Ipad I can invite someone to an event. I'm not sure how they get the invite. 


To be fun I send this to Dh:

"Make love to wife. <kiss><kiss>" as a event for Friday night at 10pm.


I send it to the head of a large Christan homeschool group I belong to. I don't even really know the person. She never replied. I moved on and pretend it never happened.


This is really scary! My husband's administrative assistant goes through all of his invites and accepts/declines them as is appropriate. I'm so glad things like this would never occur to me! 

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