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Tough Week.

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Hi everyone. This week has been so hard. Last Friday, the transmission went out in our van and had to be replaced ($$$$). Okay, no problem. That's what our emergency fund is for right?


Then on Monday morning, DH woke up with what looked like a small spider bite. By the time I got back to the cafe on Monday afternoon he had a bad fever and all the skin around the bite was infected. Long, long story short and he's been in the hospital since then. When he was admitted his blood pressure and pulse were scary low. He's not doing well...he's still in so much pain and the antibiotics are making his veins upset (I don't know the technical term). They put in a PICC line this afternoon because the antibiotics weren't going in very well because of his veins. He's finally sleeping now. They have him on a huge mix of antibiotics, morphine, and other pain meds. It's not taking the pain away.


So I don't know how much longer he'll be in the hospital, I don't know how much this will cost (to have 5-? days in the hospital with all kinds of tests and specialists). I don't know when DH can work again. I don't know when I'll be back at work (especially if I need to run the cafe until he is better). I don't know if I'll need to leave my job sooner than expected, with more debt than we expected (medical bills), and with less savings than we expected (transmission).


Sigh. Sorry, I'm just venting. DH's parents are driving up from Oklahoma (they'll be here sometime tomorrow). But right now, I'm alone and tired with four kids that I'm trying not to scare or annoy. I know I'm thinking too far ahead because each day is so different. The doctors don't even know what happened to DH. And the minute DH has his pain even slightly controlled, he wants to know why he can't go home. :001_huh::banghead:


So I write this. Thanks for letting me share, sorry this got so long and probably confusing. I'm keeping it together for the most part, there are just so many Drs and nurses with so much information or questions. Of course, the minute someone is nice to me I just cry.

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Hi everyone. This week has been so hard. Last Friday, the transmission went out in our van and had to be replaced ($$$$). Okay, no problem. That's what our emergency fund is for right?


Then on Monday morning, DH woke up with what looked like a small spider bite. By the time I got back to the cafe on Monday afternoon he had a bad fever and all the skin around the bite was infected. Long, long story short and he's been in the hospital since then. When he was admitted his blood pressure and pulse were scary low. He's not doing well...he's still in so much pain and the antibiotics are making his veins upset (I don't know the technical term). They put in a PICC line this afternoon because the antibiotics weren't going in very well because of his veins. He's finally sleeping now. They have him on a huge mix of antibiotics, morphine, and other pain meds. It's not taking the pain away.


So I don't know how much longer he'll be in the hospital, I don't know how much this will cost (to have 5-? days in the hospital with all kinds of tests and specialists). I don't know when DH can work again. I don't know when I'll be back at work (especially if I need to run the cafe until he is better). I don't know if I'll need to leave my job sooner than expected, with more debt than we expected (medical bills), and with less savings than we expected (transmission).


Sigh. Sorry, I'm just venting. DH's parents are driving up from Oklahoma (they'll be here sometime tomorrow). But right now, I'm alone and tired with four kids that I'm trying not to scare or annoy. I know I'm thinking too far ahead because each day is so different. The doctors don't even know what happened to DH. And the minute DH has his pain even slightly controlled, he wants to know why he can't go home. :001_huh::banghead:


So I write this. Thanks for letting me share, sorry this got so long and probably confusing. I'm keeping it together for the most part, there are just so many Drs and nurses with so much information or questions. Of course, the minute someone is nice to me I just cry.



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Oh my goodness, that certainly is a tough week :( I'm sorry you're going through all this. Keep taking it moment by moment, and try to keep your mind off the long-term until things have settled and you can deal with it.


Hugs and more hugs

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Wow--- "tough" kind of doesn't do that justice, you know?

Thinking of you all, and sending lots of healing WTM love to your dh and calming thoughts to you. I know how hard it is to be a working mom and keep all the balls in the air, so special love and hugs to you.



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Thanks so much everyone. I'm sitting here in tears (the good kind) by all of your support. The narcotics finally knocked him out so DH slept okay last night, which has helped his spirits. They don't have any diagnosis yet and we are all still waiting to see if the infection is responding to the antibiotics. Visually, the infection changes each day. But we don't know if it is "better" or "worse". It just looks different.


Today, we will see an infectious disease doctor who will recommend if we change anything or if we just keep doing what we are doing. There is no end in sight at this point because they want the infection to clear up almost 100% before they'd even consider letting him go home. I don't want him to leave the hospital too soon either since it would mean me changing his IV meds instead of a nurse. So I'm glad that leaving isn't even a part of the conversation right now.


DH ate a banana this morning, but he's not drinking enough to take him off fluids. He's kind of in and out all the time. When he's in pain, he is understandibly not friendly. I hate that there is nothing I can do for him except hold his hand, offer water (much to his annoyance), and handle all the information coming at us.


The kids are okay. They are kept out of the worst information and I brought as many things as I can to distract them. "Dad" is not himself, which is hard for them. The good news is we caught this in time. This was moving so fast that the doctor said he'd be dead by Tuesday afternoon if I didn't take him in again.


My employer has been really great and I have the option to work remotely from here. I just can't do it though - I start and I realize how many simple numerical errors I am making. So I'm taking that day by day too.


Thanks again. You'll never know how much it means to have friends with me right now.

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