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Last night's Downton Abbey


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She was my favorite crawley sister. On twitter everyone was saying, "why couldn't it had been Edith?" lol



I'll stop watching if anything happens to the dowager. She is my ultimate fave.


I said this to dh. Once the Dowager Duchess is gone, there will be nothing left to watch.

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I was not prepared for last night's episode. Ugh. I cried too. So sad...


Why only 6 episodes?!? Ugh!! I want more! Ha! So bummed! I need to find a few more shows to fall in love with. :)


Parenthood had season finale...in January?! Is that odd to anyone else?


I also liked private practice and it ended all together, last week was the show finale. Boo.


So we only have a few more Downton's?? Major downer!!

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I'm an Eclampsia survivor and I did not enjoy last night's episode. I wish I had seen spoilers because I would have watched something else.



I thought it was in very poor taste and a cheap shot for DA to make death in childbirth part of the plot. There are so many other characters they could have "killed off" if they wanted to make the plot shocking. It was nothing more than gratuitous if you asked me... I'm pretty close to calling it quits on the show.

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I thought it was in very poor taste and a cheap shot for DA to make death in childbirth part of the plot. There are so many other characters they could have "killed off" if they wanted to make the plot shocking. It was nothing more than gratuitous if you asked me... I'm pretty close to calling it quits on the show.



It's life. Important wonderful people die in life an back then giving birth would have been a riskier proposition then it is now.


I cried for the last half of that episode but I'm glad they don't shy away from very hard plots.

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Tho I will also note I don't think most men would have been this involved in the decision back then. Or even today really. My dh certainly was as he has been with me many years, but most reasonable men lacking such experidncd defer to the women in the family who have btdt to at least help with the decisions.


I hate to see this hurt the grantham marriage.


I'm not so sure of that, at least in the particular DA situation. Perhaps in a less wealthy family where a midwife was in attendance but it was a very different dynamic in the DA scenario where the doctors and the person paying them were all men and all men used to unquestioned authority.

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I thought it was in very poor taste and a cheap shot for DA to make death in childbirth part of the plot. There are so many other characters they could have "killed off" if they wanted to make the plot shocking. It was nothing more than gratuitous if you asked me... I'm pretty close to calling it quits on the show.


Why? That was a very common occurrence during that time period. Many mothers died in childbirth...and more often than not, so did the baby. I thought it was a much more likely scenario than any other they might have come up with to kill off a female character.

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If it is bad enough and untreated, sometimes the mother does not suddenly stop being ecliptic.


Today the mother would be giving blood pressure and other meds to control the symptoms until her body recovers. They didn't know that or have it available then.


What annoyed me was everyone acting like there wasn't a third doctor in the house! Wasn't Matthew a small country dr before inheriting his fortunes?



His dad was a doctor, not him.

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I'm available for spoilerage, too. If you really want to know, PM me. But you will be furious when you find out...so keep that in mind.



I want to PM you and I would still watch them too. Today (1/29), if you bought the season pass on iTunes all of Season 3 is available, so TONIGHT, I will be on the couch watching this drama unfold. I am very curious to say the least.

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Why? That was a very common occurrence during that time period. Many mothers died in childbirth...and more often than not, so did the baby. I thought it was a much more likely scenario than any other they might have come up with to kill off a female character.



I knew someone would ask this. It's not just that she died in childbirth, but the way it was depicted and inserted into the plot felt shamelessly gratuitous to me.


Say if she had been imprisoned in Ireland, gave birth in prison and died-- that is more a plot twist that would have felt organic.


But last night I felt like I was watching a horror show instead of a dramatic series that, at least initially in season 1, was beautifully nuanced.


Also I suggested that bates should be killed off, not one of the women.

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I'm not so sure of that, at least in the particular DA situation. Perhaps in a less wealthy family where a midwife was in attendance but it was a very different dynamic in the DA scenario where the doctors and the person paying them were all men and all men used to unquestioned authority.


Point. Very true.

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See, I like spoilers, largely so that I have time to get used to things like this before I sit down to watch the show. Knowing in advance that something big is going to happen, oddly, seems to free me up to relax and pay attention.


I haven't watched this episode yet, but I do know the big twist (and also the one from the Christmas special). I'm sure I'll cry, but knowing what I'm in for allows me to choose my moment to watch, at least.

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I'm the exact same way. I just finished watching last night's episode, and I'm glad I knew what was coming. I don't like being at the mercy of out- of- control emotions.


Regarding the episode itself, I thought it was good and rather realistic. The Anna&Bates storyline should have been out on hold for this episode, imo. And I really wish there was more of a display of grief by Lord Grantham. Heck, even the old Dowager expressed some emotion this time, but Lady Sybil' s own father didn't??? That aspect annoyed me. Oh, and the part with Mary and (the other sister- her name escapees me right now) being all huggy with each other felt very contrived and artificial.


I was watching this one by myself at like 1am on Tunnel Bear when it was still current in GB. I had no idea what was going to happen and as a Mom of grown daughters, I will say I was utterly destroyed by that episode. I still cry thinking about it. I though Elizabeth McGovern did a masterful job...probably because she also has grown daughters. I was ugly-runny nose sobbing and couldn't tell anyone what happened, lol. I was a mess for three days afterward.

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I didn't know it was coming but when she mentioned headaches last night I knew something was off. I still thought she would pull through. It was heartwrenching to see Cora sitting there talking to her and telling her that she would always be her baby. I did not sleep well and had bad dreams last night.


My sister and I both had pre-e with one of our pregnancies and had to deliver early. My sister was hospitalized for a week after her youngest was born because she was borderline eclamptic even after birth. I gave many thanks for modern medicine last night.

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My computer kept buffering during her death so it really alleviated some of the trauma. Of course it never once buffered during the emotional scenes afterwards. Lord Grantham is totally keeping with character. He plays his emotions close to the vest as most english gentlemen did. That morning Mary said he could not see or speak to anyone. I think he did a lot of grieving during that time. I also think he is still in shock.

I had a hopeful moment there right after the baby was born, but then she started talking to her mom and I just knew it would be bad.

I hate spoilers and managed to miss this one, except I knew something bad was going to happen AND the foreshadowing helped me prepare. I had a few friends tell me not to watch. Of course I am 22w pregnant so I get the warning. I think without all the buffering and my on-going FB conversations I would have been an emotional wreck.

I think I took all of my emotion out on the computer every time it buffered though.

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It was awful. :(


I hadn't heard any spoilers, but I recorded it and watched a couple hours later, and a friend posted something vague on FB about how sad it was. So I knew *something* wasn't going to be good, and once Sybil's symptoms started coming, I had a pretty good idea. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Diane, wow on the statistics about women in childbirth. I agree, I think it's pretty off the radar for most people, as far as happening here or in other first world nations.


Now I'm terrified to see what happens in the finale. :sad: But no spoilers for me, I will wait and see... probably...

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Parenthood had season finale...in January?! Is that odd to anyone else?


They ended Parenthood early last year, too, although I don't think it was January. They didn't order many episodes this season and haven't yet decided whether to cancel it for next season, which is why most of the story arcs were all neatly tied up at the end of the episode.

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I just watched it. Having worked with childbirth professionally, I am [insert swear words] furious at the attitude of the high-and-mighty OB. I've unfortunately met a few with the same arrogant attitude about their own correctness.


Cora, the local doctor, and others saw that something was wrong. A c-section probably wouldn't have saved her that late, but she would have had a better chance of avoiding eclampsia.


I was bawling and dh thought I was nuts for doing so, but I loved Sybil.

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I thought they had blood pressure cuffs by that time? Why didn't either doctor have one? That has been really bothering me since I watched the show. I'm glad I didn't watch before I had my first baby. I developed pre-eclampsia (as well as other problems) in my last week. I had no idea that it could affect you after delivery!

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I will say that it really highlighted the need to have a care provider that truly knows you. I can say with certainty that my midwife would know if I normally have thick ankles, would know if my mood changed, etc and would act accordingly. Probably why they have such good outcomes. And clarified to me why doctorst hat don't know you very well tend to go overboard with caution..it's because they know they don't know you and have to assume everything is abnormal, as they don't know what is normal for you. Which is certainly better than what happened with Dr. Phillip! Just really crystallized my experiences in a way that I hadn't had before.




It's interesting to discuss this here as it shows we all view this through our own filters.


As i was watching I felt that it highlighted the risks of having a baby at home as opposed to the hospital. At the hospital Sybil could've had a risky but potentially life-saving C-section. The family doctor was insisting on the hospital. I'm a proponent of hospital births, so that's what I was seeing.


I think they also clearly showed the frustration those of us without medical education feel when we need to make medical decisions--particularly a quick one. It is so hard to know what to do when a medical professional tells you one thing and another professional or research says something contrary. I know I've felt this in the past and could feel the indecision and weight of responsibility they showed in the episode.


Last night's episode was riveting.

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I haven't watched it yet. We're watching them when we have time on a PBS app. But now I've read the spoilers (I hate emotional surprises).


Honestly, with all these actors for the major characters wanting to leave the show, it seems like they should have just ended the series altogether on a happy note at the end of season 3. I'd much rather end a series wanting more than have the series drag on and on, killing off characters as they go. :glare:

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It's interesting to discuss this here as it shows we all view this through our own filters.


As i was watching I felt that it highlighted the risks of having a baby at home as opposed to the hospital. At the hospital Sybil could've had a risky but potentially life-saving C-section. The family doctor was insisting on the hospital. I'm a proponent of hospital births, so that's what I was seeing.


I think they also clearly showed the frustration those of us without medical education feel when we need to make medical decisions--particularly a quick one. It is so hard to know what to do when a medical professional tells you one thing and another professional or research says something contrary. I know I've felt this in the past and could feel the indecision and weight of responsibility they showed in the episode.


Last night's episode was riveting.



Back then, hospital births were actually much riskier than home births. Most births took place at home. Only the very sick went to hospitals. The move toward hospital hospital birth as the norm came much later. They didn't have that much knowledge or equipment that would make a hospital birth any safer and the risk of infection was very high. At least at home, the mom was quite used to the germs around her and most of them were did not cause pathology. There was also an arrogance among doctors who did birth that eschewed the traditional knowledge of midwifery as being "unscientific" despite most obstetric practices themselves being unscientific. Cesarean section was a highly risky operation back then and not taken lightly.


The family doctor was not advocating the hospital because he felt it was an inherently safer place. He was advocating moving her there because he knew his patient and knew that she was in trouble, thus making it worth the risks. The city doctor was arrogant and misogynistic, missing the signs of trouble because of his preconceived notions (she's behaving like that because she's in labor, she must have thick ankles, etc.)

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And to be perfectly honest....a C-section would not have saved Sybil at that point. There really was nothing to be done if a woman had eclampsia back then. Having a C-section was no guarantee that you would be saved. Like I said before, it can strike up to six weeks AFTER delivery. It was a killer then and it can still be a killer now. I think sometimes we are a bit blasé about the risks involved in childbirth today, and we feel we are somehow guaranteed a good outcome. I have seen patients who "pooh-pooh" a doctor who has warned them they are showing signs of pre-eclampsia, not knowing that it is something that can take their life. I think an episode like this that shows the stark reality of what can go wrong during delivery is actually needed. I've literally had friends say to me, "Well, I didn't think you could DIE from it." Yeah...you can.

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My computer kept buffering during her death so it really alleviated some of the trauma. Of course it never once buffered during the emotional scenes afterwards. Lord Grantham is totally keeping with character. He plays his emotions close to the vest as most english gentlemen did. That morning Mary said he could not see or speak to anyone. I think he did a lot of grieving during that time. I also think he is still in shock.

I had a hopeful moment there right after the baby was born, but then she started talking to her mom and I just knew it would be bad.

I hate spoilers and managed to miss this one, except I knew something bad was going to happen AND the foreshadowing helped me prepare. I had a few friends tell me not to watch. Of course I am 22w pregnant so I get the warning. I think without all the buffering and my on-going FB conversations I would have been an emotional wreck.

I think I took all of my emotion out on the computer every time it buffered though.


NOOO....talk about buffering at an inopportune time. But, like you said, it probably deflected some of the emotions.

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I am under the impression that most of the deaths that occur related to childbirth in our country are related to C-section complications and one of the reasons we are so high in mortality rates is because our C-section rate is SO astronomically high. I have personally known several women who almost died from C-section complications.


I have never heard of hypertension/eclampsia/toxemia (they are all one in the same, right?) suddenly appearing in the days/weeks after birth. How common is that if the mother had no complications with it during pregnancy?


Either way, last night's episode was awful.

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It's interesting to discuss this here as it shows we all view this through our own filters.


As i was watching I felt that it highlighted the risks of having a baby at home as opposed to the hospital. At the hospital Sybil could've had a risky but potentially life-saving C-section. The family doctor was insisting on the hospital. I'm a proponent of hospital births, so that's what I was seeing.


I think they also clearly showed the frustration those of us without medical education feel when we need to make medical decisions--particularly a quick one. It is so hard to know what to do when a medical professional tells you one thing and another professional or research says something contrary. I know I've felt this in the past and could feel the indecision and weight of responsibility they showed in the episode.


Last night's episode was riveting.



that is funny how we filter it. I figured if she was at the hospital it would still be determined by which doctor was in charge. If it was a doctor like Dr. Phillip she wouldn't have had a c-section and would have died. If it was home, but with Dr. what's his face in charge, they would have transferred and she might have been ok. So for me it was care giver, not location, although I understand how it could be looked at the other way.

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I am under the impression that most of the deaths that occur related to childbirth in our country are related to C-section complications and one of the reasons we are so high in mortality rates is because our C-section rate is SO astronomically high. I have personally known several women who almost died from C-section complications.


I have never heard of hypertension/eclampsia/toxemia (they are all one in the same, right?) suddenly appearing in the days/weeks after birth. How common is that if the mother had no complications with it during pregnancy?


Either way, last night's episode was awful.


Well, yes, normally you will have symptoms in pregnancy, but those are picked up by blood pressure cuffs and urine tests. If she wasn't having that done often than it could be missed for sure. And yes, it happens afterwards. I had a blood pressure issue in my pregnancy and had to take my blood pressure daily after the birth until it went back down. And still had to stay alert to possible symptoms like headaches, swelling, etc. (I had borderline blood pressure issues, NOT Pre-E)

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And to be perfectly honest....a C-section would not have saved Sybil at that point. There really was nothing to be done if a woman had eclampsia back then. Having a C-section was no guarantee that you would be saved. Like I said before, it can strike up to six weeks AFTER delivery. It was a killer then and it can still be a killer now. I think sometimes we are a bit blasé about the risks involved in childbirth today, and we feel we are somehow guaranteed a good outcome. I have seen patients who "pooh-pooh" a doctor who has warned them they are showing signs of pre-eclampsia, not knowing that it is something that can take their life. I think an episode like this that shows the stark reality of what can go wrong during delivery is actually needed. I've literally had friends say to me, "Well, I didn't think you could DIE from it." Yeah...you can.


I am terrified of Eclampsia and blood clots. I monitor my blood pressure through my pregnancy whether I have any symptoms or not. My first trimester this go round my pressure was high, BUT it came down at the start of my 2nd trimester, My high risk OB said that it was normal to have that happen, but I'm still monitoring it closely and every 3w my urine is checked at my OB. So far there has been no protein. The one good thing about being high risk is during my 3rd trimester I go twice a week to the high risk OB for NSTs and blood pressure check both times and baby check and fluid check one time. I also see my regular OB every week for urine tests and blood pressure check. I'm not a huge fan of invasive child bearing, but I do appreciate the efforts to keep me and baby safe.

I have a friend who had to undergo a non medicated emergency c-section a couple of years ago because she was dying. Her and the baby were saved, BUT the trauma of that moment will never go away.

I deal with anxiety when I'm not pregnant. When I'm pregnant it goes through the roof!

I did ok with the episode though, surprisingly. Of course then I watched the Christmas episode of Parenthood and nasty baby cried through that whole thing.

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But Sybil WAS having symptoms while pregnant. She mentioned to Mary how miserable she'd been with the headaches. Those are a huge symptom. I've known two people that have had issues with Pre-e, E AFTER delivering. Like I said in an earlier post my sister was hospitalized for a week AFTER her youngest was born for being borderline eclamptic. She'd only developed the symptoms maybe a few days before she had to deliver 5 weeks early. It came on fast.


I have to agree about ending the series on a happy note instead of killing everyone off that is leaving. That's beyond crushing. But they want to keep it rolling..

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I'm the exact same way. I just finished watching last night's episode, and I'm glad I knew what was coming. I don't like being at the mercy of out- of- control emotions.


Regarding the episode itself, I thought it was good and rather realistic. The Anna&Bates storyline should have been out on hold for this episode, imo. And I really wish there was more of a display of grief by Lord Grantham. Heck, even the old Dowager expressed some emotion this time, but Lady Sybil' s own father didn't??? That aspect annoyed me. Oh, and the part with Mary and (the other sister- her name escapees me right now) being all huggy with each other felt very contrived and artificial.



Again though, he was a product of his time and position. It would have been, I think, horribly modern of him to show emotion. Men of that time were more reserved. Men in his social circle many more times so. You just would not have seen a man like him break down. I thought his reaction was appropriate and the way he was willing to take Cora's blame was a hint to what he was feeling under the surface.

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I have never heard of hypertension/eclampsia/toxemia (they are all one in the same, right?) suddenly appearing in the days/weeks after birth. How common is that if the mother had no complications with it during pregnancy?





But she was having symptoms. She complained of headaches. Her family doctor noticed her swollen ankles. Even during labor, she was not herself. Lady Cora noticed this, but the honcho doctor dismissed her concerns.

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It's interesting to discuss this here as it shows we all view this through our own filters.



It was awful!


Speaking of filters, I feel a growing distaste for Lord Grantham. I see him as a dimwitted, pig-headed, egotistical fool in a veneer of gentility. He lost his wife's money on a 'sure thing.' He grossly mismanages the estate (I have been waiting since season 1 for some sort of farm manager to appear). Doesn't he realize that English country houses are in trouble -- he should, since he married an American to help with money. After Matthew gives him money, he immediately hired three new people for the house.


I thought it could hardly get worse until last night. Lord G is so besotted with his fashionable 'Sir' physician that he doesn't even want his wife to telephone their long-time doctor. This man who doesn't even want to hear the word urine is making medical decisions. He also ignores the fact that that his daughter has a husband who might have something to say. He is blind and entitled. He should learn to dress himself.


Am I too emotionally involved here????

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But she was having symptoms. She complained of headaches. Her family doctor noticed her swollen ankles. Even during labor, she was not herself. Lady Cora noticed this, but the honcho doctor dismissed her concerns.



I know she was, I was just asking related to the discussion here in the thread. I was curious how often it happens if the woman DIDN'T show symptoms.


I also look forward to seeing how Lady Grantham handles this. I see her as very flaky so it will be interesting to see if she finds some inner strength or something.


I have never liked Matthew Crawley, just for the record. Mary isn't very likable either.

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This is true. I think a lot of people think dying during/after childbirth in this country is a thing of the past. I personally know of two cases within the last month of women dying. Both of them were shortly after the birth, but in both cases the death was related to the childbirth. I think it will probably only continue to get worse.



I am curious as to why you think it will continue to get worse. Is it the doctors or our health in general, or our healthcare system?

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I didn't know ahead of time, I sobbed, and I felt physically ill for hours after watching. It was FABULOUS!


I don't understand all the haters. From the beginning, DA was (imo) about making the aristocracy human. Real. Lives that were actually led by the rich, the middle, the working class, and the down and out, not just romanticized story book emptiness. To off a different character because they're more expendable would be dishonest to all of that.


It was a piece of writing that did the overall work of art justice.

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Here are some articles about the show:


Article on the reaction to Sybil's death (lots of viewer comments after article):




Article on Elizabeth McGovern's (Cora's) off-screen pursuits:




Article on what to expect in Season 4 (WARNING: SPOILERS!):




Another article on what to expect in Season 4 (WARNING: SPOILERS!):




For those who don't want to read the articles on Season 4 (in which there are SPOILERS), they do say that Season 4 is being filmed right around now.

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