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9-year-old boys.


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My 9 year old is awesome...no problems with him at all! Of course, he has only been 9 for 2 days now! LOL :lol::lol:


:lol::lol: Give it time!!


My son has definitely been a bit....umm, challenging this school year. He reminds me of a preteen girl. :glare: Wasn't expecting this at all, he has always been so sweet. It is only October and I've already lost my mind, my patience and my cool. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh, gosh, thank you!! I actually chuckled out loud for the first laugh I've had in days. :D


Glad I could help! :lol: Dragon is very strong-willed and no love of waiting for or following directions. He's always been this way. But he's become hyper-sensitive and his stubborn nature has intensified since Christmas.

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*Raises hand*


Hi...I have a 9 year old boy. And a glass of wine.


I also have an 8 year old boy. So just as the nightmare ends with one, it starts all over again without a break.


I am told boys are awesome around 15 years old. Of course, that came from MIL, and she tends to remember things differently than the rest of her family. :lol:

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I love my 9 y.o. but he goes through bouts of crying:confused:

And right about when I realize he hasn't cried in a really long time, he starts again. Tonight he took a sip of his water and spit it out into the sink suddenly. I asked why and he laughed and said there was a stink bug in the cup. Then he burst into tears. Huh?

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My 9 year old is awesome...no problems with him at all! Of course, he has only been 9 for 2 days now! LOL :lol::lol:


I was thinking this about my ds9 too. Independent, great listener, super sweet kid... then I read


:lol::lol: Give it time!!


My son has definitely been a bit....umm, challenging this school year. He reminds me of a preteen girl. :glare: Wasn't expecting this at all, he has always been so sweet. It is only October and I've already lost my mind, my patience and my cool. :tongue_smilie:


and I was reminded that ds9 has only been 9 for a few weeks and he was born 2 months early. So, if we're going by 9 months + 9 years I guess we're not technically there yet. I may not avoid the problematic 9 year old issue after all! Oh, joy! :glare:

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I got one.. Since early September. So what exactly am I looking for? Ds is chatty, always has been easily distractible, sweet, cheerful and goofy, loves to make people laugh. He's also not a very good listener (we're working on it) and doesn't clean up on his own. And is sloppy with his schoolwork. Impulsive too.

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I agree it is a like a preteen girl. You never know which child you are going to get...the good natured funny boy or the sulky distracted boy or the really quick to anger boy or the suddenly crying but there is nothing wrong boy...

At least with preteen girls everyone expects the hormones. With boys, it is so different. Mine has severe mood swings. Four months until 10 though!!! :D

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I was just thinking today about my boy. Seven was the best, so much fun. Eight was hard, nine was harder. However, I really like 10! Now, he's only been 10 for a month, but really it was more like 9 and 3/4 that I really started enjoying him again. I'm sure it will get hard again, but I'm having fun for now!

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I agree it is a like a preteen girl. You never know which child you are going to get...the good natured funny boy or the sulky distracted boy or the really quick to anger boy or the suddenly crying but there is nothing wrong boy...

At least with preteen girls everyone expects the hormones. With boys, it is so different. Mine has severe mood swings. Four months until 10 though!!! :D



Yes, exactly. You expect it with the girls. And I am always wondering if I will get my snuggle muffin boy or the angry boy or the pouty boy....etc.




I was just thinking today about my boy. Seven was the best, so much fun. Eight was hard, nine was harder. However, I really like 10! Now, he's only been 10 for a month, but really it was more like 9 and 3/4 that I really started enjoying him again. I'm sure it will get hard again, but I'm having fun for now!


Good to know!!


And the good old 9 and three-quarters...:lol:. I'll ride that train! Hopefully soon!

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I have a ten year old boy, and I thought we would not survive nine! He is so much better this school year now that he is ten. He all of a sudden became responsible, committed to his work, diligent in his studies....


I also have an eight year old boy -- sigh. I hope my second time with a nine year old will be easier!

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I have a ten year old boy, and I thought we would not survive nine! He is so much better this school year now that he is ten. He all of a sudden became responsible, committed to his work, diligent in his studies....


Isn't that around the age they enter the logic stage???? Coincidence?


Maybe I shouldn't have read this thread. My lovely 7yo turns 8 this month. It's all still ahead of me!

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*Raises hand*


Hi...I have a 9 year old boy. And a glass of wine.


I also have an 8 year old boy. So just as the nightmare ends with one, it starts all over again without a break.


I am told boys are awesome around 15 years old. Of course, that came from MIL, and she tends to remember things differently than the rest of her family. :lol:



:grouphug: So do I. My boys are 16 months apart!

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Ugh. Nine year old boys!:glare: Today my 9 year old got all his work done in no time at all. And then we have some days where it's 4:00 and he's still sitting on his duff. And then there are some days when he's incredibly helpful - "Mom, can I help you put in the winter garden?" and then there are other days when he groans and moans and carries on when I ask him to throw his yogurt container away. I'm dreading when he hits puberty!

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No boys here, but I used to tutor and teach this age, mostly boys. For some reason, I love the goofiness. I think it's because I'm not the mom. ;)


Don't be embarrassed by it. Be entertained. I think half the time, they're figuring out what makes you laugh. Since all those boys I tutored and taught have now grown up, I have the advantage of perspective over time -- the really goofy ones usually turn out to be wonderful young men. Hang in there!

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This thread has made me so happy. I have an almost 9 year old who has been getting more and more difficult, especially with schoolwork. He alternates between sweet, responsbile, wonderful big brother and moody and pouty and really difficult to do anything. It’s nice to know it’s not just him. :)

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Interesting! My boys are 9 & 8. My 9 yr old is definitely a bit emotional at times and even has been flopping into a chair and crying when asked to do more schoolwork at times. Other times (even on the same day!) he will be diligently working quietly. :001_huh:


I can definitely tell he's at a weird stage between "little boy" and "big boy." He's trying more to participate in adult conversations which is... uh, interesting. Sometimes he's right on and sometimes he says something really off the wall... :lol:


He grew 4 inches this past year & is getting a peach-fuzzy lip (I kid you not) which really made me stop and think about how he's entering "that stage." Anyone else's 9 yr old have a mustache, or did I just cross the line there? :lol::lol::lol:

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Interesting! My boys are 9 & 8. My 9 yr old is definitely a bit emotional at times and even has been flopping into a chair and crying when asked to do more schoolwork at times. Other times (even on the same day!) he will be diligently working quietly. :001_huh:


I can definitely tell he's at a weird stage between "little boy" and "big boy." He's trying more to participate in adult conversations which is... uh, interesting. Sometimes he's right on and sometimes he says something really off the wall... :lol:


He grew 4 inches this past year & is getting a peach-fuzzy lip (I kid you not) which really made me stop and think about how he's entering "that stage." Anyone else's 9 yr old have a mustache, or did I just cross the line there? :lol::lol::lol:


To the bolded: I've noticed this with my DS too. When he chooses to participate in adult conversations with "big words", it sometimes shocks me a bit. Especially if he uses the word the right way.:tongue_smilie: I find myself looking at him wondering, 'who IS this child?' Then, as quick as that mature young man appears, he's gone...laughing hysterically at 'potty humor' with his brother.


No peach fuzz yet (thank God), but Dh didn't get a lot of fuzz until he was in his late 20s. ;)

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I came on just to search around for help regarding my son who will be...you guessed it...9 next week! So glad to be able to commiserate!:grouphug:


Any tips on how to keep a NON-reading 9yo boy occupied independently while I juggle my other 4 kiddos?

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I have four boys that are 10, 9, 9, & 8. They have me going crazy. Lately, it seems like they want to test every boundary there is. Glad to know I'm not alone. My husband keeps reminding me its part of them becoming men.


Oh wow!!! By the time your boys are all 10 you will be able to mentor all the other mothers of 9 yr old boys :) We all know they will need it!

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I came on just to search around for help regarding my son who will be...you guessed it...9 next week! So glad to be able to commiserate!:grouphug:


Any tips on how to keep a NON-reading 9yo boy occupied independently while I juggle my other 4 kiddos?


I usually set him to his favorite subject while I feed the toddler cheerios (yes I have to "enjoy" another 9yo boy) and guide Fury in his lessons.

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I came on just to search around for help regarding my son who will be...you guessed it...9 next week! So glad to be able to commiserate!:grouphug:


Any tips on how to keep a NON-reading 9yo boy occupied independently while I juggle my other 4 kiddos?


Trampoline? When my kiddo gets a break, he usually spends it pitching baseballs to the couch or doing flips on the trampoline. He mastered his back flip this month.

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I have four boys that are 10, 9, 9, & 8. They have me going crazy. Lately, it seems like they want to test every boundary there is. Glad to know I'm not alone. My husband keeps reminding me its part of them becoming men.


God bless you! If that doesn't require a glass of wine every night, I don't know what would!

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I usually set him to his favorite subject while I feed the toddler cheerios (yes I have to "enjoy" another 9yo boy) and guide Fury in his lessons.


He loves science, but that usually requires someone to sit and read directions with him.


Trampoline? When my kiddo gets a break, he usually spends it pitching baseballs to the couch or doing flips on the trampoline. He mastered his back flip this month.


Yes, we could not survive without a trampolene. :) I'm wondering more about independent learning activities he could do that aren't babyish.:confused:

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