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Who has the most kids here? How many do most of us have?

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When I was growing up it was the norm for sisters to share bedrooms and brothers to share. (you do hear the violin, right?) If there were 3 of the same, it varied somewhat. But the fashion has gone to larger houses, whether or not we truly need them. I remember the first time we lived in CA, one of the doctors had 7 kids, and all the girls shared one bedroom and all the boys another.

LOL....tell me about it....we technically have enough rooms for all of ours to have their own....but we chose to have all 4 sleep in the same room....*gasp* We have 2 bunk beds in there and their toys are in the playroom. As they get older we will probably split them up into 2 rooms...but they are fine with the situation as it is....:D OTHER people, however, often scoff at us about it....:lol:

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We have 4 wonderful kids. Thought we were done at 3...but so very we were wrong. :001_smile: Now it feels right. :001_smile:


As the baby is about to hit 16 months, I know I am going to be start to yearn for the baby days that will be in the past, but we are done. Now I need to focus on the future and the amazing little humans we have.

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we Have 5!!! WE had 3 biological children in 3 years, and I didn't think I could handle anymore, so I had my tubes tied, when our youngest turned 4, I really wanted more, but My tubal was not reversable? A decision I really regret! It took me several years for Hubby to consider adoption! Then some people from our church adopted 2 babies from Russia, and He was hooked and we adopted 2 children from Guatemala from the same birth mom! Wish we could adopt more! but $$$$


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We have 4...we were going to stop at 2...and then SURPRISE! And then we were REALLY done....and I finally talked dh into making it permanent....literally had JUST got him to agree to the vasectomy....and we found out I was pregnant with #4....LOL Life is what happens when we are making other plans.... We are now DONE! Dh has had his vasectomy and I am looking forward to the birth of my nephew any day now....I'm gonna get me some baby lovin'!:D

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We have 2 girls. I REALLY REALLY want anther little girl. Honestly, I want to adopt a black baby girl. Ethiopia, Jamaica, Haiti, but DH says NO. 2 is it.


We have a 4 bedroom home (1900 sq ft. NOT one of the newer 4 bdrms) and our girls share a room. They have bunk beds. Dh and I were both only children and we both grew up in our own QUIET rooms with a fullsize bed. Fast forward to marriage.


Why is he sleeping in the middle of the bed?


What is that noise? Oh, it's her breathing.


What ARE you doing? oh, turning over




and so on. So we decided that it would be best for their marriage to share a room. And get use to noise. And, being adopted, from different countries, we thought it might help them bond a little more. (Like 12 hours a day with each other isn't enough!)

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LOL....tell me about it....we technically have enough rooms for all of ours to have their own....but we chose to have all 4 sleep in the same room....*gasp* We have 2 bunk beds in there and their toys are in the playroom. As they get older we will probably split them up into 2 rooms...but they are fine with the situation as it is....:D OTHER people, however, often scoff at us about it....:lol:


We have exactly the same situation here. I asked my oldest, when he was turning 13 last winter, if he wanted his own room. He declined. :D I'm glad, because I like having them all in together.


In our old house, their bedroom looked a lot like that picture with the two white bunkbeds. We have enough wall space in this new (old) house to have the bunkbeds up against opposite walls, with the back wall in between as one *huge* floor to ceiling bookcase (that is running out of space). The bookcase also works as "nightstands" for the bunks.

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We have 5 girls. I had a co-worker tell me that unless you could provide separate bedrooms, you should haven't more children. It wasn't fair to the child. Had to laugh. My husband comes from a family of 14. 9 boys, 5 girls. The boys all shared one bedroom. I was going to say you could never tell, but maybe that's the reason they're such responsible, hard working, honest, contributing, well educated members of society.




My boys' best friend is an only child, who seems to hold the belief that we must be poor, because my boys share rooms. I have four boys. No way can they each have their own room. And hey! I don't have my own room.


Her attitude bothers me, though. I wish I knew where it came from - if it's just her thought process as an only, or if it comes from her parents ... kwim? Every time we move, she asks me, "So, will the boys be able to have their own rooms, now?" And when I tell her no, she always responds with this disappointed, kind of pitying voice. Argh. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it does.

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Her attitude bothers me, though. I wish I knew where it came from - if it's just her thought process as an only, or if it comes from her parents ... kwim? Every time we move, she asks me, "So, will the boys be able to have their own rooms, now?" And when I tell her no, she always responds with this disappointed, kind of pitying voice. Argh. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it does.


Maybe it comes from a desperate mommy's attempts to make an only child feel better about being an only. It is one of the things I"ve pulled out at times to use with ds8 when he cries and begs and looks pitiful as he asks for a sibling.


ETA: I guess I should clarify---I'm not telling ds8---'you're an only so that you can have your own room.' What I mean is I tell him, 'there are good and bad things about being an only child AND about having siblings.' And the having your own room thing is one of the things we talk about. Not being able to give ds a sibling is one of those emotional buttons for me.

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Still a happy family that all gets along. I have one sister, always had separate bedroom, and we rarely speak. My dh's family are all on great terms. Makes one wonder, huh?




Maybe, but my sister & I fought like cats and dogs during all the years we shared a room:tongue_smilie: We're passionate people but very opposite in so very many ways. The number of fights was reduced when we got our own rooms when I was nearly 13. Still, I'm very glad my girls are sharing a room because I think it teaches important skills, and am not sorry my sister & I shared a room for all those years. btw, we get along fairly well now, but don't see each other often as we live far away from each other.

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Honestly, 4 is a big number for the families we come from. I have trouble imagining more. But...I'm not sure. Kwim?


When I was 12 & my mother was pregnant with my kid brother, I remember looking at our family and finding it impossible to imagine what it would be like to have another child in the family. When my kid brother was still a baby, I remember looking around at our family and finding it impossible to imagine our family still having only 4 kids.


Everyone makes their own decisions, of course, but I think it must be hard to make final decisions about this when your'e still in your 20s (I think you are, right?) because there's so much more baby time ahead of you should you change your mind. Plus, I had a friend in high school who asked her physician if she could have a hysterectomy (okay, that's how I heard it, but I wonder if it was really a tubal ligation--she wasn't my best friend, so I heard it later from another friend) because there was no way she would ever want children. In fact, until she was in law school she was convinced she'd never love a man as much as men loved her and was sure she'd never marry. In law school, she met the love of her life, they're married & have 3 girls. She wanted more, but wasn't able to. Of course, you're a lot older than an 18 yo, but I always hold this lesson dear to my heart because this friend (who was my roommate for a while in university) is very bright and not at all shallow, despite what this story may look like.

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When I was 12 & my mother was pregnant with my kid brother, I remember looking at our family and finding it impossible to imagine what it would be like to have another child in the family. When my kid brother was still a baby, I remember looking around at our family and finding it impossible to imagine our family still having only 4 kids.


Everyone makes their own decisions, of course, but I think it must be hard to make final decisions about this when your'e still in your 20s (I think you are, right?) because there's so much more baby time ahead of you should you change your mind. Plus, I had a friend in high school who asked her physician if she could have a hysterectomy (okay, that's how I heard it, but I wonder if it was really a tubal ligation--she wasn't my best friend, so I heard it later from another friend) because there was no way she would ever want children. In fact, until she was in law school she was convinced she'd never love a man as much as men loved her and was sure she'd never marry. In law school, she met the love of her life, they're married & have 3 girls. She wanted more, but wasn't able to. Of course, you're a lot older than an 18 yo, but I always hold this lesson dear to my heart because this friend (who was my roommate for a while in university) is very bright and not at all shallow, despite what this story may look like.


Well...for one thing, dh & I are pretty sure we don't believe in doing anything permanent. And if we *did,* we've at least agreed that now's not the time to decide that.


Actually, we're on the other end of the spectrum. We're either done--& have to figure out an ethical way to support that decision--or we don't believe in bc at all. And being in my 20s, THAT scares me, lol.


We do agree that w/ #3 & #4 so close together, we really, really couldn't handle another one for at least 3 yrs. While the *ideal* might be to trust God w/ that situation, we're comfortable w/ a very few relatively conservative bc methods for the time being.

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Well...for one thing, dh & I are pretty sure we don't believe in doing anything permanent. And if we *did,* we've at least agreed that now's not the time to decide that.


Actually, we're on the other end of the spectrum. We're either done--& have to figure out an ethical way to support that decision--or we don't believe in bc at all. And being in my 20s, THAT scares me, lol.


We do agree that w/ #3 & #4 so close together, we really, really couldn't handle another one for at least 3 yrs. While the *ideal* might be to trust God w/ that situation, we're comfortable w/ a very few relatively conservative bc methods for the time being.


Sounds wise to me. However, I'm not against ethical bc (we've had an interesting thread or two on that before:001_smile:).

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I have 3 - 1 girl and 2 boys. My dd is college-age, and has already moved out, so at home it is just the boys.


By the second week of August though, I will also be mothering 2-kittens, 1-puppy, 4-very young ducks, 25-baby chicks, and possibly a couple of weaner pigs. We are also scheduled to start school that week :D



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Sounds wise to me. However, I'm not against ethical bc (we've had an interesting thread or two on that before:001_smile:).


You know, I've been worried ever since I posted that that it might have come across wrong. I'm not at all concerned w/ other people's choices. I don't *ever* want to come across that way.


When I said "ethical," I meant for *us.* I choose to believe that ea of us has a different calling w/ regard to that, & no one else's is any of my business. By the same token, I *hope* to be extended the same courtesy if our family reaches an unorthodox size. Kwim?


I guess I'd say that dh & I are at the point of doing what we think is best unless we hear otherwise. And personally, I'm sticking my fingers in my ears & singing loudly. Just in case. ;)

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Two is all we could afford, and barely at that. :D


Same here. I'd have liked three, but neither dh or I are willing to do pregnancy again. You people with large biological families freak me out! How do you handle so many pregnancies? Or do you have great "glowing" experiences?



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Same here. I'd have liked three, but neither dh or I are willing to do pregnancy again. You people with large biological families freak me out! How do you handle so many pregnancies? Or do you have great "glowing" experiences?




no great glowing pregnancies here. I didn't get morning sickness, but had heaps of other problems. had 2 planned pregnancies, and 3 surprises.:D

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Same here. I'd have liked three, but neither dh or I are willing to do pregnancy again. You people with large biological families freak me out! How do you handle so many pregnancies? Or do you have great "glowing" experiences?




Not here either. Our second child was stillborn full-term.


#3 and #4 both almost died (Thank you Lord for having me live during modern technology and having caring doctors!!!! With #3, the dr called my house and said he had been thinking about me all day and wanted me to come in and be checked. With #4 I was in for a non-stress test and they couldn't find a heartbeat. Both were emergency c-secs)


#5-8 were all delivered deliberately early b/c I am a basketcase near the end b/c of 2-4.


FWIW.....I hate being pregnant.

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FWIW.....I hate being pregnant.


Me too. So, you ask, why have I done it 9 times (7 children)? Who knows. The end product I guess. The only glowing here is the sweat on my face from the humidity and close to 90 degree weather. And I have 12 weeks to go. Ugh!


I hate being pregnant as well. My pregnancies have all been uneventful, but I still HATE being pregnant.

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:tongue_smilie:Hey now. I have one. :D However, dh is still a child at heart, so ds is never short of a playmate.


We are blessed to have our one because we physically can't have another. Adoption is not an option and that's another story. We do have friends with children and because of the closeness with these other families, we still can teach conflict resolution, how to care and treat the younger ones, how my son should treat and respect the girls and how to sometimes turn a death ear (and eye) when the boys make are playing.

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4 so far, with one enjoying the Beatific Vision.


No plans to stop...we'll go until the Good Lord makes it clear he's done with us. ;)


Although we've been thinking a lot about family size of late. We have some friends, about 20 years older than we are, who were only able to have one.


But that has freed them up to take in "cast offs" -- pregnant teenagers abandoned by their families, etc. and, as such, they have been able to care for quite a few young women and very young children. For years. And their only biological child grew up in this environment where he always had "siblings" who weren't blood relations and "nieces" or "nephews".


It is interesting to see how family size plays out in fact, versus expectation.


When we started having kids, we abandoned expectations of family size, and, so far, we've not regretted it.


Leaves the family baffled, though. :D

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LOL......I actually find them easier 2 yrs apart than 3! ;) Honestly. Seriously. Not joking. My kids that are 3 yrs apart don't interact nearly as easily as the ones that are closer in age. Diapers only last a couple of yrs. They are here to stay a LOT longer than that. :)


I have four, three girls and one boy. My oldest and second are 3 years apart, and my second and third are 3 years apart. My third and fourth are 2 years apart, and I totally prefer the 2 year spread. Having only had it once, it may be that my two youngest are just really easy children... but it seems to me that age 3 has been the hardest age so far for my girls. And having a newborn and a 3 year old at the same time, at least the 2 who have been three so far in my house, it was much much harder on me.

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You people with large biological families freak me out! How do you handle so many pregnancies?


I know I am weird, but I love being pregnant! I do get morning sickness, but it's not terrible and usually only last until @ 12-13 weeks. My biggest complaint is my sciatic gets really bad and with my last two-three babies my pubic bones seperated making walking expremely painful. But I still love the whole process and the reward is worth every minute of being uncomfortable.

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I had three young sons of my own when dh and I got married. Suddenly I had two more sons...then dd came along five years later. So we have a total of six children who are now between the ages of 32 and 9! BTW, we also have eight grandchildren all together. Yes -- eight!! Dh and I are still young and enjoy every chance we get to be with kids and grandkids. Sometimes its kind of hard with the family being spread out over a distance, but we do our best.




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