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funniest reason not to homeschool I've ever heard


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Hmmm... we took this week off of school because Ethan is sick. He was actually in his bed most of the time leaving me with lots of kid-free time. Truly, it's been a nice break, but I've been bored. I am looking forward to getting back on schedule next week and staying busy.

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Wait. . . you don't homeschool your kids so that they will do all the work around the place so that you can watch your "stories" and eat bon-bons?


I know, right?? I actually posted this as my FB status today:


General public FYI: Just because I am at home does not mean I can sit on the phone all day, hang out and chat. I have three children and we homeschool. That means they are actually receiving an education while under my care. No, they do not sit at desks, raise their hands, etc., this is not "school at home". However, when I am in the middle of a spelling or math lesson answering the phone is not feasible. Thanks for your consideration.


Please feel free to text at any time. If I am able to respond I will. If not, I will later, as time permits. Thanks for your understanding. :)



My phone probably rang 15-20 times today with the most mundane things. I finally stopped answering but good grief people! Do you think my daughter learns to read and do math by osmosis??

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She may well be an idiot, but I do find it dull sometimes. Especially now that my dc is older and is so self-motivated. I have to find ways to putter before we have to start driving. Of course, I don't like Pintrest, or cleaning the house, or making faces on bread with bell pepper strips.


I am just thanking the universe that it is finally gardening season.

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That made me laugh so hard that my DH wanted to know what is so funny.


He said you just didn't give the poor lady time to finish her sentence. What she meant to say is "I like to stay busy doing other stuff."


It was "I like to stay busy doing more interesting 'grown-up' stuff I can't do when my children are around."

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I know, right?? I actually posted this as my FB status today:


General public FYI: Just because I am at home does not mean I can sit on the phone all day, hang out and chat. I have three children and we homeschool. That means they are actually receiving an education while under my care. No, they do not sit at desks, raise their hands, etc., this is not "school at home". However, when I am in the middle of a spelling or math lesson answering the phone is not feasible. Thanks for your consideration.


Please feel free to text at any time. If I am able to respond I will. If not, I will later, as time permits. Thanks for your understanding. :)



My phone probably rang 15-20 times today with the most mundane things. I finally stopped answering but good grief people! Do you think my daughter learns to read and do math by osmosis??

I thought that's why we had answering machines. (and caller ID.)

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I thought that's why we had answering machines. (and caller ID.)


Yeah, and the little buttons that turn off the ringer...


I understand the frustration at the interruptions but before I'd post something on Facebook (which I don't have and probably won't have) I'd try to personally address the biggest offenders.

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On a serious note: I do think that people often don't think it is "worth it" to spend the time with kids individually. I've been told that I'm "selfish" for not spreading myself out over a classroom of 20+ kids. So it isn't a waste of time in their thinking for a paid teacher to have them in a class but it is for a mom to have her own kids at home. . . Crazy, isn't it!

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On a serious note: I do think that people often don't think it is "worth it" to spend the time with kids individually. I've been told that I'm "selfish" for not spreading myself out over a classroom of 20+ kids. So it isn't a waste of time in their thinking for a paid teacher to have them in a class but it is for a mom to have her own kids at home. . . Crazy, isn't it!



This was my grandma's take when I was homeschooling. She was not surprised that homeschooling was a good fit for us or that the kids were learning. She did think it was "sad" that I wasn't teaching a classroom full of kids instead of essentially squandering my gifts on my own kids. She didn't say it like that, but the idea that it was a self-centered or selifish decision was implied.

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I had a babysitting issue with a neighbor a few years back. Said neighbor is my age, but her children are grown and she has never worked outside of the house. She watched a relative's child after school hours three days a week, but wanted to pawn the child off on me all the time. When I put my foot down and said I was too busy with homeschooling, she sent me a nasty e-mail telling me I was "just a housewife like she was" and, since she wasn't busy during the day, she knew I wasn't busy during the day, either. Um. Yeah. Homeschooling magically happens while I lounge around all day. :lol:

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This was my grandma's take when I was homeschooling. She was not surprised that homeschooling was a good fit for us or that the kids were learning. She did think it was "sad" that I wasn't teaching a classroom full of kids instead of essentially squandering my gifts on my own kids. She didn't say it like that, but the idea that it was a self-centered or selifish decision was implied.


Yes, I get it--one of my relatives thinks I wasted my life being at home with my kids, even when I worked part time as a preschool teacher. Waste, waste, waste.

Another thought daycare was the absolutely BEST thing he and his wife EVER did for their kids.


Real winners.

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That's absolutely hilarious! I read that to my DD and even she rolled her eyes. This year has been the busiest so far due to some activities we committed to. I'm actually planning how to wean down some for next year.


When DD was in public school years ago it was like a vacation compared to now....

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I had a babysitting issue with a neighbor a few years back. Said neighbor is my age, but her children are grown and she has never worked outside of the house. She watched a relative's child after school hours three days a week, but wanted to pawn the child off on me all the time. When I put my foot down and said I was too busy with homeschooling, she sent me a nasty e-mail telling me I was "just a housewife like she was" and, since she wasn't busy during the day, she knew I wasn't busy during the day, either. Um. Yeah. Homeschooling magically happens while I lounge around all day. :lol:


Uh, did you shoot back an email saying "Then how come you always send the child over here if you aren't busy?!" LOL


I will say that when my oldest two were in school and my youngest went to Mothers Day out.... I didn't do a diddly **** thing while they were gone. Now, granted, I was dealing with multiple people's chronic illness, my depression, and not a whole lot of help from the other adults in my life, but....yeah. I totally went to bed or took myself off somewhere else when I was child free. Mostly to bed, if I hadn't I don't knew when I would have gotten any rest. I'm glad those days are behind me.

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Another thought daycare was the absolutely BEST thing he and his wife EVER did for their kids.


Real winners.


FTR, I believe that daycare benefited *my* kids more than staying at home would. Hopefully that doesn't make me a loser.

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I would assume she meant she did not want to stay home. (course, my jaw would still drop.)

My friend who is HSing this year through a cyber school is this way. I had to gently explain, if she was serious about this she needed to cut back on outside commitments until they got their "groove" in HSing. She was always on the go with babies in tow, but her older ones were in school. Now that she has 1 at home and plans to bring another one home in a couple years, I explained "home schooling" means just that, being at home (or at least someplace quiet he can get work done, and he needs internet since he has online classes/quizzes).

But I truly do not know how some HSing families are always out and about...I don't have time. We have no outside commitments that are assigned a certain time/day (like lessons) because I never know if lessons will take 3 hours or 7. I can't see how they get much academic work done. (I mean I could see it with 1 kid, but not multiple) I am hoping that once the kids are older that will even out, but I'm not planning on it because by then my oldest will be in upper grades and have a heavier load.

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Um_2_4 - what do you mean you don't know how long the lessons will take? Do you mean the lessons you are doing with them as part of homeschool or lessons like music/dance/etc? I can almost guarantee you that any outside lessons won't go on much past the specified, and paid for, time ;) As for lessons at home, I imagine you will find that gets easier to gauge as they get older., or at least easier to encourage them to put in effort and get things done so they can go out to do something (maybe, spends on the kid. LOL)

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Um_2_4 - what do you mean you don't know how long the lessons will take? Do you mean the lessons you are doing with them as part of homeschool or lessons like music/dance/etc? I can almost guarantee you that any outside lessons won't go on much past the specified, and paid for, time ;) As for lessons at home, I imagine you will find that gets easier to gauge as they get older., or at least easier to encourage them to put in effort and get things done so they can go out to do something (maybe, spends on the kid. LOL)



I mean the "lesson" at home, I don't call it school work, because they don't go to "school", sorry for the confusion.

My main delays now are: potty training :glare: , wrangling 2 3yos to do letter of the week/math/crafts (preferably at the same time, though not always, and that is ok, just takes longer), and doing multiple read alouds for different levels (seriously my kids would LOVE for me to read for 2-3 hours a day if I would). Plus my olders are doing several things that require "mommy time": WWE, AAS, DD needs me for math,etc. I assume once they get older this will even out. DS just started doing TT (which right now I LOVE, and so does he :hurray: ).

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On a serious note: I do think that people often don't think it is "worth it" to spend the time with kids individually. I've been told that I'm "selfish" for not spreading myself out over a classroom of 20+ kids. So it isn't a waste of time in their thinking for a paid teacher to have them in a class but it is for a mom to have her own kids at home. . . Crazy, isn't it!


I've had a few people say things along the lines of "Oh, it makes sense for you to homeschool - you have five kids! It wouldn't be worth it for me to stay home just to teach [only child]." :huh:


After recovering from the initial shock, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt that by "staying busy" she meant "not staying too long in one place."


I would think she meant "active" vs. "busy". I was much more "active" before we started homeschooling, but obviously less busy.

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