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What time do you/your family naturally wake up?



160 members have voted

  1. 1. What time do your kids 'naturally' wake up?

    • Before 6am; age 0-4
    • Before 6am; age 5-8
    • Before 6am; age 9-12
    • Before 6am; teenager
    • 6-7am; age 0-4
    • 6-7am; age 5-8
    • 6-7am; age 9-12
    • 6-7am; teenager
    • 7-8am; age 0-4
    • 7-8am; age 5-8
    • 7-8am; age 9-12
    • 7-8am; teenager
    • 8-9am; age 0-4
    • 8-9am; age 5-8
    • 8-9am; age 9-12
    • 8-9am; teenager
    • after 9am; age 0-4
    • after 9am; age 5-8
    • after 9am; age 9-12
    • after 9am; teenager
  2. 2. What about YOU?

    • before 6am
    • 6-7am
    • 7-8am
    • 8-9am
    • after 9am

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I'm totally just curious.  A lot of my friends are amazed at my kids' sleeping habits, and they've been the way they are now since they started sleeping through the night as babies (7, 8, 9 weeks respectively).

I guess we just like to sleep?  lol :)


Oh, my kids wake up around 9ish most of the time - 8:30 sometimes.  Never before that.  I had to drag them out of bed for vbs a few weeks ago at 8:15.  :p

They get it honest.  I get up early to run, but when I get the chance to sleep in I usually don't even begin to MOVE until after 9.  

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Dd and I both wake up somewhere between eight and nine most mornings.  I know that as a stay-at-home/homeschooling mom, I'm supposed to be up at five baking bread from freshly-milled grain and contemplating the universe, but I'm a night owl.  If I wake up that early, I feel great for about three hours and then crash at lunchtime.

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My kids ALWAYS wake up at 7:30, or sometimes a bit earlier, unless they have had at least 2 consecutive late nights. Then they might sleep til 8:30. I sleep until 8:30 am, even though I go to bed most nights by 11 or 1130. I need a lot of sleep. DH wakes up at 6:30 every day.

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I get up around 5:45am... and the kids have already been playing/destroying/eating a piece of fruit for who knows how long. At least 15 minutes or so. I don't really want to know.


If they are still sleeping by 7:00am, I start looking for Kleenex, medications, and puke buckets, because I'm probably going to need at least one of them in the next 24 hours.

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My littles (3 and 5) sleep pretty well. They are awake between 7am-8am typically. I am up at 5am to workout before dh leaves for work. My teen would sleep until 2pm if I would let her, usually I'm knocking on her door at 9am-10am most days.

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My kids generally get up between 7 and 8am.  However, I have come to realize lately, that they tend to get up whenever sunrise is.  Ds has been waking up early all summer, when I don't mind if he sleeps in.  In a few months when the sun doesn't rise until 7:30, I will have to wake them both up at 7 to get our school work started so it doesn't take all day.

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My youngest (5) wakes up pretty early. Maybe around 6 sometimes earlier. He doesn't need a lot of sleep (my mum is the same).My eldest (9) will sleep in as long as I let her. 9am is normal. I tend to wake up between 6 and 7:30 it varies a lot depending if anyone else is around to wake up with our youngest. I really like mornings so though I'm happy if I wake up early.

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Shan dd was little she woke at 7a after 12 hours of sleep. In the past six years she sleeps 10 hours a night. If left to her own devices she would go to bed at 11p and wake at 9a.


I try to be asleep between 10 and 11. I often don't actually make that goal. Sometimes I'm going to sleep when dh is waking at 6a. My goal sleep schedule is 10p- 6a. It is rare that I accomplish that.

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Dd and I both wake up somewhere between eight and nine most mornings.  I know that as a stay-at-home/homeschooling mom, I'm supposed to be up at five baking bread from freshly-milled grain and contemplating the universe, but I'm a night owl.  If I wake up that early, I feel great for about three hours and then crash at lunchtime.


Whoa, is that what I'm supposed to be doing?


I simply can't sleep in anymore.  I'm awake between 6 and 7 most days, but sometimes even between 5 and 6.  I get up when I can't lie there anymore but I don't bake bread nor am I capable of contemplating anything.  I surf the internet for a while and then try to do some reading for pleasure.  My house is small and a stupid floor plan so I can't do much without waking up the rest of the family. 

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Ds sleeps 6:30am-6/7am. *I* go to bed around 8, lights out around 9. Dd was crazy messed up for years until I corrected her vitamin D deficiency (there was NOTHING else changed during the time she fell into a better sleep pattern). She goes to bed at 8:30, reading light out between 9-9:30 and she's up and showered by 8.


We don't use alarm clocks unless we have an appointment that is very early or far, and even then I'll wake a few minutes before the alarm.

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Whoa, is that what I'm supposed to be doing?



You must not read homemaking blogs. ;)  You're supposed to arise before the sun, perky and refreshed, thanking God for the opportunity to grind your organic spelt into flour by hand.  Then, while your spelt dough is rising, you should be running ten miles on your treadmill while you peruse your homemaking binder and meditate on pictures of your husband and/or the Titus 2 woman.  After you pop your bread into the oven and shower/do your makeup/coiffe your hair/paint hearts on your toenails, you can feed the chickens and collect their eggs to begin making a delicious gluten-free quiche for breakfast, at which point your children will arise to the delicious smells of breakfast and will move through the house in single-file to complete their chores and check them off on the chore chart.  




Sorry, I've come across a few too many homemaking/homeschooling blogs in my time, lol.


ETA:  There should probably be a green smoothie in there somewhere, along with seeing your loving husband off to work.

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During the school year when I'm working, I get up around 4:30.  The rest of the year I'm naturally up between 5:30 and 6:30.


DS14 has always been an early riser.  He used to be up by 5:30 every morning but he's fluctuating anywhere between 5:30 and 7:30 lately.  The absolute latest he ever slept in his life was almost 8am just a few years ago and I went in to make sure he was still breathing.

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Neither of us are morning people. In fact, it's almost 4pm and ds is not up yet. He's very much a night owl and this is his last week to sleep in, so he's pushing it. 


I naturally get up about 7:30 - 8, but don't talk to me for a while. Ds is bear if he has to get up before 9:30. His bedtime during school is 1am. He sleeps for 10-12 hours a night. 

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DH has converted us to night owls, and as such, we go to bed around 10:30 or 11:00 most nights. Well, 10:30 is the point at which we turn off the TV, tell everyone it's bedtime, etc. Which means 11:00-ish before we're in bed. Then the current 12 yr old stays up late reading (I don't ask; he has his own room, a reading lamp, and books). 


DH & I get up around 7-ish during the week; we both will sleep in on weekends (me more than him). "Sleep in" meaning "as late as humanly possible" in my case, and "until at least 8" in his case. 


The 8 yr old gets up at 8:30 or so every day.  The 12 yr old, who stays up till ????, gets up between 9:30 and 10:00 most mornings, later if ??? turned into ?!?!?  :)  The 15 yr old gets up right at 10:00 most of the time. 


DH isn't home from work until 6:30 at the earliest most days, and we have zero outside commitments, so this works for us and everyone still gets school done, even though it's an odd schedule. It works for us. 

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I'm totally just curious. A lot of my friends are amazed at my kids' sleeping habits, and they've been the way they are now since they started sleeping through the night as babies (7, 8, 9 weeks respectively).

I guess we just like to sleep? lol :)


Oh, my kids wake up around 9ish most of the time - 8:30 sometimes. Never before that. I had to drag them out of bed for vbs a few weeks ago at 8:15. :p

They get it honest. I get up early to run, but when I get the chance to sleep in I usually don't even begin to MOVE until after 9.

We're not early birds, either.


My definition of 9:00am is "crack of dawn." ;)

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Well, I had a hard time with the kids' part of the poll. I myself naturally wake up between 4 and 5. My youngest will naturally sleep until 11 or 12 on weekends. My oldest dd ( both are teens), however, naturally wakes up around 8 or 9 in the mornings, but she is in the habit of getting up around 3am to read and work on her writing, then goes back to bed, lol. Not sure where you'd classify that. She says it is much nicer and quieter at that time and her sister isn't bugging her. 

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We all seem to lean toward being nocturnal, for instance, I haven't been to bed yet and it's 3:30 am. If I allowed it, I'm sure we'd flip our schedules entirely and wake up at 3 or 4 pm. Our usual schedule is to wake around 8 or 9 am though.


I have to admit to wishing I was a 5 am kind of gal. There is a certain blissful calm to kneading the day's dough as the world wakes.

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Kids are up 7. Never later, unless I have some where to be. Then they'll sleep all day. (seriously, how do they know!?)


I am my best when I wake up before the rest of the family. Ideally I get up drink my tea, get a little work done, and relax. But that rarely happens because they are such earlier risers.

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I do see my husband off every morning, and I pack his lunch.  I don't make breakfast.  I don't eat it, and I can't cook his eggs right.  (He doesn't consider me flawed because of this; he can't cook eggs for me either.   We are both picky.)   Kids do their own thing for breakfast; they are picky too.  I also wait for him to get up to start the coffee - unless it's a Saturday he plans to sleep in, then I don't wait.


Actually I would like to be one those those women who gets up early, reads the Bible, prays, etc.  I do admire that.  But despite my inability to sleep in, my cognitive abilities are limited till I have coffee. 



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Whatever time we get up, I like to have an hour to myself! I don't do this whole "jump into the day" thing. I slowly ease into it with a cup of coffee and the internet. Luckily my toddler seems to be the same way. His wakeup time depends on whether or not it's cloudy, since he wakes up when the sun shines in his windows, but I often just leave him there for a while, because he gets upset if he can't look at his books by himself, and I like the quiet time too!

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If we are all left to just wake up when we are done sleeping, normally ds14 and I both wake up around 10am, dd5 around 1030am and ds9 and dd13 both sometime between 11-12pm.  We are a family of night owls.  Now that said, dd13 has to work most mornings at 630am, so we are both up by 6 am to get ready, and everyone else is up by 830am because the child she watches comes here and the noise of them wakes up the other kids.  Which is likely why when we get a morning to wake up naturally we all sleep like the dead until mid-late morning to deal with the exhaustion of those work days

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Things changed around here after the street behind our house was under construction for a solid 6 months and the beeping from backing up the equipment started promptly at 6:30am every morning. The construction was about 2 years ago, but it shifted the wakeup times for all of us.


Before that, my two younger girls would wake up between 7 and 8am, my oldest would wake up around 10-11am, and I would wake up around 8-9am. My dh always had to be up for work by 8:30am, but would often sleep until noon on the weekends.


Now my youngest mostly wakes up around 6-7am (but would love to be able to make her body sleep longer), my middle wakes up around 7-8am, my oldest wakes up around 5-6am, and I wake up around 6-7am. My dh has highly variable sleeping hours.

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I'm not sure.


We wake the older kids up in the morning around 7. I don't know how long they'd sleep given free choice.


The baby wakes me up between 6 and 7 usually, and one kid or another has been doing that since my oldest was born, so I have no idea what my natural wakeup time would be now.

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I am not a morning person.  DH is.  My "internal alarm" never rings before 8am.  His starts beeping around 5am.  (How on earth did we end up married?)  My sleep is complicated by the fact that I work night shift on the weekends and keep a regular day-time schedule during the week.  It stinks big time. 


Our kids are a mixed bag.  


My 9 year old wakes up around 8am.

My 6 year old gets up early, usually around 6am.

My 3 year old would sleep until next Thursday if we let him.  He has a hard time waking before 9am.

The baby is a baby....he wakes up if he poops or gets hungry.  Currently he's up for the day around 7am.  


I'm already feeling a little concerned about the next school year.   :glare:  

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I 'voted' for the times we naturally wake up if I let us sleep in. When I don't set an alarm for myself and the various beings in the house let me sleep, I'll naturally sleep

until about 0830. However, when we're in an exercise routine, which we will soon be starting back up, I set the alarm for around 6 or so, and, believe it or not,

my almost 15 yo dd willingly gets up with me to exercise!

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My kids were early risers when they were little (6-7 am natural wake up). The teenagers are a different story, though. They would sleep half the morning if I let them. (I don't.)


Dh and I both wake early. I think left totally to my own choice, I would naturally wake up between 7 and 7:30; this is what I tend to do when on vacation. I'm habituated to getting up earlier than that, though, so I wake up about 6 from "training." Dh wakes up about 5:30 pretty much always, alarm or no, vacation or no.

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Dd and I both wake up somewhere between eight and nine most mornings.  I know that as a stay-at-home/homeschooling mom, I'm supposed to be up at five baking bread from freshly-milled grain and contemplating the universe, but I'm a night owl.  If I wake up that early, I feel great for about three hours and then crash at lunchtime.


I usually get up around 7--7:30 am. It's amazing, the difference an hour can make. We've been up "early" (6:00 am) so far this week for VBS, and I'm crashing every day at 2:30 pm. Yesterday I made and drank a third cup of coffee at 3 pm, just to stay awake until bedtime.


I can't wait until Saturday. I'm sleeping in. :)

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I voted between 8 and 9 for me and for my daughter.  She is currently 24.  She has pretty much always woke up between 8 and 9... even as an infant.  She would go to sleep between 9 and 10 pm and woke up about 11-12 hours later.  She hardly ever napped... not even as an infant.  She was a happy baby though so it was ok since she also started sleeping through the night at 2 months of age.

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If my boys sleep past 7:30 I start to worry about them. If I can get away with it, I'll sleep till 8, but since having these boys for 9 years now, I just can't seem to sleep in as much. My dd will sleep in will 8 if her brothers are both gone, but that is such a rarity that I didn't really count it at all.

7 is the typical wake up time around here, 6:30 on school days for me. That's why we have an early bedtime.

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