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What Do I Do W/This?!

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Wolf brought home a zucchini yesterday.


Not just any zucchini. A giant, mutant zuccini.


It's bigger than Boo!


I suggested using one of those craft sprays, preserving it, and using it as a home defense weapon, but apparently, that's not what he has in mind.


He expects me to do something w/it so that we can eat it.


What on earth do I do w/a zucchini this size? Can you just freeze it? Does it need to be blanched first? I know I can make zucchini bread, for those that aren't GF, but other than that, wth?


I pointed out to him that we NEVER eat this stuff, other than the last time someone sent one home w/him...and it wasn't anywhere near the size of this mutant.


Pic on pg 5

Edited by Impish
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I peel it, grate it and then freeze it in smaller portions. I use it in chocolate chip zucchini muffins and in my turkey meatloaf the most often. Squeeze some of the excess moisture out when you put it in the bags to freeze though. No blanching required.

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MIL makes stuffed zucchini out of the giant ones. I'm not entirely sure how she does it -- I know rice and sauteed onions are involved. I don't care for the woman, but she CAN cook. I'd ask for a recipe, but she doesn't do recipes -- she's one of those throw-it-all-together people. Maybe you can google recipes for it though and find something similar?

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And seriously, this is bigger than Boo. It's not a one meal kinda veggie. I couldn't fit this sucker in the oven as is. :001_huh:


Shredding it and freezing is def going to have to happen to at least half of it, so thanks for the tips on how to do that!

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What is a marrow? The only marrow I know of is what's in bones.


Rosie, does marrow=squash and courgette=zucchini?


Eta: You can lots of things with zucchini. I would peel it, cut it in half, grate and freeze half. The other half I would probably dice up and use in pasta. That is easy.

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Saute it with garlic


dice it and some tomatoes up, add whatever herbs you like, cook in a fry pan until soft and you have some juice, and use it as a pasta sauce


slice it, sprinkle with salt and pepper, grill it (maybe drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar)


batter and fry it


or, my usual treatment - leave it on the counter intending to cook it for dinner 'tomorrow' until it becomes fit only for the compost pile. :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: I also add garlic, mushrooms, black olives, broccoli and tomatoes. It's our favorite meal this summer.


If you have left over, make zucchini bread (if you're okay with gluten---ooops! ditto on the pasta)


Zucchini bread recipe I use takes 2 full cups of zucchini and makes 2 loaves.

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I would call it a marrow too. Mrs Mungo, as far as I understand it zucchini = courgette, courgette = baby marrow. Both are in the squash family, but I wouldn't call either of them a squash kwim. Don't quote me though.


Impish - I'd curry it. Marrows can be a bit tasteless and hard, especially when they get big like that. Cook it like you'd cook a potato/vegetable curry, and peel it first - the skin gets tough when they are huge.

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We just wash them really well and shred them with the skin and freeze to make zucchini bread, etc. there's a zucchini chocolate bundt cake I made once (I was pg at the time and craved zucchini and chocolate!) - it was a huge hit. I also make zucchini muffins and cookies. Sautéed zucchini chunks with garlic and onions, add Parmesan and tomatoes for a yummy pasta dish. :) I do remove some of the middle seeds. Oh and zucchini relish is awesome too!

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Forgot to add, the bigger they get the tougher the skin gets and more bland, so you may want to peel them after all.


:iagree: The seeds can get woody too. For a zucchini that big, I'd remove any seeds. Apparently you'll have plenty of flesh, even without the seeds. ;)


ETA:- Post a pic of Boo and the giant zucchini! He looks cute all of the time, so I'm sure he looks adorable next to freakishly large produce too.

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I suggested using one of those craft sprays, preserving it, and using it as a home defense weapon, but apparently, that's not what he has in mind.



:lol::lol: This had me really cracking up because last summer, we had a parsnip that was 17 1/2 inches long. I suggested to dh that we set up a new stand at the local farmers' market: Home Defense Vegetables. What is it about giant veggies that makes a person think of knocking someone unconscious?:lol::lol:

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Peel it, slice it in half, and scoop out the seeds. Big ones can be nasty. Find a good stuffed zuchinni recipe for half of it. One thing we love to do w/ squash and zuchinni is to Fry up 5-6 pieces of bacon. Leave about a tablespoon of bacon grease in the pan and saute onions, garlic, and the squash until tender. A little salt and pepper= yummy!

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This is probably just me, but I would throw it!


I think they are gross - both in taste and texture, when they get that large. If your dh would be sad that you threw it away, I would shred it and use it for zucchini bread.

:iagree:I'm surprised no one else said toss it. Although there was the target practice advice.


If it truly is as big as you say it is pretty inedible.

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:iagree: The seeds can get woody too. For a zucchini that big, I'd remove any seeds. Apparently you'll have plenty of flesh, even without the seeds. ;)


ETA:- Post a pic of Boo and the giant zucchini! He looks cute all of the time, so I'm sure he looks adorable next to freakishly large produce too.


Please DO post a pic. :D


I made these fried zucchini cakes and these zucchini muffins yesterday. (We were gifted a zuke by dh's coworker.) Dh DEVOURED the fried zucchini, but I told him it was probably the LEAST healthy way EVER to eat a zuke. :tongue_smilie: (I ate one too, and they *were* delicious.) I was out of onions, so i used some garlic powder. I sprinkled them with salt as soon as they came out of the pan.


The muffins were a big hit. I made the batter, but left out the cocoa initially because dh can't have chocolate. I used some of the batter to make mini muffins for dh, that I topped with chopped pecans and a sprinkle of brown sugar. Then I added some cocoa and chocolate chips to the rest of the batter (the recipe makes 24 muffins worth of batter) for the boys. Both kinds of muffins were delish.


I still have a cup of grated zuke in the freezer.

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I love fried zucchini cakes! I mix shredded carrots and potatoes into mine.


I have a delicious chocolate zucchini cupcake recipe. http://www.bhg.com/recipe/cupcakes/choco-zucchini-cupcakes/


I know that big zucchinis are not as tender and yummy as the babies. I slice up the babies and my kids will eat those raw. But, I think even the big ones usually cook up okay. I'm surprised at the number of people who don't eat zucchini at all. Is it more of a southern thing?

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I love fried zucchini cakes! I mix shredded carrots and potatoes into mine.


I have a delicious chocolate zucchini cupcake recipe. http://www.bhg.com/recipe/cupcakes/choco-zucchini-cupcakes/


I know that big zucchinis are not as tender and yummy as the babies. I slice up the babies and my kids will eat those raw. But, I think even the big ones usually cook up okay. I'm surprised at the number of people who don't eat zucchini at all. Is it more of a southern thing?


You mean eating zucchini? We're not in the south and we love it. When I was little we lived pretty close tot he Canadian border and I remember a friend's dad grew it in his garden. I also remember that my family thought it was weird. I never tried it until I was an adult.

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grill it!!


brush with oil, grill on low heat til tender and serve with fresh ranch dressing (the kind you make)


I have eaten zucc all week--- sauteed in butter. The trick with zucc is to cook slowly, it gets really sweet and doesn't burn that way.




I also like the idea about shredding and freezing for breads

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I don't know that growing or eating zuke is regional; many of the gardeners I know here in Maine grow it. We've never had to grow it ourselves, we are always gifted plently to eat and freeze.


Mine ends up as bread, went into a chocolate cake (like the muffins mentioned upthread), went into the tacos we had last night, goes into chili--it gets put as a filler veg into lots and lots of dishes this time of year. Most of the time, my kids don't even notice it.

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We had several "monster" zucchini this year.


Alton Brown has this great recipe for a vegetable spread. It will only use up a fraction of the zucchini but it is yummy. It is something like:




red pepper





Chop them and put on some olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast them at 350 until they are done and a little brownish. Cool and put them in a food processor and process. Add a package of cream cheese and blend/process it. Yummm.

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I literally need a machete or power tool to cut this thing. Two hands can't even fit around it. I measured, it goes from my arm pit to tip of my middle finger. I could use it as a replacement leg on my patio table.


When I say *mutant*, I mean MUTANT.


i can't even lift the flipping thing 1 handed.

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:D Zucchini, is a dangerous, invasive species. It should be banned from the earth and all zucchini seeds BURNED. One zucchini plant can supply an entire continent. Yet, gardeners all across America plant the blasted thing in multiples. They then spend harvest season trying to foist the over-breeding horde upon their friends, family, acquaintances, and unsuspecting strangers. Those who long ago developed a healthy suspicion regarding the fact that the zucchini is really just an alien life form attempting to take over the planet and snuff out human life as we know it, resist in every possible way while the zucchini growers, obviously promised high ranking positions in the new zucchini empire, continue their assault on the resistance movement...much like the Borg of Next Generation/Voyager fame.


Do NOT allow yourself to be assimilated.


Burn it at the stake! ;)



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We had several "monster" zucchini this year.


Alton Brown has this great recipe for a vegetable spread. It will only use up a fraction of the zucchini but it is yummy. It is something like:




red pepper





Chop them and put on some olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast them at 350 until they are done and a little brownish. Cool and put them in a food processor and process. Add a package of cream cheese and blend/process it. Yummm.


This sounds delicious!

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I literally need a machete or power tool to cut this thing. Two hands can't even fit around it. I measured, it goes from my arm pit to tip of my middle finger. I could use it as a replacement leg on my patio table.


When I say *mutant*, I mean MUTANT.


i can't even lift the flipping thing 1 handed.


In that case it is definitely Wolf's job to cut it into smaller more manageable portions before you try to prepare or cook it. But please take a picture and post it first.

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