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Have you ever noticed that when some people change their screen name...


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I've thought about changing my name because it wouldn't be hard for anyone who knows me other places - online or IRL - to make the connection to who I am. But then I'd have to remember a new name (or does your sign-in not change?), and there's nothing that really speaks to me.


Although...just as I was typing that, a poem I was thinking about last night popped into my head and gave me an idea..."Nothing Gold".


Your sign-in will not change :)

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You know that everyone that has changed their name will be wondering if you are talking about them. :ph34r:


I was thinking just that!


I changed my name from my real name awhile back because I'm having in-law problems. I left my name in my siggy for a bit to transition. The picture?! Ugh! Can I just say I have yet to get any pictures to load properly since the forum changed. It drives me nuts! I had the best fish cake for my son's birthday a few years ago and couldn't get the dumb thing to load for that thread. No picture of me would load up either. So, I'm stuck with Mrs. Slocumb for awhile. My personality hasn't changed though. :) Anyone want to pm me with tips for the picture thing? I'd be ever so grateful. See, same polite me. :)

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Could you change it back once it's been changed? Could I go from Quill to VultureButt or something and still become Quill again when I come to my senses?


It might be fun to experiment incognito and see how it affects my posting.

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If I change my screen name, will it make me into someone else? I'm not sure I'd mind that... :leaving:


I like this idea.


Here are the new names I might consider:

  • you_know_i_am_right
  • my_to-do_list_is_caught_up (HA HA!)
  • i_need_no_sleep_ever
  • veggies_first
  • every_day_is_spa_day
  • it's_all_under_control

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But changing personality isn't necessarily bad. I remember when Tibbie changed her name. She got bold and sassy. It was a good thing.


Was she a doormat before? :rofl:

No. not really. She was (and still is) very kind. The kindness overshadowed the bold sassiness though.


My ears were tingling!


Chucki, do you remember the first time I got involved with you on the forums? That was hilarious!


Please don't ever, ever, NEVER change your name to Vulturebutt. Thank you.

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Now we can all break out in song....


This was just playing on the radio.


I have noticed that some of the 'regulars' haven't been around since the board change. I assumed one of two things: 1) they didn't like the board change and are staging a coup or 2) they are all over there still posting on the general education board completely disregarding the new Chat Board and repeated requests to move general chitchat over here. Now I get to add a third option: all have assumed new identities in order to recreate themselves.

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I was thinking just that!


I changed my name from my real name awhile back because I'm having in-law problems. I left my name in my siggy for a bit to transition. The picture?! Ugh! Can I just say I have yet to get any pictures to load properly since the forum changed. It drives me nuts! I had the best fish cake for my son's birthday a few years ago and couldn't get the dumb thing to load for that thread. No picture of me would load up either. So, I'm stuck with Mrs. Slocumb for awhile. My personality hasn't changed though. :) Anyone want to pm me with tips for the picture thing? I'd be ever so grateful. See, same polite me. :)

upload your photos to photobucket then copy the IMG code. paste the code into a post and ta-da! photo loaded.

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I was thinking just that!


I changed my name from my real name awhile back because I'm having in-law problems. I left my name in my siggy for a bit to transition. The picture?! Ugh! Can I just say I have yet to get any pictures to load properly since the forum changed. It drives me nuts! I had the best fish cake for my son's birthday a few years ago and couldn't get the dumb thing to load for that thread. No picture of me would load up either. So, I'm stuck with Mrs. Slocumb for awhile. My personality hasn't changed though. :) Anyone want to pm me with tips for the picture thing? I'd be ever so grateful. See, same polite me. :)


Try this website. (AprilMay posted about it in the early days of the switchover.) It was the only thing that worked for me. Before using it I couldn't upload an avatar no matter how small I reduced the pic.

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I changed my name because of deteriorating conditions with a wacky family member and I really didn't like my name being so easily *spotted*. I'm still the same person that I always have been and that I am face to face...not that I've ever been a huge poster here. LOL!

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Guest submarines

I've been informed if I change my screen name there will be a revolt. I'm stuck with it.


I realized, just after carefully reading the above post, that Chuki=Parrothead. I used to think they were two different members. Though in my defense, I pondered on the issue of them being rather similar.



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I realized, just after carefully reading the above post, that Chuki=Parrothead. I used to think they were two different members. Though in my defense, I pondered on the issue of them being rather similar.



Dear Lord, she thinks there's two of me!

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I changed my name because of deteriorating conditions with a wacky family member and I really didn't like my name being so easily *spotted*. I'm still the same person that I always have been and that I am face to face...not that I've ever been a huge poster here. LOL!

You were one of the 'missing" posters I've been wondering about.

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But, if your old name still shows up in 'name history' on your profile, what is the point of changing your name. If you are trying to hide from someone, they could still figure it out. Couldn't' they? Or am I just dense tonight?


I've been thinking about changing mine b/c it's too identifiable, but I'd need to change my avatar too and it sounds like a big hassle with new boards.

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But, if your old name still shows up in 'name history' on your profile, what is the point of changing your name. If you are trying to hide from someone, they could still figure it out. Couldn't' they? Or am I just dense tonight?


I've been thinking about changing mine b/c it's too identifiable, but I'd need to change my avatar too and it sounds like a big hassle with new boards.


I want to change mine, not b/c I'm trying to hide from someone, but b/c I no longer live in south Missouri (somo), nor do I have chickens anymore. We now live in Nebraska in a townhouse until our house sells. The name just doesn't fit me at all anymore. I just haven't thought of any clever names to change it. lol

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But, if your old name still shows up in 'name history' on your profile, what is the point of changing your name. If you are trying to hide from someone, they could still figure it out. Couldn't' they? Or am I just dense tonight?


I've been thinking about changing mine b/c it's too identifiable, but I'd need to change my avatar too and it sounds like a big hassle with new boards.



True...but it doesn't show up if someone is just *scanning* and looking for *that name*. kwim?


If my special snowflake is going to put forth the effort to click on each name and go to each profile and check for name changes, well then, snort, I say "Knock yourself out!!" :)

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I want to change mine, not b/c I'm trying to hide from someone, but b/c I no longer live in south Missouri (somo), nor do I have chickens anymore. We now live in Nebraska in a townhouse until our house sells. The name just doesn't fit me at all anymore. I just haven't thought of any clever names to change it. lol


Well, you can't have Vulturebutt. That one is mine! :laugh:

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Maybe it's not the personality of the poster but the changed nature in the perceptions of the reader. Getting rid of the preconceived ideas we have of someone and allowing that person's post /attitude to be judged on that day and not things that were said (or not said) (or misaid) in the past is liberating, for all involved.

This is very true.


If I change my screen name, will it make me into someone else? I'm not sure I'd mind that... :leaving:




Could you change it back once it's been changed? Could I go from Quill to VultureButt or something and still become Quill again when I come to my senses?


It might be fun to experiment incognito and see how it affects my posting.


Ha,ha, ha..do it! Chucki has Vulturebutt but you can have StinkyInk, Wink!


I like this idea.


Here are the new names I might consider:

  • you_know_i_am_right
  • my_to-do_list_is_caught_up (HA HA!)
  • i_need_no_sleep_ever
  • veggies_first
  • every_day_is_spa_day
  • it's_all_under_control


I am copying this list for future reference. Good one!

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True...but it doesn't show up if someone is just *scanning* and looking for *that name*. kwim?


If my special snowflake is going to put forth the effort to click on each name and go to each profile and check for name changes, well then, snort, I say "Knock yourself out!!" :)


Okay, I see your point. I wonder if searches using old names show up?


I don't need to hide, but I know there were at least a couple of posters who had to wtch out for stalkers.

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This was just playing on the radio.


I have noticed that some of the 'regulars' haven't been around since the board change. I assumed one of two things: 1) they didn't like the board change and are staging a coup or 2) they are all over there still posting on the general education board completely disregarding the new Chat Board and repeated requests to move general chitchat over here. Now I get to add a third option: all have assumed new identities in order to recreate themselves.



Sometimes I read someone's name wrong and then realize I've been saying it in my head wrong the entire time rather than a namechange. Like you, for example. I thought maybe you drove a motor scooter around Illinois because my brain decided your name was scootermominIL. Then I saw you talking about a camping trip, I think, and I wanted to respond and suddenly I realized I'd been thinking your name wrong this entire time. Though if you do drive a scooter around IL while scouting, that'd be okay too.

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Guest inoubliable

I'm inspired to change my name now!


I think I will choose "Princess Consuela Bananahammock" as it has been a favorite of mine since Phoebe picked it. :)


Do it!! :laugh:

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I have never changed my name, and I'm sure some folks still hold something against me from back in my newbie days. Not that I really care, but it is always predictable who's going to automatically go negative on whatever I say.


"It's a lovely sunny day."


"Maybe where you are, but you don't speak for the rest of us. Some of us are dealing with fog and rain and cold and nast. Get over yourself. Grow a brain. Leave me alone."


So funny. So true.


Except for nast. I don't know what that is.

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I thought about changing my name since it makes it pretty easy to figure out who I am IRL, but I compromised by deleting other identifying info (location, etc), so at least it'd take a bit more knowledge about me to locate me. I'm not worried about IRL friends seeing what I write, but more concerned not to attract someone FROM online to stalk me IRL. I figured I should just get over it, so I did, and left my name alone. I probably should change it, but I am StephanieZ everywhere online, and that'd be a lot of confusion and changing . . . It could be worse, I could have used my last name!

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upload your photos to photobucket then copy the IMG code. paste the code into a post and ta-da! photo loaded.


Try this website. (AprilMay posted about it in the early days of the switchover.) It was the only thing that worked for me. Before using it I couldn't upload an avatar no matter how small I reduced the pic.


Thank you! I don't have photobucket, but if suggestion number 2 doesn't work, I'll try that.


And this is the first time I've ever used the MultiQuote button. Little victories, ladies, little victories.

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Sometimes I read someone's name wrong and then realize I've been saying it in my head wrong the entire time rather than a namechange. Like you, for example. I thought maybe you drove a motor scooter around Illinois because my brain decided your name was scootermominIL. Then I saw you talking about a camping trip, I think, and I wanted to respond and suddenly I realized I'd been thinking your name wrong this entire time. Though if you do drive a scooter around IL while scouting, that'd be okay too.



I do that too. I've spent the last few weeks trying tho decide if Regentrude's name is pronounced Regen-trude or Regent Rude. Most likely it is something else altogether.

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I was contemplating changing to a more ambiguous name at one point. But since I have been around since the old, old boards and since there is a group of us who went through the high school years/college app process together (with all of the restless nights and nail biting), I would always be "Jane in NC" no matter what I called myself.


And frankly I love my avatar too much to change it!


Jane, fan of raptors

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I was contemplating changing to a more ambiguous name at one point. But since I have been around since the old, old boards and since there is a group of us who went through the high school years/college app process together (with all of the restless nights and nail biting), I would always be "Jane in NC" no matter what I called myself.


And frankly I love my avatar too much to change it!


Jane, fan of raptors



I'd be so upset if your avatar changed. I love owls.

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I do that too. I've spent the last few weeks trying tho decide if Regentrude's name is pronounced Regen-trude or Regent Rude. Most likely it is something else altogether.


I thought I was the only one who couldn't figure that out! It's bothered me for MONTHS! I worry that some day I'll meet her and not know how to say her screen name. I'll say, "Oh, I know you from WTM forums! You're ... you're ...," and stutter out something really dumb.

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I thought I was the only one who couldn't figure that out! It's bothered me for MONTHS! I worry that some day I'll meet her and not know how to say her screen name. I'll say, "Oh, I know you from WTM forums! You're ... you're ...," and stutter out something really dumb.


I'm afraid I'll do the same but emphasize the Rude part. When in reality she has been ever so helpful and kind.


I wonder if her ears are burning now.

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I'm afraid I'll do the same but emphasize the Rude part. When in reality she has been ever so helpful and kind.


I wonder if her ears are burning now.


Maybe she'll pop in and explain it to us. Then I can feel dumber than ever!

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Regentrude is a German name and our poster, Regentrude, was originally from Germany. No mystery really.


'I'll risk sounding super stupid, b/c that doesn't help me. I assumed it was something like that. I imagine it is said Reg-en-trude, but I don't know if that's correct. Sadly, knowing that it's German doesn't help me, though I suppose I could do some searches and figure it out.


ETA: The only mystery to me is the pronunciation.

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