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What would be the oldest for a girl to start shaving legs?

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Yes, it depends on the girl/women. If it is an issue of self conscienceness then I would let my 7 yo do it. But she has never said she was embarssed by her hairy (and they are hairy) legs. But I don't think there is an age restriction.

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I never even thought about shaving until I was around 14 and I was on various sports teams at school with a bunch of other girls who already did. My sister was interested when she was 10. I think it really varies from person to person. personally, I'd let my daughters decide when something like shaving is important enough to them to do something about it. There's plenty of time to be self conscious about a million little things. There is no need to hurry it up any. IMHO.

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Never if they have light body hair. I only shave my lower legs (because I was taught back in the day that nice girls don't shave their upper legs :lol:) and there is no visible difference between the two unless I put my eyes right up to it. During my pregnancies I don't shave my legs at all and again it's not apparent.

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Never if they have light body hair. I only shave my lower legs (because I was taught back in the day that nice girls don't shave their upper legs :lol:) and there is no visible difference between the two unless I put my eyes right up to it. During my pregnancies I don't shave my legs at all and again it's not apparent.

Me, too. I detest shaving my legs. I wouldn't do it at all except for societal pressures in the summer/dh's preference. I take lots of breaks in the winter.

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So basically, they let you know when, and other than that, there is no real top age (or even any age for some of us-lol), I guess.


(BTW-She's never mentioned it, but I didn't want her to be embarrassed because of my stupidity of not realizing most people shave by a certain age.)


Okay, that answers it, thanks!

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Well, I started around 7th grade when I started changing in the locker room. I actually had to shave my underarms starting in 5th grade, but I also had a period and bra in 5th grade.

My dd12 has not yet, but does not have hairy anything. We are all blondes at our house. DH and I are dirty blondes now, but all the kiddos are really blonde still. I recently helped dd10 shave her legs for the first time. She seemed to have a lot of hair though. It was long too. It was actually dh's suggestion. We go swimming a lot and it became noticeable that dd10 needed to start. dh didn't want her made fun of b/c she had hairy legs. She will be 11 soon and he said that by 5th/6th grade boys realized that girls are supposed to have smooth legs.

dd12 seemed jealous that dd10 got to shave so I am sure she will want to soon even though I told her it was a pain in the butt once you start. I would probably encourage it by 13 b/c of how often we are at the pools and such. It does seem to be one of those things that kids make fun of easily and are on the lookout to pick on others about.

So I would say when it became noticeable or around 13 at the latest for us.

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When it's needed. Honestly, I probably never would have bothered if I hadn't started having to change for PE and was worried about being different (I was late at hitting puberty, so while I was shaving in middle school, there really wasn't anything to shave! I got my first bOOk shelves at that time too, and similarly, didn't need them for years to come.




I now rarely do so, and it's really not noticable-I've just plain got fine, light colored leg hair.

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So basically, they let you know when, and other than that, there is no real top age (or even any age for some of us-lol), I guess.


(BTW-She's never mentioned it, but I didn't want her to be embarrassed because of my stupidity of not realizing most people shave by a certain age.)


Okay, that answers it, thanks!


You can also let them know it's ok with you to shave or to not shave, whatever they're comfortable with, and that you'll help them get started when or if they want to. I wouldn't wait for them to initiate the whole idea of it, in case they are embarrassed about bringing it up.

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You can also let them know it's ok with you to shave or to not shave, whatever they're comfortable with, and that you'll help them get started when or if they want to. I wouldn't wait for them to initiate the whole idea of it, in case they are embarrassed about bringing it up.




I think it is a great opportunity to talk about societal pressures and marketing too. I wish more women simply didn't shave. What a hazard and waste of resources. I stopped shaving my legs after a nasty cut up the side of my ankle.

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My dds know they don't have to shave their legs if they don't want to. I'e also told them to never start shaving the top of their legs if at all possible. So obviously no age ceiling here.


I wish more women simply didn't shave. What a hazard and waste of resources.
I stopped shaving years ago - what a relief to get over "needing" to do that!
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I wouldn't force my child to shave or refrain from shaving at any age. I think it should be their choice.




I'm a feral hippy with gross hairy legs :D


But I want my daughters to have a genuine choice. I don't want them to feel that they are ugly or unacceptable if they choose not to shave. But by the same token I'm not going to make them feel like I'm judging them as superficial or oppressed women if they do decide to do it.


I'd probably feel a bit disappointed if they started before high school age, but it's not a hill to die on.

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lalalalalalalalala. (Where's the smiley with his fingers in his ears?? :tongue_smilie:)


DD is 6.5. Yet another thing I don't want to imagine for the next... 20 years or so. :lol: But I'll probably let DD shave as soon as I'm comfortable that she can do it safely, (without cutting off her leg!). More power to you ladies who don't shave but having body hair on me just icks me out. It's really a texture thing- I can't stand the way it feels against my skin. (I also wear my head hair fairly short and almost always up in a bun.) DD doesn't seem to have the same texture issues as I do, but I feel like she should still have control of her own body when it comes to non-issues like that.


(Although- I also do some grooming in other areas. You know, the teA brewing areas. And DD was questioning me about why I have hair and she doesn't. I told her it happens when you grow up. What if she wants to shave THAT as soon as it grows?!?!! :svengo:)

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Geez, people were making fun of girls by 12 who weren't shaving in my middle school, 11 was more the norm and this was more than 20 years ago, so I think it depends on your social situation and how "savvy" the peer group is.


DD thinks it is funny when she learns of 11-12 year olds shaving. SHe turns 13 on Thursday. She is a blond and jsut barely started puberty so nothing there to even shave yet.

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When I was in 4th grade, all my lil' friends and I shaved our legs on the sly. I was very hairy, and I still get ticked off when I remember an adult male at a summer camp saying I had Teen Wolf legs. (Oh, I could throttle that *#*($....)


Anyway, DD is 6. Once she wants to shave, I will let her. We'll probably go with an electric shaver.... easier and safer for younger girls...

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It's so nice to hear that there are other women who don't shave. I quit about 15 years ago and i love the freedom so much. However, I don't know a single person IRL who doesn't shave and every summer I always feel a little strange. Even though it's been so long, societal pressure to just look like everyone else is strong. (no one says anything, and they are all used to me by now, but it's just still there)


I have told my dd (14) that she is welcome to shave anytime she wants, just because I don't she doesn't have to copy me. I've explained my reasons. She so far has very light hair and isn't interested at all. I've told her she might change her mind at some point and to just let me know and I'll show her.

I feel like this area falls into one of the many benefits of homeschooling:D I'm sure she would be shaving if she went to school. I know I started to shave because of the teasing, even though my hair was light.

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All you people with light, fine, minimal body hair are KILLING me. I come from Hairy People and am positively covered with coarse, dark hair. Which looks uber-attractive with my super-white skin, let me tell you. Not shave above the knee?! My euphemistically named "bikini line" comes halfway down my thighs. I don't think even a skirted suit would cover it if I stopped shaving. It would require board shorts. I have never worn a bikini in no small part because it would entail too much stomach plucking and I bought a high-backed swimsuit so I could stop shaving my LOWER BACK, at least. I have a nice tweezer collection that I use to constantly pluck dark hairs off my upper chest and neck, and those are only the ones visible to others. My mother -- who is equally hairy -- and I share a solemn pact to immediately report any stray hairs seen on the other person.


Okay, I'll stop now. In answer to the original question, i don't think that there is an upper age. I would certainly let a girl begin shaving whenever she wanted to, though.

Edited by JennyD
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All you people with light, fine, minimal body hair are KILLING me. I come from Hairy People and am positively covered with coarse, dark hair. Which looks uber-attractive with my super-white skin, let me tell you. Not shave above the knee?! My euphemistically named "bikini line" comes halfway down my thighs. I don't think even a skirted suit would cover it if I stopped shaving. It would require board shorts. I have never worn a bikini in no small part because it would entail too much stomach plucking and I bought a high-backed swimsuit so I could stop shaving my LOWER BACK, at least. I have a nice tweezer collection that I use to constantly pluck dark hairs off my upper chest and neck, and those are only the ones visible to others. My mother -- who is equally hairy -- and I share a solemn pact to immediately report any stray hairs seen on the other person.


Okay, I'll stop now. In answer to the original question, i don't think that there is an upper age. I would certainly let a girl begin shaving whenever she wanted to, though.


Phew, glad I'm not the only one in this boat! Hair removal is the bane of my existence. My mother gave me the "don't shave above the knee and it won't get coarse" speech too...ummm, no, did not work for me.

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All you people with light, fine, minimal body hair are KILLING me. I come from Hairy People and am positively covered with coarse, dark hair. Which looks uber-attractive with my super-white skin, let me tell you. Not shave above the knee?! My euphemistically named "bikini line" comes halfway down my thighs. I don't think even a skirted suit would cover it if I stopped shaving. It would require board shorts. I have never worn a bikini in no small part because it would entail too much stomach plucking and I bought a high-backed swimsuit so I could stop shaving my LOWER BACK, at least. I have a nice tweezer collection that I use to constantly pluck dark hairs off my upper chest and neck, and those are only the ones visible to others. My mother -- who is equally hairy -- and I share a solemn pact to immediately report any stray hairs seen on the other person.


Okay, I'll stop now. In answer to the original question, i don't think that there is an upper age. I would certainly let a girl begin shaving whenever she wanted to, though.





My best friend in high school confessed to me that she shaved her arms. She called it the Smith family secret (name changed for privacy!). It's been years since I thought of that!


As for shaving, it seems more mainstream now that you don't have to do it for legs that aren't super hairy (sorry, Jenny!). My eldest occasionally shaves her legs, and is more regular (but not religious) about her pits. I consider it one of the benefits of homeschooling, like going barefoot 90% of the time, that shaving isn't a big deal one way or another.


Shaving's not my problem, my problem is that I have to pluck my face and neck regularly to get rid of these amazingly fast-growing hairs. If my regular hair grew that fast I'd be Rapunzel.

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