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Would you pray for me please....

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I need prayers to get me through this difficult time. I have a weird autoimmune disorder that manifests itself in a rash every 6 years. Each cycle of the rash lasts about 18 months during which life is pure torture for about 6-9 months. There is no known cause or cure for this. Anyway, the current cycle started at the end of September and I can say that the ugly 6-9 month period started in Jan so I have one month down, yay! The only way to describe what I have is that it is like having poison ivy or chiggers for 6-9 months. I have mind numbingly intense itching. I have been taking Benadryl at night to knock me out but at this point the itching is so severe that I wake up from it despite the Benadryl. This is my 5th episode and for the first couple of times I took steroids which maybe shortened a cycle by two months but I developed a reaction to the steroids. So since then I have just let it run its course. I also got tired of having dermatologists declare me “Case of the Year.â€


I need your prayers for grace and mercy and patience to handle the itching. It takes all my energy to not scratch my skin raw. We are still plowing through with school but I am exhausted at the end of the day. Being unable to get a decent night’s sleep doesn’t help J


Our family also needs prayer because dh found out last week that the company he works for is being bought out and the new buyer has no plans to hire any of the employees of dh’s company. Dh’s work is pretty specialized so jobs in his field are not easy to come by. Please pray for wisdom as we consider what the next step will be. We have known about the possibility of this happening for a while but dh was hoping his company would find a partner. They didn’t so the owners of the company decided to sell. We don’t know how much time dh has to wrap things up here so things are still up in the air.


I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Thank you so much.

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(((Hugs))) to you and please consider trying soaking in a bath of Dead Sea Salts. We've found jars of this at our local Wal-mart. I've only recently begun using this and it's helped me tremendously. It's recommended for those with various auto-immune disorders, so I'm thinking it surely can't hurt you any.... A jar is just over $4 and can be used several times.


Good luck to you in coping with this, and I will pray for you, too,



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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to post an update on my health issues and dh’s job situation. My struggles with my rash continue and I am functioning in survival mode. Thanks to the many prayers I am still functioning (to the amazement of those around me) in spite of little sleep and constant itching. The Benadryl at night is no longer keeping me asleep. It helps me fall asleep but I still awaken from the insane itching. I have bruises all over from unconsciously itching at night – I even wear gloves to bed but that hasn’t helped much. I keep poor dh awake with my itching L

Tomorrow morning I have my annual exam and mammogram that I am dreading. I don’t usually have a problem but just the thought of explaining this bizarre autoimmune disorder and having to go through the exam while my skin is a complete mess is not something I look forward to. Please pray for calmness to get through it.

Dh’s company is definitely being bought out. The deal will be signed this Friday. Next week he will find out how long he has to wrap things up here and details about severance and health insurance. He talked to one of the ladies working on the insurance stuff and he was told that we’d have to pay about $1200 a month for COBRA coverage for our family. Ugh! Would you pray for dh as he works on organizing all the research he has done in order to get it ready to hand over. He said it felt weird to see his work just being passed on. He has sent out a few resumes and is waiting to hear back.

Please pray for ds who has to see me struggle with this disorder. He recently asked me if this would recur every 6 years for the rest of my life. I told him that I was praying that it wouldn’t. The other day we were reviewing Greek vocabulary (because mom’s brain can’t handle moving onto a new lesson!) and he was quizzing me when I stalled on a word. He loves to give me hints for Greek/Latin vocab because he knows this stuff better than I do…so he starts scratching his arms while I’m thinking…I know we didn’t learn the Greek word for rash. Finally, he says “Mom, it’s ‘I suffer’â€â€¦for the word ‘pasko.’ It was all I could do to not burst into tears. I guess I won't forget that Greek word any time soon. The sweet guy has seen me deal with all kinds of health issues over the past several years.

Thanks for reading this long message and for praying for me and my family. I am deeply grateful for the prayers.



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I wanted to post an update on my health issues and dh’s job situation. My struggles with my rash continue and I am functioning in survival mode. Thanks to the many prayers I am still functioning (to the amazement of those around me) in spite of little sleep and constant itching. The Benadryl at night is no longer keeping me asleep. It helps me fall asleep but I still awaken from the insane itching. I have bruises all over from unconsciously itching at night – I even wear gloves to bed but that hasn’t helped much. I keep poor dh awake with my itching L


Tomorrow morning I have my annual exam and mammogram that I am dreading. I don’t usually have a problem but just the thought of explaining this bizarre autoimmune disorder and having to go through the exam while my skin is a complete mess is not something I look forward to. Please pray for calmness to get through it.


Dh’s company is definitely being bought out. The deal will be signed this Friday. Next week he will find out how long he has to wrap things up here and details about severance and health insurance. He talked to one of the ladies working on the insurance stuff and he was told that we’d have to pay about $1200 a month for COBRA coverage for our family. Ugh! Would you pray for dh as he works on organizing all the research he has done in order to get it ready to hand over. He said it felt weird to see his work just being passed on. He has sent out a few resumes and is waiting to hear back.


Please pray for ds who has to see me struggle with this disorder. He recently asked me if this would recur every 6 years for the rest of my life. I told him that I was praying that it wouldn’t. The other day we were reviewing Greek vocabulary (because mom’s brain can’t handle moving onto a new lesson!) and he was quizzing me when I stalled on a word. He loves to give me hints for Greek/Latin vocab because he knows this stuff better than I do…so he starts scratching his arms while I’m thinking…I know we didn’t learn the Greek word for rash. Finally, he says “Mom, it’s ‘I suffer’â€â€¦for the word ‘pasko.’ It was all I could do to not burst into tears. I guess I won't forget that Greek word any time soon. The sweet guy has seen me deal with all kinds of health issues over the past several years.


Thanks for reading this long message and for praying for me and my family. I am deeply grateful for the prayers.




Oh, honey. So sorry you're having to deal with this. You're in my thoughts.

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VH, you are in my thoughts and prayers... I can't begin to imagine how hard this must be for you. Please keep us posted on your health and your dh's employment situation. I know the stress can't be helping your healing process at all. Your sweet young ds... what a tender heart! (((((VH)))))

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Thank you for your prayers. My appt this morning for my annual and mammogram went well. The nurse, the doctor and the mammogram specialist were all kind and understanding. My doctor did suggest seeing a dermatologist since I have such a bad case of this, just to see if they have come up with any new treatments. She knows I can’t take steroids but she thought that the dermatologist may be able to recommend some different topical ointments from what I have already tried.

When I had called the Dermatology dept a couple of months ago they told me I needed a referral and I couldn’t see the doc until June. Well, my doc tried to get me in today because she thought I should be seen soon and she knows that I have to drive 1.5 hrs one way to get to this clinic. Unfortunately both the dermatologists were at different satellite locations today. So I have an appt on April 4. Hopefully dh’s health insurance will be good for a few more weeks.

Thanks again for your continued prayers.


P.S. I hope this gets posted in the right place. My update was moved so I guess this needs to be added to the original thread.

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Please pray for ds who has to see me struggle with this disorder. He recently asked me if this would recur every 6 years for the rest of my life. I told him that I was praying that it wouldn’t. The other day we were reviewing Greek vocabulary (because mom’s brain can’t handle moving onto a new lesson!) and he was quizzing me when I stalled on a word. He loves to give me hints for Greek/Latin vocab because he knows this stuff better than I do…so he starts scratching his arms while I’m thinking…I know we didn’t learn the Greek word for rash. Finally, he says “Mom, it’s ‘I suffer’â€â€¦for the word ‘pasko.’ It was all I could do to not burst into tears. I guess I won't forget that Greek word any time soon. The sweet guy has seen me deal with all kinds of health issues over the past several years.


Oh my. Hug that sweet, sweet boy of yours!:Angel_anim:


Will be thinking of you . . .

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hope this shows up in the right place. I am trying to put it under the original post so that the admin doesn't have to move it. Sorry if it shows up somewhere else.


So, I rendered another dermatologist speechless today! The previous two dermatologists had declared me “case of the year.†In my recent update I mentioned that my doctor whom I’d seen for an annual exam strongly recommended seeing a dermatologist even though I can’t take steroids (adverse reaction to it) which is sometimes suggested for what I have.


The dermatologist looked at my skin and just sat down in a chair, shaking her head. Then she said “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.†She proceeded to say that I was probably aware that they still have not figured out what causes this rash except that it is immune-related. She completely understood why I had not seen a dermatologist my last cycle with this and why I had been reluctant to see her. She said that she has tried systemic immunosuppressive meds with some of her patients and it has worked for some but not for others. She understood my reluctance to deal with the side-effects of these drugs. She said the patients who have been willing to try it “felt like life was not worth living.†Thankfully my faith has kept me from spiraling into that pit.


The dermatologist wished she had something better to offer me. She did suggest a prescription ointment which is sometimes recommended for small outbreaks of this rash (not a whole body invasion!) but warned me that it was very expensive. I called the pharmacy this afternoon and a 60 gram tube would cost over $200 if I paid cash.


She also told me that I was coping remarkably well with this and that I had a positive attitude. I wanted to tell her that it was only through God’s grace and the faithful prayers of many that I am functioning. I didn’t say it because several times during our appt she said that it was just “bad luck†and “bad karma†that I had to deal with this J


On the job front, dh is interviewing for a couple of position and still waiting to hear from some places. He will be employed until the end of April, possibly into the first week of May. We haven’t listed our house on the market yet since we don’t know where we will be going. I don’t look forward to that at all. For now, I’m taking one day at a time.


Thank you again for your prayers for our family.

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On the job front, dh is interviewing for a couple of position and still waiting to hear from some places. He will be employed until the end of April, possibly into the first week of May. We haven’t listed our house on the market yet since we don’t know where we will be going. I don’t look forward to that at all. For now, I’m taking one day at a time.


Thank you again for your prayers for our family.


VH, I'm still thinking of you here. {{{{VH}}}}

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VH--I wish I had more immediate and tangible comfort to offer than just prayers, even though, like you, I know that faith is the thing that carries us through the rough spots. I'm going to be in St. Paul with my dd's string quartet on Apr. 18-20. They are finalists in the St. Paul Chamber Music Competition. I've thought about you in connection with the trip several times, but if I remember right, you're pretty far away.


You're in my thoughts and prayers. (((VH)))



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Oh my dear VH, I wish the doctor had more optimistic news for you. Bless your heart. I will continue to pray this current outbreak resolves quickly. I will continue to pray for your husband's employment situation. I do not know if you like where you live, or if you'd prefer to move, but whatever is in your best interest and will lift stress from your life is what I will pray for... I hope that in a month we hear an update that your dh is well employed, that your housing situation is resolved, and that you are feeling much, much better. Thank you so much for keeping us posted. I wish I lived nearby so I could do something for you!!! (((VH)))

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So, I rendered another dermatologist speechless today! The previous two dermatologists had declared me “case of the year.†In my recent update I mentioned that my doctor whom I’d seen for an annual exam strongly recommended seeing a dermatologist even though I can’t take steroids (adverse reaction to it) which is sometimes suggested for what I have.


The dermatologist looked at my skin and just sat down in a chair, shaking her head. Then she said “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.†...[snip]



I did not see your post the first time around so I had no idea you were going through this terrible time. How I wish I could offer you some idea that hadn't yet been explored -- dietary, naturopathic treatment, acupuncture, or something!! But, I'm sure your doctors and you have discussed any possible remedy/therapy.


I don't know if it helps, but I am amazed by your strength and by the fact that at no time do your words come across as a whine. And, here I can find myself whining about some of the most ridiculous things. You humble me, VH! Please know that you will be in my thoughts.


Sending you strength and continued hope.



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Thank you again for your prayers for our family.


Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. I decided to post updates because I know many of you have been praying for me. I wanted you to know that those prayers have not been in vain. Some of the older stuff that erupted first has settled down so at least my whole body is not on fire. I have new stuff erupting mostly on my arms and legs so I know I have a few more months till that settles but at least it's not all over my body all at once like it had been.


Thank you again!


P.S. I have tried Homeopathic treatments but that didn't help either. Once we move and are settled I will talk to a naturopathic dr. In the mean time I try to eat healthy, exercise, take vitamins etc. Unfortunately this rash seems to be something out of my control - there's a life lesson!!

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I'm sorry you're still having so many problems. At least the doctor didn't blow you off or say stupid things, but of course you're still in the same boat as before, so there was no real tangible help. I am glad that some of the earlier eruptions are calming down. I will continue to pray for your health, a job for your DH, and help during the moving process. One can at least hope you end up somewhere warmer *wan smile.*


Thanks for the update.

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