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The Immodesty Thread


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Entirely not cool...I'm supposed to be working on 4H paperwork right now but instead the Kokomo song keeps running through my skull while dh parades around all cute in swim trunks and his rocket surgeon t shirt

the combo of the two causing my immoral mind to go places it ought not to go when writing a newsletter for

such a wholesome organizatioN.


SIGH...you guys are slaying me! On top of the fact that double entendres are now EVERYWHERE which includes dh's most recent exclamation, "Ds, are you losing my balls?" Of course he was referring to our uranium

marbles that Ds had not put away properly. But my mind went other places while drafting a paragraph

on community service projects.


I give up. Just give me my trampy mommy club membership card please.



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I give up. Just give me my trampy mommy club membership card please.





I'm sorry, but I don't think you get a card...it's a T Shirt, right? (which of course you will wear in the pool.)


ETA: ....which I think your Dh will like!

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I'm sorry, but I don't think you get a card...it's a T Shirt, right? (which of course you will wear in the pool.)


ETA: ....which I think your Dh will like!



If she goes much lower, she'll have to get a tattoo.

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I'm sorry, but I don't think you get a card...it's a T Shirt, right? (which of course you will wear in the pool.)


ETA: ....which I think your Dh will like!



Buuuuuuuuuut (please hear that with all the nasally whine intended) I was going to go skinny dipping tonight wearing the membership card on a lanyard around my neck!


This ruins my plans. HMMMMMM I must admit however that a trampy mommy white t shirt worn in the pool might get the attention of the individual in his hot floral swim trunks and rocket tee who should be looking my way instead of programming a robot

to say "My name is Innigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die."


No joke. That is exactly what he is doing. So I better apply for the shirt.



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Someone reported my lamb chops song...



That song is awesome!!!


There are people here who I don't agree with. I may get frustrated and/or upset and I may say snarky things in my head or at the computer screen, but I don't think I have ever felt compelled to report a post. Shoot, I get on my son for tattle tailing.

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There are people here who I don't agree with. I may get frustrated and/or upset and I may say snarky things in my head or at the computer screen, but I don't think I have ever felt compelled to report a post. Shoot, I get on my son for tattle tailing.



Oh. I have reported people. Happily. But I only report the deadset wankers. ;)

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... It used to be a lot easier to show off my cleavage, which is pretty spectacular, when I was only a DD. Now that I'm permanently a GG or an H (post-nursing) I find that I just need too much support to wear most revealing tops.


I can empathize. My cleavage naturally begins where it once ended. I hoisted the girls back up to their former glory days with an underwire bra similar to a steel girder cross restraint bridge. The cups plunge so the girls still look appealing with a scoop neck tee. At least my partner says so.

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I can empathize. My cleavage naturally begins where it once ended. I hoisted the girls back up to their former glory days with an underwire bra similar to a steel girder cross restraint bridge. The cups plunge so the girls still look appealing with a scoop neck tee. At least my partner says so.



I have one like that. Lord save you if a rivet pops.

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I have one like that. Lord save you if a rivet pops.



Rivets! I have glimpsed the heart of darkness...


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It's not too late for you to reinterpret those memories. Rather than letting your religion convince you to feel regret, you can interpret it as spreading your wings, finding yourself, trying new things, making mistakes, getting messy (wait, was that Ms. Frizzle speaking in my head just now?). The point is, you can enjoy who you were while you enjoy who you are now, more. No one should feel pressure to condemn themselves for a crime they never committed.





I like your advice to be kind, gracious and understanding with oneself.

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This thread is great!


In high school a group of us went swimming in a pond in the nude.


Overseas, I didn't realize that when you get a massage, they just put you anywhere on the beach. You only get one small towel. So, you get to pick what parts will or won't show. I just kept in mind, these people won't be seeing me again. Of course, now with all the camera phones, that thought no longer works ;)

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I can tell another story. I was in the same country where people drink a lot. However, this will be a very sober story. I was working on a dig, was tired, didn't want to socialize, so I just padded off to bed. I climbed into the tent and saw the nastiest, gnarliest-legged spider ever. I quickly retreated back to the larger group and reported my gruesome discovery. A brave guy offered to go on a search and destroy mission, but couldn't find the spider. I climbed back in the tent insisting it was there. I couldn't find it. So, we both went back to the gathering, because i was not, not going to bed. That's when someone screamed it was on my shirt. And, it was. I have never stripped off my top so fast in all my life. No, I wasn't wearing a bra - I was in PJs. I flashed about 45 people, who were rightfully laughing hysterically. Would've been easier to brush it off, but panic ruled.

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Thank you for this thread. I live in the deep south and really try hard not to offend, but I'm hot-natured and just not fond of lots of clothes. I'm always respectful in someone's house of worship, but day-to-day I prefer to dress comfortable. I draw the line at co-ops (and parties) with dress codes.


I could share lots of stories (breast-feeding in the deep south!), but I'll give a cautionary tale to convince you guys never to change!


Last week I had to fly. I always fly in a tank top and capri leggings; security is a breeze. But the modesty threads that came out of the airport girl story made me start to doubt myself. So I decided to dress more presentable. I picked up some capri jeans and a more decent shirt with short sleeves, before we left. Due to an accident closing the interstate, we were a bit late. And my more modest outfit earned me both a patdown and an explosives check (maybe sizing on the new clothing?) So we ended up running through the airport and boarding minutes before take off. So it's back to my "hide nothing" outfit!


When we got home ds found a class he wants to take at a co-op that has a dress code. I tried not to laugh in his face. I'll be good and let him do it. At least it will be winter.



My daugther wore only (and I do mean only) a dark gauzy longish dress, sandals and a cap when she flew back home this week. At security she was patted down and her hands were checked for explosives.


She was dressed similarly to the controversial 15 year old on the departure flight where she was NOT patted down or given an explosives test.

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Okay I will tell.....


I grew up in modesty madness. (and yea our particular madness is just that madness and stupid and so about absolute control and power over us sinful stupid little females- I'm still a little bitter LOL!)


Shirts over one pieces, shorts under dresses, long everything, sackless shapes (though making something that didn't show the hump of your rump was impossible so immodesty still reigned) At some point in my early teens the madness was too much and I decided to rebel about those stupid ugly deadset wankers CULLOTTES.


I forgo wearing underwear! For years!!!!!


Then when I decided sex was pretty good and something I liked (much older teen at this point don't freak out!) I fully completely and totally embraced the long flowing skirts and doubly long shirts. My mother was overjoyed at my final acceptance of "modesty" and adherence to the life!


Because long flowing skirts and shirts and no underwear make access completely and totally doable on a church bus without any hint of suspicion. :sneaky2: :001_tt2:


The satisfaction I had from flaunting the rules without arousing suspicion - PRICELESS


Made my unbearable teen years a little bit better. :coolgleamA:


AND I have no regrets!! :w00t:


(I still have to tell myself not to dress like a two dollar tramp on the corner when attending church homecoming from time to time (the very rare occasions I go back). The shock of seeing a woman in GASP makeup and nice jewelry and leg showing, Shew, more fun than a barrel full of monkeys. Rebellion in baby steps!


I am going straight to hell! :gnorsi: :lol:

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You all are inspiring. I just went commando in a sundress all day. I had to put on underwear because DH is out buying a new dishwasher and I may need to help carry it in. If I flip a show fir the neighbours while carrying a dishwasher, I'd rather it be a panty show, I guess.

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Okay I will tell.....


I grew up in modesty madness. (and yea our particular madness is just that madness and stupid and so about absolute control and power over us sinful stupid little females- I'm still a little bitter LOL!)


Shirts over one pieces, shorts under dresses, long everything, sackless shapes (though making something that didn't show the hump of your rump was impossible so immodesty still reigned) At some point in my early teens the madness was too much and I decided to rebel about those stupid ugly deadset wankers CULLOTTES.


I forgo wearing underwear! For years!!!!!


Then when I decided sex was pretty good and something I liked (much older teen at this point don't freak out!) I fully completely and totally embraced the long flowing skirts and doubly long shirts. My mother was overjoyed at my final acceptance of "modesty" and adherence to the life!


Because long flowing skirts and shirts and no underwear make access completely and totally doable on a church bus without any hint of suspicion. :sneaky2: :001_tt2:


The satisfaction I had from flaunting the rules without arousing suspicion - PRICELESS


Made my unbearable teen years a little bit better. :coolgleamA:


AND I have no regrets!! :w00t:


(I still have to tell myself not to dress like a two dollar tramp on the corner when attending church homecoming from time to time (the very rare occasions I go back). The shock of seeing a woman in GASP makeup and nice jewelry and leg showing, Shew, more fun than a barrel full of monkeys. Rebellion in baby steps!


I am going straight to hell! :gnorsi: :lol:




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I'm sorry, friends. You are just going to have to try harder if you want to *really* be immodest! None of these stories even mention your ability to make an ostentatious display... ... ... of wealth and social status.


C'mon tell me about the times you tried to belittle other believers by dressing expensively to put the poor in their place. Oh, just any time you were sure you deserved more respect and deferrence from the people around you, and used your manner if dress to make sure you got it.





I'm not a believer, but when I want to belittle other nonbelievers I strip skyclad... and then glare....like it's a dare.

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I was once married to a Wiccan, so I have been skyclad in a forest before. I give birth naked, no hospital gowns for me. I also only wear panties with jeans. And I only have three shirts I can wear to co op because all my others show my bra.


And just the other day, DS#1 told one of my other boys to pull his pants up because, ," you don't want mom to take her bra off!"

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Join us, the Happy Trampy Mommy Club! We are having shirts made up...whilte tank tops, pool worthy to be specific.



And our annual tradition is a Wet T-Shirt Competition.


*dies laughing*

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She was dressed similarly to the controversial 15 year old on the departure flight where she was NOT patted down or given an explosives test.



I have always dressed like that 15yo for the airport (though the big shirt stays in my carry-on) and was surprised that people considered it so awful. I've learned my lesson, and will go back to my uniform. It's sort of what I'm wearing now, except I have short shorts instead of leggings. (I always cover the back of my thighs on public transportation, not for modesty, but I get squicked out when they get sticky from whatever is on the seats.)

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Entirely not cool...I'm supposed to be working on 4H paperwork right now but instead the Kokomo song keeps running through my skull while dh parades around all cute in swim trunks and his rocket surgeon t shirt

the combo of the two causing my immoral mind to go places it ought not to go when writing a newsletter for

such a wholesome organizatioN.


SIGH...you guys are slaying me! On top of the fact that double entendres are now EVERYWHERE which includes dh's most recent exclamation, "Ds, are you losing my balls?" Of course he was referring to our uranium

marbles that Ds had not put away properly. But my mind went other places while drafting a paragraph

on community service projects.


I give up. Just give me my trampy mommy club membership card please.



Is that a euphemism? teA, organizatioN... So hard to keep up.
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Well, all of you inspired me. Don't ask, you  won't get it out of me.   :blushing: Suffice it to say, I'm darn certain I am now absolutely the ringleader of this pack!!!! 


And who would a thought a woman bearing nothing more than mere 3 page pamphlets instead of honest to goodnees booKs would occupy the position? Ah.....the American dream......  :biggrinjester:



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(yes, I was smart enough to know art-history classes were the best place to meet intoxicating women :D)



Don't you mean "intoxicated" women? I know the people in my theater classes were seldom sober. High at the VERY least.

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Are you going commando too? It's too hot for undies!!

When we first got married, I sometimes would be talking to myself in the morning as I got dressed. He heard me say, "hmm...do I want underwear today?" and just shook his head. When I asked why he said, "It cracks me up that that is considered an option rather than just a given."


So yeah, I used to do it more often.

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Speaking of commando, I think commando is better when wearing tight clothes rather than loose, what do y'all think? :001_rolleyes:


Depends on the seams. Some are more, umm, invasive than others.

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Try saving some for this evening after we've all had a few glasses of wine.


We are sure to be extra awesomely likable then.

Definitely! Dh is setting off a huge fireworks display tonight. Dh, explosions,

rum and coke, a glass of wine, good gravy its hard to say what I might post!

This thread might put me solidly in the tramp hall of fame!



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Try saving some for this evening after we've all had a few glasses of wine.


We are sure to be extra awesomely likable then.

*hangs head*


I have no self control: "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day."


And I've only had coffee.

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