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Free Physics Quest Kit - hurry!

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Sorry if anyone else posted this. I don't have time to check right now...

I pasted this from my blog:


Free PhysicsQuest kit!


We signed up for this last year and received a box stuffed with goodies. Here’s a pic of what we got:


Otter had a great time with the experiments, especially because everything we needed came in the box. This was a pretty substantial kit for FREE.

Here’s the info on this year’s kit:

Students will do experiments about fluid flow and turbulence as they help keep the Tesla Junior High swim team safe from their crazy coach, Henri Toueaux. He will stop at nothing to beat the Edison Middle School Wizards in the state championship. Kits contain all the materials needed to do 4 fun and exciting physics experiments as well as a manual and comic book. As the students complete the activities they will be learning the physics they need to save the world, or at least Tesla Junior High swim team. There are a limited number of kits so

These go fast, so if you want a kit, sign up asap! I did! icon_smile.gif
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Update for Canadians. You too can order this. Put your province and country in the city slot, and your normal postal code in the zip code area, do not choose anything in the drop down menu of states. It goes through no problem, and I confirmed with someone from the site first that Canadians can register for it.

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Sorry to be dumb -- I don't see the part about the kit on the website. Did I just not look in the right place, or is it gone? I registered for PhysicsQuest 2012 anyway.


It's under ask & experiment. It took me some time to find it today when I was checking about Canadians ordering it

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