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Is a nice, gray, rainy day too much to ask for?

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I can agree here, to an extent.


We have had a drought since mid June and need rain SOOOO bad. It is too late to save the crops but we reseeded our horse pasture and if we don't get rain soon that $ will all be down the drain.


I also have inside things that need to be done that I am saving "for a rainy day" ........but we just aren't having them.

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Right there with ya sister. But then we are from Canada :D I love the idea of Denver, but then I know it's really, really, really sunny there. But I guess the snow balances that out. I would big puffy heart to live in Seattle's weather. My dream.

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I hear ya! It is 94 stupid degrees here today and it seems like it will never, ever end!


Everyone says that Southern California has perfect weather. Not in August, September and October it doesn't! I'm sick of it!:glare:

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You can have some of ours. Britain has had the wettest summer in 100 years. It's a complete miracle that the Olympics went okay - that was the only half-decent weather of the whole season. I'm feeling really cheated: it's autumn already and it was never really summer.



Edited by Laura Corin
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Rainy day where I am. Would you like me to send you some?


Yes, please!! :D


Right there with ya sister. But then we are from Canada :D I love the idea of Denver, but then I know it's really, really, really sunny there. But I guess the snow balances that out. I would big puffy heart to live in Seattle's weather. My dream.


Are we long lost sisters? Washington or Oregon, please! Why can't Whidbey Island be a MC base? LOL I am INSPIRED by gloomy days with a few days of sun.


Yes, Canada is great because you get all kinds of weather. It keeps things interesting. It was 90 degrees a couple days ago, then the next day they were wearing sweaters and got rain. I'm so jealous!! I don't miss the mosquitoes, though... But, they also don't have to worry about the scorpion I found on my back patio a couple nights ago, either, or venomous snakes. Hmmmm....


I hear ya! It is 94 stupid degrees here today and it seems like it will never, ever end!


Everyone says that Southern California has perfect weather. Not in August, September and October it doesn't! I'm sick of it!:glare:


I've NEVER said Southern California had perfect weather. Ever. It's not my kind of weather. I don't "do" the beach, etc. I've actually gone to Yuma and 29 Palms a couple times this summer to escape the SoCal "perfect weather" when the humidity was gross. :tongue_smilie:

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It's gray and rainy here today! Yesterday, too!

On one hand it doesn't bother me - it brings to mind that it's OCTOBER :D and that hopefully soon I'll be able to put away the summer clothes (just because I'm ready for the wardrobe switch - I got some stuff out but it's been too consistently warm to wear it frequently)...

but I will be happy to see the sun again. :)

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:D So it seems most/all of us in California are in agreement. Good. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I almost feel like a freak if I complain about the "beautiful weather". The radio announcer is lucky they were announcing through the radio and not face to face about "another beautiful day in ..." yesterday. They might have gotten punched. :lol:


Yes, I get violent with too much heat and sun. Especially heat!!


I lived in North Dakota last winter and was always kicking the kids outside to play because "it's so nice outside - I'll make hot chocolate for when you come in". This year..."go play a board game or something, it's too hot to go outside right now. We'll go out after supper." :)

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I am not made for California's beautiful weather. I totally understand many people grew up in it and love the warmth, but I get hot too easily and get really cranky whenever the temp rises above 75F in our house. I also miss the seasons. I am looking forward to our rainy season though. A little gloom will re-energize me!

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I am not made for California's beautiful weather. I totally understand many people grew up in it and love the warmth, but I get hot too easily and get really cranky whenever the temp rises above 75F in our house. I also miss the seasons. I am looking forward to our rainy season though. A little gloom will re-energize me!


Yep. This is me. And we don't have a/c. I have not been an easy person to live with the past few months! My poor Hubby and kids. :) Anything above 75 is not beautiful weather, IMO.

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I love this thread! I'm in TX and most people think I'm crazy when I say how much I hate the relentless sunshine here. I hate the summer here and am so glad we're getting closer to cool days, but that darn sun will still be there shining away. I grew up in MI, so rainy days and cold weather are cozy to me. The sameness of it all and lack of seasons here just stinks.

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Yep. This is me. And we don't have a/c. I have not been an easy person to live with the past few months! My poor Hubby and kids. :) Anything above 75 is not beautiful weather, IMO.


I *was* going to put beautiful in quotes, but I figured some might scoff :) I would be happy if I never again experienced weather above 60F. I can't even imagine how I'll be once I hit menopause. :tongue_smilie:

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You can have some of ours. Britain has had the wettest summer in 100 years. It's a complete miracle that the Olympics went okay - that was the only half-decent weather of the whole season. I'm feeling really cheated: it's autumn already and it was never really summer.




:iagree: Yup. And it's still raining down here in the southwest. Third summer in a row that didn't gave us summer weather. :001_huh:

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Retreat at my house. Come on over. We've got beautiful fall leaves, gray sky and rain. It will be fun.


If I was rich, I'd so take you up on that! :D Sounds like I'd have to travel a distance, though so maybe next year. I'll have to add a line item to my budget for a fall retreat at Starr's place. :lol:

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It was cold and rainy here all day. Temps dipping down to -2C meaning for all I know I will wake up to snow in the am, though it will not stay yet if I do. The kids were wearing their winter coats today, time to pack away the shorts, t-shirts and sandals and finish pulling out the winter gear and buy the kids some snow boots. They will be needing them by the end of the month I am sure. I was wishing the sun would come out today, I need a new winter coat and can't afford one this month, I need the cold to stay away as long as possible

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It was 99 degrees here in the Bay Area. I love me some CA sunshine, but this is ridiculous.


We do not have A/C because in the past we have only needed it a few days/ year. This year has been hot, hot, hot!


I don't drive so we walk everywhere. I arrive at TKD, the library or the grocery store already worn out!


The next person who tells me it is "earthquake weather" is getting the hairy eyeball!


Whew! Rant over.


Amber in SJ

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It was cold and rainy here all day. Temps dipping down to -2C meaning for all I know I will wake up to snow in the am, though it will not stay yet if I do. The kids were wearing their winter coats today, time to pack away the shorts, t-shirts and sandals and finish pulling out the winter gear and buy the kids some snow boots. They will be needing them by the end of the month I am sure. I was wishing the sun would come out today, I need a new winter coat and can't afford one this month, I need the cold to stay away as long as possible


I grew up in Alberta. I used to live near downtown Calgary, and I would walk to work if it was only -20C. Any colder and I had to drive :)

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I hated living in Phoenix where there was little break from the sun! Give me rainy days and I'm happy! Give me day after day of beating down heat/light and I'm grumpy.


I am SO opposite. I've lived in FL my entire life, and I get grumpy when we have more than 2-3 days of gray. I don't think I could ever live much farther north - not necessarily for the cold, but for the lack of sunshine. I'd get seriously depressed in the wintertime.


FWIW, it's been gray and rainy all day here so far. We've had a LOT of rain this summer. I'd gladly send it if I could! :001_smile:

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I grew up in Alberta. I used to live near downtown Calgary, and I would walk to work if it was only -20C. Any colder and I had to drive :)


Sounds like Alberta alright. Working in daycare we take the kids out to play until the weather is -20C and same with recess in the school. Snow day??what is that. Even when we have had -40C temps did the busses stop running but school was still open. Those days though no one walked to school. Even in the snow in this town kids still ride their bikes to school. Doesn't mean I like it though.

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