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Need some serious prayer warriors Tuesday morning - Update post #22


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My brother is having a triple bypass tomorrow morning. He has cardiomyopathy, and already has a defibrillator. His heart function went from around 26% to 22% which prompted a heart cath. They found the blockages, but took two weeks to decide if the benefits of surgery were worth the risk. Ultimately they feel like they can get him through the surgery, though they aren't sure if he will see any improvement in heart function (well, the surgeon doesn't think it'll help, but the cardiologists do, and my personal, unmedical opinion is that anything they can do to put less strain on his heart HAS to be a good thing).


We are all very concerned. Obviously we want prayer for him to make it through the surgery, but I've been praying that some heart function will be restored through all this as well. I'd also like prayer that he would make an effort to lose weight (he is probably 40-50 pounds overweight), because I know that would also take some strain off his heart.


My brother just turned 59. He has 4 adult children, but no grandchildren as of yet. He is a wonderful husband and father, and always has been. He needs to stick around for some grandchildren to spoil.


His surgery begins at 7 a.m. tomorrow. I'd appreciate all the prayers I can get for him!! His name is Ricky.

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Adding my prayers.


I also had a family member basically have much of his heart rebuilt with multiple bypasses and valve replacements when he was in his sixties and he lived 12 more years.


His heart was bad bc of scarlet fever as a child.


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Thanks everyone - the surgery has been moved to 10:30 a.m. Central time. I really appreciate all the prayers!


hang in there Stacey!


You are an awesome sister!


Be assured God is not limited by time. He will hear our prayers for Ricky no matter when we say them.

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Thanks for all the prayers, and sorry for not updating sooner - it's been a long day!


They took him back around 10:30, but had several delays. Surgery began at 12:45 p.m. and was over around 4:45. It went well, possibly even better than the surgeon expected.


Though they aren't expecting a huge improvement in function, there is some tissue they feel like will be brought back from the bypass, which will add to the healthy, functioning tissue in his heart. They were also able to get wires in place for them to connect a bi-lateral pacemaker in the future (when it becomes necessary). Apparently that is gonna be a big help for his prognosis down the road.


He's not completely out of the woods just yet; his lung function is a little poor, so he's on a respirator until they feel confident about removing his breathing tube, and he is having to have meds to keep his blood pressure up. It is definitely looking positive.


Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers!

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We went to see him twice today - HUGE improvement just from morning to lunch. He is off of all meds, and they were able to take him off the vent a lot sooner than they thought. He is already out of CICU and in a regular room.


God is really good - this is such an answer to prayer!

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Thanks for all the prayers, and sorry for not updating sooner - it's been a long day!


They took him back around 10:30, but had several delays. Surgery began at 12:45 p.m. and was over around 4:45. It went well, possibly even better than the surgeon expected.


Though they aren't expecting a huge improvement in function, there is some tissue they feel like will be brought back from the bypass, which will add to the healthy, functioning tissue in his heart. They were also able to get wires in place for them to connect a bi-lateral pacemaker in the future (when it becomes necessary). Apparently that is gonna be a big help for his prognosis down the road.


He's not completely out of the woods just yet; his lung function is a little poor, so he's on a respirator until they feel confident about removing his breathing tube, and he is having to have meds to keep his blood pressure up. It is definitely looking positive.


Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers!


Thanks for the update. Still praying!



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