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I had a heart attack this weekend.....

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It was not due to cholesterol or plaque, that was all normal. It was because something broke loose and got into the circumflex artery and platelets started sticking, causing a block. One cardioligist believes it was because of strenuous exercise. There is no way to tell for sure, but I just started my 3rd month abd am sending Chalean back. I can't take any chances. I can walk as much as I want after I heal. I just want to let others know that if you EVER have chest pains, PLEASE TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. I started having chest pains Saturday morning and went to the er. It wasn't until this morning that they were 100% sure it was a heart attak. Innow have a stack of medicine that I will be on for a longtime.

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Yikes, that is scary. So glad you're okay.


How does one who gets benign chest pains tell the difference if they're ever serious? Does it feel different when it's more than angina? Mine would have to be really bad in order for me to go to the ER, since I get them anyway (and had a worse than usual flare up last week after a medication switch, and an EKG at a regular dr's appt showed all looked normal with my heart). I worry that I wouldn't realize what was happening if it happened to me.


I don't know, just trust your gut. Mine only showed up because of enzyme markers. My ct scan, ekg's and sonograms all showed nothing. This was hiding.

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:grouphug: I'm glad you went to the ER. We women are notorious for "waiting it out." It is a good reminder to take chest pain seriously. Take it easy, and do what they tell you to!


I'm with Faithe, it seems like there are one or two heart attacks on here every day lately! What is up with that??

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So happy you are ok!!!


What theheck is withball thebheart attacks these past few weeks?? It seems every day, someone else is posting they had one! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Scary stuff!


:iagree: I was just thinking the same thing- what's up with everyone having heart attacks?!

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