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DH didn't get the job

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The job we were pretty much told was guaranteed, the job we moved back to Texas for, the job we have been waiting on a start date for since May. I am now about 10 weeks from my due date and living at my in laws sleeping on an air mattress every night. Please pray for my family. We have to come up with something and come up with it soon. I have a car seat and that is it. Even if I had other items there is nowhere to put anything here. Something has to give at some point.

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Liz we moved back for a combination of reasons but we moved when we did because he was told that if he came back he would have a job. I want to be in Texas as this is where the majority of my family is and I was very homesick when we were living in Utah.


At least you are where you want to be. The economy in TX is supposed to be in better shape than many other places.

Being so close to your due date, try not to stress out over everything. :grouphug:

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Huge hugs, and you will get though this. My DH hasn't found a job yet, we're living with in-laws, and we just had our baby three weeks ago. We've found that just having the car seat, a handful of onsies/ sleepers from Goodwill, and a place for baby to sleep are enough to get though the beginning when you are stretched thin. I hope something comes up for you soon.

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Wow....what a let down. I'm sorry. :grouphug: Maybe you can hit a few garage sales and find a few baby items cheap. Not a lot of items, since you have lack of room, but just a few that are absolutely necessary.....something for the baby to sleep in (unless the baby will cosleep, which all of mind did).....a swing (I don't think I ever would have made it through the infant stanges without a baby swing). Other than diapers and a few oufits, a baby can get by with very little.....I think most of the contraptions and shiney things people get are not really necessities (maybe a stroller?). Obviously a carseat...but you have that.

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We don't know what we are having due to inconclusive ultrasounds. We did cosleep with both my older two but unless we have actual mattresses I don't think it will be an option right away because we are on the air mattresses. We just heard this evening about a private prison that is short staffed so DH is applying there tonight. It is a lot less money a month but it is better than nothing. I may be able to tweak the budget to make it work if he can get started. Just keeping our fingers crossed and praying hard that something will come through soon.

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Other than one amazing bright light the night just got worse as it went on. When your night ends up with police, FIL being told he has to leave, and you packing all your stuff to go who knows where the next day I am sure you can call it a bad night. Pray something good happens here. We need to be in town at least through Sunday and then we do have a place to go about 6 hours from here. I am stressed beyond belief. It is 4:30 in the morning and I have been up for 19 straight hours. When it rains it really does pour. I can say even though our life is so far upside down it isn't even funny that I am extremely proud of the man my DH proved he was tonight.

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Other than one amazing bright light the night just got worse as it went on. When your night ends up with police, FIL being told he has to leave, and you packing all your stuff to go who knows where the next day I am sure you can call it a bad night. Pray something good happens here. We need to be in town at least through Sunday and then we do have a place to go about 6 hours from here. I am stressed beyond belief. It is 4:30 in the morning and I have been up for 19 straight hours. When it rains it really does pour. I can say even though our life is so far upside down it isn't even funny that I am extremely proud of the man my DH proved he was tonight.


I'm so sorry for all you are going through. My prayers and good wishes for you and your family. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Hoping things turn around really soon for all of you.

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Today was much better. All the drama settled down and my oldest performed in the church musical tonight. The Regional Director of this area is looking into why DH was denied the position. She was his warden when he worked at the prison before so she may be able to overturn the decision so that is good. Of course its no guarantee. I still have to unload all our stuff out of the car now that everyone has calmed down from last nights craziness but I can handle that.

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Oh no. That is awful. I have had to send my husband off to another state. It is all so unnerving to rely on one income especially with a baby on the way. I pray he finds something soon. I pray your family is kind and full of grace for your family.


We had to do this when I was almost due with my 3rd child. My dds and I moved into my parents house while I carried to term. Dh moved to another state and came back for the birth. Two months later we all moved into an appt. (sight unseen) that I found on the internet.

It isn't ideal, but ....sometimes it is necessary.

I would seriously start printing out resumes and searching hard. Texas is a big state. I would send resumes to any area you would consider living and wouldn't be too far that you would get homesick. If it is close to one of Texas' border states...send resumes into the border states.

Focus on the positive....you have each other, a roof over your head, and family.

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