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Cat or dog?

Cat or dog?  

  1. 1. Cat or dog?

    • Cat
    • Dog

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I wish they'd invent some sort of non ugly hairless variety of either one.


And preferable does not need to use a litter box or the backyard to do his biz. Better yet no need to eat or do any biz at all. Just be cute and cuddly and not have anything to bother me with :lol:

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Oh, orange kitties are special.


Oooooooh I'm DYING for a teeny little orange kitten.


Why an orange tabby, just because? That is MY reason but I'm just wondering.



Because I have one right now, and he's awesome. I've heard lots of people say the same thing....there's something quirky and wonderful about orange tabbies.


My first cat was a long haired orange tabby. I've had several more since him, but he was and remains my favorite. I'd love to have another one. There's just something about an orange tabby cat. :001_wub:


We Three, Ginger Cats Tales blog by a group of ginger cats. Except, sadly, some of the cats have passed on. But the pictures are gorgeous, and if you've never looked through it you should.


I'm going to have to check this out! :drool5:

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And I, on the other hand, don't understand how anyone could choose a cat over a dog! :tongue_smilie: admittedly they are more work, but IMO they are MUCH more fun and love, too.:001_smile:


There was this exact poll recently, I believe in the past month or so. Cats won and it shocked me then as it still does now.;)





Litter boxes, walking on tables and counter-tops, dander, dead mice & birds, nasty attitudes...



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I voted for the cat. Cats are much easier than dogs.


Keep Your Cat Inside

If you keep them inside, they won't be hit by a car and killed or injured (killed = much grief; injured = many $$ and the cat suffers). They won't get in cat fights and blue jays won't attack them, resulting in more vet bills and nasty wounds. They won't bring home dead *or* living animals -- which can include squirrels, moles, voles, birds, turtles, and snakes.


In my experience, it is extremely difficult for a cat to transition from being an outdoor cat to being permanently indoors. When a cat is unhappy in that situation, everyone hears about it.


Or you can put in a cat-proof pen that has a cat-proof roof, which will allow the cat to be safely outside. Make sure it predator-proof, too.


The Litter Box

You can get a fancy litter box that is easy to clean, and some fancy cat litter that clumps or whatever -- I'm not current on cat litter. Even an open litter box only takes 10 minutes to clean twice a day. Once a week, you may want to dump the whole thing, wash it, and restart it. If you do this, and have one litter box per cat, they will neatly take care of their business.


Save Your Furniture (especially leather)

My personal best cat to have would be a grown one that someone else had declawed, so it doesn't ruin the furniture - I'd get one of those from a shelter.


Contain Your Feline

There is a lot to be said for having a kitchen with a door that closes so the cat can't get in. Failing that, you can enclose the cat in a room whenever you are using the kitchen.


Cats can be crated just like dogs can. So if you don't have a spare room that you want to put the cat in, use a crate.


Cats go places in carriers, and you never have to worry about them escaping their seat belt/harness restraint while you are driving.


Groom with Zoom

Get a short-haired cat, so it doesn't have to be brushed. Get a zoom groom and quickly take care of that problem.


Invest in many of those pet hair removers because cats shed.


Pay someone -- the vet, a groomer -- to clip the cat's claws and bathe it (if necessary).


The Entertained Cat

Buy a cat tree. Just one. Use catnip. Buy cat toys. The stick, string, furry or feathery animal thing is a good one -- you can play with the cat while reading.


Messy, Smelly Cat Problems - Solved!

If you get a male, be extra, super duper sure to get in neutered so (hopefully) it won't spray in your house.


Get your female spayed. A cat in heat is very noisy and will drive you crazy.


Get hairball stuff (we used to use Vaseline) and give it to the cat to cut down on hairballs. I


Invest in Nature's Miracle in case the cat coughs up a hairball or ejects body fluids onto your carpet or furniture.


Have a Healthy Cat


Get it spayed or neutered.


Keep up to date with its vaccinations.


Get it microchipped, in case it gets lost.


Get it a breakaway collar with your contact information on the tag, in case it gets lost.


Research cat food and feed it one of the best kinds so it will have a head start on staying healthy.


Make sure your indoor plants are not poisonous to cats.


Locate the nearest emergency vet and post his phone number somewhere in case you need it. Or just enter the number in your home phone and your cell phone.

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I can't imagine my house without both so I can't vote.


But DH and I have to be careful because he and I would turn the house into a home for waifs and strays if we could afford it. :001_smile:


The cash flow is tiht because of all of my animals. :(. This was a VERY bad year with vet bills, WAY into the thousands. Oy!


A good friend of mine just commented about how I travel all over the US to pick up animals. That's not ENTIRELY tdue. I haven't gone further than IL.:tongue_smilie:

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The cash flow is tiht because of all of my animals. :(. This was a VERY bad year with vet bills, WAY into the thousands. Oy!


A good friend of mine just commented about how I travel all over the US to pick up animals. That's not ENTIRELY tdue. I haven't gone further than IL.:tongue_smilie:


Dh is supposed to go out of town for a few days and I think he's afraid I'll get another animal while he's gone. :lol:


We decided when the kids leave home we'll just compensate with fur babies.

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We have come to realize that we are cat people. We have 2 rescue kittens right now and they fit in really well. The independent nature combined with the willingness to just plop down and hold us hostage if necessary work well for us.


We had a Boston Terrier that just needed more out of us than we could give. He lives across the road at the IL's house and is stoked to have 2 bored retirees to smother him with attention. He had gotten hostile with the kids over my attention and I no longer felt safe having him here. I love him and miss him every day, but I know where he is is for the best. He's happy in a way he never was here playing second fiddle to 3 active kids.

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I had no idea that cats would be more popular. I'm a cat or dog person. We've had one of each, sometimes, but its a happier house with just one or the other. Dog is much better company for the kids. Cats don't lick them, love on them, need walking and all that, so I have loved having dogs for toddler thru now, but, maybe a cat after this beloved dog is gone. Cats are easier, but, I guess their way of showing love is so much like a teenager, sometimes, that I love the slobber-on-you, love-you-to-pieces-no-matter-what style that my dog loves me right now, best. A totally empty nest might work for a little while, cause I just can't see leaving a pet with anybody but a house-sitting person.

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What if one wanders onto your yard?


It's fenced in but..... <g>


It followed me home... can I keep it?


It would have to be another dog because the kitten girls run this here house. The Queens would not be amused.


(And I'd have another litter box to clean - they each have to have their own)

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It's fenced in but..... <g>


It followed me home... can I keep it?


It would have to be another dog because the kitten girls run this here house. The Queens would not be amused.


(And I'd have another litter box to clean - they each have to have their own)


For the life of me I can NOT figure out how this dog got into our yard!


It was in a box on out top step/porch.


It was hiding in the bushes and ran through the door when I opened it.


_______________(youngest child) brought it home and cried hysterically when I said we couldn't keep it.






Let me know if you need more,:D

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I like cats but they are freaky, I would never have one. We love dogs. Not all breeds are hyper.


I don't think there's a dog alive as hyper as this one, so I know it's not breed specific :tongue_smilie:(besides, she's a rescued mutt). People just assured us this would pass in her 2nd or 3rd year. :glare:

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I voted cats, because they're so low-maintenance and pretty quiet. I secretly long for a Jack Russell terrier, though, but I hear they're not a great fit with cats or with small children. Plus I really don't have the time/energy necessary to train a dog properly. But when the kids are all grown, I can definitely see myself with a smallish dog of my own, and loving it. :)

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For the life of me I can NOT figure out how this dog got into our yard!


It was in a box on out top step/porch.


It was hiding in the bushes and ran through the door when I opened it.


_______________(youngest child) brought it home and cried hysterically when I said we couldn't keep it.






Let me know if you need more,:D


The last one won't work - the youngest is way into cats and we can't have any more of those. Like I said - the Queens would be offended. :D


I seriously almost came home with a chinese hairless that some lady - backyard breeder - had beside Walmart. I wanted to name him Trevor. But even I couldn't see encouraging her to breed more by giving her the 250 bucks she wanted for him and his siblings. :crying: I cried all the way home.


(I worked animal control. All of our animals are rescues of some sort and they are all 'its'.)

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Dh and dd7 are severely allergic to cats and only mildly allergic to dogs, so we have a dog.


But honestly, I will never own a cat. I spent my teen years with a mother who had 13 indoor cats. It was horrific. Cat litter and cat hair and cat snot everywhere. And I was the one who had to clean out and scrub down 5 litter boxes once a week.


I think kittens are adorable and cats are hilarious, but after those years, I just can't ever have a cat in my home.

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I had no idea that cats would be more popular. I'm a cat or dog person. We've had one of each, sometimes, but its a happier house with just one or the other. Dog is much better company for the kids. Cats don't lick them, love on them, need walking and all that, so I have loved having dogs for toddler thru now, but, maybe a cat after this beloved dog is gone. Cats are easier, but, I guess their way of showing love is so much like a teenager, sometimes, that I love the slobber-on-you, love-you-to-pieces-no-matter-what style that my dog loves me right now, best. A totally empty nest might work for a little while, cause I just can't see leaving a pet with anybody but a house-sitting person.


My male cat licks everyone, purrs up a storm whenever you give him the least bit of attention, comes and flops down at my feet for a belly rub, and follows me from room to room. He's a dog in a cat's body!

My senior female cat is also very affectionate - but mostly with me.

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Cats don't kiss a$$. I respect that in a fellow creature.


This. I'm often embarrassed on our dog's behalf due to his pathological (from a cat person's POV) need for approval.

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I'm very allergic to cats. But even if I wasn't, moving into a rental house with cat hair everywhere- like in the drawers and fridge would have made me a dog person anyways. :)


We don't have this problem, but my brother with golden retrievers does.


I really understand why people love dogs, but I just cannot handle them in and out even in the rain. I don't like dealing with fleas/flea medication. The smell of dog bothers me as well (I've only met a couple people with dogs whose houses did not smell like a dog).

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