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Unwatchable movies (s/o celebrities)


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I'm going to cause a riot by saying this, I think, but I absolutely hate The Lord of the Rings movies. They're the most boring things I've ever seen. Here's the plot summary:


Walk through the woods. Then walk some more. And then it gets exciting when they keep walking. Blah.


I hated the LOTR movies too, but not for the reason you stated. I'm a "keep true to the books" type of person and those movies were miscast and poorly done, especially #2 & #3

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I cannot remember the name, but that movie about the people left behind when scuba diving in the ocean. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for something to happen. But no, they just bobbed around for hour after hour.


Open Water. When I was in the Navy and we were underway, someone was watching this in our office. I made fun of it the whole time it was on, but then I liked the ending. The vast majority of movies have happy endings, it was nice to see one that didn't for a change. At the time, I didn't know it was based on a true story, which makes the ending very sad and I wonder why they would make a movie about that. I think there was a sequel as well.

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I think it's interesting how I really liked many of the movies people are mentioning. I love Avengers. I watch Point Break every time it's on TV (despite the bad acting and my hatred of Keanu Reeves). Same with the original Red Dawn. I adore Les Miserables.


And who can possibly hate Raiders of the Lost Ark or Rainman? Probably the same people who love the LOTR movies. :tongue_smilie:



Hey! I love LOTR (I even dressed up opening night) and I also love Raiders of the Lost Ark. Rainman however is another story.....

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Moonstruck. Ugh. Worst movie ever - and totally overrated. Cher and Cage together - could it get any worse (probably only if Keanu had been in it too). I think Cher won the Oscar for that movie too. Some great actress was robbed that year.


WHAT?!? I love this movie! Bestill my heart...

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Moonstruck is dh's favorite movie of all time. I really like it too, but then I have always liked Nicolas Cage. THe only movie I HATED and walked out of was Space Odessey:2001. I like most movies that I see but then now I only go to movies that I am pretty sure that I will like for ex. dh and I take our dc to most of the superhero movies, all of us really enjoy them, also Star Treks and Star Wars movies also the National Treasure and Indiana Jones movies. I won't even sit thru movies on tv unless I am really wanting to see it alot. I will watch my favorite movies over and over so that does not leave me much time to watch many new movis lol.

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The vast majority of movies have happy endings, it was nice to see one that didn't for a change. At the time, I didn't know it was based on a true story, which makes the ending very sad and I wonder why they would make a movie about that. I think there was a sequel as well.


Reminds me of The Perfect Storm. It wasn't that good of a movie anyway, but at least it had a prayer if someone, anyone, had survived.

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Reminds me of The Perfect Storm. It wasn't that good of a movie anyway, but at least it had a prayer if someone, anyone, had survived.



My husband saw Perfect Storm with my father. Dh didn't like it. My father gave us the DVD as a Christmas present one year. :confused1:


I really didn't like Clooney at the time, so during my pregnancy, I decided to watch Perfect Storm one day. We were on a budget, so I couldn't really get out & I was getting bored at home. I figured, Clooney and Wahlberg die at the end, so hey, happy movie right?


Took me two days to watch since I got seasick halfway through it. And at the end, I was just sobbing.

Stupid pregnancy hormones.

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I'm going to cause a riot by saying this, I think, but I absolutely hate The Lord of the Rings movies. They're the most boring things I've ever seen. Here's the plot summary:


Walk through the woods. Then walk some more. And then it gets exciting when they keep walking. Blah.



I think I love you!!!! (although my reasons for the hate have mostly to do with the assassination of main characters such as Aragorn, Faramir, Theoden, and even Gandalf). Still, we can join together in our not being willing to allow 8 hours of our lives to be sucked out into oblivion and our brain cells being destroyed.

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I hated the LOTR movies too, but not for the reason you stated. I'm a "keep true to the books" type of person and those movies were miscast and poorly done, especially #2 & #3


Oh, we should form a social group for People Who Think Movie Adaptations Should be True to the Original Book, or, alternatively, People Who Throw Up A Little in Their Mouths When They Watch LOTR. :D

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The Matrix movies...cannot watch them.


I love the first one, but the others...oh, Neo--what were you thinking???


Semi recently....Mama Mia. Great actors ....terrible movie.


I wanted to dance with Streep, but really, the immorality of it all totally put me off. I guess I'm a prude.

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Oh, we should form a social group for People Who Think Movie Adaptations Should be True to the Original Book, or, alternatively, People Who Throw Up A Little in Their Mouths When They Watch LOTR. :D


My son would cheerfully join that.

He watched the first half of Fellowship after reading LoTR. First, he's really ticked because he says it's one book as per Tolkien, not 3. Then he absolutely HATES the movie. "It's not like that!" "There's no octopus before the mines!"


I like the movies... but I've only read Fellowship :)

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My son would cheerfully join that.

He watched the first half of Fellowship after reading LoTR. First, he's really ticked because he says it's one book as per Tolkien, not 3. Then he absolutely HATES the movie. "It's not like that!" "There's no octopus before the mines!"


I like the movies... but I've only read Fellowship :)


Well, yes, there is an octopus-like creature before the mines. It comes up out of the murky pool in front of the gates and grabs Frodo. Battle ensues, the Fellowship runs through the entry and they close the doors, they hear the sounds of the creature wreaking havoc outside and destroying the gate and the big holly trees that stood on either side. :-)


I've read all three books (or six, depending, as each one is divided into two books...) probably, oh, at least 20 times since 1970. :-) I don't know whether Tolkien said there were three or one or six, but they have always been published in three volumes: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King.


But as far as I'm concerned, any reason for not liking the movies is basis for membership in the social group, lol.

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Oh, we should form a social group for People Who Think Movie Adaptations Should be True to the Original Book, or, alternatively, People Who Throw Up A Little in Their Mouths When They Watch LOTR. :D


There are a very few that are improved. The movie ending for Being There was nothing short of brilliant.


ETA: And really, the Godfather books were not very good.

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There are a very few that are improved. The movie ending for Being There was nothing short of brilliant.


ETA: And really, the Godfather books were not very good.



True on both counts. I prefer the Anthony Andrews/Jany Seymour Scarlet Pimpernel to the book. We like both the movie and the book Wizard of Oz. I like Fire Starter, both the movie and the book. And actually, I'm not terribly offended by changes in The Hobbit (except for a couple of very small things).

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Well, yes, there is an octopus-like creature before the mines. It comes up out of the murky pool in front of the gates and grabs Frodo. Battle ensues, the Fellowship runs through the entry and they close the doors, they hear the sounds of the creature wreaking havoc outside and destroying the gate and the big holly trees that stood on either side. :-)


I've read all three books (or six, depending, as each one is divided into two books...) probably, oh, at least 20 times since 1970. :-) I don't know whether Tolkien said there were three or one or six, but they have always been published in three volumes: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King.


But as far as I'm concerned, any reason for not liking the movies is basis for membership in the social group, lol.


The publisher split it into the 3 books. It was submitted as one: LOTR. He has the single version (here on amazon).


Boy says it's not a creature: it's enchanted water ("cursed water, I believe. You don't know what it is. It's just black water snakes up and they all run into the mines.")

I have no idea if he's right... but that was the most recent complaint about the movies when we teased him about watching it on vacation.

He saw the movie 3 years ago and still holds a grudge :)

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The publisher split it into the 3 books. It was submitted as one: LOTR. He has the single version (here on amazon).


Ah. Well, the publisher was right to do so, lol.


Boy says it's not a creature: it's enchanted water ("cursed water, I believe. You don't know what it is. It's just black water snakes up and they all run into the mines.")

I have no idea if he's right... but that was the most recent complaint about the movies when we teased him about watching it on vacation.


But it specifically says that a tentacle grabbed Frodo's leg, and that Aragorn (or someone--I'd have to go upstairs and get my book) hacked off the tentacle, and Gandalf/Aragorn wondered why it was that out of all of the members of the Fellowship, it was Frodo that the creature attacked. It is true, though, that a whole creature is not seen, only a tentacle. That the movie shows an octopus does not offend *me,* but I understand why it offends your ds, lol.


He saw the movie 3 years ago and still holds a grudge :)


A young man after my own heart. :D

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Guest inoubliable



There. I said it. I cannot watch Titanic without seeing Leo in his role for What's Eating Gilbert Grape.


The movie was horrid anyway. Boat sinks, people die. The romance inserted didn't make that movie any less horrifying for me. It didn't help when so many people I knew would tell me that I looked like Kate Winslet. Right after people were saying things like "She was too fat for that role, but had an amazing rack. Oh, hey. You know you look a lot like her!". Gee, thanks. Is it that I'm a fatty or are you checking out my chest? I liked Winslet in other movies, though.

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Ah. Well, the publisher was right to do so, lol.




But it specifically says that a tentacle grabbed Frodo's leg, and that Aragorn (or someone--I'd have to go upstairs and get my book) hacked off the tentacle, and Gandalf/Aragorn wondered why it was that out of all of the members of the Fellowship, it was Frodo that the creature attacked. It is true, though, that a whole creature is not seen, only a tentacle. That the movie shows an octopus does not offend *me,* but I understand why it offends your ds, lol.




A young man after my own heart. :D



Sounds like boy may have some rereading to do! :)

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There. I said it. I cannot watch Titanic without seeing Leo in his role for What's Eating Gilbert Grape.


The movie was horrid anyway. Boat sinks, people die. The romance inserted didn't make that movie any less horrifying for me. It didn't help when so many people I knew would tell me that I looked like Kate Winslet. Right after people were saying things like "She was too fat for that role, but had an amazing rack. Oh, hey. You know you look a lot like her!". Gee, thanks. Is it that I'm a fatty or are you checking out my chest? I liked Winslet in other movies, though.



Yes. A horrible tradegy with many little storys of lives lost and saved and James Cameron had to make up a hokey fictional romance to hook the audience? Ugh.


My two most recent awful movies were Battleship and The A-Team. I don't understand it...Is Liam Neeson drunk when picking scripts these days?

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I can get into most movies, but my unwatchable one is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I got dragged to see that in the theater by DH and wanted it to be over the entire time. It gave me an awful headache.



Ones viewing experience of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas might improve immeasurably if one consumes a dose of Psilocybin beforehand :D



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I hate most movies. ;) But how about Chicago? That was awful, and they hyped it up like it was the best thing ever. The worst movie I ever saw was American Beauty, which IIRC won the movie of the year or something. Weird.



I didn't understand the point of American Beauty. It was just odd.


Rock of Ages



I actually liked this movie but I watched it while my oldest and I were away for a weekend and we sang along with every song while eating Chinese food in a motel room, so that could be why. :coolgleamA: I didn't like Tom Cruise in it, but I don't like him anyway.


Oh, and I hated Eat Pray Love. It had potential, but it failed.



Found it kind of boring.


I paid to see Water World in the theater. I'm still bitter 20+ years later.



Dh likes this movie and actually watches it every time it's on tv.


Green Lantern is probably the worst movie I've ever seen. Not that I really saw much, because I gave up and shut it off after half an hour. I normally love Ryan Reynolds and action movies, so I really don't know what happened there.


Both Red Dawns are craptastic, too. Couldn't make it through the old one or the remake.



I liked Green Lantern but I really love Ryan Reynolds, so that could be why. :drool5:

I like the original Red Dawn and will watch it when it's on. I haven't seen the remake.




I LOVE Mama Mia!!!! I was thinking about watching it again tonight :)



:iagree: I love Mama Mia. This and Rock of Ages are the music I grew up with, so maybe that's why. I saw it in theaters with a moms club group and we all kept getting up and dancing. :lol: Now, when I watch it on DVD (usually the sing-along version) my son gets up and dances to it. :hurray:





Never saw it. It didn't look interesting enough for me to waste 3 hours on it.



Years ago (like 15 or 20) there was a movie so bad I actually walked out of theater. I don't even remember what movie it was. Dh and I watch a lot of movies on tv and lately there seem to be an awful lot that I just think "what was the point of that?".


A few years ago, when she was around 15 my oldest wanted to see an R rated movie with some friends. Since I had no desire to see this scary movie with her and her friends, I went and saw the only other movie playing at about the same time - Nights in Rodanthe. I had no idea what it was going to be about but I know Nicholas Sparks movies were romances. They meet, hang out on the beach, he dies, she cries. That's it. What was the point of that?

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It took me over a month to watch 2012; any more than a few minutes at a time was too much to handle, it was so maddeningly ridiculous. However, I stuck it for John Cusack and the special effects. Turned out the only worthwhile thing in the movie was Woody Harrelson. Is he ever anything but great?



We paid to see 2012 at the time we were going about twice a year. I enjoyed Harrelson, Cusack, and the popcorn. That's about it.

I cannot remember the name, but that movie about the people left behind when scuba diving in the ocean. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for something to happen. But no, they just bobbed around for hour after hour.



OMG! We sat through that on TV or DVD. Why? I know not? It was awful.

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Oh, we should form a social group for People Who Think Movie Adaptations Should be True to the Original Book, or, alternatively, People Who Throw Up A Little in Their Mouths When They Watch LOTR. :D


me, me, me!! I'll join!! I'm pretty die-hard about LOTR... and thinks they should have never made them into movies in the first place.

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I love Mama Mia. This and Rock of Ages are the music I grew up with, so maybe that's why. I saw it in theaters with a moms club group and we all kept getting up and dancing. :lol: Now, when I watch it on DVD (usually the sing-along version) my son gets up and dances to it. :hurray:


I know! I wanted to dance along with it, too! I'm just a prude. I didn't care for the story line, especially not the ending, when the bride decides to shack up instead of getting married. Sowwy--don't let me rain on your Mama Mia parade, lol.

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I think I love you!!!! (although my reasons for the hate have mostly to do with the assassination of main characters such as Aragorn, Faramir, Theoden, and even Gandalf). Still, we can join together in our not being willing to allow 8 hours of our lives to be sucked out into oblivion and our brain cells being destroyed.


Ellie I have never agreed with you more.


Now whenever a character is hosed in a movie my family calls it "being Faramir'd"

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Oh, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. That was so, so bad. So, so bad.


The author of the book on which that movie was based got in a huge fight with DC when they implied he approved of the movie. It was so bad and not remotely related to what happened in the comics.


The same author wrote Watchmen and that did stay true to his story.

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The Scarlet Letter with Demi Moore, it is completely ridiculous to make anything by Nathaniel Hawthorn a happy story.


I couldn't believe there was a hottub scene!

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I sat thru Eragon. I sat thru Death Planet. I even made it thru Two Headed Shark Attack and Never Ending Story Part Two.


The absolutely most unwatchable movie for me? Hunger Games. I made it thru exactly eight minutes before I had to turn it off. DS17 left the room after 6 minutes. It was THAT bad.

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I hate pretty much anything with Will Farrell. I loathe everything about that man.


Two movies that DH and I still joke about were ones we saw while dating - That Darn Cat (1997) and The English Patient. That Darn Cat was just stupid piled on top of bad acting. The English Patient has to have been the dullest movie in history.

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I paid to see Water World in the theater. I'm still bitter 20+ years later.


In the theatre, halfway through Waterworld, the fire alarm went off. Everyone exits, and we were given coupons for a free movie for our inconvience. My friend, who was my ride, insisted on waiting and going back into see how it ended.


We had an out. We basically even had a refund; but no, we had to stay to the bitter end of the worst movie ever made.

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On the topic of celebrity crushes/hatred... I adore(d) Sean Connery. However, he has been in some of the most dreadful movies.

We ended up walking out of Medicine Man (oh my, that was bad). During a time when we weren't going to the movies and before you could rent DVDs, we'd buy ones we wanted to see. That's how I own a copy of (IMO) the all time worst movie made...The Avengers.


The trailer looked good...Connery...in a kilt! Ralph Fiennes...Uma Thurman...

My husband refused to stay in the living room with me and watch the whole thing.

I think the teddy bear costumes were the last straw for him. I did watch the whole thing...and it was that awful.


Not sure link will paste...

This is the scene.


What's your worst ever movie? Ideally with actors you otherwise like.


I agree. This was an awful movie. On a happy note, Marvel's The Avengers is MUCH, MUCH better!

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In the theatre, halfway through Waterworld, the fire alarm went off. Everyone exits, and we were given coupons for a free movie for our inconvience. My friend, who was my ride, insisted on waiting and going back into see how it ended.

We had an out. We basically even had a refund; but no, we had to stay to the bitter end of the worst movie ever made.


Whoa! That IS bad. You have my condolences.

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I'm in the "I loathe Will Farrel's acting" club. Ug. What is it with him always having to run around in his tighty-whities in every movie he's in????


I love LOTR - books and movies - but my DH calls them the "walking movies".... I'll let him know he's not alone!


I think the worst movie I've seen, at least the one that stands out as being the worst, was Blade with Wesley Snipes. Ug. My aunt dragged me to it on the recommendation of a coworker. Now, understand, my aunt is wanna-be movie critic, and into very artsy films. She was seriously hanging her head in shame as we exited the theater. That part was kinda funny. We teased her about it for YEARS.





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Oh my, all this water world hate. I did not see it in the theatre and it is an awful movie. Yet, if I land on it when flicking through channels I will watch it. I don't know why but I do. It is like I am keep waiting for it to get better and it never does.

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