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Which TWO Math programs would you pick?


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I'll preface this with I think it totally depends upon the child as they all learn differently. Some do better with spiral while others do better with mastery. We've used both for different dc.


Generally speaking CLE along with SM for concept development and challenging word problems.

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Well, we use Singapore.... but I just ordered CLE to use with it. I don't plan on dropping SM.

(I have not yet used CLE, but I'm hoping it'll become our much needed skills-drill and traditional "backup" while SM is our conceptual mathy math. ;))


ETA: I was posting while the above was posting. :p Seems like I might be on the right track....

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RightStart and MEP, explaining MEP as I go instead of teaching it.


HOWEVER, my first two kids are totally different. DS8 thrives on RS. DD6 hates it. MEP is restoring her love for math. DS8 finds it annoying.


Do choose two programs (if you want to) that are right for your kid.



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We use Right Start for teaching math conceptually and Math Mammoth for extra practice. My oldest dd needs lots of practice and reinforcement to remember how to solve the problems. We sometimes add in Math Enhancement Program for fun. She likes doing the puzzle type problems and they really challenge her.

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We use MM for strong basics and Life of Fred for quirky, think-outside-the-box fun! :)




My first thought was, well, I only use ONE program - Math Mammoth. But we do Life of Fred as well. If it wasn't fun, I would stop using it, and likely wouldn't look for another program right away.

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Math Mammoth would be an absolute as I can't say enough about the rock solid foundation this curriculum has given my daughter so far. She knows her stuff.


I have been lightly using Miquon with my younger DD and I really like the approach; however, I have found it difficult to teach from. Jury's still out there.


Currently eyeing LofF as a supplement - I think my older would really dig it.

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Horizons Math (main; spiral) + Math Mammoth Blue Series (supplement; topical)


Horizons Math -- The TM is mostly useless for me, except for the answer key. However, my three girls enjoy the lessons, the colored pages, the variety of problems, the consistency of getting it done (open & go), and seeing their progress. It's very simple to use, and not expensive to purchase.


Math Mammoth Blue Series -- MM Blue is not the same as MM Light Blue (a complete math course). Blue is topical, downloadable, printable, and bindable (we use a ProClick). We move around in the various books to keep things interesting. My students work as far through a book as they can, then we move to another topic (e.g., Geometry, Money, Addition/Subtraction, Measurement, Clock).


No bells and whistles with either of these programs, but you can add all the manipulatives, games, workbooks, online stuff, and supplements you want or need. In our case, this combination has worked well to ensure that math is consistently done, retained, practiced, and enjoyed. They all look forward to math, and they all seem to be doing well.


And to think I used to moan about Horizons! Once I stopped trying to use the TM, we were fine. Singapore made us cry. :crying:

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earliest years:




after 1st or 2nd grade

Galore Park (starts with Junior Maths 1) -- terrific maths instruction, plus interesting content (history of numbers &c)

Singapore (I'd start in 2B or 3A) -- plenty of review, fits standards nicely.


-- once all levels of Beast Academy are out, I'd reconsider all of the above depending on what it's like & what my student is like. And agreeing with Boscopup that I'd probably not do two full programs simultaneously; the mix and match is a flexible thing around here.

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No doubt:


Miquon & Singapore.


Did it with all three kids, and it worked beautifully every time.


Now, however, there is Beast Academy coming out for 3rd & up . . . If I had another kid, I'd surely want to do that. It's one more reason I regret not having more kids!


If I had a little one now, I'd likely do Miquon + SM for 1st-4th or so, then likely switch to BA (starting BA 3rd grade after already finishing Miquon and also finishing SM 3rd or 4th). But, I haven't SEEN BA (tragic!), so I don't know for sure at what levels I'd make the change.


I just know I wouldn't want to miss BA!!

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Miquon and SM and later on SM with BA.

Early stage focus on number sense and later stage focus on problem solving


DS never get to use miquon nor BA, but for my younger DD, we did miquon and SM and will do SM and BA later on


This is our plan with our younger child.


For a child that could not get into Singapore (aka my son) We are doing TT and LOF. We are slowly adding R&S now that he is catching up.

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Add us to the Miquon (conceptual, but spiral) and Singapore math group, although we use MIF (conceptual and mastery) which is Singapore style.


I am hoping to move my dd into the MIF/BA (super conceptual) combination later this year.


I also really love MEP (conceptual and spiral) so I might try to throw some of that in there if I had unlimited math time in our school day!

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