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Help me with this bet with dh.


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I love the old school text adventure games. I think I lost a year of my teens in Croft Castle.


If you like books and gaming and have no idea what I'm talking about, look into it. They rock.


ETA: Also, dh says I have much geekier friends than he does. You can all take that as a compliment. :D

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I completed Zork 2.

Learned the definition of "menhir" because of that game.

I hated the carousel room.

Drew a LOT of maps for it.


I liked the old Infocom games. I can't read Hitchhiker's anymore without thinking of how in the game you had to really maneuver to get the Babel fish in your ear.

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Guest submarines

Dh and I have a bet.


Have you heard of Zork? What do you think it is? Does the word "grue" mean anything to you?


Thank you for your assistance. :D


No. Some kind of a zombie. No.

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Yes, but only because my brother was one of the original computer geeks... right behind my grandfather who was a research scientist driving an electric car and working on the space shuttle project. Northern CA in the late 70's and 80's. LOL I remember walking down the street and eating cherries off the trees. My brother remembers computers and electric cars. (however, I do remember playing D&D with my brother.)


Also, there is an episode of Big Bang Theory where Sheldon is playing a text based game and I think it is supposed to be Zork.



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Dh and I have a bet.

Have you heard of Zork? What do you think it is? Does the word "grue" mean anything to you?

Thank you for your assistance. :D


I have a version of Zork on my iPad. I've taught my kids to play (meaning: I taught them how to make maps).


You can play THHGTTG game online. I love that game too. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/hitchhikers/game.shtml

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Hi, I am mktkcb's daughter. Zork is a genius adventure puzzle game series. Nobody knows what a grue looks like because it devours you in completely dark rooms. Started a few of the text interactive games, but got really annoyed with the "tunnel" mapping system. Favorite one is probably Zork Grand Inquisitor. Love the humor and wit of these games, wish they would make more like them.

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Hi, I am mktkcb's daughter. Zork is a genius adventure puzzle game series. Nobody knows what a grue looks like because it devours you in completely dark rooms. Started a few of the text interactive games, but got really annoyed with the "tunnel" mapping system. Favorite one is probably Zork Grand Inquisitor. Love the humor and wit of these games, wish they would make more like them.


**note from mktkcb: My dd is 21, and an adventure puzzle game fanatic. Most of the Zorks and Mysts are ones my dh had, but she has loved all of them. It would seem that Grues are creatures of some sort that you never see, as she said. Zork was among the first games to make the great leap from text interactive to video interactive. Lately she's been trying out the older text int. games.

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I have not heard of Zork. I immediately envisioned a big bearded alien who looked quite human (weird, I know). But I'm guessing that's wrong since you didn't say, "Have you heard of a Zork?" So my next guess is that it's an alien planet and grue is something they eat there :tongue_smilie: .



ETA: Just read the other replies. Guess I was way off, but I kinda figured that!

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Have you heard of Zork? What do you think it is? Does the word "grue" mean anything to you?


Yes, and yes.


It's later in the sequence, but I also have a vivid recollection of Boos Miller: "Want some rye? Of course you do."






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Yes to the first, though I didn't play it myself. DH did though, and I played other text-based adventures.


I'm quite familiar with grue as it's been part of our family lexicon since dh and I got married. Our kids don't know where it originated but have always known that they don't want to be gotten by a grue. :willy_nilly:

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Thanks for the help everyone!


Seems to be split about fifty-fifty, so I guess dh and I tied. :p A few nights back he asked what I was doing, and I said, "Playing Zork." He was all O.o and so, of course, I teased him for being a gamer and not even knowing what Zork is. So we made a bet that if he asked his WoW guild and I asked you guys, that most of you all would know what Zork is.

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Hi, I am mktkcb's daughter. Zork is a genius adventure puzzle game series. Nobody knows what a grue looks like because it devours you in completely dark rooms. Started a few of the text interactive games, but got really annoyed with the "tunnel" mapping system. Favorite one is probably Zork Grand Inquisitor. Love the humor and wit of these games, wish they would make more like them.


I tried Grand Inquisitor, and totally failed. I could not figure out what to do in the village, and couldn't bring myself to look at a walkthrough five seconds in, lol.

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I tried Grand Inquisitor, and totally failed. I could not figure out what to do in the village, and couldn't bring myself to look at a walkthrough five seconds in, lol.



I loved Grand Inquistor! "You will be Totemized!" (a very bad thing). and "I am the boss of you!" :) We still use those lines on our kids sometimes. ;)

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So am I the only one here who ever played Croft Castle? That was a good one. No idea who made it or anything, but man was it weird. And the game where the talking shark got really mad at you if you tried to eat its marzipan without washing your hands... What was that one called?

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