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How do you like your grits?  

  1. 1. How do you like your grits?

    • Grits are supposed to be eaten with butter and sugar
    • Sweet grits??? ewww...
    • I don't like grits at all.
    • I like them either way!
    • Obligatory other.

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I probably have used this cookbook more than any other I own. I love the grits corn bread.


I eat my grits with butter and salt. But since we have been trying to eat lower carb, I don't really eat grits very often. They are a wonderful, flexible food though.

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Guest inoubliable
I am interested in seeing how you like to eat your grits...


I wasn't going to chime in, but then I realized that no one had pointed out that there isn't really a right or wrong way to eat wet sand. :tongue_smilie:

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Well that's interesting! I'm a lifelong Southerner as well, as are all my people and I've NEVER seen anyone but non-southerners put sugar on their grits. I've lived in NC, SC and deep down in MS, and have never seen it. Must be a TN thing :tongue_smilie: (I love TN and WISH I lived there, but I still wouldn't put sugar on my grits ;))


Of course, I've also only ever seen shrimp & grits served as a dinner meal, not breakfast, so what do I know?


Oh, I wonder if it is. I'm a southerner and never, ever saw people eat grits w/sugar ... until I married my husband, a good ole Tennessean. Interesting.

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I think I ate grits once, maybe?


I haven't eaten them enough to hate them or to have an opinion on seasonings.




I suppose I could cook grits in my current state though. They weren't exactly popular in Seattle or anywhere else I've lived.

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I like them with butter and sugar. I like them with cheese and/or bacon. I've never eaten shrimp and grits, but I know it's popular in some areas. I make a baked cheese grits casserole that lots of people like, even people who had never eaten grits before.


Would you care to share your casserole recipe? My southern husband would just die if this transplanted "Yankee" made him a casserole that involved grits!!

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Guest inoubliable
Thank you for the explanation! It doesn't sound like a very appealing dish!


I think it's one of those things where you either love them or despise them. I'm from the South and think they're just nasty. My Yankee husband thinks they're delicious. Of course, he'll also eat stuff like....scrapple. :ack2: "Wet sand" is about the best thing I can say about grits. ;)

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The key to awesome grits is pour them in slow while stirring, stirring, stirring and then stir a bunch while cooking. Do NOT let them clump. Then add enough butter, salt, and pepper to eliminate any chance they ever had of being healthy! :) Two things I can't possibly imagine: making grits sweet (?????) and not liking grits (again, ?????). :D

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I'm disappointed in this thread. I thought it would turn into the great grit kerfluffle (or kefuffle, if you prefer), though the cupcakes kind of took that name, so maybe Grit Gate, would have been more appropriate. People have been too kind!


I can't believe how many people in the South have never heard of sweet grits. I've lived in 6 southern states at various points (though, I'm still iffy on how "southern" FL is) and everyone eats them with milk and sugar. I've been to restaurants for b'fast where they've asked if you want them with butter or sugar and milk. How odd.


One of my German friends when we were in Heidelberg was obsessed with grits. Her hubby (army) was from the south and she had grits for the first time when she went to meet his family. She loved them. The only way she'd had them was with milk and sugar. I don't know how we came on the subject (how does one start talking about grits?) and I mentioned how different they taste depending on what kind of cheese you put in them. She was shocked! Cheese in grits? What devilry is this? I saw her dh a few days later and he told me I was never to talk to her about grits again, because they'd had them every day, including for dinner, since we'd talked. :D

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From Chapter 2 of The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South, I offer an end to this sweet grits nonsense once and for all! :D


"It is a lucky Southerner who can find grits at all in a Northern restaurant, and an even luckier one if the restaurant knows how to make them

from scratch rather than dumping a packet of instant grits into a bowl.

Southerners have always found it puzzling and disgusting that Northerners, if faced with grits, will inevitably put sugar on them. Every Southerner knows that the thing to be done with a mound of grits is to form a

depression in the center of the mound, drop in two pats of butter so the

heat of the grits melts them, liberally add salt and pepper, and then mix in the butter. Southerners also know that cheese and grits is a match

made in Southern heaven."


ALL IN FUN, ladies, no offense intended!



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I was here last night and can't believe this grits conversation is still going on. It obviously affected me as I went out this morning to get the slow cooked grits and made them for the very first time according to Paula Deen.


I only used cheddar cheese and didn't add the eggs. I used water not chicken broth. I made a fried egg instead with bacon and toast. OMG...delicious. The cheese inside is fine but I didn't like the cheese on top. I did add sugar and it was just too bland without it. Had more for lunch:D

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I was here last night and can't believe this grits conversation is still going on. It obviously affected me as I went out this morning to get the slow cooked grits and made them for the very first time according to Paula Deen.


I only used cheddar cheese and didn't add the eggs. I used water not chicken broth. I made a fried egg instead with bacon and toast. OMG...delicious. The cheese inside is fine but I didn't like the cheese on top. I did add sugar and it was just too bland without it. Had more for lunch:D

welcome to the grits club. Glad to have broadened your palate a bit. :D:D:D

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So I'm sitting here eating grits for probably the second time in my life after picking some up at the store today. I tried some with sugar and some with salt (and both had butter since that seemed to be approved by everyone). I really like both ways. A lot.

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Copious amounts of butter & salt, typically. Once in awhile I'll splurge with some cheese ~ yum! I'm sorry, but no self-respecting Southerner EVER puts sugar on grits. It's just. not. done. :tongue_smilie:


FairFarmHand, you really should try shrimp & grits ~ they are amazing when made properly!



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