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You will not be able to attend the funeral. That is very sad. The health of your children, your husband, and yourself must be your #1 priority at this time. I hope that your brother did not suffer. Try to relax and nurse your family back into good health. I am sending you gentle hugs from Colombia,

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Oh, I'm so sorry. Since you're getting sick too there really isn't an option to go but the home health nurse would have been a possibility. Again, I'm so sorry. I'm not close with my brother but I'd be heartbroken if I lost him suddenly & then couldn't attend the funeral. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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If you were in CA, you would not want to attend the funeral with the flu. You could end up passing out. Do you think your brother would want that? With all of the technology we carry in our pockets, do you think it's possible for someone to record, FaceTime, or Skype a small part of the service so you can have some visual feedback and a chance to say goodbye over the phone? It seems that funeral homes would have something like this set up.



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:grouphug: :grouphug: most funeral homes and churches have an option to record services; its quite possible all you need to do is call them and ask.... and give them a credit card number to cover the cost. otherwise it will need to be approved by whoever is making arrangements and that might or might not happen, kwim?


hmmm.... i wonder if they could facetime or skype it for you?


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I was bound and determined to get out to CA, even went so far as to purchase a ticket and pack. A few hours before I was supposed to leave, I couldn't even stand up without being so lightheaded that I had to immediately sit back down. Common sense prevailed, and am currently cuddled on the couch just waiting to feel better. I'm sad to not be there today, but am at peace knowing I did everything possible to try to make it there. Didn't even think about a recording device. might be too late now, but will look into it this morning. I will have a copy of the eulogy in my email tonight.



Thinking of you and your family...

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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When my mom was very very close to death, my sister decided to spend the night. We slept in the same room for the first time since we were kids. She was there all the next day, but decided to go home that night and be with her husband and kids. My mom died a few hours after she left.


I talked to my sister later and she said, "I guess I wasn't supposed to be there." So last year, when my sister was on her deathbed, I went to see her. I had to leave to get my daughter, who has Chronic Fatigue, home to bed. My sister died a few hours after I left, and all I keep thinking is "I guess I wasn't supposed to be there."


Sometimes God puts obstacles in our paths to prevent us from doing things or being places we aren't supposed to be. Maybe you aren't supposed to be at the service, or maybe you would get in a plane or car crash if you went. I don't know what He is rescuing you from, but I believe that He does these things all the time, and I've learned to trust Him.


Maybe you just aren't supposed to be there. Hope you feel better soon- I will say a prayer for you and your family tonight- I know how hard it is. =(

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3153.55 miles away from where we live, and the flu has found it's way to our house. Dd6 is on day 3 of 103 degree fever. Ds4's head hurts so bad that I can't even kiss him without making it worse. Dh is sleeping in bed unable to move. My body is starting to ache and I'm coughing like a fool. Dd9 is still healthy, but for how long? I've called everyone I can think of, and no one is able/willing to help care for flu patients. I've spent hours trying to figure out some way to get to CA by Tuesday, but it seems pointless. I'm so sad. Just when you think all the tears have been cried, nope, there's more.



I'm sorry.

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