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Is there something wrong with a 40something wearing Sperrys?


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I saw a pair of Sperry Topsiders I liked. I waited until I could try on the style locally and then ordered them. DD15 and I have talked about it and no issues arose. But last night they came in and dd 18 is completely bent out of shape over it. Almost like I'm too old to wear them. They are cute shoes.




in the sky blue seersucker if the color changes.


Is she just upset cause she is the one who told me about Sperrys and I have a pair first? This is such an unusual reaction for her. My 15 yo can't figure it out either. "I thought she knew you were getting them."


Oh well. I like them. They are cute and I can't wait to get them broken in and wear them!

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I have a pair of sparkly black Sperrys and get tons of compliments on them. The very first time I wore them, I walked into an Ulta store to buy cool stuff for my 15 year old and one of the cute, chic young women who worked in there walked up to point out that she had the exact same pair of shoes on her feet. I in no way felt she was judging me for being too old to wear them. So I don't know what's going on with your daughter, but those are super-cute. Wear them with pride.




P.S. You also could point out that our generation was wearing Sperrys 30 years ago--it isn't like her generation actually discovered them. Upstarts.

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I don't think they say "young person." If the style fits you then fine, wear them.


Is she just upset cause she is the one who told me about Sperrys and I have a pair first? This is such an unusual reaction for her.


Maybe this does have something to do with her reaction, even if it's not a typical reaction from her.

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That's so funny! Maybe it's a regional thing. If I took a poll, I would bet that in 90% of our friends' homes, there would be a pair of Sperry's or two for each member. We are in the southeast and they are super common for everyone. I have owned them for about 30 years. I don't think those look "teenagery" at all!

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How funny -- I associate Sperry with the over-40 set*. Those are really cute, and I think your dd is just jealous you got them first.




*Although I don't think the ladies featured on Advanced Style (http://advancedstyle.blogspot.com/)wear them -- they tend to prefer the more upscale shoe styles http://advancedstyle.blogspot.com/2012/08/summer-platforms.html

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I have seen actual teen-agers wearing these, usually in very unflattering colors. I honestly thought it was some strange homeschool fashion fail until I spotted a gaggle of ps teens wearing them (with gym shorts!!!!) in McD's. They made Members Only jackets and parachute pants look positively elegant.

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I thought these were older people shoes as well. However, I don't have teens and am not up on all their latest fashion picks. Considering some of the things teens wear these are pretty decent. They aren't my personal style but I cannot see why they would be just for teens, rather it more surprises me that they would want to wear them.

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They are showing them in J Crew. I guess your dd thought they were something new. lol


😠I'll bet this is it. They're on HER radar as something new so she doesn't know that they've been adult shoes forever. You should start pointing out all of the boat shoes you see on senior citizens and see what she says. Be sure to report back with your results! She's young though, "The colors are different!" will seem like a valid argument to her.

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P.S. You also could point out that our generation was wearing Sperrys 30 years ago--it isn't like her generation actually discovered them. Upstarts.


If it were one of mine I'd let them know the above. I'm 45 and wore Sperrys as a teen. I also lived in Islamarada, Fl and everyone wore them. Especially old men who were going deep sea fishing.

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