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We have discovered we are not beach people....

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which really stinks since we just returned from our vacation in Ocean City, MD.


We enjoyed our 2 days at the beach and a night at Assateague watching the horses on the beach and walking some of the trails, but we all agreed that there were way too many people, signs, cars, and too much noise in Ocean City to make it a true get a way. None of us enjoyed the constant reapplication of sunscreen and washing off of sand. We must be really lazy! Go Karts and Laser tag were fun, but we have them not far from our house and we all agreed we missed the tranquility of our usual mountain vacation.


I also did not enjoy the constant search for restaurants where Dd could eat without worrying about her seafood and nut allergies. Thank God for Pizza Hut and KFC--though these are not my ideal dining experiences. I was just happy not to use the epi and stay out of the ER!


Fortunately, we used SIL condo and did not pay for lodging.


We usually head to the Adirondacks and now Dh is thinking he's going to try to squeeze in a 2nd week away so we can actually relax. I'm not so sure I'm into all that packing and interruption to our schedule during the school year. :glare:


At least now I know that if we want to go to the beach we should make it a day trip, not a vacation.


Anyway, anyone else here more of a mountain/woods person vs beach person?

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If my beach excursions were like what you described, I wouldn't be a beach person either :tongue_smilie:.


We go to out-of-the-way beaches in the off-season when you can walk for miles without seeing another person. Yes, it is usually too cold to swim (unless we're on the Gulf of Mexico), but we go for the ocean sounds, shells, sea glass, and tide pools.


I'm sorry your vacation wasn't very relaxing. Our vacation in March was less than relaxing and it was frustrating. At least we both now know what is important to us on vacation!

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Oh, I'm with ya, Sister. Sorry your vacation, such as it was, turned out to be such a drag.


I like beaches only in the winter. My MIL lives in a beachy area, and I really enjoy walking on the sand in the cold when almost nobody is around. The one time we went in summer was dreadful; her tiny town was overrun with tourists. and it was hot, humid, and buggy. I just don't see the attraction.

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If my beach excursions were like what you described, I wouldn't be a beach person either :tongue_smilie:.


We go to out-of-the-way beaches in the off-season when you can walk for miles without seeing another person. Yes, it is usually too cold to swim (unless we're on the Gulf of Mexico), but we go for the ocean sounds, shells, sea glass, and tide pools.




Yes! You went to the wrong beach, or at the wrong time. We go to not-so-popular beaches where there are many older residents, and off-season if we can. Though last year, we went in July, and were still able to walk miles while seeing few people.


I am SO a beach person. We'd never go to the mountains or hiking in the woods or anything like that, because of allergies.

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Me! Me! Me! I really enjoy when we go to the Poconos for vacation. The rest of my family, however, really enjoy the beach :glare:


And I'm so *very* lucky to be headed to the Outer Banks late this week for a whole WEEK of ocean fun. :glare: With DH's entire family :glare:


The search for safe places to eat is tough, I agree. :grouphug: DS6 has peanut/tree nut allergy.

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My mom used to get a house in Kitty Hawk - it wasnt really too crowded and we were a half block from the beach. My sister LOVED the beach . . . my daughter could take it or leave it. My older son ALWAYS god sick - we think he probably was drinking beach water. He'd play for 2 days, puke for 2 days, play for a day, puke for 2 days . .. the youngest one HATED the beach . . hated the sand, hated the noise of the waves. My husband hated the beach and got heat stroke. I much prefer the woods/mountains but we havent managed to go. we really havent taken any vacations except to visit family, for whatever reason. and eventually our beach vacations stopped - the way it was set up, my mom and sister each had a big room w a private full bath and a private porch entrance, where my whole family shared 2 rooms with a tiny bath between them and no outside access. and my sister . .. she's nuts. She spent most of the last time threatening to leave and blaming me, and telling my daughter that i was a lousy mom and she shouldnt have to listen to me . . . lovely . .

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me, me, me, me, me!!!! I am not a beach person but it seems most families in the area I live, live for Destin or Panama City Beach for every vacation and a few times during the summer. I go about once every 3 years for 2 days and hate it but try to enjoy it. I much rather head to Maine than FL any given day. I don't get the beach thing. The sand, the yicky seaweed washed on the shore, the green spongy, globs of who knows what that my kids seem to have in the pockets of their bathing suits from I don't know where. Not enjoyable at all but I put up a front for the kids so they don't feel to much like outsiders here.

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If my beach excursions were like what you described, I wouldn't be a beach person either :tongue_smilie:.


:iagree: We have tons of beaches in our area. We love them but if they were like that, I'd hate them!


Sorry your vacation didn't go as expected, at least now you know! :001_smile:

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Yes! You went to the wrong beach, or at the wrong time. We go to not-so-popular beaches where there are many older residents, and off-season if we can. Though last year, we went in July, and were still able to walk miles while seeing few people.


I am SO a beach person. We'd never go to the mountains or hiking in the woods or anything like that, because of allergies.


I think you're right, the timing is a big part of why we didn't enjoy it much. We have been there at other times of year --Sept or early June and did have a good time. We went last week b/c that was one of the free times SIL offered and Dc wanted to see Assateague again. Still, even with the right timing, I think we are just mountain/woodsy kind of people.


Not sure who mentioned allergies, but all our allergy sinus issues clear up while we are in the Adirondacks. One of my doctors told me that once you hit a certain line up north many people have a similar experience. His theory was that the air is cleaner.

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If you like to be away from commercial crap and people Ocean City in August is not the place to be.


I could be happy at any beach any time because I like swimming in the ocean and sand. I could do without all the commercial stuff, but due to my own circumstances I've got to settle for something commercialized because it's close.


If you are planning week long trips, I would suggest the NC beaches in September or October. Nags Head and Duck are what people think of first, but those are pretty commercial. Perhaps further south along the outerbanks.


I think June, July and August are difficult months to find quiet beaches on the east coast.

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We're not beach people, either. :)

We'll happily go about once a year and stay at the beach itself for an hour or two. Beyond that, I don't get what's so exciting about it. It's pretty, yes. But I hate sand! :lol:

I've always wondered if we would like it if we were to rent a house on the beach and stay there for a few days - everyone says that makes all the difference. We would get one with a pool, so we could take the kids to go play at the beach but actually swim in the pool. :D

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My mom used to get a house in Kitty Hawk - it wasnt really too crowded and we were a half block from the beach. My sister LOVED the beach . . . my daughter could take it or leave it. My older son ALWAYS god sick - we think he probably was drinking beach water. He'd play for 2 days, puke for 2 days, play for a day, puke for 2 days . .. the youngest one HATED the beach . . hated the sand, hated the noise of the waves. My husband hated the beach and got heat stroke. I much prefer the woods/mountains but we havent managed to go. we really havent taken any vacations except to visit family, for whatever reason. and eventually our beach vacations stopped - the way it was set up, my mom and sister each had a big room w a private full bath and a private porch entrance, where my whole family shared 2 rooms with a tiny bath between them and no outside access. and my sister . .. she's nuts. She spent most of the last time threatening to leave and blaming me, and telling my daughter that i was a lousy mom and she shouldnt have to listen to me . . . lovely . .


The whole family dynamic just takes the beach issue right out of the equation. Yuk! And your poor Ds.:grouphug:

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I spent a weekend camping at Assateague a few weeks ago. I was talking to someone about how I really hate sand and how I left my family at home because the idea of toddlers and sand was appalling. They wanted to know why on earth I was there -- simple: because my friends were and I like my friends.


Came home with way more sunburn than I liked and my tent is still full of sand. I would never select the beach for a vacation - maybe a one day excursion if it's local to another adventures. Otherwise, please give me mountains, trees, lakes and streams .. or even better, top all of that with a thick layer of snow!

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I spent a weekend camping at Assateague a few weeks ago. I was talking to someone about how I really hate sand and how I left my family at home because the idea of toddlers and sand was appalling. They wanted to know why on earth I was there -- simple: because my friends were and I like my friends.


Came home with way more sunburn than I liked and my tent is still full of sand. I would never select the beach for a vacation - maybe a one day excursion if it's local to another adventures. Otherwise, please give me mountains, trees, lakes and streams .. or even better, top all of that with a thick layer of snow!


On our last night there we stayed on the shore of North Beach for a few hours walking and watching the horses. It was our most relaxing time there b/c there were so few people and the beach was actually quiet. Walking out we saw tents and people camping and starting talking about how we might enjoy that experience more. We quickly decided no b/c of the sand and the very real possibility of sunburn.

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Our beach vacations are much quieter. We go to beaches that are more "off the beaten path" and rent a cottage or a hotel with a kitchenette. We tend to fix our own meals and grill often. It is usually very peaceful and quiet.


That sounds much more enjoyable. Still don't know if I could convince everyone that washing off all that sand in the shower is worth it. I think Dd and I may still have some in our hair, and like I said, we might be lazy. :tongue_smilie:

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If my beach excursions were like what you described, I wouldn't be a beach person either :tongue_smilie:.


We go to out-of-the-way beaches in the off-season when you can walk for miles without seeing another person. Yes, it is usually too cold to swim (unless we're on the Gulf of Mexico), but we go for the ocean sounds, shells, sea glass, and tide pools.


I'm sorry your vacation wasn't very relaxing. Our vacation in March was less than relaxing and it was frustrating. At least we both now know what is important to us on vacation!




We go in the off season, on remote beaches, and have the whole place to ourselves. That kinda beaching it? No way.

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We live near the beach and I love it, but I don't swim. I sit in my comfy beach chair, feet in the sand, and a big umbrella covering me. :D I burn too easily to hang out in the water, but it's very relaxing to just hang out by the ocean and watch dh and the girls. Our beach also isn't very crowded since we go to a state park and you have to pay to enter.

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We go in the off season, on remote beaches, and have the whole place to ourselves. That kinda beaching it? No way.


I know, yet the place is loaded with people who evidently like it or they wouldn't be there, right? I went b/c it was free (sort of--at least the lodging part), but won't make that mistake again. :D

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We've discovered that the beach is best as a day trip, too-DD reacts badly to SOMETHING there and breaks out (she doesn't itch, and doesn't seem to notice, and she LOVES the ocean, but it's terrifying, even with Benedryl), DH can't get water in his ear and therefore doesn't go in much at all, and I sunburn so easily that I end up trying to stay completely covered, which isn't great for swimming.


All told, it's not exactly something we do often!

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DH does not enjoy the beach at all. The sunblock, the sand, the glare -- and he always thinks that the water is too cold.


I, OTOH, love love love the beach. Love. I don't care if there are crowds, or if the wind is blowing the sand around, or if the water is kind of cold. The beach makes me happy.

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I am definitely more of a mountain person. I *love* being on a cabin, high up in the mountains, with no one else around for miles. Breathing clean air. Only the sounds of nature.


It's relaxing just thinking about it!!! :D


(Just to prove it- I live about 20 minutes from Ocean City, and have been to the beach exactly zero times this year. :lol: Last year I went exactly- you guessed it, zero times. :tongue_smilie: )

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I think they are having a huge skate competition in Ocean City this weekend, so that might be contributing to the crowds.


But it's good to know these things about yourself. :001_smile:


I thought it was BMX. In any event, they were talking about expecting the largest convention crowds in OC history on the news last week. :ack2: NOT relaxing.


I live an hour away and have spent more time in OC in the past 14 months (two lax tournaments for my daughter, lax camp for the boys) than I have in 20 years (which would be a big zero before the first tournament). It's ghastly.


Love Assateague, though. And Fenwick. But the off-brand Jersey Shore (the show, not the actual shore) atmosphere in OC? No way.

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I don't like the beach either. I feel weird, because everyone else seems to love it, but I don't enjoy it at all.


I don't enjoy the beach either. I don't like the heat, sun, and crowds. I much prefer forest, mountain and stream.


That said, I definitely wouldn't enjoy a beach trip to OC,MD. BTDT. If you go up the coast to the DE beaches, they are much nicer. We call OC the armpit.;)

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I thought it was BMX. In any event, they were talking about expecting the largest convention crowds in OC history on the news last week. :ack2: NOT relaxing.


I live an hour away and have spent more time in OC in the past 14 months (two lax tournaments for my daughter, lax camp for the boys) than I have in 20 years (which would be a big zero before the first tournament). It's ghastly.


Love Assateague, though. And Fenwick. But the off-brand Jersey Shore (the show, not the actual shore) atmosphere in OC? No way.


Yep. We saw all the signs for the DEW TOUR toward the end of our stay. I should have done my homework. We wouldn't have done it if I had known. But, then I wouldn't have found out we aren't beach vacation kind of people. I did enjoy my 2 days of reading on the beach, but that's about all I can take.


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I don't enjoy the beach either. I don't like the heat, sun, and crowds. I much prefer forest, mountain and stream.


That said, I definitely wouldn't enjoy a beach trip to OC,MD. BTDT. If you go up the coast to the DE beaches, they are much nicer. We call OC the armpit.;)


Interesting. I always heard what a great family vacation OC is....but, after this trip, I'm going with your description.

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Interesting. I always heard what a great family vacation OC is....but, after this trip, I'm going with your description.


That's what we call it, too. I have no idea WHY it would be a great family vacation... the roving bands of drunks? The adult lingerie store right on Ocean Highway, with the BIG window display? The head shops?


Maybe it's all the mini-golf.

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That's what we call it, too. I have no idea WHY it would be a great family vacation... the roving bands of drunks? The adult lingerie store right on Ocean Highway, with the BIG window display? The head shops?


Maybe it's all the mini-golf.


The thing that really had me :001_huh: was watching the kids who are my own Dc ages riding rented bikes in the bike lane all by themselves completely oblivious to the crazy traffic around them as though they were at home in their own neighborhood.


We went to the boardwalk one night. Just one. That was enough. My kids wanted to know why they could smell alcohol everywhere they went...so yeah, the roving bands of drunks. It must be the mini golf. :lol:

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We had our first beach vacation this past June with my whole family (five couples, four children--we're still a young family). It was fabulous, but we went to a beach that was quieter, south of VA Beach and rented a house big enough for all of us. Each couple was responsible for dinner for everybody one night and we ate out one night. It was so nice and relaxing. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. We did visit VA Beach boardwalk one night though, and it was awful! Like a carnival. I saw a flasher, there were drunk people everywhere, lots of noise...not for us.


We have also gotten cabins in the mountains and loved it too, and done cruises and loved that (even with the drunk crowds...the food made it worth it).

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We had our first beach vacation this past June with my whole family (five couples, four children--we're still a young family). It was fabulous, but we went to a beach that was quieter, south of VA Beach and rented a house big enough for all of us. Each couple was responsible for dinner for everybody one night and we ate out one night. It was so nice and relaxing. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. We did visit VA Beach boardwalk one night though, and it was awful! Like a carnival. I saw a flasher, there were drunk people everywhere, lots of noise...not for us.


We have also gotten cabins in the mountains and loved it too, and done cruises and loved that (even with the drunk crowds...the food made it worth it).


I live about 25minutes drive from VA Beach and you couldn't pay me to go there for vacation or any other time. I'm really not surprised by what you said you saw.

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Totally mountain/lake/cooler temps is a vacation to me. Trees, shade, quiet. LOVE. We live in SoCal and have gone to the beach exactly three times this year: 1) when my Sis visited, 2) when my Bro visited, and 3) for a mandatory attendance function.

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I'm with you. We lived in Florida for year and I never saw the attraction...packed, packed, packed with people and then there was "jellyfish season", YUCK!!


But, the Great Lakes are really nice and there are so many times we can go and there is hardly a soul around. We like to go the weekend after Labor Day. The weather is not hot, however if it is sunny the water is still warm enough for the kids to enjoy. We stay at condos up there that are half-price because it's off season rates at that point and my mom holds "beach olympics" for the kids - very, very zany events - and we barbecue right on the beach. The condos have their own kitchens so we can cook. Sleep in, walk the beach, hike the trails, watch some sailing, float on the raft, fish off the dock if the notion takes us, and NO ONE around. That's the only way I really enjoy the beach.



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Well, I grew up in the Adirondacks. There is plenty of beach there! I grew up water skiing on Lake Champlain. But, it is fun to have the beach one day and a mountain hike the next. I still live upstate, but not in or near the Park, and take advantage as much as possible.


I only know New England, but it sounds to me like you had what I think of as a 'Cape Cod vacation'. I don't like those. I prefer to drive a little further and go to Maine. For us, a trip to the Adirondacks is a trip to Grandma's.

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So, i know, i shoudl start a new thread . . .but how do you go about having a vaca in the mountains? i have food allergies so I need a kitchen. i live in Richmond, VA and my mom is in Chadds Ford PA, so i'd like to be within a 2-3 hour drive of one of those places . . .

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Well, I grew up in the Adirondacks. There is plenty of beach there! I grew up water skiing on Lake Champlain. But, it is fun to have the beach one day and a mountain hike the next. I still live upstate, but not in or near the Park, and take advantage as much as possible.


I only know New England, but it sounds to me like you had what I think of as a 'Cape Cod vacation'. I don't like those. I prefer to drive a little further and go to Maine. For us, a trip to the Adirondacks is a trip to Grandma's.


I learned how to swim in Lake Champlain, but that's not what I call a beach vacation, I'm talking about the more traditional ocean shore type vacation like my Dh grew up with (and hates now BTW). And, we do visit family when we head to the Adirondacks, but we also rent a house on the side of a mountain. There are no window treatments b/c there are no neighbors to look in, nothing but beautiful mountain views and quiet. It always helps me recharge, and that's what I need from a vacation.

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So, i know, i shoudl start a new thread . . .but how do you go about having a vaca in the mountains? i have food allergies so I need a kitchen. i live in Richmond, VA and my mom is in Chadds Ford PA, so i'd like to be within a 2-3 hour drive of one of those places . . .


Dd has food allergies too. You need your own kitchen. When we travel to the Adirondacks we bring most of our food and we have a kitchen to use. The only meal we have out is at my Aunt's house and she is very good about the allergens. There are ways to deal with eating out with allergies, but there is usually some sort of risk. We don't like to take the chance.

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That's what we call it, too. I have no idea WHY it would be a great family vacation... the roving bands of drunks? The adult lingerie store right on Ocean Highway, with the BIG window display? The head shops?


Maybe it's all the mini-golf.


OC sounds like what I imagine Myrtle Beach to be like. We've never gone to MB, but have spent a lot of time on South Carolina beaches. We like Edisto Island.


I'll never forget the first time we went to the Outer Banks. We had taken "the scenic route" of 64 all the way across NC. We crossed the bridge and came into Kill Devil Hills. It was strip-mall-t-shirt-city. That drive on 64 was so long and boring and to come into *that*, I was almost in tears. We hopped on 12, heading north, and found Corolla. Laid back, beach horses, and a Lion King to pick up supplies. See, there are all flavors of beaches and towns, and sometimes they are even quite close to each other.

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I love the beach. We lived within 15 minutes of Venice Beach for 7 years and I miss it terribly. Not as much of a mountain person--though I did have fun at Mammoth once we all adjusted to the altitude--altitude sickness in an 18 month old is horrid.


I've never experienced the east coast beaches though. My mom wants to do a family vacation to Jekyll Island next June,



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Well, it's funny I'm looking at this because we just arrived at our rental townhouse in Ocean City, MD. :auto: We haven't been here in a few years, but I like a vacation here. :001_smile: Although I like mountains, too.

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It may really depend on what type of beach you visit. I hated Virginia Beach and would never go back there. *shudder* I love the Outer Banks, especially the less populated areas. I like Myrtle Beach, but we stayed on a campground and not in a high rise hotel or overpriced condo.

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So, i know, i shoudl start a new thread . . .but how do you go about having a vaca in the mountains? i have food allergies so I need a kitchen. i live in Richmond, VA and my mom is in Chadds Ford PA, so i'd like to be within a 2-3 hour drive of one of those places . . .


I bet you can easily find a cabin to rent in Shenandoah. Map out how far some of the areas would be and then google search "cabin rentals" for that area. Monongahela National Forest in WV probably isn't much farther and it's beautiful there too.

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Oh you haven't been to WA state beaches.... :001_smile:


There are many empty beaches that are serene and lovely. Lots of rocky beaches too that my kids prefer because they love searching for beach glass and cool rocks. We don't really swim because the water is really cold, but the kids wade in the water sometime but usually wear their rain boots.


It's cloudy a lot in the Seattle area so not so much sunscreen and not hot-very comfy temp-wise.


LOVE LOVE the beaches on the Olympic Peninsula like Ruby Beach because of the unique rock formations and tide pools.


Oh how I miss it!

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