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Going off the rails on a crazy train. Does anyone know where the brakes are? (long)

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If you lived closer, I'd offer to help you organize and declutter! And tell you horror stories about the things I did when I was in my teens that I'm surprised my mother survived, but I turned out okay. And empathize about drug addiction in the family as I've been through a lot with a drug addicted brother who I am now completely removed from as I just couldn't take it anymore. But you don't, so all I can do is send virtual hugs and hope that things in your life improve from here! :grouphug:

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My last few years have been similarly roller-coasterish (though with different peaks and valleys), and I totally sympathize. Things are smoothing out a bit around here (or else the catastrophes are seeming less catastrophic because there have been so many that it seems "normal", I'm not sure which), and I'm starting to actually get things organized and under control (how novel!). But I'm also having this weird reaction where I'm feeling a little paranoid that the "next thing" is lurking just out of sight ready to pounce on me if I let my guard down. Whew!


And I don't know where the brake is either. :(


I wish I could come over and help you sort things out, but I don't live anywhere near Tennessee. I do have a suggestion, but I don't know if it's something you'd be willing to actually do. If this is too nosey or too weird or whatever, feel free to disregard, and I will completely understand. But I know where you could very probably get some help getting things back in order for free. My suggestion is to locate your nearest LDS congregation (here's a meetinghouse locator to help with that). Alternately, you could look in the phone book for LDS missionaries, and call them, and they can either help you out themselves (they're always in need of service hours, and cleaning your house totally counts) or hook you up with the local ward. Anyway, call up or visit and ask for either the Bishop or the Relief Society President (you might feel most comfortable with the RS Pres. since that would be a woman). You might have to leave a message and wait for a call back. Explain your situation to either one, and ask if they could arrange for some Relief Society sisters to come over and help you with some cleaning and organizing. The R.S. Pres. or Bishop could also help you sit down and sort through your finances if you were comfortable with that. It's the sort of thing we do for each other all the time, and we're generally more than happy to help out people who are not LDS as well if they let us know they need help. It's perfectly fine to tell them you're not interested in joining the church or anything, just need some help. They won't be offended.


But as I say, if that suggestion doesn't work for you, that's fine too. It's just that the only help I can offer at the moment is vicarious. And I know how much more manageable things seem when it doesn't feel like your house is about to cave in on you. Hang in there. Things have to smooth out sometime....right?



Edited by MamaSheep
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