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Thinking about today only

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I'm feeling a little blue so I needed a pick-me-up. I had several great moments today and I'm going to focus on them only.


So, what has been your best moment so far today?


Today I was playing a video game with my ds15 and he told me I was playing better than ever. He was proud that I had learned to wall jump so well in Super Mario Bros. Wii. and that I didn't die as much this time. :thumbup: Go mom! :D

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That I managed to get the kids through their school day. It has been tough today - not because of behavior or anything - but because of my own extreme fatigue today. The kids didn't notice anything different by me managing to do this and I got no kudos for it but I'm happy because I was able to follow through on my responsibility to them.

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That my kids have been building an entire city out of math manipulatives and playing nicely together all day.


That my dd wanted to show me the latest dance moves that she has made up.


That my ds blows me a kiss every time he walks away from me.


That dh texted me that I'm the best.:001_wub:


It's been a good day.

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We had a scare about ds today. Dh got an email (actually from last night, but he got it this am) from the center saying ds was accused of stealing. If he did, he'd have to leave. Director also said ds had a bad attitude and was having a hard time not using (but that he was safe and sober). I was so worried that he'd be kicked out and end up selling again or worse...


He didn't take anything, he had a much better day today, and he's still there.



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I'm feeling a little blue so I needed a pick-me-up. I had several great moments today and I'm going to focus on them only.


So, what has been your best moment so far today?


Today I was playing a video game with my ds15 and he told me I was playing better than ever. He was proud that I had learned to wall jump so well in Super Mario Bros. Wii. and that I didn't die as much this time. :thumbup: Go mom! :D


My ds car was blocking my car so I got him to drive me to the pharmacy. My son, drove me, to the pharmacy....think about that. My blue eye baby boy drove me somewhere. Oh he the Beatles were playing. My 16 year old likes the Beatles.....go figure. I am going to miss that boy. I am very proud of the young man he's become

Edited by lynn
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Ds3 brought me a stuffed animal to play with his stuffed animal and it brought forth an interesting conversation with ds5 who wanted to play, too. One thing after another, including something ds5 learned playing Minecraft, and it turned into a lesson on cotton farms, modern farm equipment, and making cotton yarn in factories. :blink: I learned that I need to say "yes" more to my kids and less "not now I'm doing ____." I blogged about it if you're interested.

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It sounds bad, but watching Joan of Arcadia episodes on YouTube.


I could have said my boys had a great time with the neighbor boy, 90 minutes at his house followed by 4 1/2 hours at our place. But that was more there best moment.


Or I could say the cuteness of dh playing a board game eldest made up based on descent. But again, that is them not me.


Best moment so far is sort of not being needed or wanted for much at all.

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My ds is home and back to finishing my sentences at dinner. It's funny, I get distracted when I'm stressed, but he just up and finishes my thoughts. We all laughed at the dinner table about it. He gets me, that means a lot.


He also didn't balk about doing math today (our only summer school activity). I'm pretty psyched because I think switching back to Singapore was a really good decision.


Dh played with the dog on the front porch. Last year he was pretty much anti-dog, but they've bonded recently. If she were a girl and not a dog she would be a daddy's girl all the way.


Oh and dh caught two big catfish this morning. That's good for so many reasons.

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Today, I sat under some large pines in soft grass at the park with friends and watched our kids play in the sprinklers. It was one of those perfect summer moments - at least until a spider dropped down the front of my top and reminded me that good times don't have to be perfect to still be perfect.

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I slept for 19 hours! My allergies started acting up last night and I did not take anything until this morning after I called my OB. My kids let me nap, they cleaned up the playroom a little and I did get three baskets of laundry folded. DH has worked in the yard all day....it looks so pretty! But mainly, I slept!

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relaxing on my chaise outside while the little girls played flipping through my RR catalogue.


Also the hours between 730am and 10am because daycare girl was here but tired so she laid on teh couch watching magic school bus dvds and my own kids were all still asleep. I managed to finish 3 cups of coffee, do some laundry, do lesson planning, catch up on emails and create my plan for next year for ds8. It was a very productive and quiet 2.5 hours.

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Dd and I are directing a children's play for a local theater program. Ds is volunteering - helping the teens get organized, getting the kids where they need to be, etc. As we were leaving today, the program director pulled my son aside and told him he's doing an awesome job and how proud of him she is- he grew up in the program and he's aged through being a teen counselor and this year is an adult volunteer, having turned 18 last week.


It just feels good to have someone else say that my adult son is doing well- this kid didn't utter a word until he was 3 and always marched to his own beat.

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I slept for 19 hours! My allergies started acting up last night and I did not take anything until this morning after I called my OB. My kids let me nap, they cleaned up the playroom a little and I did get three baskets of laundry folded. DH has worked in the yard all day....it looks so pretty! But mainly, I slept!


i'm jealous. I have been averaging 4 hours a night for the last few months, I would so love to sleep for that long just one time.

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i'm jealous. I have been averaging 4 hours a night for the last few months, I would so love to sleep for that long just one time.


This pregnancy has just done me in! Plus we just came off of a week of tech, dress, and shows for Flat Stanley, followed by another week for Hairspray. Then allergies...I could not stay awake if I tried!

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I had a crummy day at work (I registered the kids for school today for the first time ever :( ) and when I picked the kids up from their summer program, ds informed me that he had been bullied (more like teased...but still). Dh is out of town and I expected a horrible evening. BUT...my kids were wonderful! They treated each other so nicely and played so well together while I fixed dinner and then we had a wonderful meal together. They went to bed pretty well. It was just nice.

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I will participate, I think these types of threads are helping me. I'VE hit a really rough patch and i need to find silver linings. My mom cooked breakfast and supper for us. I've cooked three meals a day, every day for the last six weeks. It was nice to have someone else think about food.

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Thank you for replying ladies! Being able to share your joys reinforced to me how many little special joys we have in our days. I've just got to learn to stop sweating the small stuff!


And now.. I wonder what today will hold for me. I got 9 hours of sleep last night so I woke up feeling rested, which doesn't happen often for me. Here's to a great day!

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Given your location I'm surprised you lasted this long into the year. :lol::lol:


:lol: (Pssssst......it's really upstate NY, and we shouldn't be experiencing 90+ degrees until late July. I think mother nature turned over two calendar pages at once this year! Oh, and the Mordor thing... We refer to the administration building at the local college as "Minas Morgul," hence my location. *shakes head* We're such geeks!)

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