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True confessions at the end of a [long] week

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1. I'm feeling smug because I actually managed to get a meat loaf in the oven at 5:30. This is not my norm. Dinner is, usually, a from the hip at 6 o'clock kind of deal for me. *wild applause for me*


2. I'm drinking an organic live Kombucha beverage that cost me a whopping $3.89 at the health food store last night. I would prefer to be drinking a Mike's, but my husband - who clearly blew off our "commitment" to only imbibe on weekends - has apparently downed the last two. The wife is not pleased. :glare:


3. I had to toss out an entire, unopened container of organic mushrooms today because I'd had them so long they'd started to grow another fungus atop their own fungi selves. I didn't know fungi could support additional fungi. It felt like a terrible waste of money to toss those in the compost, and it made me feel stupid.


4. The Hispanic man who lives several doors down and runs like an Olympian past my house most afternoons stopped by earlier today to ask whether my husband knew of a source for a used mountain bike. The guy is a hottie. I admit it -- I had a 45 second conversation (no, we were NOT chatting, I promise) with him in the driveway, and I've been swooning ever since. :blush:




What are your true confessions from this week?

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OK, Doran, I'll play -


1. I spent a whole bunch of time just plain ol' ignoring my kids during meals. Reading whatever I could find, just to NOT have a conversation with them. :tongue_smilie: (DH is out of town, working.)


2. I purposely allowed myself to wallow in a big, giant bowl of self-pity last night, b/c I knew I could get sympathy from others. Very not necessary and plain old yucky.


3. I am crazy proud of my 15yo dd - she ran a whole ballet camp for 15 girls in our house, WHILE it was on the market. She sewed costumes, painted scenery, kept up with the finances, and is a terrific ballet teacher. I could burst!!! :D


4. Last night, I installed 512 MG of RAM in my eMac. All by myself. :hurray:


Ta dah!

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Good ones. Especially dinner in the oven. I am jealous. Scratch that - Bud is jealous.


1. I went to the mall. I don't go there on principle, but the only one-hour eyeglasses place I know about is there. I wanted to be sure Peyton would have her new prescription before we leave for a month. I still HATE the mall, but at least with my run rate it'll be another year before I'm there again.


2. I spent too much time on the new Wii Fit. I'm startlingly good at the hula hoop.


3. I'm trying to wean Romy. Only I'm a wimp. So she's not really being weaned.


4. OTOH, I was able to get out with girlfriends for dinner and a margarita Wednesday night - without Romy for the first time since she was born. It was a whole lot of fun!


5. I haven't cooked all week. I've been going through the salad bar at the nearby grocery and serving some sort of salad and sushi pretty much every night. Can we come to your house?

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Ah, confession. Good for the soul. I need to be good to my soul, so sure. Why not?


1) My husband and my daughters have been out of town since last Saturday. I have not missed them. Not even a twinge. Part of it is the fact that the girls are very, very happy with the grandparents and the cousins, and when my kids are happy, I am happy. But part of it is that I am so in need of alone time. And that this week was, school-wise, deadline-intensive. I have a modicum of guilt about this, and I know for a fact that many other moms/wives don't relate to this lack of feeling, but there you go.


2) My son still does not have another job and this is stressing me. I shouldn't let it be stressing me, as it is his life and his issue, but it does. Particularly as he is very spotty in the "get out there and HUNT something" department and his sleep schedule is a mess. And because I feel that this is some sort of personal failure of mine, that he has a distinct lack of discipline in this area (sleep hygiene).


3) I haven't shaved my legs today, yet I am wearing shorts. Not short shorts, but definitely not pants. Don't look too close. (Yes, that means you.)


4) One of my classmates got suspended and will probably be expelled. And much as I have sympathy for him, I'm more curious (read: nosy) about what he did than sympathetic.


5) My GERD is kicking in again this week, big time. And yet I eat. Copious amounts of the wrong foods.


6) My 25th high school class reunion is in two weeks. My husband would love to have a slender, attractive companion for this event. (We were high school sweethearts who graduated together, so it's his reunion, too.) And yet I eat. Copious amounts of the wrong foods.

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1. I have napped every day this week except one. I love afternoon naps and plan to enjoy them for at least another month.


2. I told dh I'd wash his paint shorts last night and then forgot. I remembered at 6:30 this morning when I was still in bed. I didn't care, he has other shorts, just not painter shorts. I told him he should go paint in his underwear, he might get better tips.


3. I got out of cooking dinner one night this week because I was too tired from my afternoon nap. I've been having allergy issues and used that as my excuse.


4. We've been having a LOTR marathon this week and I've wanted to ride off into battle like Eowyn with a sword, a horse and a big ol crush on Aragorn.


5. I blew off my family one night this week to spend inordinate amounts of time posting on the 15,000 post thread of nothingness.


6. I had chocolate ice cream for lunch today.



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1. My dh had two tires replaced at Costco yesterday. I relaxed my normally controling nature and allowed him to do the Costco shopping. Ordinarily, I would insist on doing it myself. It didn't make sense for me to go when he was already there with an hour to spare while they worked on his car. When I gave him the list, I was so afraid that he would come home with $500 worth of golf accessories and no food. But I'm glad to say that he did good. He got everything on the list, and the only extras were Oreo cookies. :)


2.Over the last 2 days I have eaten almost a whole big bag of dark chocolate peanut m&ms by myself. :drool:


3. A teen was shot near the local high school a couple miles from my house. It hardly even made the news. Fortunately, the shooting wasn't fatal. It makes me so sad to think a child's shooting could be a considered insignificant. :confused:

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1. I've been sitting here glued to the computer chair for most of the last couple of days, just posting away! Sometimes useful posts, sometimes not, but it's been delish! Really, I'm too tired to get up after all our driving 3 hrs round trip to VT and being up at night with a puppy who constantly has to pee, but I really should feel at least a LITTLE guilty...and I don't!


2. I've ignored the housework and the children (well, just some of the time!) while I sat here, just posting away! They want to know why THEY don't get to sit on the computer all day long...they only get 1 hr occasionally. "It's not fair!" is the mantra of the day!


3. I told them that when they got a job, pay their own bills and buy their own computer, they can sit on it all day long. And, btw, did you do any of your chores to actually EARN your little bit of computer time!? I think not! ;)


4. Did I mention DH is out of town until Sunday? I've been eating out every night this week, throwing financial caution to the wind! :D No cooking for me!


5. I made brownies (the only cooking allowed!) for the kids and ate most of them myself.


6. When my DS7 refused to stop screaming 45 minutes after he shut his finger in the door (no, it's not broken!), I got frustrated and told him it was time to grow up. Bad, bad Mommy...:o

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1. I, too, have wasted an enormous amount of time on the computer this week.


2. I ate 2 fudge macadamia nut brownies I made, and then had to work extra hard on the eliptical in order to not feel so guilty.


3. I'm feeling a little down today--the rain, lack of money, and just a general homesickness. But, tomorrow will be better! (right?)


4. I didn't do art appreciation or music with the dc today as scheduled. We'll try again next week.

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Okay, okay, I'll go next.


1. I was very grumpy from about Sunday night through Tuesday night. I was not all that nice to my kids. I did apologize and then had to tell them about hormones. That was fun.:glare:


2. Due to condition from #1 above, I did not cook all week. I cooked Sunday and today. The kids had to do their own breakfasts and mine too a couple of days. Still using reason 1 as why.


3. I actually came out of the funk enough to de-clutter the kitchen counters and my table/desk in our school area. Ds commented that he didn't know whose house this was.:glare: Yes, I have been in a funk for a LONG time and not taken care of things very well around here.


4. I made a nice dinner tonight! Beef strips stir fry with broccoli, carrots, baby corn, water chestnuts over brown rice. It was appreciated.


5. Sleep has been all over the place this week. I was exhausted and took a Benadryl to help me sleep the other night. Truth be told, I plan on taking one tonight too.


6. Last Friday or Sat., I forget which, I watched 3 videos in a row!


7. I spent way too much time on here this week.


8. Can I stop now? I feel a bit browbeaten by myself!

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1. I, too, have spent ridiculous and gloriously wasteful amounts of time here with my new friends.


2. I have spent this gloriously wasteful time pretty much ignoring my kids. When they were shouting at each other in the back yard loud enough to bother me, I got up and made them stop.


3. I threw away a perfectly good bag of M&Ms (the really big ones) out of fear that I was going to eat the whole thing. Not fear so much, I guess, as the realization that I most definitely would.


4. I never got dressed today.


5. I made my DS cry when I insisted he eat one pea.


6. I pulled up weeds in the yard yesterday and then left them in a pile in said yard...


Now, off to get that glass of wine...

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1. 4. The Hispanic man who lives several doors down and runs like an Olympian past my house most afternoons stopped by earlier today to ask whether my husband knew of a source for a used mountain bike. The guy is a hottie. I admit it -- I had a 45 second conversation (no, we were NOT chatting, I promise) with him in the driveway, and I've been swooning ever since. :blush:


What are your true confessions from this week?


OMG! I went to the lumberyard this afternoon with dh. They didn't have the 5/4 fir porch flooring that we needed, so "Rob" called around to try and find some for us SOMEWHERE. "Rob" was sitting behind a high counter, so I only saw him from the chest up, but yowza. Grey wavy hair (and I"m not usually attracted to older men) blue-green eyes, gorgeous tanned face, totally HOT HOT HOT. Thankfully he had to make three calls and stay on hold before he found us some flooring. Mental note to self: The next time dh asks if I want to go with him to the lumberyard, say yes. And bring a cold drink. :blush:



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Guest Virginia Dawn



1) I ate half a bag of chocolate chips this week.


2) Last night after tutoring a teen girl in Algebra at the library, I hung around the library till closing instead of going home like I said I was going to do.


3) On my way home last night I stopped at a convenient store and bought a Coke Slurpee and Jalapeno Cheddar Cheetos and ate the whole bag (3 servings)


4) I'm reading a big Pharmaceutical/Government conspiracy theory book. The author also believes in Area 51 and aliens.


5) I'm sending my 9yo to bed early tonight for being rude and disobedient. Then I'm going to make a batch of chocolate pudding.

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1. I ate 4 oatmeal cookies and drank a big glass of WHOLE milk for breakfast this morning. (My thighs are going to hate me!)


2. I've been hoping my boss would fire a coworker all week (he actually wants to, but feels guilty because he never has) and I had to bite my tongue at her announcement that she gets along with everyone in the office.... if she only knew. Poor thing.


3. I told my kids we would have popcorn while we're watching our family movie tonight - but I really don't want to make it (neither does DH).


4. I've spent way too much time online this week.

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1. I spent way too much time here this week!


2. I lost it with my kids today (dh said they deserved it though. He's a good guy)


3. I did my laundry last weekend and didn't put it away until today. It was a crumpled heap in the basket.


4. Dh and I went out for a fish fry tonight and didn't tell the kids and didn't cook them any dinner. Hey, they're teens. They can manage for themselves. pft, if they wanted food they shoulda been nicer to the mom.


5. I haven't done any art this week at all. Haven't even really thought about it either.


6. I bought Haagen Dazs. At least I only ate part of it. It was really good and really worth it!

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Here I go!


1. I'm afraid of posting anything anymore for fear that I will offend yet another person.


2. I had two naps today while the kids played and I can not blame it on sickness or hormones.


3. I know now that I am officially the worst typer and speller on-line .... anywhere.


4. I had the busiest week ever and I am only half way through...I confess to be lacking in the time management skills area.


5. My dh still loves me because he is a better person than me. :blush:

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Oh yes I am. Dh would even describe it as "emotional detoxing." If only he knew just how much worse it is in my mind than on my lips. Oh brother!


2) School started last Monday, only, it didn't. We'll try again this Monday, even though I haven't finished grading a few bits of last years' work. I hope the expense of Chalk Dust Math gives me the extra 40 hours of alone time a week I feel like I need right now.:banghead:


3) I'm crabby. And fat. And pms-ing.


4) My 13 year old has become the 8 yo's cook. I pretty much don't cook anymore. Those who want cooked food generally have to fend for themselves, though I do buy the groceries. Can I call this home ec without guilt? I don't know! She is learning the art of organic live food prep otherwise, but she'll never learn to cook normal food. Even though I could do French pastries BY the time I was 13. (This has been nagging at me for a while.)


5) I'm crabby etc., though, maybe not quite as crabby as when I was still on number three. I'm still fat and pms-ing.


ETA: By the way, I Looooove the $3.99 (that's how much it is here!) Kombucha!





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1. I fit into my wedding dress at the fitting for alterations Monday... yippeeee! Then I forgot to go last night for the 2nd fitting for the next stage of alterations... will go in an hour...


2. I got my hair trimmed real nice and styled for my bridal shower and had a fun evening with the ladies. And I did have to tell them that I really don't prefer to wear "strings" as underclothes!


3. I made a son write "I will stay in bed and not talk at bedtime." 50 times today. Also made same son write "I will obey my mom." another 25 times...


4. I ironed about 15 items of clothes this week!!!


I ignored the children at lunch time every day, saying, "There's bread, lunchmeat, peanut butter and jelly, fruit, crackers and cheese, leftover chicken fettucini and macaroni and cheese to heat up." Like I said, every day... guess it's nice when they reach the age they can do some of this themselves.


I did enjoy 3 evenings on the back patio, on porch swing, holding a lap dog, watching the sky drow dark... aaah.


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1) Dishes are in the sink, dh is asking for someone to unload dishwasher so he can load the dishes. Dd and I are ignoring him.


2) I am also ignoring the request for the TV changer because I have been watching a Monk marathon for several hours.


3) I cooked dinner for the first time since I can remember. (It was actually good.)


4) I realized today that I drink at least 8 glasses of iced tea a day, contemplated cutting back.


5) I am taking 2 separate vacations in the next 2 weeks, haven't told my brother yet (I work for him) for fear of freaking him out.


6) I booked a flight for ds to come home in 3 weeks. He's been working at a camp all summer.

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Well, this is kind of fun. We finished up our kitchen on Sunday. So after 2 months of remodeling mess:


1) I DID normal grocery shopping and cooked meals every night this week. We're finally back within out budget - foodwise. Yay me.


2) I am BORED. I thik I need a little chaos to really thrive. I hate having only regular house stuff to do. I need a challenge or some kind of outlet.


3) (You might not get this unless you've read Kelli's hormone thread) Dh is sitting about 3 ft away from me breathing TOO loudly and it's taking all my self control to not start screaming. If I start, I may never stop. ;)


4) I'm working hard to find some inspiration to get what we needt o start school again. It's not there right now.

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2. I'm drinking an organic live Kombucha beverage that cost me a whopping $3.89 at the health food store last night. I would prefer to be drinking a Mike's, but my husband - who clearly blew off our "commitment" to only imbibe on weekends - has apparently downed the last two. The wife is not pleased. :glare:



If you can get your hands on a SCOBY you can make your own Kombucha for about five cents. Well, maybe ten, but you get the idea.

I don't know if it would survive the mail....hmmm....

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1. Discovered that a neighbor is a creepy perv and am now rather discouraged about society in general.


2. Have been boiling water like a crazy woman due to a boil alert on our already outrageously expensive water - can't get the dc to NOT turn on the tap while brushing their teeth to save my life so have taken it upon myself to brush them for them. Justify this by thinking we all could use a good cleanse.


3. Baked cookies (for the first time in eons) and ate 2-3 of them for breakfast 3 days in a row.


4. Worked up the courage to have my 1st laser hair removal treatment today (bikini and under arms) and only had to thwart 1 panic attack - yay, me!


5. I tried to ignore my kids :), but it is literally impossible. They won't leave me alone for more than 5 min.


6. Baked bread - twice - and one time it was actually not only edible, but tasty.


7. Spent way too much time here, to the point where I felt guilty. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. Is that so wrong?


I could go on and on. But, I'll spare you.

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Do we have to?


1. I am feeling smug because I have a dehydrator filled with pitted, halved cherries and I also have two freeze bags filled with cherries in my freezer.


2. My kids have been eating hot dogs, Kraft dinner and chicken fingers for the last three nights - can you tell dh is out of town?


3. Last night I spent two hours watching a biographical special on Will Smith. Did I mention dh is out of town?


4. While watching said biographical special I drank exactly 2.5 glasses of red wine. If I do have wine, I usually have one glass.


5. That "how to build a fence" post must have gotten to me because on Tuesday I snapped this picture while the yard boys were doing their thing in my yard:



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I have absolutely loved reading all these confessions. You all make me feel like it's possible I am a normal person after all - just saying it's possible, not necessarily true.


Here are mine:


1. Dh and I had our tri-annual "I wish we had never gotten married" blowout on the way to church on Sunday - lovely, just lovely. I'm still somber over that, even though we have "officially" gotten over it. It was communion Sunday so I walked out of the sanctuary in time to not have to do that in my sad spiritual state.


2. I blew up at 4 out of my 5 children this week - lovely, just lovely. (Yes, I am the lady who suggested that hugging thing. I'm still going to keep trying - please pray for me if you are so inclined.)


3. I have felt like a complete failure as a wife, mother, friend, individual on this planet, etc. all week.


4. I put "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Pre-menopause" on hold at the library and it is in. I just need to get off my you-know-what and go pick it up. I'm too depressed right now to think it will actually offer me any hope.


5. OK, I did manage to drive my dd15 to her piano lesson which requires me to drive up I-95 for one hour - AAACCCKKK!!!! and then back again.


6. I visited a young lady from my church to look at her pictures of her trip to London and Paris. She is about 25 and I've known her since she was 3 - it was fun getting to see her trip. She actually got to see THE Mona Lisa!!! (and a whole lot of other stuff that's really nifty)


7. I managed to fake pleasantness enough today in order to give my ds12 a birthday he will not have to remember with sorrow. My across the street neighbor bought a "slip and slide" today and invited ds12 and dd9 over for several hours of escape from mom. She had no idea how much they needed that.


8. I put up 20 pounds of blueberries today. I froze most of them and also made 36 blueberry muffins. Ds12 agreed to have a blueberry pie instead of a cake for his birthday because I just plum ran out of energy. (He loves blueberries, so I guess that's not too bad, right? - we put candles in it :).

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I feel so, so, so noramal! I love this thread, Doran!


1. I ate Cap N' Crunch for dinner three times this week.


2. While I was running the other day I passed the hottest, repeat the hottest male runner, that I have ever seen. I actually tripped when I turned to catch his rear view.;)


3. I yelled at an elderly lady another day when I was running.

She said, "Good morning." I said GM back.

She said, "GOOD morning." I said GM back.

She is old. And hard of hearing. And pretty crotchety. She yells to me, "I SAID GOOD MORNING!" I stopped and yelled, "I SAID GOOD MORNING, YOU CAN'T HEAR!" Not my finest moment.


4. I paid $9 in library fines. For one book.:glare:


5. I miss my husband.


6. I got pulled over and received a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt and having overdue inspection and registration. Again, not my finest moment.


7. I really miss my husband.


Aside from all of this I am still smiling. I lost 4 pounds in the past week due to stress. That is either a good thing or a bad thing considering I lost it all in my already lacking chest area.;)

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My Dh has been out of town too.


The girls and I have eaten 1 gallon of homemade yogurt, and 8 lbs of frozen fruit. No cooking going on here either.


Two days after the baby goat was bitten by a snake Daisy, our Basset was bitten by one too. I didn't post about it, because I thought it sounded like a troll-a little too bizarre to be true.


I told my 20 month old that if she bit another person, I was going to put her out of the house with the snakes and coyotes. Guess what? She doesn't bite anymore.


When I saw that a dog had dug into the chicken yard, I actually wet my pants. Fortunately no one was injured.

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This post is so much fun.


1. Hmmm, when my dear sister started ragging on me again about not demanding my kids go to college right after high school I let her know in no uncertain terms that she irritated me.


2. I had a brownie for breakfast today. In fact, of the two pans of brownies I've baked for my son this week who can't eat store-bought cookies, I've eaten at least half.


3. I went to the farmers marker twice this week and supported lots of vendors there. Yay!


4. I refused to throw the ring thing for my dd today to "fetch" while she was swimming because I was too busy reading my book.


5. In fact, I pretty much ignored the kids all day because I'm peopled-out right now and I'm about to go to my sisters for a week where ALL the cousins (kids) will be together with us. I'm exhausted already.


6. I started a blog detailing my new life plan which involves getting rid of half of everything I own, and I didn't tell the rest of my family. I may not ever tell them....

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Ah, confession. Good for the soul. I need to be good to my soul, so sure. Why not?


1) My husband and my daughters have been out of town since last Saturday. I have not missed them. Not even a twinge. Part of it is the fact that the girls are very, very happy with the grandparents and the cousins, and when my kids are happy, I am happy. But part of it is that I am so in need of alone time. And that this week was, school-wise, deadline-intensive. I have a modicum of guilt about this, and I know for a fact that many other moms/wives don't relate to this lack of feeling, but there you go.



I am the same way when the guys are leaving for one of their golf tournaments. It's time for brie and some Baileys, ice cream and a...Mike's? I don't do the Mike's but I sure do the Brie and the Baileys! :001_smile:

Enjoy guiltlessly!

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I spent so much time on this computer the past week that I can't even count that high!! Last night I heard dh coming in the house and I quickly put my laptop down and picked up my book and pretended I was reading because I didn't want him to know I was STILL on the computer. That was not one of my finer moments.

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OMG!!! This is the BEST!!! Thank you all for making me feel semi-normal! (except those of you who have actually gotten stuff done--you are a whole other species than me)


I have had a majorly stressful week, from many sources, so, OK, here goes--


You need to know that I am a diabetic, found out about 6 months ago, changed my life. I am usually really good and so careful, have lost 57 pounds since I found out (only about 80 to go : P). So--


In the course of three days, basically all I ate was a box of Target brand smores cookies, and enough peanut butter and light bread to keep my sugar balanced--but I did it spread out during the day so that I didn't gain weight and my sugar was ok :)


I really wanted to eat 3 boxes of Target smores cookies at each meal each day. I don't have a car, but if I did, I think I might have done it.


I have spent a very large amount of time on the comp. Ignoring my daughter. Who has spent that time on gamecube. Ignoring me.


I have mentioned before that we don't do t.v. I broke down and rented Little House On The Prairie and called it history, sort of. We are studying colonial America. I contemplated saying that took place then. But I was too lazy to even try.


I have let my daughter sleep late so that I could have some time ALONE!!!


I have tried to get the dogs to sleep late--but they wouldn't :(


My sink has been full of dishes for 2 days, which I haven't loaded into my dishwasher because it is full of clean dishes I haven't unloaded, but, today, I solved that prob--I bought some nice paper plates :)


I have washed the same wash three times because I keep forgetting to put it in the dryer on time.


And, finally--although I have left many, many chores undone, I somehow find the time to spend a good amount of time on this board, which I have come to truly love.

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Tuesday I bought cheap food like pasta and stuff for the week so that I could buy Season 4 of Stargate Atlantis.


I grilled a decent meal Monday and I did make a pasta salad but mostly I don't care when or what we eat and dh eats a lot of frozen burritos.


I would rather read and do nothing and I hate the whole beach going rigmarole.

Sand makes me crazy. I did do the good Mom thing yesterday and spent the day there.


I have not exercised in 2 weeks.

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Hmm, oh boy.


1. I spent some $$ on myself and upgraded my phone (to an iphone knock off) by convincing myself that I really needed to get to all my gmail stuff while I'm out. This is supposed to simplify and streamline my organizational clutter. Lots of things work on the phone, but the calendar and to-do list don't have full function which is what I really needed. But I'm not taking it back. (They might fix the browser someday, right?!)


2. I have actually cooked dinners this week. But while I was doing it, I was also surfing the web on my new phone. ;)


3. Instead of being 100% satisfied with this one gadget, I am making plans to save for a Kindle too. (Christmas.) You know the Kindle also uses the Sprint network, right. It's really pretty fast in my area. I can just imagine loading up books and having them almost instantaneously!! Look at what an impatient, greedy consumer I am becoming!! Sheesh. :glare:


4. I've spent 5 days straight just playing around with the phone and figuring out what all it can do. And that's why my confessions are nearly all phone related. What kind of person makes their phone a priority for a whole week?


5. I plan to do it again today.

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Hmm, oh boy.


1. I spent some $$ on myself and upgraded my phone (to an iphone knock off) by convincing myself that I really needed to get to all my gmail stuff while I'm out. This is supposed to simplify and streamline my organizational clutter. Lots of things work on the phone, but the calendar and to-do list don't have full function which is what I really needed. But I'm not taking it back. (They might fix the browser someday, right?!)


2. I have actually cooked dinners this week. But while I was doing it, I was also surfing the web on my new phone. ;)


3. Instead of being 100% satisfied with this one gadget, I am making plans to save for a Kindle too. (Christmas.) You know the Kindle also uses the Sprint network, right. It's really pretty fast in my area. I can just imagine loading up books and having them almost instantaneously!! Look at what an impatient, greedy consumer I am becoming!! Sheesh. :glare:


4. I've spent 5 days straight just playing around with the phone and figuring out what all it can do. And that's why my confessions are nearly all phone related. What kind of person makes their phone a priority for a whole week?


5. I plan to do it again today.


My dh got a new phone two weeks ago. I'm still hearing about all the new gadgets. What did he use for his ring? The old fashioned phone ring. BRRnng, brrrnng. :glare: Have fun with you new oganizational tool.

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My dh got a new phone two weeks ago. I'm still hearing about all the new gadgets. What did he use for his ring? The old fashioned phone ring. BRRnng, brrrnng. :glare: Have fun with you new oganizational tool.


Ah, then I have a confession #6. I, too, use the old fashioned phone ring for most incoming calls. :tongue_smilie:




Thanks!! :D

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1. I seem to be incapable of getting myself to bed at a decent hour.


2. I haven't done proper grocery shopping for two weeks (older dc were at camp for one of those weeks, so we did need less food). My dc are getting very tired of the hodge-podge meals I am serving.


3. Dc are going to grandma's this week and I am shamefully excited about this.


4. A talkative relative called yesterday and I spent the entire phone call surfing the net.

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My sink has been full of dishes for 2 days, which I haven't loaded into my dishwasher because it is full of clean dishes I haven't unloaded, but, today, I solved that prob--I bought some nice paper plates :)





I wish I wasn't out of rep!

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This week---


1). On Thursday. We had a water leak that wet carpet in 2 bedroom closets and required a plumber. I took care of every bit of this...called the plumber, ripped up the carpet, pulled out the soaked pad which I stuffed in black trash bags. I had to take off my ds's closet doors to do this. And move lots of clothes and shoes and furniture. Dh was very impressed and his praise made me weirdly happy. I even managed to get ds to swim and us both to Bible Study later. And cooked supper.


2) Friday. I mowed the lawn. 3 hours worth of mowing. In 95 degree sun. I also did 3 loads of laundry (ds helped), dropped off stuff at Goodwill, went to the library and then picked up take-out. Then we went to a movie when dh got home.


3) I got through one big project of my summer projects on Wednesday. Homeschool stuff is cleaned out and ready for the new.


4) When ds gets up at 7:00 instead of 8:00 I am irritated. And then I feel guilty as I realize I only have a few short years with him waking up and chatting with me.

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Okay, I finally got up the nerve to post in this thread, and who do I have to follow? Scarlett!

Well in order to spare the rest of you the embarrassment of advertising your foibles and failures after such a Pretty Productive Post, I'll be the scapegoat.

So without further ado:


1. Dh was away this week and the earliest I ever went to bed was 3am. And then I was a zombie the following day.

2. I didn't shower either Thursday or Friday.

3. There is a laundry basket full of my dd's winter clothes in my upstairs hallway and I can't pack them away because I can't find an empty Rubbermaid bin.

4. Dh left with the kids an hour ago and I've been sitting here the entire time. I need to get moving, but I'm too tired because when he was away this week the earliest I went to bed was 3am. And I am a zombie.

And this is the song that never ends....

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1. Dh was away this week and the earliest I ever went to bed was 3am


This would explain 2400 posts. :001_huh:


I like this kind of thread....it forces me to see that I actually DID get some things done.


Here is my Saturday confession...Dh left with ds about 2 hours ago and I've been sitting at this computer goofing off for the last hour of it.

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This would explain 2400 posts. :001_huh:


I like this kind of thread....it forces me to see that I actually DID get some things done.


Here is my Saturday confession...Dh left with ds about 2 hours ago and I've been sitting at this computer goofing off for the last hour of it.



confession: an admission of misdeeds or faults


Scarlett, I'm so very glad you posted a REAL confession here, because those *other*, earlier statements just made me want to throttle you. :D


You are more woman than I. Please know that I'm very proud of you for all your hard work and for all you've accomplished. Please forgive me while I go extend my own list of confessions.



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1. I really enjoyed having dh away for four days last week. I felt like I was able to relax, fix whatever I felt like for dinner, and do what I wanted after the girls went to bed. (They were easier to handle, too.)


2. I am looking forward to my trip to Tulsa next week. 6 days of not being Mom or Dear is just what the doctor ordered. I am a bit worried about all the time in the car to get there and back. Will my supervisor and I still be friends when it's over?


3. I bought a dress for the awards banquet that is, um, flattering. :D As Alphabet Pam said, it is pretty safe there with 500 women and 5 men.


4. I had a Butterfinger Brownie from Books-A-Million for lunch today.


5. I am grateful that my mom and step-dad can come down and watch the girls while I am at Convention and dh is in Asheville.


I'm sure there is more, but....

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