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Picture Perfect? I may have pictured you all wrong


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Okay. In for a penny, in for a pound.


Lots of you look like your avatar in my mind. Some of you have personalities in my head not a "picture". Those that have a picture are:


Chelle in MO is tall and blonde


Chris in Va is a brunette with short hair


Alta Vista Academy is very tall


Zoo Keeper has on a hat


Catwoman looks a lot like Dorothy Hamill


Jean in Newcastle looks like Jean. I've seen a photo of her before


Unsinkable is a mermaid


Swellmomma looks like herself. I've seen a photo of her before.


WendyK I hate I missed your photo. I think you are blond.


Miss Marple looks like an older British actress


JudoMom is always in a keikogi


KK I remember your other avatar photos so I know what you look like


Wishbone Dawn looks similar to Tinkerbell


Martha looks like Catholic supermom with an apron and a rosary


Regentrude looks like a scientist with short dark blond hair


Aggieamy looks like a real person version of her avatar.


MrsBasil is always in the garden


Sahamamama has been pregnant a long time in my head. I know she has had the twins, but I often think of here still being pregnant with them


Alice looks like the latest Alice in Wonderland's Alice


Tibbie still looks like her old name so she is playing an instrument as a red-head in braids.


Melissa in Australia looks like a girl I went to high school with


White'sTavern doesn't look like a person. I see a rearing stallion when I see her name.


Barbecue mom is at the grill in an apron


Liz CA is at the beach


Plumcrazy looks like her avatar but I can "see" more of her face


Lemon Pie is really blond with long hair


Stacia I just see yellow


AnIslandGirl looks like a Polynesian hottie


beaners was a surprise. I always pictured her older.


PachiSusan looks like her photos.


Kleine Hexe is another surprise. I always see her as tall and redheaded.


Pretty much everyone else looks like their avatar.



Going back under my rock.

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Umm.......I tend to look different all the time, plus I usually pull stupid faces in photos.


Here's the best of the lot (lol) (click to enlarge....if you dare :p ):


Trying to get a picture of baby carrier, and got a picture of myself instead (unintentional, probably why its the most normal of my pics)



Obligatory Stupid Face with Austin Powers Glasses (photo taken by DS)



The Angry Rainbow Brite look (yes, my hair was actually rainbow, I still have green tips)



There you go, the house of distorted, scary mirrors, maybe I should find a moustache and tophat and take a new photo??? lol

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Guest inoubliable

Love it! I had turquoise/pink/blue hair last summer. :)



We must talk about how to pull this off when you have very dark hair...

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Sorry, Chucki. I am far from tall. I'm 5'1" :lol: My dh when standing is an entire foot taller than I am.


I do have a red headed child though....so maybe I channel the red. He wants me to dye my hair his color so people stop asking him where he got his red hair from. I did once. My dh really liked it. Guess I was born with the wrong hair.

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Okay. In for a penny, in for a pound.


Lots of you look like your avatar in my mind. Some of you have personalities in my head not a "picture". Those that have a picture are:


Alta Vista Academy is very tall


I picture AVA as being surrounded by stacks of grammar and writing materials.


Catwoman looks a lot like Dorothy Hamill


Catwoman looks like a cat, licking its paws. Hmm....


Jean in Newcastle looks like Jean. I've seen a photo of her before


Like I said before, Jean is in Newcastle, Delaware, saying, "Hey, Hon, come awn in."


Unsinkable is a mermaid


I picture a red and white fishing bobber.


Swellmomma looks like herself. I've seen a photo of her before.


I can't form a mental image past the maniacal cat.


Wishbone Dawn looks similar to Tinkerbell


Creamy Ranch salad dressing on cucumbers and tomatoes. What would Freud say?


Martha looks like Catholic supermom with an apron and a rosary


Exactly this.


MrsBasil is always in the garden




Sahamamama has been pregnant a long time in my head. I know she has had the twins, but I often think of her still being pregnant with them.


Hey, I was pregnant a long time in my head, too, along with other parts. The twins are six years old now. It must be my avatar that keeps you stuck in the distant past. ;) I changed it once, but people said they missed the chunky baby legs, so I put them back. I am not now, nor ever will again be, pregnant.


Alice looks like the latest Alice in Wonderland's Alice


I picture a young, prim, thin British nanny. You know, "They're changing the guard at Buckingham Palace. Christopher Robin went down with Alice."


Tibbie still looks like her old name so she is playing an instrument as a red-head in braids.


Yes, she's hammering out "I'll Fly Away, Oh Glory."


Plumcrazy looks like her avatar but I can "see" more of her face


Purple, for obvious reasons.


Lemon Pie is really blond with long hair


Yellow, for equally obvious reasons.


Going back under my rock.


Your post was fun to read, Parrothead! I love the pic of you in the sunglasses. :)

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We must talk about how to pull this off when you have very dark hair...


I bought some blondesness (or other ridiculously named bleach) and bleached sections I wanted done. Then I dyed it. I used Punky as it had the best reviews, longevity, and thumbs up for darker hair. Some are better than others.

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They are 6? They can't be six!


I know, where does it go? Six, and the oldest is eight now. So, you see, I haven't been pregnant IN a long time. But I did go to 39 weeks with those twins, so it felt like an eternity at the time.


Today one of my sixers was snuggling with me and she said, "I miss Daddy." (He was working). Long sigh. Then she looked me in the eye and stated, "Mommy, I want to make it very clear that saying I miss Daddy does not mean I feel like I'm stuck with you."



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I know, where does it go? Six, and the oldest is eight now. So, you see, I haven't been pregnant IN a long time. But I did go to 39 weeks with those twins, so it felt like an eternity at the time.


Today one of my sixers was snuggling with me and she said, "I miss Daddy." (He was working). Long sigh. Then she looked me in the eye and stated, "Mommy, I want to make it very clear that saying I miss Daddy does not mean I feel like I'm stuck with you."




You must have posted a photo of them as babies 2 or 3 years ago.



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Martha looks like Catholic supermom with an apron and a rosary




I don't think I even own an apron. I'm always grabbing kitchen towels and stuffing them in my denim front pockets to use what hangs down when I wipe my hands on my "jeans".


I do have and use several rosaries. Unfortunately, I'm rather notorious for falling asleep during it. I'm awful about it even in public.


I don't know what supermom looks like. *I* picture her as AmericanMaid from The Tick. And I look NOTHING like her.


Ha! That's it! I'm changing my user name!!!



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Guest inoubliable

I bought some blondesness (or other ridiculously named bleach) and bleached sections I wanted done. Then I dyed it. I used Punky as it had the best reviews, longevity, and thumbs up for darker hair. Some are better than others.


My hair is naturally medium brown. It's obnoxious red right now. Prelightening is necessary. Since I wanted a warmer red, I didn't need my hair white, and bleached it until it was a yellow orange color.



Thanks! I bleached it blonde in high school. So blond it was white. I don't remember then name of the stuff - Ultrablue, maybe? - but it gave me a headache for several days. I'd rather not use that stuff again.

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I think we should have a 24 hour thread once every 5 years so those of us who hide behind avatars can show a current photo then the thread gets deleted.


Of course we would all be posting photos on the 23rd hour.


Okay. Now I'm really going back into hiding. No, thank you. I don't need a 12-step program to go on a board break.

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Sorry, Chucki. I am far from tall. I'm 5'1" :lol: My dh when standing is an entire foot taller than I am.


I do have a red headed child though....so maybe I channel the red. He wants me to dye my hair his color so people stop asking him where he got his red hair from. I did once. My dh really liked it. Guess I was born with the wrong hair.


This made me giggle. My parents were both at a parent teacher conference one year. As they went in the teacher started gushing that now she knew where my younger sister got her beautiful red hair from. My mom and my sister had the same color hair, but only one was natural. My father almost choked he was trying so hard not to burst out laughing.

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Thanks! I bleached it blonde in high school. So blond it was white. I don't remember then name of the stuff - Ultrablue, maybe? - but it gave me a headache for several days. I'd rather not use that stuff again.


I was going to say do the dip dye thing, but I'd forgotten you'd cut all your hair off. With a pixie, I'm so much braver.

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My avvie perfectly encapsulates how I feel when I spend too much time on the Internet. It's the inner me.

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My avatar is from a vintage sewing pattern, since I love to sew. I'm not actually classy at all (as many of you know!) and I'm never that serene. I'm usually laughing and/or confused.


<-------ETA: No more vintage sewing lady. I feel half naked now! :-P

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Okay. In for a penny, in for a pound.


Lots of you look like your avatar in my mind. Some of you have personalities in my head not a "picture". Those that have a picture are:


Chelle in MO is tall and blonde


Chris in Va is a brunette with short hair


Alta Vista Academy is very tall


Zoo Keeper has on a hat


Catwoman looks a lot like Dorothy Hamill


Jean in Newcastle looks like Jean. I've seen a photo of her before


Unsinkable is a mermaid


Swellmomma looks like herself. I've seen a photo of her before.


WendyK I hate I missed your photo. I think you are blond.


Miss Marple looks like an older British actress


JudoMom is always in a keikogi


KK I remember your other avatar photos so I know what you look like


Wishbone Dawn looks similar to Tinkerbell


Martha looks like Catholic supermom with an apron and a rosary


Regentrude looks like a scientist with short dark blond hair


Aggieamy looks like a real person version of her avatar.


MrsBasil is always in the garden


Sahamamama has been pregnant a long time in my head. I know she has had the twins, but I often think of here still being pregnant with them


Alice looks like the latest Alice in Wonderland's Alice


Tibbie still looks like her old name so she is playing an instrument as a red-head in braids.


Melissa in Australia looks like a girl I went to high school with


White'sTavern doesn't look like a person. I see a rearing stallion when I see her name.


Barbecue mom is at the grill in an apron


Liz CA is at the beach


Plumcrazy looks like her avatar but I can "see" more of her face


Lemon Pie is really blond with long hair


Stacia I just see yellow


AnIslandGirl looks like a Polynesian hottie


beaners was a surprise. I always pictured her older.


PachiSusan looks like her photos.


Kleine Hexe is another surprise. I always see her as tall and redheaded.


Pretty much everyone else looks like their avatar.



Going back under my rock.



Well, I often feel like I'm in the weeds....does that count? I don't garden, save for trying to kill the weeds that are trying to overtake my yard. I'd like to though! Hopefully I won't kill them as badly as I am killing all my houseplants!

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Alta Vista Academy is very tall
I picture AVA as being surrounded by stacks of grammar and writing materials.


LOL You two have me pegged. I am 5'10" and surrounded by piles of books at all times. Today it was heaps of world geography resources I am using to plan this summer's unit study, but there were a few writing resources thrown in there too. Of course. :tongue_smilie:


I just think of avatars for posters, not what people look like in real life, unless their avatars are, or have ever been, photos. (In the absence of an avatar, I think more in themes or posting behavior.) I used to be a forest scene, then my dog, then my cat, then Tortoise and the Hare, and now Pollyanna. I like Pollyanna a lot, such a positive attitude, that one. We'll see how long she lasts around here. :D

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I don't think I even own an apron. I'm always grabbing kitchen towels and stuffing them in my denim front pockets to use what hangs down when I wipe my hands on my "jeans".




I......I have an apron fetish. There, I said it.


I own a lot of aprons, from BBQ type simple ones to the "old lady in the charity shop" to the 50's skirt type ones, to a big full-on one complete with swing skirt.



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But Chucki! You without sunnies is like Mom in High Heels wearing ugg boots or Audrey having brown hair. It's just not reality. :huh:



Shudder. Just the very thought. Now, I DO of course wear flat shoes on occasion, but never, ever Uggs. Ever.


I have no current photos of me without sunglasses on, other than the one where I'm helping Han Solo blow out his b-day candles (not a good face), so this is from a few years ago. My hair is shorter (just below my ears) and darker now.





Dang! Why won't it resize????? Sorry it's so huge.

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This made me giggle. My parents were both at a parent teacher conference one year. As they went in the teacher started gushing that now she knew where my younger sister got her beautiful red hair from. My mom and my sister had the same color hair, but only one was natural. My father almost choked he was trying so hard not to burst out laughing.


Yeah, when I dyed my hair red everyone thought is was natural because I have a red headed child. I didn't feel the need to enlighten them.

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Wasn't Vivien Leigh just so beautiful? As a child and teen, she embodied just gorgeous good looks to me. I've always wished I had those cheekbones.



I have always though she was beautiful. When I was a teen a friend told me I look like her...she was a really OLD friend and her eyes were bad. ;). And then Gone With The Wind played on tv and I had a teacher who started calling me Scarlett because of my personality.


I made dh watch a couple of hours of the movie the other night. I couldn't believe he had never seen it.

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I have always though she was beautiful. When I was a teen a friend told me I look like her...she was a really OLD friend and her eyes were bad. ;). And then Gone With The Wind played on tv and I had a teacher who started calling me Scarlett because of my personality.


I made dh watch a couple of hours of the movie the other night. I couldn't believe he had never seen it.



I've never seen it either.

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Yeah, when I dyed my hair red everyone thought is was natural because I have a red headed child. I didn't feel the need to enlighten them.


My oldest and youngest are red heads. It's verging on strawberry blonde now, though. I have gotten more than my fair share of comments about them not being mine (dh has almost black hair). Including from my Grandmother-in-law. :glare:

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I don't know what supermom looks like. *I* picture her as AmericanMaid from The Tick. And I look NOTHING like her.


Ha! That's it! I'm changing my user name!!!



LOL!!!!! I can totally see this! Haha!!! I have seen The Tick, but there are few people to whom I admit it. In fact, I've told the boys to never reveal the fact to anyone at church that we, as a family, watched the whole series :p


I think AmericanMaid fits exactly my idea of you :)

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