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A Sunday Chat

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Just finished having a lovely dinner here. I'm about to go chase dd down to get some schoolwork done - trying to get finished ASAP.


This weekend was spent resting and trying to sell off books we don't need anymore. I mailed the check to the mortgage company to get us out of Foreclosure and now it's the waiting game trying to get in touch with them to confirm they did in fact process it and get proof we are out of foreclosure. Unfortunately I'm still short for the month by $150, so I need to sell sell sell.


It's HOT - 98 degrees out. Next week is supposed to be hotter yet - I wish mother nature would just :chillpill:


Hmm...super powers. I guess the ability to snap my fingers and have my house clean itself, like Mary Poppins in the nursery. :D

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Grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, throw something on the barbee and join our Sunday chat!


What are you doing this weekend? Dodging rain drops and catching up on housework. It's golf tournament season here.


What is the temperature where you are? It says 82 but it feels muggy and hotter than that.


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?

Telekinesis. I always wanted to be able to move things with my mind. Might actually get the clothes folded that way.:D
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Good idea, Jean!


I have a glass of iced black and green tea, and a roobios blend, with some fresh mint thrown it. Mmmmmmm.


It is 93* right now, but only "feels like" 91 because of the low humidity. Snort.


We've been doing a whole lot of nothing. I finished painting my wicker porch furniture yesterday; now the dingy, worn white has become barn red on the chairs and settee, dark brown on the table.


GF pasta salad for supper, with cucumbers, radishes, onion, parsley and mint in a creamy ranch dressing that I thinned with homemade kefir. Chicken is off the barbie and cooling.


After supper, we're getting lesson plans together for the week.


I think I'd like to have super speed, so I can get all the housekeeping done early in the day, and then slow down to do the rest of the stuff at a leisurely pace.


How has your weekend been?

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My answers to my own questions once I grab my iced tea and throw a turkey burger on.


What are you doing this weekend? Too much! Dd10's schedule is my schedule this weekend. She's putting in 7 hours of volunteering at the Y. I'm there right now because she's volunteering at a special space party and because she's a minor I have to remain onsite. Her baking business is taking off right now. So far this week end we have baked 2 large zucchini breads- no nuts, and 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies with nuts. She broke down last night and this morning with stress headaches so I'm taking over the baking. Tonight after the Y, I'll be baking 3 dozen more chocolate chip cookies with no nuts and zucchini bread with nuts.


What is the temperature where you are? Don't hate me - it is 66 degrees today!


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be? I was thinking that I wanted to be a genie like I Dream of Jeannie but she was sort of silly. I think I'd rather be like Samantha on Bewitched. Or maybe I could just be cloned like Dolly the Sheep.;)

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We spent the weekend camping in the mountains, so right now I am avoiding doing laundry!


It's in the 80s here, or it was before the clouds rolled in. I suspect we are in for some rain before too much longer.


My superpower would be clairvoyance. Much more practical than my old favorite --invisibility.

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What are you doing this weekend? Well, dh had a stomach bug yesterday, so nothing. We went to church this morning (we're church shopping at the moment), my son screamed like a banshee when we tried to drop him off, so I picked him up and left. So... probably not that church.


What is the temperature where you are? It's nice and cool... because a tropical storm is just below us. It's also rainy and windy. Overall, a pretty boring weekend.


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be? Hmm... when I was little, I thought I was telepathic, but really I guess I was extra observant. I could always tell people's emotions and read faces. I don't know what I would be now though...

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I put a roasting chicken and veggies in the oven before church. This was quite scrumptious.


Our church had a big family picnic today with lots of games and what not. Unforunately, due to my wheat gluten sensitivities and being almost completely grain free, and the fact that most of the food cooked is typical dump and heat type stuff so the ladies will have no idea what was in the ingredients' list so I need to take my own food. Well, the old ladies have issues with this. We've tried this once before and I was takent to task for not sampling everyone else's dished, for bringing food only for me (though I brought three dishes to pass), and just generally everyone stopping by the table and being nosy about it. :tongue_smilie: The kitchen committee is made up largely of retired/older women who pre-date the more extensive knowledge people have now of food allergies. So they get testy if they think you are snubbing their cooking. It's uncomfortable and since the senior pastor really, really likes to eat and therefore enjoys planning a lot of events around food, it means that we don't go to church social events anymore.


At first I was kind down because it was going to be really, really nice day. But, our quiet affair here at home with yummy chicken, potatoes, carrots, onions, green beans, and fresh fruit, and then ahving an afternoon nap, made everything suddenly seem very rosy! :D


Dh and the boys are building rockets and eating pizza as I type. I'm sequestered in the quiet of my room with the computer posting here, eating some celery sticks and some gluten free almond crackers that I was dubious of trying because so many gluten free things are BLECH, and these are suprisingly good!


Now, as for super powers. Most days, I would sooooooooooooooo go for the Mary Poppins snap fingers house cleaning thing. However, for this weekend there are TWO superpowers I'd like to have. First, a very serious one...I'd like to have the superpower to heal babies and make my friend's twins go to term instead of her laying in a hospital bed watching the clock tick and hoping for another day. The other superpower would be to lower my angst at her mother's farm which I am taking care of...this would be the magic power to prevent crafty animals from escaping. :glare: Stupid sheep and llamas got out last night. The chain on one of the gates we RARELY use was rusting through and I didn't know it. The llamas must of been itching against the gate (which they do and they use a lot of force) and open it did. 40 sheep and six llamas in the road and frantic neighbors trying to track me down....GRRRRR.....After the hurling of many insults at the llamas and getting ten people to help me surround them while flapping our arms up and down and walking towards them, they did eventually decide to go back inside. The sheep followed as soon as the llamas went, not because llamas herd sheep, but because they are stupid. These sheep will follow anything; most sheep I have met are not, shall we say, highly intelligent. This is why when God calls his people sheep, it should not be taken as a compliment.


Today the hen that was setting, hatched two chicks and had them OUTDOORS CUDDLED UP NEXT TO THE BLACK LAB WHO WAS BLISSFULLY SLEEPING AND UNAWARE! Stupid, stupid, stupid hen. She won't let me catch her and I don't want her separated from the chicks because I don't think they have a prayer of a chance without her. So, I shooshed them into the barn, closed the door, and am now hoping the barn cats don't think "Chicken Cordon Bleu!" So yeah, I'd really like the "make animals do your bidding" superpower right now! :lol:



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What are you doing this weekend?

Taking care of dh who broke his hand and had to have surgery this week; Painting the bonus room with the kids & it was my first time painting; church; watching Lost episodes with dd


What is the temperature where you are?

mid 80s


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?


Super Speed: I could get all my work done faster leaving more time for fun.




Frugalmama: My daughter thinks she wants to be with Mary Poppins if there's some almost end of the world catastrope because she could get anything you would need out of that bag!

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Grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, throw something on the barbee and join our Sunday chat!


What are you doing this weekend?


What is the temperature where you are?


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?


Today we are staying in and recovering from the events of the past two days: A Friday fish fry from 2 P.M. until 10 P.M. and then a Saturday cookout with other friends from late afternoon until after 11 P.M. The kids had a blast both nights but our schedules are totally off now. Ugh. I'm setting the alarm tomorrow because I don't trust myself not to sleep past 9!


The weather is lovely. 83 degrees with a heat index of 88.


My superpower of choice would have to be time travel. ;)

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The girls had a dance recital Friday and Saturday, and today dh took the boys to a NASCAR race.


Right now it's 77 degrees, totally weird for California in the summer, but I'm not complaining!


The superpower I've wanted forever is to be able to stop time with a stopwatch (like in The Twilight Zone). Everyone else would be frozen, and I could take a nap, clean the house, or read a book, then with a click everyone would unfreeze until I needed another break.

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What are you doing this weekend? As little as possible :D This coming up week is going to be crazy so I am enjoying doing nothing. (I should be cleaning etc but not gonna worry about it.


What is the temperature where you are? 100 degrees with a heat index of 101. It is almost 6:30pm :tongue_smilie:


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be? like on I Dream of Jennie -- blink blink, house is clean, blink blink, supper is done ;)

Or if that isn't a super power then speed, so I could get it all done fast.

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Grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, throw something on the barbee and join our Sunday chat!


What are you doing this weekend?


What is the temperature where you are?


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?


Weekend: I planned for the upcoming school week, printed chore charts, and did the weekly grocery shopping on Saturday. I went to church this morning and this afternoon I worked on an article I'm writing for a homeschool magazine.


Temp.: 92 :tongue_smilie:


Super power: invisibility

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Grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, throw something on the barbee and join our Sunday chat!


What are you doing this weekend?


What is the temperature where you are?


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?


We're watching firefighting efforts. We're about 1-2 miles away from mandatory evacuation zones. It's 97*, windy, and single digit humidity.


I'd like to be able to put out fires right about now.

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Weekend: We packed and watched my three oldest fly away to camp for the week. The littlest cried. :crying: and I am stressing over ds allergies and various medications. He has everything, but well, it was just hard for me to let him go.


Temp: I think is upper 90's or 100. We are supposed to hit 107 with Houston humidity on Thur :tongue_smilie:


Super Power: Mother Nature! :D My green thumb was completely destroyed by my chickens, so the ability to control both is very appealing!

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What are you doing this weekend? Today I made practice pies for a 4th of July pie baking contest. Neither of them turned out quite how I wanted so I'm a little bummed. It was warm today, and that made the dough harder to work with. We're on vacation at the grandparent's house, so the rest of the weekend included a lot of spoiling the toddler, playing in the sprinkler, and a children's museum. :)


What is the temperature where you are? It says it was 91 today, but it's cooling off now. It should be much nicer tomorrow.


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be? I would love to be able to apparate like in Harry Potter. I love going places, but I don't like the process of getting there.

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Grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, throw something on the barbee and join our Sunday chat!


What are you doing this weekend?


What is the temperature where you are?


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?



We just got back from the nursery where we bought 3 large butterfly bushes, a huge hydrangea bush and 2 salvia plants. Now the fun of planting them begins. A good project for a bored boy this week.


It is a beautiful 77 degrees in northern California which is odd for this time of year, but not complaining.


My super power would be flying. I used to have dreams about being able to fly and loved the freedom of it, so up, up and away superman. Err superwoman.

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Grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, throw something on the barbee and join our Sunday chat!


Hi! Iced triple tall Americano from Starbucks. I had shrimp a little while ago -- doing medifast -- shrimp fills me up and is like eating air calorie-wise.


What are you doing this weekend? getting the guest house ready for Heather and her family. :) I was there for hours yesterday painting furniture - I am almost finished. I won't be able to get everything accomplished that I wanted by the time they arrive (I've run out of $$$$ before running out of decorating) but for the most part, the cottage looks great.

Met another family at the pool last night and we all had dinner together -- the kids had a blast - we didn't leave till they closed at 9pm.

Went to Church today, took DH out to a fabulous place that I've wanted to drag him to for about 8 wks. He was impressed!

Everyone is home now -- dd13 and I are going to get the beds made up in the cottage. Dh and I bought quilts for the beds and new pillows and towels and other linens.


What is the temperature where you are? 87 degrees


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?

A super power? Endless energy I think.


Have a great evening.:)

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I'm having a lovely (frozen) Sunday dinner alone because Dh took the little boys camping and the big kids decided to walk to Subway with some friends. They're bringing me back cookies. :D


I'm settling in for a night of curriculum seaching/ planning, so I'll join the Sunday chat. :)


What are you doing this weekend?

- This weekend was actually pretty quiet for us. Two of my kids ran an 5K on Friday night, Dh and the younger boys left yesterday morning and won't be home until tomorrow or Tuesday and the rest of us have been hanging around the house and spending too much time on the computer.

What is the temperature where you are?

- It's about 80, but kind of gross out.

And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?

- Have you seen the movie Limitless? That.

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Grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, throw something on the barbee and join our Sunday chat!


What are you doing this weekend?


What is the temperature where you are?


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?


Yesterday, I took dd10 to Irish dance class, then we went shopping at Aldi's where I filled my cart to overflowing, including quite a bit of meat, for only $180. We came home and had lunch, and I surfed the net for a while. Then I went to a friend's to buy a SCOBY and visit for a while. When I came home, I made a berry trifle to take to Sunday School this morning and I made my first batch of kambucha tea using the scoby I bought from my friend. This morning, we went to church, rushed home to make a quick lunch, then went to dd's dance recital. We stopped at Starbucks on the way home, and now I'm relaxing.


It is currently 85, but was 93 earlier.


For my super power, I would like to stop being so tired all the time. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by LizzyBee
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What are you doing this weekend? Volunteered at a local co-op farmer's stand with the family planting a garden. Canned 17lbs of cherries and 6lbs of Pineapples. Lesson planning.


What is the temperature where you are?

Between 85-92 F with light wind

And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be? I'd love to have the ability to freeze time.:)

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What are you doing this weekend? Swim Team, Vespers. Sunday morning church and hosting coffee hour, youngest son's family b-day party. It was nice to have all my babies under one roof along with one child's husband and another child's girlfriend.


What is the temperature where you are? Hot and humid. in the 90's


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?

I would want to be able to teleport.

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The boys are gone and I have sold or given away 12 paper bags jammed with K-4 material, dusted the bookshelves, and am half way through a complete reorganization in prep for 5th grade. I am doing this to delay planning for next year.


I've also been consuming iced coffee and downloading photos my brother is sending me.... from the governor's mansion, the Greyhound Hall of Fame, Old Town, etc. while he gives hubby and kiddo a whirlwind 2 week Kansas tour. Today my son is wearing an I Like Ike sticker on his chest. :)

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Grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, throw something on the barbee and join our Sunday chat!


What are you doing this weekend?


What is the temperature where you are?


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?


We had baseball, baseball, and oh yeah, more baseball!!!!! Ds14 had a tournament (they lost in the semis) and ds11 had his first game of his World Series games (they lost). We had a Little League party last night at our local park. VERY fun!!!!


Tonight we're watching the Good Luck Charlie where she has her baby! The older boys won't say they're looking forward to it, but dd and I are!!!!


Today was 84. Haven't had to turn on the AC for three days now!!!


Superpower? I agree with Marianne - ENERGY!!!!! Lots of it. Maybe MOTIVATION added to that. Yes. Those.

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We pretended to do laundry, but found out that pretending doesn't get much done!


I watched a 2yo for a bit yesterday while his parents cleaned their new apartment. I had pepsi baby overnight last night. Napped twice today.


For dinner we had naked hamburgers with rice and broccoli. I should have gone food shopping today.


Superpower- witches skills like alex from wizards of waverly place, but without the bad stuff that always happens.


It was in the 70s today.

Edited by amo_mea_filiis
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We had baseball, baseball, and oh yeah, more baseball!!!!! Ds14 had a tournament (they lost in the semis) and ds11 had his first game of his World Series games (they lost). We had a Little League party last night at our local park. VERY fun!!!!


Tonight we're watching the Good Luck Charlie where she has her baby! The older boys won't say they're looking forward to it, but dd and I are!!!!


Today was 84. Haven't had to turn on the AC for three days now!!!


Superpower? I agree with Marianne - ENERGY!!!!! Lots of it. Maybe MOTIVATION added to that. Yes. Those.


Our three are downstairs watching that as well. :)


DH and I are watching NYY/NYM on ESPN Sunday Night Baseball. LOVING THIS!!!

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What are you doing this weekend?

Freezing and drying strawberries; ds7 had a sleepover with his cousin and a friend at our house because his brothers are at Grandpa's house and he misses them; reading; church and potluck afterward; cleaning; yardwork; missing my older boys.


What is the temperature where you are?

68, intermittent showers


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?

The ability to teleport.



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What are you doing this weekend?


Took the boys to the train museum for the second time this week (hooray for memberships!) and took enough pictures to make a photo book for DS4. We just had a family dinner with my mom and brother, and I made these delicious strawberry-brownie-ice cream dessert things. Headed home to watch Iron Man with DH.


What is the temperature where you are?


95 degrees.


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?


Teleporting. I'd settle for a Stargate in my basement though.

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Having a Mikes Again....LOL Maybe this is my Sunday ritual that I don't even realize. (Sunday is my Friday from work though, so maybe that is it. )


I will bring along and share :D my container of dark chocolate caramels from TJs....anyone want one or three .....just pass them around.


Weather...mid 60's I would guess, a bit damp but not raining-- during this 5minutes at least. LOL


Super power? I could use some happiness in my life. IS there a 'happy' super power?


Superpower list from wiki.....after reading this list.....absolutley Teleportation.... I think I could find a happy place if I had teleportation!!!!!

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Grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, throw something on the barbee and join our Sunday chat!


What are you doing this weekend?


What is the temperature where you are?


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?


We've been entertaining all weekend and trying to squeeze chores in edgewise. Everyone's tucked in bed, my boys are on a sleepover in a neighbor's back yard. I scared the bejebers out of them, which was incredibly fun. :D


I'm looking forward to tomorrow, and relaxing with the kids. It's our first Monday morning that we don't have to haul anyone to school.


It's been about 80 here, and now it's even cooler and raining. Rain is good!


My superpower? Can I have sleep? Right now I'd like that one.

What about you?

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:seeya: Hey gang!


Is it too late to join?


Just finished my famous sweet tea with stevia. Hoping it won't keep me up, but I'm sooooo bushed I'll bet not.


What are you doing (did?) this weekend?

Well, that's a good question. Spent part of yesterday shopping, and prepping dinner for friends in crisis. Then last night, found out that another friend of mine passed away last night - she had cancer, but we thought she'd at least have a few weeks. Which means I've spent the entire REST of the weekend crying. And regretting that I didn't get ready for my science camp earlier - been pulling that together tonight.


What's the temp where you are?

Upper 90s. Bleh. We're in N. Alabama, and I was so hoping we'd get at least SOME of the rain from Debby, but not looking like it right now.



Teleportation. Hands down. Think what it would save on my gas bill! ;)

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What we're doing this weekend- Trying to stay dry, we actually spent the weekend mostly at home not doing much because of sporatic downpours. We did make it to church today though.


Temperature- 61 (It can't be summer, it can't be summer.)


Super power of choice today would be- The ability to fly, I might make it to the beach a little more often. :D

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Grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, throw something on the barbee and join our Sunday chat!


What are you doing this weekend?


What is the temperature where you are?


And today's random question - if you could have a super power, what would it be?


1. Celebrating my brother's birthday


2. It is cold here to me... Like 80 degrees. :tongue_smilie:


3. I would want to fly!!

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This weekend I took my 7yo to Starbuck's for our first assigned reading book discussion, which went awesomely well. The kids and I went hiking with the fabulous enviromommy and her family. We went to the pool. And my husband and I watched two episodes of Doctor Who.


Nice weekend.


Temperatures: around 90, which was an improvement from earlier in the week.


Superpower: Procrastination busting.

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