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So, who's starting tomorrow?

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Even though we've been doing "School Lite" over the summer, tomorrow is officially our first day of 8th grade. :001_huh: I'm making orange cinnamon roll waffles for breakfast, and then once we've finished working I'll take DS out to lunch and to the pool. We're starting out slow so we should be done by noonish.


Who else is starting tomorrow and do you have anything "fun" planned?

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We are! Been doing the same thing...school-lite over the summer. Really, really wanted to get in full swing by August 1st...to get a jump before activities rev up...but just didn't happen. As of this past week, we are all completely.bored. DS14 starts public school Wednesday, so figures we might as well get started too. At least it's one full week of no activities before everything revs up next week.


Full swing tomorrow! Spending today printing out the lesson plans for the week (had them in HST+, but just now printing). Organizing this week's worksheets. Making MY binder look pretty :)!


Can't wait!!


p.s. No fun things really, just hitting the books. Budget's broke and frankly, we do enough fun things through the year...rather just dig in and get going tomorrow!

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I started my 8th grader last Monday and my 11th grader will start this Monday. With my 8th grader, we looked at 2 subjects/day. This was good because I decided to change her math on Monday and her science on Friday :). My 11th grader, I've already changed her math from last year. We don't have anything particularly fun planned, wish we did. Dd has skating tomorrow night so that will be fun.

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We are! Lily is starting 3rd grade tomorrow and John is starting K tomorrow. It's going to be a bittersweet day!


We've been doing stuff this summer too, but we get back in the grind tomorrow with our full schedule. I just finished packing their Schultüten and they're super excited.

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DD11 starts on Wednesday because there's no point in trying to do anything until big brother is out of the house and his school starts Wednesday. To keep disruption to a minimum, we follow the public school schedule.


Tomorrow, we are going to the library to pick up the big stack of books I have on hold and get DD signed up for homeschool band (her first year!). Tuesday we are going to go somewhere interesting - the dogs would prefer a nice hike, but it may be too rainy for that.

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We are! It will not be our complete curriculum, though. I'm waiting on a few things to be delivered this week and next. So we'll do math, Bible, literature, and Japanese this week. When the other materials arrive, we'll add logic, American history, and government. (Logic and Bible are .5 credit classes.)



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I plan to get started at least a little bit. Both my kids are sick. We've discovered that our son always comes home from camp with a bad cough (living outside for a week and breathing wood smoke) so I should have planned for that. My daughter has a sore throat that's been hanging on...


But we will look over the new stuff, organize the files a bit, set up the new binders, find the math books and where we left off... and do something!

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Us! We are starting officially tomorrow!


We tie dyed shirts today that we can wear throughout our year.

We are having a big breakfast of biscuits and gravy-the kids requested it!

The kids have brand new jammies to put on tonight for their back to school clothes....

We'll be doing lots of art and lots of reading and I cannot wait to have a schedule again!!!!!

The kids are really excited too :D Love that they are looking forward to school!

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We're starting this week, but slowly. I think we've always started post-Labor Day, but dd will be taking two community college courses, which start this week. There's no reason to wait to begin everything else.


It's also 13yods's bday, so we're definitely not schooling on the two days we'll be celebrating for him.


I am not ready!

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Us! The kids are excited and ready for it, especially my youngest who is ready to have her own schoolwork this year. However, we're making it a tradition to do something fun and special on the first day so tomorrow won't be a full load: just some read alouds and a trip to a state park for hiking plus a visit to their nature center.

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We are! It's been such a busy summer. I'm not ready, but we're going to start anyway. We'll pick our first read-aloud, (probably The Hobbit), organize binders and work areas, and get started with math, Bible, and History. We will slowly add things so that we're running full tilt by the first week of September. We've been doing "special things" all summer, so tomorrow, I think we'll have a nice, big breakfast, and get serious!

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We are :D in theory. But the school room is a total wreck, and I've been super busy with Ramadan & Girl Scouts for the last 2 weeks and haven't even looked at our new materials yet.


Dd is ready to start back though, she is ready to start 2nd grade and Brownie work.


Same here... I feel like summer was way too short because I spent all of June sick with Pneumonia. I want to start late, and wish the kids felt the same way, but they are all gung-ho about starting tomorrow:001_huh:. I think I need to get in the mood before tomorrow! Maybe I should go smell some crayons or sharpen some of our new pencils :D.

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We are starting tomorrow. I am starting something new this year: A Treat a Week.:) I got the idea from another homeschool mom. Tomorrow I will give the kiddos a squeeze drink & a couple of Hershey's kisses: "A big squeeze and lots of kisses for your first week back to school." I'll give them a treat every Monday.

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We are. We did a couple of weeks of school lite, but that dissolved and we've had a couple more weeks off. Tomorrow, it's back to everything. We'd gotten a head start on a lot of new stuff in the spring, so not much new, just back to what we were doing before we took a break. It is older dd's last school year at home probably, as she's interested in going out to high school. She's doing an 8th/9ht hybrid, her older brother is doing 10th, younger brother is 6th-ish (but an unschooler mostly), and baby sister will be in 3rd-ish grade this year.

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Us too! We did school lite over the summer too and will start our full schedule tomorrow. I'm actually excited. :) DD2 is very happy to start to do her own school with mommy like her big sister. I wrapped up mechanical pencils for each of them to open and we'll make cookies when we're done. I think I'm ready; house is clean since I can't concentrate if it's messy, school stuff is all prepped, lunch is packed, and the crockpot is all ready to go in the morning. Too bad I probably won't be quite this organized every day.

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