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Sandusky convicted.

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45 of 48 counts. He could potentially be sentenced to hundreds of years in prison. A number of the counts carry mandatory 10-year sentences, so there's no chance he'll see the outside world again in his lifetime.


I hope this helps bring closure to the victims.


I wonder about his wife, who walked in to the courtroom holding his hand. What can possibly be going through her mind at a time like this? How can she stand by her man? Do you think she believes him?

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I am so glad for this verdict. I am praying for peace for the victims and their families.


Yes, I wonder about his wife, and how she feels now that one of their sons earlier this week said he's also a victim.




Jerk! I am so disgusted with this man that preyed on kids that were already in a rough spot. He will have to be in solitary confinement while in prison...otherwise he would be facing the wrath of other inmates! It is so very sad. :crying:

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I am so glad for this verdict. I am praying for peace for the victims and their families.


Yes, I wonder about his wife, and how she feels now that one of their sons earlier this week said he's also a victim.


He sure as he!! would not have been holding my hand after that. Maybe holding the arm that is aiming the gun at his genitals!

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Hopefully they revoke his bail even if he does appeal. Let him appeal from jail. I would not be surprised if he commits suicide before being taken back into custody (which I hope he does not.) ETA: Looks like bail was immediately revoked. Good. Dude should not be a free man.


The fact that he abused his adopted sons is not surprising but it is soul crushingly sad. Losing their birth parents is hard on a child, and then to be adopted by a predator. Heartbreakingly sad.

Edited by kijipt
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Hopefully they revoke his bail even if he does appeal. Let him appeal from jail. I would not be surprised if he commits suicide before being taken back into custody (which I hope he does not.)


The fact that he abused his adopted sons is not surprising but it is soul crushingly sad. Losing their birth parents is hard on a child, and then to be adopted by a predator. Heartbreakingly sad.


The son was adopted out of foster care. The boy's mother said that Sandusky stole him from her.

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Bail revoked. He's in jail.


I heard him speak on the Costas interview. Every word that comes out of his mouth is creepy. The letters that he wrote one kid that were introduced as evidence were creepy. He won't kill himself because he honestly believes he did nothing wrong - that everyone else misunderstands.


Yes, I felt he was guilty and a pedophile based on the things he said in the Costas interview alone. The pauses. His word choice.


I hope he never gets out. I pray the victims can maybe start to heal.

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I especially hope for some peace for those who testified. They really put themselves out there, and my hope is that they know they did all they could to get him convicted for his hideous crimes. There could be some peace in that -- in having fought back.


What I want to know is why all these men who saw these crimes or suspected them didn't report them. ?!?! I haven't followed the whole story, but there seem to have been a number of adults who testified about their suspicions. What do they have to say for themselves?


His wife must be a complete basket-case. Either deep, deep in crazy, dark denial, or overwhelmingly disgusted and horrified. I hope to read that she files for divorce Monday morning. We'll see...


I was relieved to see the verdict. So often it seems these guys find a loophole or a plea deal.

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What I want to know is why all these men who saw these crimes or suspected them didn't report them. ?!?! I haven't followed the whole story, but there seem to have been a number of adults who testified about their suspicions. What do they have to say for themselves?



They did. Apparently the former vice-president of the school had a file on him ten years ago. A DA could have charged him in 1998. They did not.


- And, famously, coaching assistant Mike McQueary saw Sandusky having what he believed to be anal sex with a young boy in 2001. But his report to Athletic Director Tim Curley and Vice President Gary Schultz went nowhere. McQueary's dad testified that during a conversation, Schultz said he was suspicious of Sandusky and NBC reported this week that emails between Spanier and Schultz aiming to keep McQueary's allegation from going further were turned over to the attorney general.



Edited by Sis
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They did. Apparently the former vice-president of the school had a file on him ten years ago. A DA could have charged him in 1998. They did not.






Unbelievable. Sometimes I don't trust men at all. To ignore something like that being done do a little boy?!?!


I really hadn't followed this closely until this past week. It's even worse than I thought if so many adults just looked the other way. What is wrong with people?

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How dare his wife stand up for him and even testify on his behalf, while knowing what he did to all those children, including her own children. She is as disgusting as he is.


My guess is that she defends him because she's afraid of charges which would hold HER liable if she shows any admission she knew. She can't disclose that she knew but did nothing.

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Unbelievable. Sometimes I don't trust men at all. To ignore something like that being done do a little boy?!?!


I really hadn't followed this closely until this past week. It's even worse than I thought if so many adults just looked the other way. What is wrong with people?


Do you mean MEN or humans?


Plenty of women also under respond to issues of child sexual assault. The dynamic behind family molestation or close family friend or mentor molestation is complicated and that his one major reason it happens and continues through generations without getting reported.

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Good. :glare:


I'm curious, I've heard the rumor that convicts don't care for child molesters and will sometimes try to kill them in prison. I know one particular case where a kidnapper was attacked and they attempted to kill him. Is this type of rumor true? If so do they house molesters in any special way to avoid this?

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Good. :glare:


I'm curious, I've heard the rumor that convicts don't care for child molesters and will sometimes try to kill them in prison. I know one particular case where a kidnapper was attacked and they attempted to kill him. Is this type of rumor true? If so do they house molesters in any special way to avoid this?


Yes, it is true. U fortunately, this pig is being protected and not in with the general population. HLN reports that the believe he will be going to a prison with other senior citizens.


He makes me sick. So does his wife. I am disgusted that the wife and other school personnel aren't facin g charges.

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Yes, it is true. U fortunately, this pig is being protected and not in with the general population. HLN reports that the believe he will be going to a prison with other senior citizens.


He makes me sick. So does his wife. I am disgusted that the wife and other school personnel aren't facin g charges.


At least two members of the PSU administration are facing charges.

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I wonder about his wife, who walked in to the courtroom holding his hand. What can possibly be going through her mind at a time like this? How can she stand by her man? Do you think she believes him?



I cannot imagine! I would be so repulsed that I'd probably be in jail for the nasty things I did to him which might include but not be limited to....a cattle prod, buck-shot, tasers, and fire ants. Really, her holding his hand just staggers the imagination and makes my brain twitch.


My husband says that he will find many inmates within his new found "family" that will not like him amongst the mix. Add to that the sullying of the PennSate dynasty, and well, he may "reap what he has sown".


Lock him up. Throw away the key. I am glad it was a fairly open/shut case and didn't drag on for weeks/months with long jury deliberations. That just makes it so much worse for the victims. I dearly hope this puts the victims on the road to healing.



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Yes, it is true. U fortunately, this pig is being protected and not in with the general population. HLN reports that the believe he will be going to a prison with other senior citizens.


He makes me sick. So does his wife. I am disgusted that the wife and other school personnel aren't facin g charges.



What?????? No way! Seriously, he needs to be housed within the general population and what happens, happens. He's a scum and should be treated like the rest of the scum. No.special.treatment. Throw him in there and let him take his consequences. No one was able to specially protect his victims. That makes my head explode!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead::cursing::banghead::cursing::banghead::smash::cursing:



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I hope it helps bring some measure of further healing to his victims, particularly those who testified. It protects other kids who could have been victimized. Tragic that DAs years ago declined to bring charges in previous incidents. Think of all the damage that would have been averted. For all that Penn State didn't do, in telling him he could no longer bring kids on campus, it as an institution did more than our legal system did .

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How dare his wife stand up for him and even testify on his behalf, while knowing what he did to all those children, including her own children. She is as disgusting as he is.



Why do you think she knew? I am sincerely wondering this. I can imagine a scenario where she didn't know. They probably have a spacious home and I imagine he worked long hours. People do manage to live double and very secretive lives. I do find it unlikely that she didn't have at least some kind of suspicions, but I can't immediately conclude that she did know. I do wonder how much she knew about what happened in 1998.

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What?????? No way! Seriously, he needs to be housed within the general population and what happens, happens. He's a scum and should be treated like the rest of the scum. No.special.treatment. Throw him in there and let him take his consequences. No one was able to specially protect his victims. That makes my head explode!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead::cursing::banghead::cursing::banghead::smash::cursing:




I disagree. Anytime you do anything that can lead to violence in the general population, you are putting prison staff at risk.

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I doubt the appeals will go very far. There are at least two other victims - one being his adoptive son - that are prepared to testify. His best bet is to just take the punishment handed out. His lawyer is just - odd.


Listening to him talk made me think he was guilty but from the start I thought something was going on mostly because of this:http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2012/02/sandusky_shouldnt_be_able_to_s.html


The judge did deny him visitation though it was later amended to supervised visitation. There had to be some probable cause for the judge to issue the order in the first place.


Sick, sick man. I do wonder what Dottie knew or didn't want to know. But she has to live with that.

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What?????? No way! Seriously, he needs to be housed within the general population and what happens, happens. He's a scum and should be treated like the rest of the scum. No.special.treatment. Throw him in there and let him take his consequences. No one was able to specially protect his victims. That makes my head explode!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead::cursing::banghead::cursing::banghead::smash::cursing:



That's an interesting viewpoint. I guess you're not big on the idea of rehabilitation? :tongue_smilie:





[Just to be clear, I'm talking about the "rest of the scum," not specifically Sandusky.]

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The conviction is being appealed. One wonders what will surface in the forthcoming weeks...


I doubt anything new will come out of the appeal process. Based on the comments from his attorney, their appeal will center around some procedural issues, the judge allowing hearsay evidence under the "excited utterance" exception, and the judge denying their motion for a continuance for the defense to perform additional time for discovery.

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Does anyone really think a facility full of old criminals is a safer bet for this guy? I don't. My money's on the old folks.


This guy was good, the most dangerous of all evil, because he was a total snake. He was very likeable all around, apparently. It's only with Monday morning quarterbacking that we can say, "How could this happen?" With someone of that stature, and the magnitude of the crushing reality, for many people, it's darn close to incomprehensible. Apparently, even for his youngest son, who started the trial in support of him.

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Do you mean MEN or humans?


Plenty of women also under respond to issues of child sexual assault. The dynamic behind family molestation or close family friend or mentor molestation is complicated and that his one major reason it happens and continues through generations without getting reported.


Sadly, I suppose, I mean MEN. Women only very rarely sexually abuse anyone.


I see your point about women not reporting, which is bad enough, but not as bad as actually planning and carrying out the assaults on the children.

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Does anyone really think a facility full of old criminals is a safer bet for this guy? I don't. My money's on the old folks.


This guy was good, the most dangerous of all evil, because he was a total snake. He was very likeable all around, apparently. It's only with Monday morning quarterbacking that we can say, "How could this happen?" With someone of that stature, and the magnitude of the crushing reality, for many people, it's darn close to incomprehensible. Apparently, even for his youngest son, who started the trial in support of him.


I'll give you a $5 on the old people too.

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How dare his wife stand up for him and even testify on his behalf, while knowing what he did to all those children, including her own children. She is as disgusting as he is.




Why do you think she knew? I am sincerely wondering this. I can imagine a scenario where she didn't know. They probably have a spacious home and I imagine he worked long hours. People do manage to live double and very secretive lives. I do find it unlikely that she didn't have at least some kind of suspicions, but I can't immediately conclude that she did know. I do wonder how much she knew about what happened in 1998.


I think she knew all along. I just saw another interview with a victim who has come forward. It really is heartbreaking. He was victimized over 100 times by Sandusky. He was almost adopted by Sandusky and his wife. He spent many nights over at their house. He even said, "how could she not have known??". He also believes she knew what was going on because she treated him very coldly. If she did know all along (which I suspect she did) then she makes me just as sick as him.

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I doubt the appeals will go very far. There are at least two other victims - one being his adoptive son - that are prepared to testify. His best bet is to just take the punishment handed out. His lawyer is just - odd.


I have not seen the news today about an appeal, but I'll point out that his attorney has much to gain with an appeal, no matter what the outcome. He gets paid. And if he's halfway decent and worth his salt, he'll be getting paid a LOT.

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Sadly, I suppose, I mean MEN. Women only very rarely sexually abuse anyone.


I see your point about women not reporting, which is bad enough, but not as bad as actually planning and carrying out the assaults on the children.


Is it? I knew a woman who was abused for almost all her childhood and her mother knew about a lot of it and on several occasions simply turned her back on her little girl. The mother even got back together with a man after he was ordered out of the house by family services for molesting all three of her children. She finally stopped telling her mother as a preteen and just endured till she left the house. To me, this woman is every bit as revolting as the men who molested and raped her and I was just nauseated when she was telling me about her mother's actions (or lack thereof). This type of thing happens all too often. :(


I can't speculate as to whether Sandusky's wife knew what was going on the whole time. I haven't really followed this case as it makes me very sad and angry. But even if she didn't know and just recently found out about it, how could she not be revolted? How could she possibly be supportive of him? If I found out my husband did something like that, he'd be sitting in court with one less body part. :glare:

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Is it? I knew a woman who was abused for almost all her childhood and her mother knew about a lot of it and on several occasions simply turned her back on her little girl. The mother even got back together with a man after he was ordered out of the house by family services for molesting all three of her children. She finally stopped telling her mother as a preteen and just endured till she left the house. To me, this woman is every bit as revolting as the men who molested and raped her and I was just nauseated when she was telling me about her mother's actions (or lack thereof). This type of thing happens all too often. :(


I can't speculate as to whether Sandusky's wife knew what was going on the whole time. I haven't really followed this case as it makes me very sad and angry. But even if she didn't know and just recently found out about it, how could she not be revolted? How could she possibly be supportive of him? If I found out my husband did something like that, he'd be sitting in court with one less body part. :glare:


I certainly have no wish whatsoever to defend a woman who turns a blind eye to child molestation. I believe she'd be guilty of aiding and abetting and deserving of a hefty prison sentence. But, I believe the actual assailant deserves worse.

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Is it? I knew a woman who was abused for almost all her childhood and her mother knew about a lot of it and on several occasions simply turned her back on her little girl. The mother even got back together with a man after he was ordered out of the house by family services for molesting all three of her children. She finally stopped telling her mother as a preteen and just endured till she left the house. To me, this woman is every bit as revolting as the men who molested and raped her and I was just nauseated when she was telling me about her mother's actions (or lack thereof). This type of thing happens all too often. :(





:crying: This is so awful. That poor poor woman! And her sisters too. :( Was he ever arrested? I mean, if family services were involved there must have been an investigation.

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Hopefully they revoke his bail even if he does appeal. Let him appeal from jail. I would not be surprised if he commits suicide before being taken back into custody (which I hope he does not.) ETA: Looks like bail was immediately revoked. Good. Dude should not be a free man.


The fact that he abused his adopted sons is not surprising but it is soul crushingly sad. Losing their birth parents is hard on a child, and then to be adopted by a predator. Heartbreakingly sad.


I believe Matt was adopted when he was 18 and did not take the Sandusky name until he was 20. It was basically a formality. He was more or less taken from his mother at Sandusky's insistence, and over the objections of his own social worker-- his mother was, in fact, an approved foster parent to another child.

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Um yeah...


I didn't read all the replies in this thread, but what struck me was how much the freak smiled.


I heard a juror say that the look on his face told confirmed that they'd come to the right verdict. He was on the Today show today. I read in an article one juror - the one that was sick on the last day - said he stared at the victims like one would stare at a lover. The letter he wrote one was uber creepy and stalkerish.


And that stupid attorney of his talking about Sandusky's book. I don't think anyone wants to think of a book written by a man on trial for serial pedophilia that is titled 'Touched'. I don't think his attorney was smart at all - letting him go on that show with Costas, some of the remarks he made about it being like a soap opera... And I'd of NEVER considered putting him on the stand after that interview. He really does not understand how creepy he comes across.

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I heard a juror say that the look on his face told confirmed that they'd come to the right verdict. He was on the Today show today. I read in an article one juror - the one that was sick on the last day - said he stared at the victims like one would stare at a lover. The letter he wrote one was uber creepy and stalkerish.


And that stupid attorney of his talking about Sandusky's book. I don't think anyone wants to think of a book written by a man on trial for serial pedophilia that is titled 'Touched'. I don't think his attorney was smart at all - letting him go on that show with Costas, some of the remarks he made about it being like a soap opera... And I'd of NEVER considered putting him on the stand after that interview. He really does not understand how creepy he comes across.


Maybe he does. I'm no attorney, but I often wonder how difficult it must be for an attorney who has to defend someone they know is guilty. Everyone has the right to a defense lawyer when they are on trial, but what do you do when you have to defend someone who is the scum of the Earth?


Maybe let him hang himself publicly?

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I read something on one of the news stations that court appointed psychologists believe he has histrionic personality disorder and how that might be related to the over abundance of drama in his letters and such to the boys. I just think he's a sick sick man

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Maybe he does. I'm no attorney, but I often wonder how difficult it must be for an attorney who has to defend someone they know is guilty. Everyone has the right to a defense lawyer when they are on trial, but what do you do when you have to defend someone who is the scum of the Earth?


Maybe let him hang himself publicly?


I thought that at first but the more the guy talks he sounds nuts. Course he's a slime ball - he got his 17 yr old client pregnant and he was like 49 at the time. (It's not so much her age but the fact she was young and his client at the time that skeeves me out there)


I couldn't defend someone like that. I know they are entitled to a defense but I could not do it.

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I thought that at first but the more the guy talks he sounds nuts. Course he's a slime ball - he got his 17 yr old client pregnant and he was like 49 at the time. (It's not so much her age but the fact she was young and his client at the time that skeeves me out there)


I couldn't defend someone like that. I know they are entitled to a defense but I could not do it.


Who are you talking about here? Sandusky or his attorney? I didn't follow the trial so I don't really know what his attorney was like. I was just really thinking aloud.

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Who are you talking about here? Sandusky or his attorney? I didn't follow the trial so I don't really know what his attorney was like. I was just really thinking aloud.


Amendola (sp) one of Sandusky's attorneys. He's the one who was all over the place in his press conference last night. Talking about soap operas and wrongly convicted people in jail and then in the same breath saying he respected the jury's verdict and the judge was uber professional. He's an odd one.

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