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Do lots of areas of the US have different pop brands?

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Just curious. :001_smile: And yes, here in Michigan, we call it pop. :tongue_smilie: We love our Faygo and Vernors around here, but I'm wondering if other areas of the US have local pop brands that are popular?


Just trying to distract myself from all the work I have to do today for my dsd's grad party tomorrow, so I'm hanging out here. :tongue_smilie:

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My friend likes Squirt which is apparently a western states/California thing.


I haven't looked for it/seen any Squirt lately, but when we had our guitar shop in MN ('96-03) we had an old glass-bottle Coke machine there and always had Squirt stocked. The best on a hot, muggy day.

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We have Sprite and Dr. Pepper here... :confused:


I miss the days when I could get a Cheerwine when eating out. We have to pick it up specially in NC or SC when we're driving through now. :(


Not that we drink soda much anyway. But Cheerwine is special stuff.

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We have Sprite and Dr. Pepper. Also Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, A&W, Barqs and Mug root beer. Most of what I see here is distributed by either Coke or Pepsi so I think they are all national brands. Arnold Palmer (distributed by Arizona Ice Tea) is the big popular thing right now.


I tried Verner's when I had a good friend from Michigan and we went up there for her wedding. Nasty stuff, IMO. :tongue_smilie:


Is Stewart's national? Root beer, cream soda, cherry soda and orange soda (I think).

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They started carrying Squirt down here in NC a few years ago. We used to bring home big packs of it from Michigan every time we would visit dh's family but now we don't have to. Love that stuff!


We can get Vernor's in some stores but it's hard to find down here.

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My favorite is Ale-8, but we also get Vernors. I thought Sprite and Dr Pepper were everywhere. I thought Vernors was most places in the USA too.


I never heard of Vernors until yesterday or today on this board. I've lived in New England, NorCal, and SoCal.


I just thought of another New England regional soda brand- Polar Beverages. They sell ginger ale, root beer, cream soda, and a bunch of fruit flavors. Love their raspberry lime, though I haven't had it in probably 20 years.

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Does anyone remember Slice? It was PepsiCo's stab at producing a 7up/Sprite alternative. They also had flavor such as Orange Slice and my favorite was Apple Slice.


We still have places with Slice and Orange Slice, but not many. I don't remember ever seeing Apple Slice.

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I like Shasta pop....northwest company.


We get Shasta at our local 99cent only store here in TX :D


I've been told that Cherry Pepsi is a NC specific thing.


Moxie is the toxic sludge of soft drinks.


Nope - I think it's everywhere. I know we get it here once in a while :001_smile:

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My kids are always disappointed that they can't have Dr. Pepper whenever we go to Florida. I didn't know it was a regional thing. We are from Texas, which is where Dr. Pepper originated. In high school, squirt was my beverage of choice from the coke machines. And all soda was coke. This is how we would order:


Server: What would you like to drink?

Me: I'll have a coke.

Server: What kind?

Me: Coke (or Sprite, depending on what I was eating).

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I didn't realize soda was regional and there are a lot on this thread that I have never heard of. We have Coke and Pepsi products, I have seen Squirt and Slice. We have these new soda machines in fast food places that, for every soft drink, you can choose a million flavors for each. (i.e. raspberry pepsi, vanilla pepsi, etc.) At first it sounded like a good idea, but 1) it takes people FOREVER to get their drink, and 2) your drink always has some flavor to it, even if you want plain Coke.

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My kids are always disappointed that they can't have Dr. Pepper whenever we go to Florida. I didn't know it was a regional thing. We are from Texas, which is where Dr. Pepper originated.


We get Dr Pepper in Florida, anywhere that sells/serves Pepsi products? Must depend on the area of Florida.

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I didn't realize soda was regional and there are a lot on this thread that I have never heard of. We have Coke and Pepsi products, I have seen Squirt and Slice. We have these new soda machines in fast food places that, for every soft drink, you can choose a million flavors for each. (i.e. raspberry pepsi, vanilla pepsi, etc.) At first it sounded like a good idea, but 1) it takes people FOREVER to get their drink, and 2) your drink always has some flavor to it, even if you want plain Coke.


I love the Coca Cola version of those machines, but I am biased as DH is friends with the owner of the company that helped design them. I haven't noticed the flavoring issue, but I have not used them a lot.

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Dr. Pepper is an interesting case as it is sometimes bottled through Coke, sometimes through Pepsi, and sometimes through another (Schweppes?), which means there can be a regional variation on its availability.


True. It's bottled by Pepsi here, so a bit harder to find at restaurants than Coke products.

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In the summer I always need to have a few bottles of grape Spring Grove Soda Pop.


We also love Sprecher's Root Beer.


I grew up in Muskego Wi and LOVE Sprechers


I've been told that Cherry Pepsi is a NC specific thing.


Nope, I've always been able to buy this no matter where we lived.


When I was a kid, (in WI,) we drank Jolly Good soda. I haven't seen it for years though.

I remember Jolly Good.


The one I really miss is stuff in glass bottles from The American Soda Water CO. It was like a big warehouse and when you went in you got a wooden crate, then you went around and picked out bottles of soda, mix and match. My favorites were the piña colada and they had the best Lemon Lime, it wasn't like sprite or Sierra mist, it was green and tasted like a lime slush.

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We get Dr Pepper in Florida, anywhere that sells/serves Pepsi products? Must depend on the area of Florida.

The only place I know of that wouldn't have Dr. P would be restaurants. They don't always stock all the flavors. I hate it when I go somewhere and the only choices are Coke and Sprite.


When we traveled earlier in the month I couldn't get root beer in two different places in PA.


Anyone remember Grape Nehi? When I was a kid there was one gas station that had a machine with glass bottles, and one could get Grape Nehi. When they changed their name to RC Cola, it was all down hill from there.

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Here in Southern California, Mexican brands like Jarritos and Inca Kola are everywhere, and so-called "Mexican Cokes" are very popular--they're bottled in Mexico into glass bottles (which you couldn't get here for ages) and they're made with cane sugar instead of HFCS.


Edit: Ha, I see chiguirre already explained Mexican Cokes!

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Moxie in Maine. Began as a patent medicine, still tastes like one. My mom is from Michigan and brings home cases of Vernors every time she visits. She has them on special occasions and makes them last a year.


Every time I go home, I try to have a Moxie. It's bitter and distinct. I love the stuff :D Crack open a cold one with an Italian sandwich and some salt & vinegar chips......mmmmm-mmmmmm good!

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Every time I go home, I try to have a Moxie. It's bitter and distinct. I love the stuff :D Crack open a cold one with an Italian sandwich and some salt & vinegar chips......mmmmm-mmmmmm good!



Every time I go back to Maine, my dad buys Moxie puts on a show of loving it and offers me one. I always decline with horror. Mom says he never drinks them unless I am there...


When I moved, it took me a while to explain to the New Yorker's that in Maine people often "have an Italian for lunch." I think they suspected canibalism!

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I've been told that Cherry Pepsi is a NC specific thing.



Is that to compete with Cheerwine?


I did not see anyone mention Sun Drop, another NC drink. Some people seem to be raised on it.


And then (drum roll) there is a better ginger ale than Vernors: Blenheim's from SC. Amazing stuff. Regular is hot; hot blows your socks off.


Jane (not a soda drinker)

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